HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2006.05.17 - 36086 OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD  PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48341-0470 Telephone: (248) 858-0100 FAX: (248) 858-1572 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE May 17, 2006 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jamian at 9:35 a.m. in Committee Room A, Auditorium Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Jamian, Thomas Middleton, Chuck Moss, William Patterson, Mike Rogers, John Scott, George Suarez, Mattie Hatchett and Jim Nash PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Eric Coleman OTHERS PRESENT: Human Resources Nancy Scarlet, Director Lori Motyka, Supervisor Kelly Siddiqui, Analyst David VandeGrift, Analyst Doug Williams, Retirement Administrator Equalization Dave Hieber, Manager Executive Bob Daddow, Deputy County Executive Sheriff's Office Ann Russell, Corrections Administrator Community Corrections Barb Hankey, Manager Prosecutors Office Debbie Carley Chief Deputy Others Per attached list Board of Commissioners Larry Doyle, Administrative Director Sheryl Mitchell, Senior BOC Analyst Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES Patterson moved to approve the minutes of April 27, 2006. Supported by Scott. Motion carried on a voice vote. Greg Jamian Chairperson Tom Middleton Majority Vice-Chair Eric Coleman Minority Vice-Chair Chuck Moss William Patterson Mike Rogers John A. Scott George W. Suarez Mattie Hatchett Jim Nash Personnel Committee Page 2 May 17, 2006 PUBLIC COMMENT None MR #06095 OAKLAND COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL – REQUEST FOR FUNDING EXPANSION OF TWO JAIL ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMS: ALTERNATIVE TO INCARCERATION PROGRAM AND LIFE SKILLS AND EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM The Oakland County jail continues to experience significant overcrowding requiring the Sheriff to declare a jail overcrowding state of emergency ultimately resulting in the early release of inmates. A Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) was established to explore the use of the County's jail and alternative programs and processes that might serve to mitigate the jail's use. The CJCC recommends the expansion of the Alternative to Incarceration and Life Skills and Employment Programs. These programs have proven to be effective in diverting offenders from jail. The request is for the creation of one Inmate Caseworker position in the Sheriff's Office/Corrective Services Detention Facilities Division/Jail Inmate Services Unit in support of the Life Skills and Employment program. Rogers moved the Personnel Committee Report to the full Board with the recommendation MR #06095 be adopted. Supported by Middleton. Suarez moved to amend the resolution as follows: Correct the title to read: Oakland County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council – Request for Funding Expansion of Two Jail Alternative Programs: Alternative to Incarceration Program and Life Employment and Skills Program Also in the 6th WHEREAS change Life Skills and Employment Programs to Life Employment and Skills Program Also in the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph change Life Skills and Employment program to Life Employment and Skills Program Supported by Hatchett. Motion to amend carried on a unanimous roll call vote with Coleman absent. Main motion as amended carried on a unanimous roll call vote with Coleman absent. Personnel Committee Page 3 May 17, 2006 MR #06097 PROSECUTING ATTORNEY – REORGANIZATION The Prosecutor has determined reorganization is needed to improve operating procedures and better align workload with current staff resources. The reorganization consists of the following: Create a new classification – Chief – Warrants Reclassify – Deputy Prosecutor – Warrants & Investigation to Chief-Warrants Assistant Prosecutor III to Assistant Prosecutor IV Transfer from Economic Crimes to Litigation/ Juvenile Assistant Prosecutor III Assistant Prosecutor II Prosecutor Investigator Transfer from Litigation/Circuit Court to Litigation/Juvenile Para-Legal Criminal Prosecution Transfer from Litigation/Circuit Court to Warrants Para-Legal Criminal Prosecution Transfer from Litigation/Circuit Court to Appellate Court/Appeals 2 Assistant Prosecutor IV positions Transfer from Appellate Court to Litigation/Circuit Court 2 Assistant Prosecutor III positions Delete the following positions Prosecutor Investigator – Warrants/Economic Crimes Unit Para-Legal – Criminal Prosecution – Litigation/Circuit Court Unit Create the following positions Office Assistant I – Litigation/District Court Office Assistant I – Administration/Case Records Legal Secretary – Litigation/Juvenile Court Service Officer II – Litigation/Juvenile Delete the Economic Crimes Unit in the Warrants Division Change the funding of one Para-Legal Crimination Prosecution position from GF/GP to SR (Jail Population Management fund). Suarez moved the Personnel Committee Report to the full Board with the recommendation MR #06097 be adopted. Supported by Patterson. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote with Coleman absent. Personnel Committee Page 4 May 17, 2006 MR# 06090 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET/EQUALIZATION DIVISION – CREATION OF ONE (1) EQUALIZATION APPRAISER I POSITION AND APPR OVAL OF CONTRACT FOR OAKLAND COUNTY EQUALIZATION DIVISION ASSISTANCE SERVICES WITH THE TOWNSHIP OF HOLLY Chairperson Jamian announced Human Resources distributed blue copies of MR #06090 to be substituted for the incorrect copy that was included in the packet. There was no objection. The Equalization Division provides a number of services to local units of government including original assessments, reappraisals, and file maintenance. The Township of Holly agrees to pay $14.28 per parcel for 4,955 real property parcels and $12.04 per parcel for 444 personal property parcels for a total contract value of $76,103. The creation of one GF/GP Equalization Appraiser I position is requested to perform these services. Continuation of this position is contingent upon continuation of the contract with the Township of Holly. Patterson moved the Personnel Committee Report to the full Board with the recommendation MR #06090 be adopted. Supported by Middleton. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote with Col eman absent. HUMAN RESOURCES – TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL ACTUARIAL VALUATION REPORT Mr. Williams highlighted some of the results of the Twenty-First Annual Actuarial Valuation of the assets, benefit values and contribution requirements associated with the retiree health benefits provided by the Oakland County Retiree Health Care Trust. This Report dated September 30, 2005 was provided by Gabriel Roeder Smith & Company. Moss received to Receive & File. Supported by Middleton. Motion carried on a voice vote. HUMAN RESOURCES – MODIFICATIONS TO EMPLOYEE AND RETIREE MEDICAL PLANS Over the past several years the cost of medical care has been increasing at significant rates nationwide. The County Executive is proposing the following changes to active and retir ee health care plans: ➢ Increase the Master Medical deductible to $200 single/$400 family for the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Plan Traditional Plan and the Blue Preferred Plan (PPO) ➢ Increase the office visit co-pay to $20 for the Blue Preferred Plan (PPO), Blue Choice Plan (POS), and Health Alliance Plan (HAP) ➢ Increase the HAP emergency room visit co-pay to $25 ➢ Modify the three tier prescription drug co-payment plan for all retirees to reflect the same rates paid by active employees ($5 generic, $10 brand name, a nd $25 non-formulary brand name). Personnel Committee Page 5 May 17, 2006 HUMAN RESOURCES – MODIFICATIONS TO EMPLOYEE AND RETIREE MEDICAL PLANS (Continued) Suarez moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Moss. Motion carried on a roll call vote: Jamian, Middleton, Moss, Patterson, Rogers, Scott, Suarez and Nash – yes Hatchett – no Coleman – absent HUMAN RESOURCES – EXTENSION OF MERIT SYSTEM ELIGIBILITY LIST Under the provisions of Section VI-H-1, of Merit System Resolution #4606 the Human Resources Department is requesting the extension of 14 Eligibility lists for six months. Scott moved to approve the extension of the requested Eligibility lists. Supported by Nash. Motion carried on a voice vote. COMMUNICATIONS Middleton moved to Receive & File Communication Items A – D. A. Position Change Summary Report B. Vacancy Report (based on 4/28 eop) C. Sheriff's Office FY 2006 BJA Congressionally Mandated Award US Department of Justice – Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant Application D. Department of Public Services/Community Corrections Division – 2006 Field- Initiated Demonstration Program/ Pontiac InStep Grant Application Supported by Suarez. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting adjourned at 10:48 a.m. _________________________________________ Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator _________________________________________ Lawrence M. Doyle, Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.