HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2004.11.10 - 35953CHUCK MOSS Chairperson BILL BULLARD Vice Chairperson GEORGE SUAREZ Minority Vice Chairperson November 10, 2004 Chairperson Moss calle d the meeting of the Finance Committee to order at 9:00 a.m., in the Board of Commissioners' Committee Room A, Commissioners' Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT : Chuck Moss, Bill Bullard, George Suarez, Charles Palm er, Hugh Crawford, Peter Webster, Greg Jamian, Martin Knollenberg, Christine Long, Vincent Gregory, Helaine Zack COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT : COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Barb Hankey, Manager CORPORATION COUNSEL Jody Schaffer, Senior Assistant Counsel DISTRICT COURT 52-1 Michelle Bilger, Administrator Deborah Bigger, Account Clerk Patricia Crane, Probation DISTRICT COURT 52-2 Sharon Rupe, Administrator EQUALIZATION Dave Hieber, Manager EXECUTIVE OFFICE Gerald Poisson, Assistant Deputy Executive FACILITIES Mike Hughson, Property Management Specialist FISCAL SERVICES Tim Soave, Manager Nancy Fournier, Chief LaVerne Smith, Supervisor Prentiss Malone, Analyst Michael Pohlod, Analyst Joe Rozell, Analyst FRIEND OF THE COURT Suzanne Hollyer, Friend of the Court HUMAN RESOURCES Ed Poisson, Director Brenthy Johnston, Analyst INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Phil Bertolini, Director Dale Kukla, Manager Scott Oppmann, Manager Janette McKenna, Chief MANAGEMENT & BUDGET Laurie Van Pelt, Director Art Holdsworth, Deputy Director PERSONNEL Ed Poisson, Director Brenthy Johnston, Analyst SHERIFF Michael McCabe, Undersheriff Kim Rossman, Lieutenant Dale Cunningham, Business Manager TREASURER Pat Dohany, Treasurer WASTE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Brad Hansen, Program Coordinator OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0470 Telephone (248) 858 -0100 FAX (248) 858-1572 FINANCE COMMITTEE Charles Palmer Hugh D. Crawford Peter Webster Greg Jamian Martin J. Knollenberg Christine Long Vincent Gregory Helaine Zack FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 2 November 10, 2004 ALLIANCE OF HEALTHY COMMUNITIES Ray Blaszczak, Treasurer Gordon Thorsby, Birmingham City Commissioner Dawn Jantz, Waterfo rd Coalition for Youth BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Larry Doyle, Administrative Director Harvey Wedell, Sr. Analyst Helen Hanger, Sr. Committee Coordinator APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES Suarez moved approval of the previous minutes of October 14, 2004, as printed. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT None. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Item 27a. - MR #04297 and Item 30 - MR #04314 were removed from the agenda as they failed to pass out of the General Government Committee. A resolution titled Board of Commissioners - Extension of Professional Services Contact for Government Relations Consulting Firm to Strategic Public Affairs, Inc. was added as Item 30. There were no objections. Palmer moved the agenda, as amended. Supported by Jamian. Motion carried on a voice vote. 5. CONTINGENCY REPORT The Fiscal Year 2005 Contingency Fund balance of $268,997 will be reduced to $193,488 by Item 14 ($93,009), Item 23 ($17,500) and Item 25 ($68,245). A revised sheet regarding General Fund Equity was distributed. The Charter Township of Royal Oak has reduced its arrearage to $2,579.04. Long moved to receive and file the FY 2005 Contingency Report dated November 04, 2004. Supported by Knollenberg. Motion carried on a voice vote. REGULAR AGENDA 6. TREASURER'S OFFICE / DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - B S & A TAX RECEIVABLES MIGRATION - APPROPRIATION AND IMPLEMENTATION The Treasurer is requesting authorization to appropriate $2,815,000 from the Delinquent P ersonal Property Tax Administration Fund to fund migration of the County's Tax Receivables system to software provided by BS&A Software Systems. The County's existing mainframe tax system, which is used by the County and the local CVTs, has become cost prohibitive to maintain. MR #04052 authorized implementation of BS&A assessment and taxation software. Knollenberg moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Suarez. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 3 November 10, 2004 Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 7. MR #04308 - DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - FOURTH QUARTER 2004 DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATION Information Technology is requesting authorization to appropriate fourth quarter development charges to the benefiting departments. These costs include d ata processing development charges of $1,077,927.40 and imaging development charges of $47,849.20 to General Fund/General Purpose County departments and direct charges of $456,042.90 to Special Revenue and Proprietary Fund Departments. Knollenberg moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 8. MR #04312 - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES/COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS - AUTHORIZATION OF $60,000 TO IT DISC DIVISION TO COMPLETE OMNI DATA CAPTURE PROJECT Community Corrections is requesting authorization to use Designated General Fund Balance of $60,000 to develop and implement an Omni Data Capture project by the IT Disc Division. This project will allow the County to access the Michigan Department of Corrections' Probation Department's Omni database to allow capture of criminal/offender information not currently captured by any Oakland County database. Completion of the project will allow for electronic import of data into th e criminal courts data warehouse to create a business intelligence report, identifying all offenders that meet County Jail Reimbursement Program criteria. The system will also assist the county in decisions regarding programming, funding, release and jail utilization. Suarez moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 9. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES/COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS DIVISION - FY 2004 - 2005 BYRNE MEMORIAL GRANT - MICHIGAN OFFICE OF DRUG CONTROL POLICY FOR PONTIAC INSTEP GRANT ACCEPTANCE Community Corrections is requesting authorization to accept a FY 2004 -2005 Byrne Memorial Grant of $103,497 from the Michigan Office of Drug Control Policy for the Pontiac Instep proje ct, a community-based central juvenile diagnostic program. The award amount is $6,331 less than the previous year's award. The total program cost of $172,495 includes a County match of $68,998. The grant will continue funding for two Community Corrections Specialist II positions, subcontractors, travel, materials and supplies. Funds for the County match are available in the Non -Departmental grant match line account. The grant does not allow for recovery of $3,504 in administrative costs. Ms. Van Pelt advised the committee that match requirements for Byrne grants continue to increase. The Courts have been asked to provide the Administration with plans for long -term funding of their drug court programs should Byrne or SCAO grants be discontinued. Ms. Ha nkey is meeting with the State to see if the Instep Program qualifies for Child Care funding. The program was originally located in Waterford but was relocated to Pontiac to access continued state funding. Zack moved to recommend approval of the attach ed suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Suarez. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 4 November 10, 2004 Chairman Moss asked that the committee consider item 27b. at this time in consideration of those who had come in support of the program. There were no obje ctions. 27b. MR #04313 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - FUNDING FOR THE ALLIANCE OF COALITIONS OF HEALTHY COMMUNITIES - PREVENTION OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE The resolution would authorize a one -time appropriation of $25,000 each from the Sheriff's and the Prosecutor's Law Enforcement Accounts, from the reimbursement of expenses associated with forfeiture proceedings, to fund the Alliance of Coalitions of Healthy Communities (ACHC). The ACHC consists of 17 volunteer coalitions representing forty Oakland County communi ties in working to prevent substance abuse and other high -risk behaviors in those under 18 years of age. Funding will be used to employ professional staff to assist the ACHC in carrying out its mission. The ACHC is pursuing Federal Grant opportunities. Crawford moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 10. 52-1 DISTRICT COURT - FY 2005 BYRNE GRANT PROGRAM - FROM THE MICHIGAN OFFICE OF DRUG CONTROL POLICY - CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE The 52-1 District Court is requesting authorization to accept a FY 2005 $74,391 grant from the Michigan Department of Community Health, Office of Drug Control Policy. The grant will be used to fund a Sobriety Court program. Total program funding of $148,782 will consist of the grant award and a 50% local match of $74,391. The match will be provided by a 2005 State Court Administrative Office (SCAO) grant, which will require a $4,959 cash match, to be provided by the General Fund. Funding will continue one Probation Officer I. The creation of one part-time, non-eligible Office Assistant I position is also being requested and will be funded by the grant. If the SCAO grant is not awarded, the Drug Court Program expenditures must be reduced to the Bryne Grant award level. Palmer moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Suarez. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Crawford, Jamian and Knollenberg absent. 11. 52nd DISTRICT COURT, DIVISION II - 2005 MICHIGAN DRUG COURT PROGRAM INITIAL GRANT CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE The 52-2 District Court is requesting authorization to accept a FY 2005 $52,000 grant from the State Court Administrative Office (SCAO), Michigan Drug Court Program. This is the f irst year of grant funding and will be used to start a Drug Court Program. Total program funding of $75,482 will consist of the grant award and a local match of $23,482, available in the General Fund Non -Departmental Grant Match line account. An alternative source to fund the local match is being initiated. Funding will pay for the creation of one special revenue full-time eligible Probation Officer II, the costs for a contracted services consultant and travel and operating supplies. The grant does not a llow for recovery of administrative costs. Suarez moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Zack Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 5 November 10, 2004 12. CIRCUIT COURT / FRIEND OF THE COURT - FISCAL YEAR 2005 COOPER ATIVE REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM (CRP) CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE The Friend of the Court (FOC) is requesting authorization to accept FY 2005 Cooperative Reimbursement Program Contract Title IV -D funds of $7,221,448 from the State of Michigan. The total program amo unt of $10,956,841 includes a required County match of $3,720,140 and fees collected of $15,253. In addition the State is providing supplemental funding of $422,744. The County match is available in the Non -Department Grant Match line item and will be transferred to the Circuit Court's grant match line item. Funding will pay for FOC personnel and operating costs to provide for enforcement of support orders. Palmer moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 13. CIRCUIT COURT/FRIEND OF THE COURT - 2004/2005 MEDICAL SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT REIMBURSEMENT CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE Friend of the Court is requesting authorization to accept FY 2005 Medical Support Enforcement Reimbursement Contract funding of $397,588 to establish and enforce medical support and insurance provisions in domestic relations' cases. The grant provides 100% reimbursement for these services; however, the award amount has been capped at $397,588 for the last three years, requiring the County to provide supplemental funding of $31,401. This amount is available in the General Fund Non -Departmental Grant Match line item and will be transferred. Funding will continue two Domestic Support Specialists, three Case Assistants and one Domestic Support Specialist Supervisor, as well as related overtime. A seventh position funded by this contract is vacant and will remain frozen until additional State funding and accompanying Board approval is received. Suarez moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Jamian. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 14. MR #04311 - SHERIFF'S OFFICE - CONTRACT AMENDMENT #2 FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES IN THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF COMME RCE The Sheriff is requesting authorization to amend its law enforcement contract with the Charter Township of Commerce to create one Sergeant and four Deputy II positions in the Contracted Patrol Unit, Patrol Services Division, bringing the total number of contracted positions to twenty -nine. Two unmarked vehicles, with mobile and prep radios, and one marked vehicle, with mobile and prep radios and MDC, will be added to the County fleet at a cost of $93,009 to the Contingency Fund. A budget amendment wi ll be made to reflect operating revenue and expenses of $378,647 for FY 2005 and $532,182 for FY 2006. Long moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 15. SHERIFF'S OFFICE - FY 2005 SECONDARY ROAD PATROL AND TRAFFIC ACCIDENT PREVENTION PROGRAM GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Sheriff is requesting authorization to accept FY 2005 Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program Grant funding of $1,173,432 from the Michigan Department of State Police - Office of Highway Safety Planning. This amount is $422 higher than the previous year's award. The grant provides funding to continue eight Deputy II positions and two Sergeant positions in the Patrol Services Di vision. No FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 6 November 10, 2004 County match is required. This is the 26 th year of program funding. The grant allows for recovery of $60,917 in indirect costs, however, sufficient state funds are not available. Palmer moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested F iscal Note. Supported by Suarez. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 16. SHERIFF'S OFFICE & HUMAN SERVICES / HEALTH DIVISION - FY 2005 JAIL ALLIANCE WITH SUPPORT FOR INMATES WITH CO-OCCURRING DISORDERS GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Sheriff and the Health Division are requesting authorization to accept funding of $218,932 from the Michigan Department of Community Health, Office of Drug Control Policy, to create a Jail Alliance With Support program for inmates with co -occurring substance abuse and me ntal health disorders. The Designated Fund Balance will provide the required $72,978 County match for New Grant Opportunities. Special Revenue positions of one Inmate Caseworker and one part -time, non-eligible Inmate Substance Abuse Technician will be created in the Sheriff's Office/Corrective Services Division/Inmate Program Services Unit and one Substance Abuse Program Analyst position will be created in the Human Services Department/Health Division/Substance Abuse Unit. No positions will be filled or e xpenditures authorized until the grant agreement is fully executed with the County's obligation limited to the grant -funding period. Zack moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 17. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY, SHERIFF - FY 2005 BYRNE MEMORIAL GRANT - OAKLAND COUNTY NARCOTICS ENFORCEMENT TEAM (NET) GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Prosecuting Attorney and Sheriff are requesting authorization to accept a FY 2005 $372,000 grant from the Michigan Department of Community Health Funding for the Narcotics Enforcement Team. The required County match of $372,000 is included in the FY 2005 Adopted Budget Non -Department Grant Match Line Item. Funds will support three Speci al Revenue (SR) Assistant Prosecutor positions, one SR Deputy II and one SR Office Assistant II position in the Sheriff's Office. The grant does not allow for recovery of $53,869 in administrative costs. The grant does not allow for recovery of $53,869 i n administrative costs. Suarez moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Long. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Crawford, Jamian and Knollenberg absent. 18. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY, SHERIFF - FISCAL YEAR 2005 BYRNE MEMORIAL GRANT - PHYSICAL CHILD ABUSE GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Prosecuting Attorney and Sheriff are requesting authorization to accept a FY 2005 $91,110 Byrne Memorial Grant from the Michigan Department of Community Health for the Child Abuse Special Unit. The County's grant match of $136,665 is included in the FY 2005 Adopted Budget Non -departmental grant match line item. The grant will fund one Special Revenue Assistant Prosecutor IV and one SR Sergeant position. The grant does not allow fo r recovery of $17,878 in administrative costs. Palmer moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Jamian. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 7 November 10, 2004 19. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY - FY 2005 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEME NT PROGRAM (CRP) CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE The Prosecuting Attorney is requesting authorization to accept a FY 2005 $2,235,487 Cooperative Reimbursement Program Grant from the State of Michigan Family Independence Agency. The grant award includes a Federal con tribution of $1,475,422, County contribution of $679,133 and State supplement of $80,932. Funding will continue 24 positions in the Prosecuting Attorney's office as outlined in the resolution. This is the 32 nd year of grant funding. The grant does not al low for recovery of $217,360 in administrative costs. Webster moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Long. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 20. MR #04310 - DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH OAKLAND COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOR THE NEW COUNTYWIDE RADIO SYSTEM Facilities Management is requesting approval of a lease agreement with Oakland Community College to construct, maintain and operate a radio tow er and adjacent equipment shelter and generator at 2900 Featherstone Road in Auburn Hills. The County will pay the College the sum of one dollar annually as rent for the site. The County may lease or license space on the tower, if available to the Colleg e for radio system purpose at no cost to the County. The County may also sublease co -location space on the tower to third parties with the College's written consent. The initial term of the lease is fifteen years with three renewable five-year terms. Construction and lease costs will be covered by the 4% emergency telephone operational charge levy authorized by MR #99279, pursuant to MCL 484.1401. Long moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 21. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - SOLID WASTE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY - BROWNFIELDS CLEANUP REVOLVING LOAN FUND (BCRLF) SUPPLEMENTAL GRANT ACCEPTANCE Community and Economic Development is requesting authorization to accept a FY 2005 Brownfield Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund (BCRLF) Grant for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in the amount of $394,350. An in-kind match of $78,870 is required and will b e funded from Brownfield tax capture and private developer match. Application has also been made to the U.S. EPA to transition $155,60 to this grant from funding awarded by MR #02285. Suarez moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 22. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES / HEALTH DIVISION - 2004/2005 COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING, BUDGETING AND CONTRACTING (CPBC) AGREEMENT ACCEPTANCE The Health Division is requesting authorization to accept FY 2005 funding of $7,247,845 from the Michigan FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 8 November 10, 2004 Department of Community Health. The Agreement provides for categorical grant funding and partial reimbursement for services provided in accordance with the Public Health Code. Program funding details are outlined in the Fiscal Note. Changes to the FY 2004/2005 Agreement are outlined in the attachment to the resolution. Execution of this agreement by the County is contingent upon the State's acceptance, approval and execution of the ag reement, including Addendum A. Suarez moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 23. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES / HEALTH DIVISION - SAMSHA TARGETED CAPACITY EXPANSION INNOVATIVE TREATMENT GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Health Division is requesting authorization to accept funding of $500,000 per year for three years from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) to address substance abuse treatment among Oakland County's Hispanic population. Funding of $424,000 will be used to subcontract with Easter Seals El Centro, $1,500 for travel by the Contract Manager, $17,500 for contract administration a nd the remaining $57,000 for use by the County Office of Substance Abuse to pay for detoxification and residential treatment related to this project. Suarez moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Knollenberg. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 24. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES / HEALTH DIVISION - 2004/2005 SUBSTANCE ABUSE GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Health Division is requesting authorization to accept FY 2005 funding of $4,654,916 from the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH). Funds will be used to subcontract with agencies to prevent and reduce the incidence of drug and alcohol abuse and dependency. Execution of this agreement by the County is contingent upon the State's acceptance, approval and execution of the agreement, including Addendum A. Jamian moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 25. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES / HEALTH DIVISION - FISCAL YEAR 2004/2005 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (MDEQ) REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT ACCEPTANCE The Health Division is requesting authorization to accept FY 2005 reimbursement funding of $1,276,625 from the Michigan Department of Environmental Qua lity (MDEQ). Funding will be utilized for services related to Non-Community (Type II) Water Supply, Long -Term Drinking, Water Monitoring, Radio, Public Swimming Pool Inspections, Septage, on -Site Sewage and Drinking Water Programs. This amount is $70,043 higher than the previous agreement and the amount budgeted for FY 2005. The budget will be amended to reflect the additional funding. Execution of this agreement by the County is contingent upon the State's acceptance, approval and execution of the agre ement, including Addendum A. Suarez moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Knollenberg. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 9 November 10, 2004 Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 26. MR #04309 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WIT H POLING, MCGAW AND POLING, PC The resolution would authorize the Board of Commissioners to retain Poling, McGaw and Poling, PC as its legal counsel for a two-year period, effective June 1, 2004. Counsel will be retained at an hourly rate of $120.00 as authorized per M.R. #04310, with a not to exceed amount of $48,000. Mr. Webster explained that the contractor is used on a limited basis, mainly on issues where a conflict exists between the Board of Commissioners and the County Executive or the Board re quires a second opinion. The Chairman has the authority to request an opinion from this contractor. Ms. Zack indicated that she would like the Board to consider a written policy on requesting legal opinions. Crawford moved to report to amend the resol ution as follows. 1. Pages 1 and 4 correct the Contractor's address from "5435" to "5455 Corporate Drive." 2. Page 2 - Scope of Contractor's Services - Paragraphs 1 and 2. To provide Legal Services as Representation in litigation, attendance, only a s requested, and counseling at Committee Meetings and other duties as may be required by the Board of Commissioners. TO PROVIDE INDEPENDENT LEGAL SERVICES FOR THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN 1963, PU BLIC ACT 139 OF 1973 (MCL 45.551 ET. SEQ.,), AND PUBLIC ACT 15 OF 1941. The parties agree that Richard B. Poling, Jr., as Partner and Shareholder of the Contractor, shall be the principal attorney responsible for the representation of the Board of Commiss ioners. 3. Page 6 - Contractor Provided Insurance - Section a. $3,000,000 $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit Commercial General Liability Broad Form Endorsement/or the following as minimum requirements: Supported by Bullard. Motion to report to amend carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Crawford moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Bullard. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Chairman Moss asked that Items 29 and 30 be taken up a t this time. There were no objections. 29. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT / FACILITIES ENGINEERING - AWARDS OF CONTRACT - ARCHITECT/ENGINEER AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR CMH RENOVATION - SHERIFF'S ADMINISTRATION PROJECT Facilities Management is requesting authorization to contract with Landmark Design Group PC of Grand Rapids, in the amount of $428,600, to provide architectural/engineering services, and with G. W. Auch FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 10 November 10, 2004 Company of Pontiac, in the amount of $524,973, for construction management services , to renovate the Community Mental Health Building for the Sheriff's Administration Project. Funding for this project is included in the 2005 Capital Improvement Program. This recommendation follows review of the responses to Requests for Quotations by the Selection Committee and the negotiation of these contracts by Facilities Management and Corporation Counsel. Palmer moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 30. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - EXTENSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT FOR GOVERNMENT RELATIONS CONSULTING FIRM TO STRATEGIC PUBLIC AFFAIRS, INC. The resolution would authorize extension of the existing contract with Strategic Public Affairs, Inc . (SPA) to provide lobbying services for the Board of Commissioners. The contract provides for a not to exceed amount of $49,440.00 in 2005, payable in equal monthly amounts of $4,120.00 and $50,923.20 for 2006, payable in equal monthly amounts of $4,243.60. The contract shall terminate December 31, 2006, unless otherwise agreed to be the parties. The contract contains a 30 -day out for both parties. Commissioner Knollenberg explained that the current contract will expire December 31, 2004, and that taking action now to approve this contract would prevent a gap in representation of the Board's interests in Lansing. The contract will increase by 3% for 2005 and 2006 from the current contract of $48,000 annually. The amount of $48,000 has not increased sin ce the previous lobbying contract with Larsen & Associates. Commissioner Knollenberg reported that SPA staff has met regularly with the Board's Legislative Study Group for the last year and a half. He noted Commissioner Coulter is a member of the Study Gr oup. Commissioners Zack, Mr. Gregory and Mr. Suarez expressed concerns about whether a full -time lobbyist was necessary, contracting with SPA without receiving requests for proposals and the need for better communication between the lobbyists, commissio ners and state legislators. Commissioner Bullard stated that he felt it was important to maintain this service, especially with tax issues still being debated. He felt the current firm has done an outstanding job and will continue to improve. He noted that the Commissioners interests are at times not consistent with those of the other elected County officials, however, there are also times when the Board's lobbyists work jointly with those of the other elected officials to provide a stronger voice on par ticular issues. For example, SPA is currently working with the Drain Commissioner on lake boards legislation. Commissioner Jamian advised the committee that he was in support of the contract but would also like to see more communication to all commissi oners regarding lobbyist activities. Knollenberg moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Gregory, Zack, and Suarez voting no. 28. MR #04298 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - SUSPENSION OF DUES TO THE MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES (MAC) The resolution invites the Executive Director of the Michigan Association of Counties to meet with leadership and other interested members of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to discuss h ow MAC would ensure that the interests of Oakland County and other large urban counties are not subjugated or ignored by MAC. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 11 November 10, 2004 Mr. Doyle informed the committee that he had invited MAC staff to attend the November 18 caucus meetings but had not yet gotten a response. Palmer moved to report in support of the resolution. Supported Knollenberg. Bullard moved to amend the report to indicate that the Finance Committee supports the resolution with amendments as proposed by the General Government, Planning and Building and Public Services Committees. Supported by Long. Motion carried on a voice vote. Main motion, as amended, carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Bullard moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. COMMUNICATIONS a. Department of Management and Budget - People Talk Article - "It's All in the Planning - Proactively Managing the Planning and Approval for a Major PeopleSoft Implementation at Oakland County, Michigan b. Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court - Family Division and Public Services - Community Corrections Division - Program Year 2005 Juvenile Accountability Block Grant Application c. Clerk / Register of Deeds - 2005 Remonumentation Grant Application d. Department of Information Technology - Radio Project - Financial Status / Issues - Dated October 18, 2004 e. Notice to Residents of the City of Auburn Hills - Public Hearings related to requests for Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificates for the fo llowing: 1. Holdings, Inc. (2500 Takata Dr., Auburn Hills, MI 48326) - October 18, 2004 @ 7:00 p.m. 2. Goertz & Schiele Corporation (1750 Summit Drive, Auburn Hills, MI 48326) - October 18, 2004 @ 7:00 p.m. 3. Group Antolin North America, Inc. (1700 Atlantic Blvd ., Auburn Hills, MI 48326) - November 8, 2004 @ 7:00 p.m. 4. Delta Engineer Plastics, LLC (2082 Brown Rd., Auburn Hills, MI 48326) - November 8, 2004 @ 6:30 p.m. Crawford moved to receive and file the communications. Supported by Gregory. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 10:42 a.m. ________________________ _______________________________ Helen Hanger Lawrence M. Doyle Senior Committee Coordinator Administrative Director FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 12 November 10, 2004 NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.