HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2005.06.09 - 36005CHUCK MOSS Chairperson MIKE ROGERS Vice Chairperson TIM MELTON Minority Vice Chairperson June 9, 2005 Chairperson Moss called the meeting of the Finance Committee to order at 9:00 a.m., in the Board of Commissioners' Committee Room A, Commissioners' Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT : Chuck Moss, Mike Rogers, Tim Melton, Charles Palmer, Hugh Crawfo rd, Eric Wilson, Greg Jamian, Christine Long, David Coulter, Helaine Zack, Dave Woodward COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT : AVIATION Karl Randall, Manager CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS Jim VanLeuven, Deputy Clerk/Register CIRCUIT COURT Pam Davis COMMUNITY & HOME IMPROVEMENT Karry Reith, Manager Carla Spradlin, Planner CORPORATION COUNSEL Jody Schaffer, Assistant Counsel Scott O'Neal, Law Clerk EQUALIZATION Dave Hieber, Manager EXECUTIVE OFFICE Bob Daddow, Deputy Executive FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Mike Hughson, Property Manager Bob Larkin, Supervisor FISCAL SERVICES Nancy Fournier, Chief LaVerne Smith, Supervisor Holly Conforti, Supervisor Prentiss Malone, Analyst Nancy Falardeau, Analyst HUMAN RESO URCES Jennifer Mason, Manager Heather Mason, Analyst INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Pat Coates MANAGEMENT & BUDGET Laurie Van Pelt, Director Art Holdsworth, Deputy Director BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Larry Doyle, Administrative Director Sheryl Mitchell, Sr. Analyst Harvey Wedell, Sr. Analyst Helen Hanger, Sr. Committee Coordinator OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0470 Telephone (248) 858 -0100 FAX (248) 858-1572 FINANCE COMMITTEE Charles Palmer Hugh D. Crawford Eric Wilson Greg Jamian Christine Long David Coulter Helaine Zack David Woodward FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 2 June 9, 2005 MINUTES Palmer moved approval of the previous minutes of May 19, 2005, as printed. Supported by Zack. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC CO MMENT None. 5. CONTINGENCY REPORT The FY 2005 Contingency Fund Balance of $300,731 will not be altered by items on today's agenda. Item 7 will reduce the Rate and Classification Change fund by $7,712 to $196,379. Royal Oak Township is current on both its Sheriff and Equalization contracts. The Township is behind on Water and Sewer Drain Fund payments. A portion of this arrearage will be taken from their Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund balance but an outstanding balance of $76,200 remains. Corporation Counsel has contacted the Township to ask for a plan of remittance. Zack moved to receive and file the FY 2005 Contingency Report dated June 3, 2005. Supported by Rogers. Motion carried on a voice vote. REGULAR AGENDA 6. CIRCUIT COURT/ FAMILY DIVISIO N - 2005/2006 JUVENILE DRUG COURT - JUVENILE JUSTICE AND DELINQUENCY PREVENTION ACT - GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Circuit Court Family Division is requesting authorization to accept a $250,000 grant from the Michigan Family Independence Agency Bureau of Juvenile Justice for the period of March 1, 2005, through February 28, 2006. Funds will be used to create one part -time, non-eligible Special Client Transporter (Driver) position in Circuit Court/Family Division/Court Services dedicated to transporting identified youth and family members to and from identified program related activities. The grant will also fund contractual substance abuse and mental health treatment and consultation services, training, training supplies, incentives, and promotional supplies; tra vel and transportation in support of this grant. Administrative support costs of $1,280 have been budgeted for but are not recoverable under this grant. Palmer moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Wilson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward absent. 7. MR #05102 - HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT - SALARY ADMINISTRATION PLAN 2 ND QUARTERLY REPORT FOR FY 2005 Human Resources has performed a review of 4 classifications / 4 positions under the Salary Adm inistration Plan (SAP) and is recommending that 2 classes / 2 positions be upwardly reclassified and 2 classifications / 2 positions remain the same. General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) position costs for the remainder of FY 2005 are $2,128. Funding is available in the Classification and Rate Change account. Also, status of one classification within the Circuit Court will be changed from non -exempt to exempt. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 3 June 9, 2005 Coulter moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Melton. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward absent. 8. DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES - OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - 2005 GRANT PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE - RELOCATION OF WILLIAMS LAKE ROAD The Oakland County International Airpor t is requesting acceptance of Michigan Department of Transportation Grant funds of $2,750,000 and State funds of $601,563. Funds will be used towards construction costs to relocate a portion of Williams Lake Road. The Funding period is 36 months from the date of award. The total project cost also includes a 2.5% grant match of $85,937 from the Airport Fund. Crawford moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Long. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 9. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR 52 -1 DISTRICT COURT RENOVATION PROJECT Facilities Management is requesting authorization to proceed with the 52 -1 District Court Renovation Project at a cost of $215,000, including cont ingency of $28,000. Funding for this project of $307,500 was previously authorized under the FY 2005 Capital Improvement Program. The project will alleviate overcrowding in the clerical and probation areas of the Court and will provide additional filing capacity. Funds will be transferred from the Capital Improvement Program/Building Fund to the Project Work Order Fund. County staff will be doing the renovation work and furniture and equipment will be obtained through Purchasing. Palmer moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Long. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 10. DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION LICENSE AND LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP O F OAKLAND FOR THE NEW COUNTYWIDE RADIO SYSTEM Facilities Management is requesting authorization to enter into a construction license and lease agreement with Oakland Township to construct a tower, equipment shelter and install a generator for the countywi de radio system on land provided by the Township at 4393 Collins Road, Rochester, Michigan. The County will sell the tower, etc. to the Township for $1 upon completion and the Township will lease the County space on the tower for $1 per year. The Townshi p will responsible for operation and maintenance. The initial term of the lease is 15 years with three renewable five -year terms. Construction and lease costs will be covered by the 4% emergency telephone operational charge levy authorized by MR #99279, p ursuant to MCL 484.1401. Mr. Hughson explained that this resolution was brought to the Planning and Building Committee in May with the County maintaining ownership. Immediately following that action, the Township indicated that they would prefer to have ownership and this new resolution was drafted to affect this change. Wilson moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 4 June 9, 2005 11. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - COMMUNITY AND HOME IMPROVEMENT DIVISION - 2005 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN AND CONSOLIDATED GRANT ACCEPTANCE FOR CDBG, HOME AND ESG PROGRAMS AND 2004 -2005 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN AMENDMENT Community and Economic Development is requesting acceptance of Program Year 2005 (May 1, 2005, through April 30, 2006) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development funding of $6,252,093. The award includes $4,356,395 for the Community Development Block Grant, $1,685,333 for the HOME Investment Partnership Grant, $70,971 for the HOME American Dream Downpayment Initiative and $139,394 for the Emergency Shelter Grant. The award also includes $1,600,000 in estimated Home Improvement Revolving Loan Funds, $17,234 in Community Program Income, $780,000 in estimated HOME Revolving Loan Funds and requires a HOME County match of $379,200 for a total consolidated program year grant total of $9,028,527. Funding for the County match is available in the Non -Departmental Grant Match line item. Indirect costs associated wit h the grant are not paid due to administrative and planning limits. The resolution will also amend the 2004 for Annual Action Plan and Consolidated Grant Acceptance as detailed in the resolution and Fiscal Note. Zack moved to recommend approval of the at tached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Coulter. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 12. MR #05101 - DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - REVISION OF @CCESS OAKLAND MASTER FEE STRUCTURE TO ADD SURVEY OAKLAND Information Technology (IT) is requesting authorization to amend its @ccess Oakland Master Fee Structure to add a new product called Survey Oakland. This product will allow licensed land surveyors and other related licensed professionals to electronically access survey data on fil e with the Clerk/Register of Deeds. The product will be available as a $500 Annual Subscription Fee per company for unlimited use. Subscription revenue will be shared 75%-25% between IT and the Clerk. Revenue is projected to increase $15,000 annually based on a projection of 30 survey firms subscribing for this product (prorating 3 months for FY 2005). Jamian moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Item #13 was delayed until Mr. Daddow could be present. 14. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - SUMMER PROPERTY TAX LEVY UNDER MCL 211.44A ( 357 OF 2004) Equalization is requesting approval to authorize each Supervisor of the various townships and Assessing Officers of the several cities of Oakland County to spread on their respective township or city tax rolls the equivalent millage rate of 1.3900 as a summer property tax levy in proportion to the taxable value, as authorized by Public Act 357 of 2004, MCL 211.44a. Thi s millage shall be levied on July 1, 2005. P.A. 357 of 2004 requires each county in 2005 to impose as a summer property tax levy 1/3 of their county allocated millage for summer tax collection. Zack moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Rogers. Wilson moved to amend the resolution to add a third WHEREAS. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 5 June 9, 2005 WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has taken a position of opposition to this summer property tax levy pursuant to MR #04123 but is bound by MCL 211.44a to impose the levy. Supported by Palmer. Motion to amend carried on a roll call vote with Coulter, Zack and Woodward voting no. Main motion, as amended, carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 13. DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - USE OF OAKVIDEO BY THE U.S. MILITARY Information Technology is requesting authorization to enter into a license / interlocal agreement with the U.S. Military to provide video communication between members of the U.S. Military serving overseas and their family members in Oakland County. Mr. Daddow explained that the encription devices had to first be sent to Lansing and will than be sent to Pontiac. This project has been in discussion with the Building Authority since 2004. Based on input from the other committee's, the contract language has been changed and is now being reviewed by Lansing. Commissioner Palmer questioned if this was a proper use of surplus funds from bonds that had been authorized for Video Arraignment purposes. Mr. Daddow indicated that he had spoken to bond counsel, Mr. John Axe, who reviewed the bond issue and informed him that it was an appropriate use. The Fiscal Note indicates the County will be using $19,613.50 for installation of ISDN lines and hardware. Bond proceeds total $6.7 million. Commissioner Wilson advised Commissioner Palmer that he would work with him to draft a resolution to address his concerns regarding the use of bond funds. Commissioner Melton indicated that he would like to see paragraph #2 of the license ag reement amended to indicate that the equipment would not be moved out of Oakland County. He also asked how reporting for this project was being handled. Mr. Daddow indicated that this amendment should not be a problem and he would request this change. He explained that reporting was being done to the Building Authority and was not included in the IT quarterly reports to the General Government Committee. Building Authority minutes are provided to the Planning and Building Committee. Commissioner Moss ask ed that a copy of a letter from each firm confirming their donations and that a copy of the revised license be provided prior to next Thursday's Board meeting. Crawford moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Long. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 15. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - FISCAL YEAR 2005 SECOND QUARTER FINANCIAL FORECAST AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS Management and Budget is requesting approval of the Fiscal Year 2005 Second Quarter Financial Forecast and Budget Amendments. The forecast projects a $3,217,840 overall General Fund/General Purpose operations favorability for Year -End 2005. This projection is based on receiving $2,244,162 more FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 6 June 9, 2005 revenue than anticipated and expending $973,678 less than b udgeted. M&B's transmittal letter providing details regarding the FY 2005 forecast is attached to the resolution. Palmer moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Wilson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. COMMUNICATIONS A. Department of Information Technology - Radio Project - Financial Status / Issues B. Prosecuting Attorney - FY 2006 Crime Victims Services Grant Application C. Community and Home Improvement Division - 2005 Housing Counseling Grant Application D. County Executive / Arts, Culture and Film - FY 2006 Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs Administration program Grant Application Crawford moved to receive and file the communications. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There was discussion regarding scheduling of additional dates for budget hearings. Committee members were asked to reserve July 27 at 1:00 p.m. and July 28 at 1:00 p.m. and the week of August 1. There being no other business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 10:56 a.m. ________________________ _______________________________ Helen A. Hanger Lawrence M. Doyle Senior Committee Coordinator Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.