HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2006.05.01 - 36080WILLIAM R. PATTERSON Chairperson CHRISTINE LONG Vice Chairperson MATTIE MCKINNEY HATCHETT Minority Vice Chairperson May 1, 2006 Chairperson Patterson called the meeting of the General Government Committee to order at 2:04 p.m. in Committee Room A, Commissioners’ Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: William R. Patterson, Christine Long, Mattie McKinney Hatchett, Hugh D. Crawford, Eric Wilson, Eileen Kowall, Will Molnar, Vincent Gregory, David Coulter, Tim Melton COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT CORPORATION COUNSEL Judy Cunningham, Corporation Counsel John Ross, Assistant Corporation Counsel EXECUTIVE OFFICES Phil Bertolini, Deputy County Executive/CIO FRIEND OF THE COURT Suzanne Hollyer, Friend of the Court HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Thomas Gordon, Ph.D., Director INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Ed Poisson, Director Janette M. McKenna, Chief THE DETROIT NEWS Maureen Feighan, Reporter OLHSA Ron Borngesser, Chief Executive Officer ROAD COMMISSION OF OAKLAND COUNTY Tom Noechel, Programming Supervisor BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Jeff Potter, Commissioner, District #8 Larry Doyle, Administrative Director Harvey Wedell, Senior Analyst Sheryl Mitchell, Senior Analyst Pamela Worthington, Committee Coordinator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT None. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0470 Telephone (248) 858-0100 FAX (248) 858 -1572 GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Hugh D. Crawford Eric Wilson Eileen Kowall Will Molnar Vincent Gregory David Coulter Tim Melton GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 2 May 1, 2006 Kowall moved to amend the minutes of March 27, 2006, as follows: 1. The following name should be amended throughout the minutes as follows: Joe Kewilh Zikewich, Veteran 2. Page 2, Item #4, the Title should be changed, as follows: MR #06070 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – SUPPORT FOR BILL RESTRICTING PROTECTS PROTESTS AT FUNERALS 3. Page 3, Item #3, the Title should be changed, as follows: MR #06050 – BOARD OF COMMIKSSIONERS SUPPORT FOR SECOND CHANCE ACT OF 2005 TO PROVIDE COMMUNITY SAFETY THROUGH RECIDIVISM PREVENTION Supported by Wilson. Motion to amend carried on a voice vote. Kowall moved approval of the March 27, 2006 minutes, as amended. Supported by Wilson. Motion carried on a voice vote. AGENDA Kowall moved to amend the agenda by adding MR #06087, Board of Commissioners – Opposition to K-16 Spending Mandate to the agenda as Item #8. Supported by Wilson. Motion to amend the agenda carried on a voice vote. AGENDA ITEMS 1. ROAD COMMISSION FOR OAKLAND COUNTY – FY 2006 TRI-PARTY PROGRAM In accordance with Public Act 253 of 1917, MCL 247.121, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners is permitted to appropriate funding from the General Fund to the Road Fund for the Oakland County Road Commission, provided there is a surplus in the General Fund and that the monies are used for construction, maintenance, and repair of highways. Per MR #03237, these funds may be released to the Road Commission upon approval of the specific projects by the General Government Committee of the Board of Commissioners. The Tri-Party Program for 2006 was reviewed and approved by the Board of the Road Commission for Oakland County on April 13, 2006. The list includes 38 project locations, along with accumulations for future projects, proposed by 20 townships and 39 cities and villages. The total amount of Tri -Party money in these projects equals $6.75 million, which will contribute to over $113 million in road improvements over the next three years. Wilson moved approval of the FY 2006 Tri-Party Program. Supported by Long. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 3 May 1, 2006 Motion carried on a roll call vote with Hatchett absent. 2. DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – SECOND QUARTER 2006 DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATION TRANSFER Every quarter the Department of Information Technology submits a report with all data processing costs, which is incorporated as a single appropriation within the non-departmental budget. Then an amount equal to the actual expense is transferred to the user department with a summary report to the Finance Committee. The Department of Information Technology has determined the Second Quarter 2006 data processing development charges to be $1,430,358.93 and the imaging development charge to be $68,822.53 for the General Fund/General Purpose County departments. Direct charges to Special Revenue and proprietary fund departments are $253,337.75, and non-county agencies are $1,114.50 for the Second Quarter of 2006. The resolution reflects that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has reviewed the Second Quarter 2006 Data Processing Development Report and approves the Second Quarter appropriation transfer as specified on the attached schedule. Wilson moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Coulter. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Hatchett absent. 3. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2005/2006 MASTER PLAN QUARTERLY STATUS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Master Plan Quarterly Status Executive Summary provides an overview of the services and hours provided by IT during the 2005/2006 Master Plan period. The Master Plan Quarterly Status Executive Summary is an overview of the projects contained in the 2005/2006 Master Plan, and it is updated quarterly for the Board of Commissioners’ review. The summary details actual hours worked and a project completion date. This particular summary shows 184 Enhancement and New Development projects on the 2005-2006 Master Plan across the 11 Leadership Groups. Of these projects, 66 are completed, 99 are in process and 19 have not been started. As of March 31, 2006, 115,077 hours of Information Technology labor have been expended on project -based work. Mr. Bertolini gave an update on Thin Client. He said that their goal was to commit a new environment and savings of time to lower the cost of ownership. They are still doing Thin Client, but they are now evolving their Thin Client approach. They are taking advantage of the new Thick Clients, as the prices have dropped. He will bring back a full report on Thin Client to the Board of Commissioners soon. They are still moving forward; however, they are finding software available that does not need to be installed on each individual computer to access. Crawford moved to receive and file the Master Plan Quarterly Status Executive Summary. Supported by Wilson. Motion carried on a voice vote. 4. MR #06080 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – SUPPORT FOR CONTINUED FEDERAL FUNDING OF BYRNE GRANTS The resolution reflects that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports the United States Senate amendment to the 2007 Budget Resolution restoring funding to the Byrne Justice GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 4 May 1, 2006 Assistance Grant (JAG) program to the 2003 level of $900 million. Hatchett moved to report to the full Board with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. Supported by Gregory. Kowall moved to report to the full Board with the recommendation that the BY line be amended, as follows: BY: Commissioners Marcia Gershenson, District 17 and Jeff Potter, District 8 Supported by Gregory. Motion to amend carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Main motion, as amended, carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 5. MR #06079 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – SMALL BUSINESS HEALTH CARE STUDY GROUP REPORTING EXTENSION The resolution authorizes the extension of the Small Business Health Care Study Group’s reporting date for an additional six months to allow for a complete and thorough review of the feasibility of Oakland County establishing a health care program for small businesses. There is some pending litigation concerning Macomb County in regards to liability, and they would like to see the outcome of that lawsuit. Molnar moved to report to the full Board with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. Supported by Melton. Crawford moved to report to the full Board with the recommendation that the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph be amended, as follows: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes an extension of the Small Business Health Care Study Group’s reporting date for an additional six three months to allow for a complete and thorough review of the feasibility of Oakland County establishing a health care program for small businesses. Supported by Long. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Crawford (1) NAYS: Long, Hatchett, Wilson, Kowall, Molnar, Gregory, Coulter, Melton, Patterson (9) Motion to amend failed. Main motion carried on a roll call vote with Crawford voting no. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 5 May 1, 2006 6. FRIEND OF THE COURT CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE – PUBLIC MEMBER VACANCY Fred Lebowitz submitted his letter of resignation from the Friend of the Court Citizen Advisory Committee (FOC-CAC), effective February 27, 2006. He was serving on the FOC -CAC as a member of the general public. It is up to the General Government Committee to determine what process they want to follow to fill this vacancy before reporting their recommendation to t he full Board. Suzanne Hollyer cited Michigan Compiled Law 552.504, subsection 3, which states, “A vacancy on the citizen advisory committee shall be filled for the remainder of the term in the same manner as the position was originally filled. “ She explained that originally all of these positions were filled in collaboration with the circuit court, the family division administrator, and there was some work done to assure that committee members did not have cases that were particularly problematic. Coulter made a motion to advertise for the position of General Public member of the Friend of the Court Citizen Advisory Committee. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a voice vote. 7. GOLDEN OAKS MEDICAL CARE FACILITY – STATE AUDIT At the last General Government Committee meeting of March 27, 2006, Commissioner Melton had asked that a copy of the State Audit for Golden Oaks be made available to the commissioners and that the topic be placed on today’s agenda. The State Audit was distributed in today ’s meeting packets. Dr. Gordon was available to answer questions. He explained that all of the complaints have been corrected. There were 500 items that the facility potentially could have been cited on. They were cited on 27. There was discussion about the facility and what could be done to make it profitable. There is a Request for Proposal that is due by the middle of May. Commissioner Melton asked if the commissioners could get a copy of it when it is available. Dr. Gordon mentioned that he would submit it to Larry Doyle for distribution to the commissioners. At this time the Golden Oaks facility is not generating enough revenue due to the reduction in clients using the facility. Dr. Gordon also explained that upgrades need to be done, but it is not economically feasible at this time. Some of the commissioners have received calls from constituents asking them not to close this facility. Commissioners Melton and Long expressed their concern about the fact that there is not enough publicity to inform the citizens of Oakland County that Golden Oaks even exists. Commissioner Long stated that she had seen a list of nursing homes provided by a hospital, and Golden Oaks was not on the list. Commissioner Wilson suggested that, in light of all the questions and concerns expressed by the commissioners, that there could be a task force or study group created to study all of the issues regarding the Golden Oaks Medical Care Facility and give a written recommendation to the Board before a decision is made on th e fate of this facility. Commissioners Hatchett and Melton mentioned that they would like to be a part of a task force or study group, if one was created. Chairperson Patterson charged the committee with the task of calling Cindy Davis, Administrator, to set up an appointment with her to tour the Golden Oaks Medical Care Facility, ask the questions that they would like answered, and come back to the committee with their findings within the next month. Commissioner Crawford moved to create a subcommitte e titled, “Golden Oaks Subcommittee”, with the membership consisting of Commissioners Crawford, Wilson, Patterson, Hatchett and Melton. Supported by Melton. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 6 May 1, 2006 Motion carried on a voice vote. Chairperson Patterson stated that the first meeting of the Go lden Oaks Subcommittee will take place immediately following the May 15 General Government Committee meeting. Coulter moved to receive and file the Golden Oaks Medical Care Facility State Audit. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a voice vote. 8. MR #06087 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – OPPOSITION TO K-16 SPENDING MANDATE Commissioners Kowall and Crawford sponsored this resolution. The resolution reflects that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners is opposed to a guaranteed educational infl ationary increase which favors the educational sector at the expense of all other public sectors and that would prevent counties from funding critical mandated services. Kowall moved to report to the full Board with the recommendation that the resolut ion be adopted. Supported by Crawford. Kowall moved to report to the full Board with the recommendation that the resolution be amended, as follows: 1. The 1st WHEREAS paragraph should be amended, as follows: WHEREAS, the American School Board Journal r eleased their “Educational Vital Signs” report indicating that the state State of Michigan ranks second only to Vermont in amount of state budget dedicated to education, with 31.5%, while the national average in is 21.7%; and 2. The 6th WHEREAS paragraph should be amended, as follows: WHEREAS, according to a recent MSUE/MACAO survey, counties are required on average to provide over $1 billion worth of state mandated services annually, but are only reimbursed from the state State on the average of about 55%; an d 3. The 7th WHEREAS paragraph should be amended, as follows: WHEREAS, the State Legislature and Governor are obligated to provide funding for Michigan’s’ Michigan’s counties as they come back into revenue sharing beginning in F.Y. 2008, as part of means for counties to provide these state mandated, critical services; and 4. The 8th WHEREAS paragraph should be amended, as follows: WHEREAS, if the K-16 mandate is passed, it will cost Michigan over $1 billion in additional dollars in F.Y. 2007 alone, and with locked-in annual inflationary increases would surely cut into funding for revenue sharing, Medicaid and other critical services counties and Michigan’s citizens depend upon; and. 5. The NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph should be amended, as follows: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners is opposed to a guaranteed educational inflationary increase which GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 7 May 1, 2006 favors the educational sector at the expense of all other public sectors and that would prevent counties from funding critical mandated services; and . 6. The BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph should be amended, as follows: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Commissioners’ lobbyist, the Michigan Association of Counties, the Michigan State Legislature & the Governor. Supported by Crawford. Motion to amend carried on a roll call vote with Molnar absent. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Long, Crawford, Wilson, Kowall, Patterson (5) NAYS: Hatchett, Gregory, Coulter, Melton (4) Main motion, as amended, carried on a roll call vote. COMMUNICATIONS A. Oakland County Library Board Minutes of December 21, 2005 B. Oakland County Library Board Minutes of February 22, 2006 C. Letter of Resignation from Friend of the Court Citizens Advisory Committee Member Fred Lebowitz, Effective February 27, 2006 D. March 22, 2006, Memo from Bradley Comment, Michigan Association of Counties RE: HB 5831 and 5832 to allow County boards of Commissioners the Option of Dissolving their Road Commission and Assuming its Duties E. City of Berkley Resolution Supporting the City of Southfield’s Desire to Keep Catalpa Park as it Exists F. City of Southfield – Joint Resolution for Catalpa Park G. City of Royal Oak – Resolution Encouraging the Sale of Catalpa Park to the Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission H. City of Pleasant Ridge – Resolution Encouraging the Sale of Catalpa Park to the Oakland County Parks & Recreation Commission I. Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency Board of Directors Minutes of January 25, 2006 Commissioner Gregory suggested that letters go out to the communities who submitted copies of their resolutions supporting the purchase of Catalpa Park to inform them that they received their letters and to thank them for their input. Gregory moved to receive and file Communication s A-I. Supported by Melton. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 4:21 GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 8 May 1, 2006 p.m. ________________________ _______________________________ Pamela L. Worthington Lawrence Doyle Committee Coordinator Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.