HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2004.11.09 - 35951 November 9, 2004 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Palmer at 9:05 a.m. in Committee Room A, Auditorium Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles E. Palmer, Chairperson, Eric S. Wilson, Sue Ann Douglas, Martin J. Knollenberg, Christine Long, Tom McMillin, Mike Rogers and David Cou lter PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Eric Coleman OTHERS PRESENT: Facilities Management Dave Ross, Director Mike Hughson, Property Manager Bob Larkin, Supervisor Dick Johnston, Manager Facilities Engineering Paul Hunter, Manager Planning & Economic Development Penny Knope, Technical Assistant Community and Economic Development Dennis Toffolo, Director Mary Langhauser, Supervisor Brad Hansen, Program Coordinator Corporation Counsel Jody Schaffer, Assistant Counsel IT/CLEMIS Patricia Coates, Administration Human Resources Heather Mason, Analyst County Executive Doug Williams, Deputy County Executive Bob Daddow, Assistant Deputy County Executive Board of Commissioners Lawrence M. Doyle, Administrative Dire ctor Sheryl Mitchell, BOC Senior Analyst Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator APPROVAL OF October 7, 2004 and October 12, 2004 MINUTES Rogers moved approval of the October 7, 2004 and October 12, 2004 minutes. Supported by Long. Motion carried on a voice vote. Planning & Building Committee Page 2 OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD  PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48341-0470 Telephone: (248) 858-0100 FAX: (248) 858-1572 PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Sue Ann Douglas Martin J. Knollenberg Christine Long Tom McMillin Mike Rogers David Coulter Charles E. Palmer Chairperson Eric S. Wilson Vice Chairperson Eric Coleman Minority Vice Chairperson November 9, 2004 PUBLIC COMMENT None. CONSENT AGENDA Long moved approval of the Consent Agenda Items A - C. A. Facilities Management 2005 Capital Improvement Program Monthly Progress Report – October 2004. B. Inspection Tour of Children's Village Complex – Commissioner Coulter. C. Coordinating Zoning Committee Minutes – October 12, 2004. Supported by Knollenberg. Motion carried on a voice vote. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/SOLID WASTE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT – UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY BROWNFIELDS CLEANUP REVOLVING LOAN FUND (BCRLF) SUPPLEMENTAL GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Oakland County Board of Commissioners determined that it is in the best interest of the public to facilitate the implementation of plans relating to the identification and treatment of environmentally distressed areas to promote revitalization of these areas in the County. A Brownfield Redevelopment Authority allows the County to coordinate efforts with the delinquent tax reversion process to proactively identify, assess and market tax reverted properties for redevelopment, which will result in a higher probability for productive utilization of these properties. The Authority also allows the county to as sume a leadership role in this area and will also further the county in its efforts to protect natural resources, implement master plan objectives and provide technical, educational and other forms of assistance to the Cities, Villages, and Townships withi n the County. This resolution accepts a grant in the amount of $394,350 covering 100% of the program cost; no general fund/general purpose appropriation is required. Chairperson Palmer pointed out the terms of the members appointed to the Brownfield Autho rity Board had expired and two additional members had never been appointed. Mr. Hansen indicated he would look into the matter. Chairperson Palmer also requested the Brownfield Authority Board supply the Planning & Building Committee with copies of their minutes. Wilson moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Coulter. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Coleman absent. RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE X OF THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE OAKLAND COUNTY BUILDING AUTHORITY The Oakland County Building Authority was established in 1966 to provide for the incorporation of authorities to acquire, furnish, equip, own, improve, enlarge, operate and maintain buildings, automobile parking lots or structures, recreational facilities, and stadiums for use for any public purpose of the county. Also to permit transfers of property to authorities; to authorize the execution of contracts, leases and subleases pertaining to authority property and to impose taxes and pledge their full faith and credit for the payment of contract of lease obligations in anticipation of which bonds are issued by the Authority. This resolution seeks to Amend Article X of the Articles of Incorporation of the Oakland County Building A uthority to allow the County Executive and County Treasurer to appoint designees to serve on the Building Authority in their absence. Planning & Building Committee Page 3 November 9, 2004 RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE X OF THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE OAKLAND COUNTY BUILDING AUTHORITY (Continued) Douglas moved to amend Article X in the third sentence as follows: "The other two members shall be the Oakland County Executive or, in his or her absence, a County Executive Designee d esignated in writing by him or her prior to any meeting at which the Designee shall serve to the Chairperson of the Building Authority and the Oakland County Clerk," and the Oakland County Treasurer or, in his or her absence, a County Treasurer Designee de signated in writing by him or her prior to any meeting at which the Designee shall serve to the Chairperson of the Building Authority and the Oakland County Clerk. Also, to correct the omission of language in an earlier amendment, MR #91259, in the senten ce beginning, "The time and place of all meetings shall be fixed" - insert the words 'and properly noticed and posted in accordance with Act 267 of the Public Act of 1976 as amended, also known as the open meetings Act' … Supported by McMillin. Motion to amend carried on a voice vote. Knollenberg moved approval of the attached suggested resolution as amended. Supported by Wilson. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Coleman absent. PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION RES OLUTION APPROVING PROJECT PLAN (ARTS & TECHNOLOGY ACADEMY OF PONTIAC PROJECT) – CITY OF PONTIAC The Arts & Technology Academy of Pontiac, formerly known as Pontiac Public School Academy, is requesting approval of its project plan to buy out its Lease with Baypon to acquire the existing 35,000 square foot facility, and build eight new classrooms and specialty curriculum rooms to expand enrollment capacity to 625 students. The Academy currently employs 49.5 individuals and anticipates the creation of four a dditional positions. Total project cost is $6,500,000. Rogers moved to set a Public Hearing on this matter on November 18, 2004 at 9:45 a.m. in the Commissioners Auditorium. Supported by Coulter. Motion carried on a voice vote. Rogers moved approv al of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Coulter. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Coleman absent. COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT / ADMINISTRATION – DELETE ONE (1) GF/GP ACCOUNT CLERK II POSITION The Community & Economic Development Administration currently contains three FTE GF/GP positions for the administration of Automation Alley. Effective October 1, 2004 Automation Alley began reimbursing Oakland County 100% of the cost of the Automation Alley Coordinator position a nd assumed the accounting function within its organization. It has been determined that the Oakland County Clerk II position is no longer needed in the Department of Community & Economy Development. Knollenberg moved approval of the attached suggested r esolution. Supported by Long. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Coleman absent. Planning & Building Committee Page 4 November 9, 2004 MR #04298 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – SUSPENSION OF DUES TO THE MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES (MAC) This resolution invites the Executive Director of the Michigan Association of Counties to meet with leadership and interested members of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to discuss how MAC plans to ensure that the interest of Oakland County and othe r large urban counties are not subjugated or ignored by the Michigan Association of Counties. Wilson moved to amend the resolution by adding a BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph as follows: "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the yearly payment of dues for MAC me mbership be evaluated by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners' Finance Committee on an annual basis prior to funds being released. Supported by McMillin. Motion to amend carried on a unanimous roll call vote with Coleman absent. Knollenberg moved to amend the resolution by adding a BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph as follows: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that as the largest MAC dues payer we believe it is justified for Oakland County to have a designated seat on the MAC Board." Supported by Douglas Motion to amend carried on a unanimous roll call vote with Coleman absent. Knollenberg moved the Planning & Building Committee Report to the full Board with the recommendation the resolution be amended as set forth above and adopted. Supported by Long. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote with Coleman absent. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT/ FACILITIES ENGINEERING – AWARDS OF CONTRACT – ARCHITECT/ENGINEER AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR CMH RENOVATION – SHERIFF'S ADMINISTRATION PROJECT The FY 2005 Capital Improvement Program identifies the Community Mental Health Renovation – Sheriff's Administration Project with total project costs estimated at $8,900,000; $6,400,000 allocated for construction and $2,500,000 for design, furnishings and contingencie s. Facilities Management recommends the County enter into a contract with Landmark Design Group PC of Grand Rapids, Michigan for architectural/engineering services in the amount of $428,600 and G.W. Auch Company of Pontiac, Michigan for construction management services in the amount of $524,973. Rogers moved the Planning & Building Committee Report to the Finance Committee with the recommendation the contracts be approved. Supported by Long. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Coleman absent . Planning & Building Committee Page 5 November 9, 2004 SHERIFF'S OFFICE – EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER RENOVATION AND EQUIPMENT PURCHASE The Oakland County Sheriff 's Office functions as the Primary Public Safety Answering Point for many communities under contract and is also the PSAP for wireless 9 -1-1 calls originating from commercial Mobile Road Service tower sites in Oakland County north of a line following approximately M -59. Renovation and new equipment would allow the dispatch center to operate more efficiently and allow the addition of future communities and additional staff if the need arises. Estimated costs for this renovation and equipment are $725,000. Douglas moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Wi lson Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote with Coleman absent. DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR MEDICAL CARE FACILITY PARKING LOT REPAVING The 2005 Capital Improvement Program, Utilities Section, Item #1 i dentifies the 2005 Medical Care Facility Parking Lot Repaving project. This project will resurface the deteriorating parking lot at the Medical Care Facility, which was last resurfaced in 1987. The preliminary project budget is: Engineering $33,000, Construction $148,500, Contingency $38,500, for a total of $220,000. Knollenberg moved the Planning & Building Committee authorize Facilities Management to advertise and receive bids for this project and report back to the Committee upon receipt and tabulatio n of the bids. Supported by Long. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Coleman absent. DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – REQUEST TO RESCIND MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #$04303 AND APPROVE AMENDMENT 1 TO THE LEASE AGREEMENT WITH HD DEVELOPMENT OF MARYLAND, INC., A MARYLAND CORPORATION FOR THE NEW COUNTY -WIDE RADIO SYSTEM MR #04303 approved Amendment 1 to the Lease Agreement with Home Depot, U.S.A., a Delaware Corporation. Corporation Counsel was informed by Home Depot. U.S.A. that MR #043 03 contained a mistake, the entity which should be a party to Amendment 1 is HD Development of Maryland, a Maryland Corporation, which holds property for Home Depot, U.S.A. Therefore, Corporation Counsel recommends MR #04303 be rescinded and be replaced. All other terms and conditions of the existing lease agreement will remain in full force and effect. Wilson moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by McMillin. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote with Coleman absent. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Committee the meeting adjourned at 10:22 a.m. ___________________________________ _____________________________________ Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator Lawrence M. Doyle, Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.