HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2005.10.18 - 36037 October 18, 2005 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Palmer at 9:00 a.m. in Committee Room A, Auditorium Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRES ENT: Charles E. Palmer, Sue Ann Douglas, Jim Nash, Tom Middleton, Jeff Potter, William D. Molnar, Marcia Gershenson and Dave Woodward PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Mattie Hatchett OTHERS PRESENT: Facilities Management Dave Ross, Director Mike Hughson, Property Management Specialist Facilities Engineering Paul Hunter, Manager Economic Development Catherine Rasegan, Loan & Finance Officer Oakland Press Charles Crumm Board of Commissioners Sheryl Mitchell, BOC Senior Analys t Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator Chairperson Palmer led the Committee in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF September 23, 2005 Middleton moved to approve the September 23, 2005 Minutes as printed. Supported by Douglas Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT None. CONSENT AGENDA Middleton moved to approve Items A -C. A. Building Inspection Community Mental Health Animal Control - Commissioner Molnar B. Building Inspection Trusty Camp and Law Enforcement Complex – Commissioner Hatchett C. Facilities Engineering – 2005 Capital Improvement Program – Monthly Progress Report – September 2005 Supported by Douglas. Planning & Building Committee Page 2 October 18, 2005 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD  PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48341-0470 Telephone: (248) 858-0100 FAX: (248) 858-1572 PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Tom Middleton Jeff Potter William D. Molnar Mattie Hatchett Marcia Gershenson Dave Woodward Charles E. Palmer Chairperson Sue Ann Douglas Vice Chairperson Jim Nash Minority Vice Chairperson CONSENT AGENDA (Continued) Commissioner Molnar moved to correct the title for Item A to read: " Inspection Tour of Community Mental Health and Animal Control Center". There was no objection. Chairperson Palmer requested additional information on Item C – Nos. 4 & 5. "Furniture on order, Renovation on hold". Mr. Hunter explained by ordering smaller furniture additional workspace can be created. The renovation is in the Probation Department and has been put on hold for the time being. No 5 is on today's' agenda. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda carried on a voice vote. OAKLAND COUNTY DRAIN COMMISSIONER AND DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – CONVEYANCE OF COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY TO THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WATERFORD, TAX PARCEL NO. 13-32-301-021 Tax Parcel No. 13-32-301-021 was acquired in 1970 by the former Oakland County Department of Public Works for the purpose of constructing sanitary sewer facilities in Waterford Township. The property was acquired for $8,000 using Township funds. Waterford Township has satisfied all prior bond obligations an d has requested the County convey the property to the Township. The Drain Commissioner has no present obligations to Waterford Township relative to its sewer system; therefore, the property is no longer required for present or future County use. It is re commended the property be conveyed to the Charter Township of Waterford for the sum of one dollar. Middleton moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Douglas. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Hatchett and Wo odward absent. DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR BOOT CAMP BUILDING ADDITION The Boot Camp addition is listed as item #4 on the 2006 Capital Improvement Program. Since 2000 the program has been crowded into the "Blu e Building", constructed in 1990 to house a smaller population. The program continues to be overcrowded, with squads regularly housed on the floor of the drill room. Additionally there has been an increase in female inmates for which the building is inad equate. The project will expand the building by approximately 2,500 square feet and renovate part of the existing structure. The preliminary project budget is $600,000 with a 15% contingency of $80,000. Molnar moved to authorize receipt of bids for the B oot Camp Building Addition. Supported by Nash. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Hatchett absent. DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR 2006 PARKING LOT PAVING PROGRAM Item #1 of the 2006 Capital Improvement Program, Utilities Section, identifies the Parking Lot Paving Program for renovation. This project will remove and replace one -half of the deteriorating east parking lot at the Public Works Facility. Total preliminary project budget is $270,000 i ncluding a 20% contingency of $45,000. Douglas moved to authorize receipt of bids for the Parking Lot Paving Program. Supported by Nash. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Hatchett absent. Planning & Building Committee Page 3 October 18, 2005 DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR 2006 ROOF REPLACEMENT PROGRAM Item #1 of the 2006 Capital Improvement Program is a program to re -roof the Courthouse Tower, totaling 16,400 square feet and the Courthouse West Wing, totaling 13,300 square feet. These roofing systems have exceeded their design life, are brittle, leak and have been patched several times. The roof pitch will be increased to exceed minimum County standards to properly drain; lighting protect ion systems will also be added. Total preliminary project budget is $580,000 including a 15% contingency of $75,000. Douglas moved to authorize receipt of bids for the Roof Replacement Program. Supported by Woodward. Motion carried unanimously on a ro ll call vote with Hatchett absent. DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING AIR CONDITIONING REPLACEMENT In June 2005 the 35 -year old 200-ton steam absorber unit supplying cooling to the Public Works B uilding failed and was beyond repair. A temporary trailer -mounted replacement unit was rented to maintain acceptable working temperatures in the Public Works Building. The proposed air conditioning equipment , a new 250 ton, two stage centrifugal chiller , cooling tower, ancillary pumps, valves, piping and controls, has been sized to accommodate future expansion of the building and is more energy efficient. The project is estimated at $429,000 including contingency Potter moved to authorize receipt of bids for the Public Works Building Air Conditioning Replacement Program. Supported by Woodward. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Hatchett absent. PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION RESOLUTION APPROVING PROJECT AREA AND PROJECT DISTRICT AREA (THE DETROIT SKATING CLUB, INC. PROJECT - CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BLOOMFIELD There is a need in Oakland County for projects to alleviate and prevent unemployment, to assist and retain local industrial and commercial enterprises and to s trengthen and revitalize the County's economy. The County should encourage the location and expansion of such enterprises to provide needed services and facilities. The Detroit Skating Club is a membership club that owns and operates a two -rink ice skating facility offering figure skating instruction and rental ice time for hockey teams. The project will refinance $4 million in bonds, a $400,000 loan and add a 6,000 square foot fitness center, with equipment, to their existing 100,000 square foot facility. Total project cost is $8,000,000 creating 12 jobs and retaining 72. Gershenson moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Molnar. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Hatchett absent. Planning & Building Committee Page 4 October 18, 2005 PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION RESOLUTION CONFIRMING APPOINTMENT OF ADDITIONAL EDC DIRECTORS (THE DETROIT SKATING CLUB, INC. PROJECT - CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BLOOMFIELD It is necessary to confirm the County Executive's appointment of two additional directors to the Board of Economic Development in connection with the Detroit Skating Club, Inc., Project. The County Executive has recommended Jan Roncelli and Kathy Rhodes who are representative of neighborhood residents and business interests likely to be affected by the Project. Molnar moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Gershenson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Hatchett absent. REVIEW OF BU ILDING AUTHORITY PURPOSE AND RESPONSIBILITIES Materials regarding this issue were distributed to Committee members last month. Chairperson Palmer suggested the Articles of Incorporation and By Laws of the Building Authority should be reviewed as there have been amendments to them and several issues have recently come to the attention of the Board of Commissioners that require clarification. Chairperson Palmer, and Commissioners Douglas, Middleton and Woodward volunteered to review these items, plus questi ons posed by the Committee, in an effort to update and clarify the Building Authority responsibilities and purpose. The Committee posed the following concerns to be addressed: ✓ Change reference to Board of Supervisors to Board of Commissioners ✓ Article III – Articles of Incorporation – clarify the purpose of the Authority ✓ Authority originally three members with a quorum being two. The Authority now has five members, therefore the quorum should be adjusted ✓ Article VII – Acquiring property ✓ Article VIII – Power to contract ✓ Article IX –Authority to furnish and equip. Define "Provided that such bonds shall be payable solely from the revenues of such property" ✓ Article XII – "The Commission shall act by motion, resolution or ordinance". When would an ordinance b e used in place of a resolution? What is the difference? ✓ Article XIV – Annual Audit required – has this been done? If so Planning & Building should receive a copy ✓ By-Laws - should the fiscal year of the Authority coincide with the Counties'? ✓ Section 3 – Add "be in compliance with State Law regarding the Open Meetings Act". ✓ Section 4 - Clarify "by the Chairman or by the other two Commissioners" The Authority now has five members. Reconsider the statement, "…however, that notice may be waived in writing either before or after a meeting…" ✓ Section 5 – All meetings of the Commission held….."in the Committee Room of the Oakland County Building, Supervisors Auditorium." ✓ Section 6 Establish proper quorum ✓ Section 11 – By-Laws may be amended by the affirmative vo te of two (should be three) members. Should the Board of Commissioners approve amendments? Questions for Bond counsel: What does Article III allow? What does Article VIII, Power to Contract, mean? Should priority be given to repay the bonds issued for the project from any revenues/income? What is the proper use of excess funds beyond the purpose of what's bonded for? These questions will be circulated to all Committee members for their input. Planning & Building Committee Page 5 October 18, 2005 OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Gershenson invited other Committee members to tour the Golden Oaks facility along with Commissioners Middleton and Potter following the meeting. Commissioner Gershenson indicated she had received a letter from Pros ecutor Gorcyca and requested information as how to address his concerns. There being no further business to come before the Committee the meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m. __________________________________ Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator ___________________________________ Lawrence M. Doyle, Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.