HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2005.03.17 - 35982CHUCK MOSS Chairperson MIKE ROGERS Vice Chairperson TIM MELTON Minority Vice Chairperson March 17, 2005 Chairperson Moss called the meeting of the Finance Committee to order at 9:00 a.m., in the Board of Commissioners' Committee Room A, Commissioners' Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT : Chuck Moss, Mike Rogers, Charles Palmer, Hugh Crawford, Eric Wilson , Greg Jamian, Christine Long, David Coulter, Helaine Zack, David Woodward COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Tim Melton OTHERS PRESENT : AVIATION Karl Randall, Manager CIRCUIT COURT Libby Smith, General Jurisdiction Administrator DRAIN COMMISSIONER Phil Sanzica, Chief Engineer EQUALIZATION Dave Hieber, Manager FACILITIES ENGINEERING Paul Hunter, Manager FISCAL SERVICES Tim Soave, Manager Nancy Fournier, Chief LaVerne Smith, Supervisor Leo Lease, Accountant Joe Rozell, Analyst Nancy Falardeau, Analyst Greg Givens, Grants Writer HUMAN RESOURCES Jennifer Mason, Manager Mary Pardee, Supervisor MANAGEMENT & BUDGET Laurie Van Pelt, Director Art Holdsworth, Deputy Director PARKS & RECREATION Joe Figa, Design Chief Jon Noyes, Landscape Designer PURCHASING Joe Hylla, Manager SHERIFF Michael McCabe, Undersheriff Dale Cunningham, Business Manager BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Larry Doyle, Administrative Director Harvey Wedell, Sr. Analyst Sheryl Mitchell, Sr. Analyst Helen Hanger, Sr. Committee Coordinator OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0470 Telephone (248) 858 -0100 FAX (248) 858-1572 FINANCE COMMITTEE Charles Palmer Hugh D. Crawford Eric Wilson Greg Jamian Christine Long David Coulter Helaine Zack David Woodward FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 2 March 17, 2005 AGENDA Rogers moved approval of the agenda with the addition of Communication Item D - A letter to the Michigan Department of Treasury requesting guidance in the accounting for Tax Increment Financing Districts and determining the Date for Property Tax Levy for the July property tax bill. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a voice vote. MINUTES Zack moved approval of the previous minutes of March 3 , 2005, as printed. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Soave introduced Ms. Falardeau as the new analyst with Fiscal Services. 5. CONTINGENCY REPORT The previous Contingency Fund Balance of $239,906 will be i ncreased by $35,286 with adoption of item #14 on today's agenda. The increase to Contingency results from an additional $70,000 in convention facility tax received from the State. In accordance with the General Appropriations Act, 50% will go to substance abuse and 50% will be placed in Contingency. Revised information on General Fund Equity and the Royal Oak Township Law Enforcement contract payments was distributed. Royal Oak is current on its Law Enforcement Contract payments. Ms. Van Pelt explained that substance abuse funds distributed by the County to community coalitions. Palmer moved to receive and file the FY 2005 Contingency Report dated March 10, 2005, with revised attachments. Supported by Long. Motion carried on a voice vote. REGULAR AGENDA 6. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - PROPOSED CITY OF ROCHESTER HILLS EXPANSION OF LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FINANCING AUTHORITY The Board of Commissioners' Tax Increment Financing Ad Hoc Review Committee is recommending that the Board of Commissioners exempt Coun ty taxes from capture by the City of Rochester Hills for expansion of its Local Development Finance Authority. Statute requires that the County exempt its taxes from capture not more than 60 days after the municipality's public hearing. The public hearin g was held February 16, 2005. The County has not had an opportunity to review the proposed plan for expansion of the LDFA. The proposed resolution would authorize the County to opt out of the tax capture but indicates that this action can be rescinded at a future date once the County has reviewed the plan. Palmer moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Melton absent. 7. CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS - CALENDAR YEAR 2005 ASSISTANCE FOR SURVEY, FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 3 March 17, 2005 MONUMENTATION & REMONUMENTATION GRANT ACCEPTANCE The State of Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth has awarded a $864,436 grant to the Oakland County Clerk Register of Deeds to continue its remonumentation program for Calendar Year 2005. Funds in the amount of $464,436 are for current program costs and $400,000 is reimbursement for expedited expenditures. No County match or personnel costs are included. To date 4,035 corners have been remonumented and 90 corners are currently in progress. This is the 13 th year of grant funding. Crawford moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Melton absent. 8. SHERIFF'S OFFICE / PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE - FY 2005 BYRNE JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT AND GRANT APPLICATION The Sheriff is requesting approval of an intergovernmental agreement with the cities of Southfield and Pontiac to apply for fi rst-time funding from the U.S. Department of Justice to purchase equipment and supplies for law enforcement. Funding requested includes $55,876 for Oakland County, $100,175 for the City of Southfield and $151,803 for the City of Pontiac. The grant applic ation requires adoption of an intergovernmental agreement. The County will purchase the equipment and it will then be provided to the communities. Crawford moved approval of the attached suggested Report. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Melton absent. Coulter moved to receive and file the Grant Report. Supported by Zack. Motion carried on a voice vote. 9. TREASURER/ DRAIN COMMISSIONER - ROBERT A. REID DRAINAGE DISTRICT REFUNDING BONDS - FULL FAITH AND CREDIT The Treasurer is requesting authorization to issue Refunding Bonds, Series 2005, for the Robert A. Reid Drainage District in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $4,000,000 for bonds maturing in the years 2006 through 2017. Drain Bonds wer e originally issued May 1, 1997, in the amount of $5,555,000. This action will result in estimated savings of $200,000. Jamian moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Moss. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Melton absent. 10. PARKS AND RECREATION - SUPPORT FOR SUBMISSION OF GRANT APPLICATION TO THE MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND THE LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND TO PROVIDE MATCHING FUNDS FOR THE ACQUISITION OF THE HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP PROPERTY FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 4 March 17, 2005 The Parks and Recreation Commission is requesting support from the Board of Commissioners for submission of a grant application to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund. The request is for $1,440,000 for the purchase of 260 acres of property in Highland Township to create a park, to be known as the Highland Oaks County Park. The total budget for property acquisition includes a $2,160,000 match to be provided by the Parks Commission. Current property owners have agreed to wait 8 mont hs to see if funding is awarded. The property includes a five -acre lake. The acreage is 35% wetlands and has been identified by the Michigan Natural Features Inventory as a priority area for preservation. This location has also been identified as a possib le trail system hub to link with other County recreational facilities through the Oak routes trail system. Palmer moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Report. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Me lton absent. Palmer moved to receive and file the Grant Report. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a voice vote. 11. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT/FACILITIES ENGINEERING - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE 2005 ROOF REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING & COURTHOUSE EAST WING PROJECT Facilities Management is requesting authorization to contract with Newton Crane Roofing of Pontiac, in the amount of $402,588, to roof the Executive Office Building and with Ann Arbor Roofing of Whitmore Lake, in the amount of $269,697, to roof the Courthouse East Wing. Both companies were the lowest bidders on each project. Project costs will include $70,000 in Contingency and $17,715 for Facilities Management Costs. Funds will be transferred from the Capital Improveme nt Program/Building Fund to the Project Work Order Fund to establish this project. The roof of the EOB is 26 years old and that of the Courthouse West Wing is 35 years old. Both will be completely replaced. Jamian moved to recommend approval of the at tached suggested Resolution. Supported by Long. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Melton absent. 12. MR #05044 - HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT - SALARY ADMINISTRATION PLAN #1 QUARTERLY REPORT FOR FY 2005 Human Resources has performed a r eview of 10 classifications / 12 positions under the Salary Administration Plan (SAP) and is recommending that 8 classes / 10 positions be upwardly reclassified and 2 classifications / 2 positions remain the same. General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) posi tion costs for the remainder of FY 2005 are $7,712 and $16,708 for FY 2006 and have been budgeted for in the Classification and Rate Change account. Proprietary Fund (PF) position costs total $12,216 for FY 2005 and $26,467 for FY 2006 and will be charged against specific PF accounts as detailed in the Fiscal Note. Jamian moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Rogers. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Melton. 13. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET / EQUALIZATION DIVISION - APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR OAKLAND COUNTY EQUALIZATION DIVISION ASSISTANCE SERVICES WITH THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ROYAL OAK Equalization is requesting authorization to contract with the Charter Township of Royal Oak to provide FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 5 March 17, 2005 equalization services for the 2005 and 2006 tax years. For contract years 2004 -2005 and 2005-2006 the Township will pay the sum of $12.87 for each real property description and $10.65 for each personal property description provided during the life of the contract. Payment for contract year 2004-2005 is due by July 1, 2005 and due July 1, 2006, for the 2005 -2006 contract year. Revenues and expenditures associated with the contract are included in the FY 2005 budget. Zack moved to recommend approval of th e attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Moss. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Melton absent. 14. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - FISCAL YEAR 2005 FIRST QUARTER FINANCIAL FORECAST AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS Management and Budg et is requesting authorization to proceed with budget amendments for the first quarter of FY 2005 as provided for by Public Act 621 of 1978 and Section 22 of the Oakland County General Appropriations Act as detailed within the proposed resolution. The Letter of Transmittal provided by Management and Budget forecasts that the County will complete Fiscal Year 2005 with General Fund/General Purpose operations favorability of $2,638,828 resulting from receiving $2,9587,883 more revenue than anticipated and e xpending $320,055 more than budgeted. Further details are provided in the Letter of Transmittal. Fiscal Service staff reviewed their concerns regarding the issue of juvenile maintenance and a projected $1.5 million unfavorability. This issue involves th e State Department of Human Services (previously the Family Independence Agency), the courts and Children's Village. This issue is a concern across the state and MAC has formed a study group for this purpose. Review of this issue was begun the previous y ear concerning DHS billing practices and has been referred to the County's Audit Division, through the Audit Subcommittee. A recommendation is forthcoming. Ms. Van Pelt suggested that all parties be invited to attend the Finance Committee for discussion of this matter following receipt of Audit recommendations. Ms. Zack noted that this issue also affects the providers, who are caught in the middle, waiting for payment. Mr. Palmer noted that the finding of lead in the paint on cell doors has impacted the progress of the Sheriff's lock replacement program. Jamian moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Wilson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Melton absent. COMMUNICATIONS B. Department of Management and Budget - FY 2006 / FY 2007 Revenue Estimates - Update C. Notice of Hearing for Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for Unicore Autocat US inc. - 2347 Commercial Dr., Auburn Hills, MI 48326 D. Letter to Michigan Department of Treasury Reg arding Implementation of P.A. 357 of 2004 Crawford moved to receive and file the communications. Supported by Zack. Motion carried on a voice vote. A. Department of Management and Budget / Purchasing Division - Contract Exception Report for the Month of February, 2005 FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 6 March 17, 2005 Crawford moved to receive and file the communications. Supported by Zack. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 19:45 a.m. ________________________ _______________________________ Helen A. Hanger Lawrence M. Doyle Senior Committee Coordinator Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.