HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2005.09.29 - 36035CHUCK MOSS Chairperson MIKE ROGERS Vice Chairperson TIM MELTON Minority Vice Chairperson September 29, 2005 Chairperson Moss called the meeting of the Finance Committee to order at 9:00 a.m., in the Board of Commissioners' Committee Room A, Commissioners' Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT : Chuck Moss, Mike Rogers, Tim Melton, Charles Palmer, Hugh Crawford, Eric Wilson, Christine Long, David Coulter, Helaine Zack, Dave Woodward COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Greg Jamian OTHERS PRESENT : AUDITING Bruce Karmann, Chief Pamela Barrow, Auditor CIRCUIT COURT Gail Innis, Youth Ass istance Caseworker CORPORATION COUNSEL Keith Lerminiaux, Deputy Corporation Counsel EXECUTIVE OFFICE Robert Daddow, Deputy Executive FISCAL SERVICES LaVerne Smith, Supervisor Nancy Falardeau, Analyst Joe Matkosky, Analyst Holly Conforti, Analyst FRIEND OF THE COURT Rhonda Taber, Supervisor HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Tom Gordon, Director HUMAN RESOURCES Nancy Scarlet, Director Jennifer Mason, Manager Mary Pardee, Supervisor Stephanie Mackey, Analyst INFORMATION TECHN OLOGY Ed Poisson, Director Janette McKenna, Chief MANAGEMENT & BUDGET Laurie Van Pelt, Director Art Holdsworth, Deputy Director MEDICAL EXAMINER Bob Gerds, Administrator PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bret Rasegan, Supervisor PROBATE Rebecca Schnelz, Staff Attorney PUBLIC SERVICES Mike Zehnder, Director PURCHASING Joe Hylla, Manager SHERIFF Dale Cunningham, Business Manager TREASURER Pat Dohany, Treasurer LYON TOWNSHIP Chris Olson, Superintendent OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0470 Telephone (248) 858 -0100 FAX (248) 858-1572 FINANCE COMMITTEE Charles Palmer Hugh D. Crawford Eric Wilson Greg Jamian Christine Long David Coulter Helaine Zack David Woodward FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 2 September 29, 2005 OTHERS PRESENT CONTINUED MICHIGAN DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES OAKLAND Margaret Warner, Director Mel Kaufman, District 5 Manager Harold Harris, Board Member BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Bill Bullard, District #2 Jeff Potter, District #8 Larry Doyle, Administra tive Director Harvey Wedell, Sr. Analyst Sheryl Mitchell, Sr. Analyst Julia Ruffin, Community Liaison Helen Hanger, Sr. Committee Coordinator AGENDA Communication Item D was moved to the regular agenda to be taken up as Item 13 wi thout objection. MINUTES Palmer moved approval of the previous minutes of September 15, 2005, as printed. Supported by Zack. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT Ms. Rebar spoke regarding the report of the Auditing Division and payment of past due invoices to Oakland Family Services. 5. CONTINGENCY REPORT Information on the Environmental infrastructure Fund was distributed. The FY 2005 Contingency Fund balance of $303,543 will remain unchanged and will fall to fund balance. The adopted FY 2006 Contingency Fund balance of $300,000 was reduced by $30,000 with the adoption of the resolution for the HAVEN Start Program. With transfer of Excess Budget Task of $70,486, the Contingency Fund Balance is $340,486. Item #9 will reduce the FY 2006 Classification and Rate Change balance by $45,931 to $151,096. Coulter moved to receive and file the FY 2005 Contingency Report dated September 9, 2005, and the FY 2006 Contingency Report dated September 20, 2005. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried on a voice vote. CONSENT AGENDA 6a. MR #05226 - WEST NILE VIRUS FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE CITY OF CLAWSON - FISCAL YEAR 2005 ALLOCATION The City of Clawson is requesting reimbursement of its $4,300.94 West Nile Virus Fund Allocation for F Y 2005 for expenses incurred in connection with mosquito control projects. 6b. MR #05232 - WEST NILE VIRUS FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON WOODS - FISCAL YEAR 2005 ALLOCATION FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 3 September 29, 2005 The City of Huntington Woods is requesting reimbursem ent of its $2,132.50 West Nile Virus Fund Allocation for FY 2005 for expenses incurred in connection with mosquito control projects. 6c. MR #05234 - WEST NILE VIRUS FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HOLLY - FISCAL YEAR 2005 ALLOCATION The Township of Holly is requesting reimbursement of its $5,825.81 West Nile Virus Fund Allocation for FY 2005 for expenses incurred in connection with mosquito control projects. 6d. MR #05230 - WEST NILE VIRUS FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN VILLAGE OF BEVERLY HILLS - FISCAL YEAR 2005 ALLOCATION The Village of Beverly Hills is requesting reimbursement of its $3,834.09 West Nile Virus Fund Allocation for FY 2005 for expenses incurred in connection with mosquito control projects. 6e. MR #05228 - WEST NILE VIRUS FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE VILLAGE OF MILFORD - FISCAL YEAR 2005 ALLOCATION The Village of Milford is requesting reimbursement of its $2,317.10 West Nile Virus Fund Allocation for FY 2005 for expenses incurred in connection with mosquit o control projects. 6f. MR #05227 - WEST NILE VIRUS FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE CITY OF LAKE ANGELUS - FISCAL YEAR 2005 ALLOCATION The City of Lake Angelus is requesting reimbursement of its $327.21 West Nile Virus Fund Allocation for FY 2005 for expenses incurred in connection with mosquito control projects. 6g. MR #05229 - WEST NILE VIRUS FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE - FISCAL YEAR 2005 ALLOCATION The Charter Township of Independence is requesting reimbursement of its $15,232.31West Nile Virus Fund Allocation for FY 2005 for expenses incurred in connection with mosquito control projects. 7a. DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES - OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - 2005 GRANT PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE - AIRPORT CRACK SEALING The Oakland County International Airport is requesting acceptance of a Michigan Department of Transportation Grant of $10,000 to be used for crack sealing. The required local grant match of $10,000 is available from the Airport Fund. 7b. DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES - OAKLAND / SOUTHWEST AIRPORT - 2005 GRANT PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE - AIRPORT CRACK SEALING The Oakland/Southwest Airport is requesting acceptance of a Michigan Department of Transportation Grant of $6,750 to be used for crack sea ling. The required local grant match of $6,750 is available from the Airport Fund. 7c. DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES - OAKLAND/TROY AIRPORT - 2005 GRANT PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE - AIRPORT CRACK SEALING The Oakland/Troy Airport is requesting acceptance of a Michigan Department of Transportation Grant of $3,000 to be used for crack sealing. The required local grant match of $3,000 is available from the Airport FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 4 September 29, 2005 Fund. Palmer moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Notes for Consent Agenda Items 6a. - 7c. Supported by Wilson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Rogers, Crawford, Jamian, Long and Woodward absent. REGULAR AGENDA 8. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - LYON TOWNSHIP DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY - TAX CAPTURE The resolution would au thorize the County to participate in the Lyon Township Downtown Development Authority's Amended Plan. The amended DDA plan would establish a thirty -year program ending December 31, 2003. The Tax increment Financing Plan proposes to capture only the amoun t of new taxes required for bond payments with remaining funds returned to the taxing jurisdictions. The Planning and Economic Development Division reviewed the plan and reported to the Tax Increment Financing District Review Policy Ad Hoc Review Committe e that the plan meets with the County's policy for participation per MR #03081. The Ad Hoc Committee is recommending a final formal agreement be negotiated with Lyon Township to include that the County's tax capture would cease with final payment of the bo nds. Mr. Olson provided a copy of the plan for review. Palmer moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Wilson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Rogers, Crawford and Jamian absent. 9. MR #05222 - HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT - SALARY ADMINISTRATION PLAN 3 RD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR FY 2005 Human Resources has performed a review of 3 classifications / 10 positions under the Salary Administration Plan (SAP) and is recommending that 2 classes / 2 positions be upwar dly reclassified and 1 classification / 8 positions be placed on the Salary Administration Plan at a Grade 11. The General Fund/General Purpose (GF/GP) positions cost for FY 2006 is $49,760 effective October 15, 2005. Funding is available in the Classification and Rate Change account. Also, status of one classification within the Circuit Court will be changed from non -exempt to exempt. Palmer moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Long. Motion carried unanimously on a rol l call vote with Rogers, Crawford and Jamian absent. 10. MR #05223 - PUBLIC SERVICES/MEDICAL EXAMINER - CONTINUATION OF AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE GENESEE COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINER SERVICES The Medical Examiner is requesting authorization for conti nuation of an interlocal agreement to provide Genesee County with Medical Examiner Services for a one -year period. The original agreement was authorized under MR #04254. Revenue and/or losses generated from the contract over the next 12 - months will be reported to the Finance and the Public Services Committees. Sufficient revenues and expenditures have been provided for in the FY 06/07 budget. Coulter moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Long. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Jamian absent. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 5 September 29, 2005 11. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES/AUDITING/MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES CHILD CARE FUND PAYMENT PROCEDURES In follow-up to the direction of the Finance Committee, a resolutio n has been drafted authorizing the Board of Commissioners to establish policy related to payment of child care fund invoices from the Michigan Department of Human Services -Oakland (MDHS-O). The proposed policy states that the County would make no payment for services provided by the MDHS -O or their providers if the invoice has not been received by the County within sixty days from the date of service. An exception to the sixty days limit may be granted on a case by case basis if the MDHS -O provides in writing sufficient rationale. A copy of the MDSH-O acceptance letter for each child, as well as separate invoice and documentation for each child's cost, will be required before payment is made. Rogers moved to recommend approval of the att ached suggested Resolution. Supported by Palmer. There was lengthy discussion concerning the proposed policy language. Mr. Kaufman reviewed information distributed on the Child Care Fund Per Diem Payment Process and the County's Foster Care Caseload. Ms. Warner indicated that MDHS -O has designated one specific individual and reassigned one account assistant to handle all Oakland County child care payments. Caseworkers will no longer be involved in the process except to submit paperwork for processing. Vendors have been put on notice that they need to bill MDHS-O on a monthly basis. Dr. Gordon noted that the State's master vendor contract states that any bill not submitted within 30 days would not be paid. Oakland County's vendor contracts require invo ices be submitted within 30 days. Ms. Van Pelt indicated that it would be helpful for the County to have a list of kids by facility, for days not yet billed, for accrual purposes Ms. Warner indicated that this information would be provided. Commissione r Woodward asked whether the County is statutorily required to pay these invoices. Mr. Lerminiaux stated that Corporation Counsel is currently researching the statutes but noted that the Board of Commissioners, by statute, has the right to adopt its own r ules and regulations regarding these matters. Ms. Zack asked to be provided with information on exceptions managed. Melton moved to amend the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Paragraph 1., to strike the words "date of service" and insert "end of the month i n which service is rendered." Supported by Palmer. Motion carried on a voice vote. Rogers moved to eliminate Paragraph 2 of the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED. Supported by Wilson. Motion failed on a roll call vote: Ayes: Rogers, Wilson, Long and Moss Nays: Coulter, Zack, Woodward, Melton, Palmer, Crawford Absent: Jamian FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 6 September 29, 2005 Main motion, as amended, carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Jamian absent. 12. TREASURER'S OFFICE/DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY/CLEMIS - REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO BORROW AGAINST THE DELINQUENT TAX REVOLVING FUND (DTRF) FOR THE RADIO PROJECT The Treasurer and Information Technology / CLEMIS are requesting Board authorization to advance $3,450,000 from the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund (DTRF) to the Radio Communicat ions Fund to cover associated capital costs to ensure the satisfactory completion of the new radio communications system. Mr. Daddow explained that the Radio Communications Fund would pay back the principal and interest otherwise earned if the funds were not advanced. This advance will be used to complete purchase of mobiles and portables to activate local police, fire and hospitals. There will be no major purchases in 2006 and incoming surcharge fees will be used to pay back the DTRF. Palmer moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Rogers. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Jamian absent. 13. Leadership Academy CVT Action Learning Team Report Members of the Leadership Academy class explained their proje ct in conjunction with the written material provided to the committee. The project assigned to the Academy was to compile information on the various services the County provides to its local units of government. The goal was to provide an answer to the q uestion "What Does the County Do for Us (local community). This project includes identifying these services, quantifying their benefits and coordinating the services to achieve as much cost savings as possible and to create a centralized repository of thi s information. A questionnaire was developed and team members met with County departments to gather information. The information was then compiled, converted to a data base and report format. Once finalized, the database will be made available on the int ernet and will be updated regularly. Commissioner Coulter asked if individualized reports by community could be provided. Commissioner Zack asked what the next step would be if a community wishes to access a particular service. Mr. Holdsworth stated that contact information would be put together. Commissioner Rogers asked that more information be provided on particular programs. Palmer moved to receive and file the report. Supported by Coulter. Motion carried on a voice vote. COMMUNICATIONS A. Department of Management and Budget / Purchasing Division - Contraction Exception Report for the Month of July, August and September, 2005 B. Prosecuting Attorney - FY 2006 School Violence Prevention Program Grant Application C. MR #05205 - Department of Information Technology / CLEMIS - Integrated Biometric Identification System Grant Acceptance FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 7 September 29, 2005 Palmer moved to receive and file the communications. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS There being no other business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 11:01 a.m. ________________________ _______________________________ Helen A. Hanger Lawrence M. Doyle Senior Committee Coordinator Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.