HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2006.09.14 - 36116CHUCK MOSS Chairperson MIKE ROGERS Vice Chairperson TIM MELTON Minority Vice Chairperson September 14, 2006 Chairperson Moss called the meeting of the Finance Comm ittee to order at 9:00 a.m., in the Board of Commissioners' Committee Room A, Commissioners' Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Chuck Moss, Mike Rogers, Tim Melton, Charles Palmer, Hugh Crawford, Eric Wilson, Greg Jamian, Christine Long, Helaine Zack, Dave Woodward COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE David Coulter OTHERS PRESENT CENTRAL SERVICES David VanderVeen, Director CIRCUIT COURT John Cooperrider, Business Administrator CORPORATION COUNSEL Mary Mara, Assistant Counsel DISTRICT COURT 52-1 Judge Brian MacKenzie Joyce Renfrow, Administrator Debby Bigger, Account Clerk EQUALIZATION Dave Hieber, Manager Lori Norris, Tax Standards Specialist FISCAL SERVICES Tim Soave, Manager Nancy Fournier, Chief LaVerne Smith, Supervisor Linda Pearson, Analyst Prentiss Malone, Analyst Gaia Piir, Budget Systems Coordinator HUMAN RESOURCES Jennifer Mason, Manager Mary Pardee, Supervisor INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Ed Poisson, Director Scott Oppmann, Manager Dawn Siegel, Supervisor MANAGEMENT & BUDGET Art Holdsworth , Deputy Director PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Dan Cojanu, Supervisor. SHERIFF Michael McCabe, Undersheriff Dale Cunningham, Business Manager\ Chuck Snarey, Captain Berry Zeeman, Lieutenant Kim Rossman, Lieutenant OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0470 Telephone (248) 858 -0100 FAX (248) 858-1572 FINANCE COMMITTEE Charles Palmer Hugh D. Crawford Eric Wilson Greg Jamian Christine Long David Coulter Helaine Zack David Woodward FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 2 September 14, 2006 OTHERS PRESENT CONTINUED SUPPORT SERVICES Todd Birkle, Manager DETROIT FREE PRESS Maureen Feigher, Reporter BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Larry Doyle, Administrative Director Harvey Wede ll, BOC Analyst Sheryl Mitchell, BOC Analyst Julia Ruffin, BOC Liaison Helen Hanger, Sr. Committee Coordinator MINUTES Crawford moved approval of the previous minutes of August 17 , 2006, as printed. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT None. CONTINGENCY REPORT The FY 2006 Contingency Fund balance of $ $335,986 will be reduced by $6,112 with adoption of Item 8 to $329,874. As a result of overtime worked by the Aud it Division, the Salary Appropriation-Overtime balance of $53,000 will reduced by $19,725 to $33,275. The FY Grant Match Line Account will be increased from $2,994,059 to $3,014,059 with adoption of item 10. An updated sheet on Environmental infrastructu re Fund Reimbursements to local units was distributed. Crawford moved to receive and file the FY 2006 Contingency Report dated September 7, 2006. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried on a voice vote. CONSENT AGENDA 6a. DRAIN COMMISSIONER – 2006 LAKE LEVEL ASSESSMENTS FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The Drain Commissioner is requesting authorization to assess, levy and collect $291,083.65 for the year 2006 against all benefiting properties and government entities comprising the assessment rolls, for the purpose of operating and maintaining 24 lake levels located within Oakland County. The County's share of assessments is $1,943.73 and is available in the Non -Departmental Account - Drain Assessments. 6b. DRAIN COMMISSIONER – 2006 CHAPTER 4 DRAIN MAINTE NANCE ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION The Drain Commissioner is requesting authorization to assess, levy and collect $143,196.17 for the year 2006 against all benefiting properties and government entities comprising the assessment rolls, for the purpose of maintaining, cleaning and repairing 35 Chapter 4 drains within Oakland County. The County's share of assessments is $8,270.01 and is available in the Non-Departmental Account - Drain Assessments. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 3 September 14, 2006 6c. DRAIN COMMISSIONER – 2006 CHAPTER 18 DRAIN MAINTENANCE ASS ESSMENT RESOLUTION The Drain Commissioner is requesting authorization to assess, levy and collect $34,350.28 for the year 2006 against all benefiting properties and government entities comprising the assessment rolls, for the purpose of maintaining, cleaning and repairing 17 Chapter 18 drains within Oakland County. The County's share of assessments is $4,300.93 and is available in the Non-Departmental Account - Drain Assessments. Palmer moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note s for Consent Agenda items 6a – 6c. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Coulter and Woodward absent. REGULAR AGENDA 7. TREASURER’S OFFICE/DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – APPROPRIATION FOR IMPLEMENTATION – DELINQUENT TAX RECEIVABLE SYSTEM The Treasurer’s Office is requesting authorization to utilize $3,598,564 from the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund to implement a new Delinquent Tax Receivable System developed through Information Technology . The existing system has reached its useful life and become inefficient to maintain. Budget amendments will be made as outlined in the resolution. Rogers moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Wilson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Coulter absent. 8. MR #06172 – SHERIFF’S OFFICE – CONTRACT FOR COURT SECURITY AT THE 50 TH DISTRICT COURT – PONTIAC FOR 2006/2007/2008 The Sheriff is requesting authorization to contract with the 50th District Court to provide security through September 30, 2008. The contract will create one full -time eligible Deputy II position, four full-time eligible Deputy I positions and four part-time, non-eligible Court Deputy II positions. Six prep radios, two personal computers with printer and five Tasers wil l be added to the County inventory at a cost of $6,112 to the Contingency Fund. This cost, as well as contract revenue and expenditures of $502,356 for FY 2007 and $521,749 for FY 2008, will be budgeted for as outlined in the Fiscal Note. Undersheriff McCabe explained that Judge Bowman has issued an order requiring the Oakland County Sheriff to attend to the 50 th District Court, dated June 19, 2006. The order further requires that the City of Pontiac bear the costs for this service. Deputies have been provided to the Court at an overtime rate since that time. The proposed contract will cut those costs. The contract contains the same provisions as those in place with other district courts for these services. Attempts are being made to facilitate this process by County Counsel through use of a mediator. To date four Pontiac police officers have been hired by the County as deputies and the eligibility list has been reopened so it is possible that additional laid off officers may be hired. Chairman Moss explained that if the City does not pay for the se services, funds will be taken out of its portion of the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund and the City can address the issue from that point. Mr. Soave reported that Fiscal Services would be developing a contingency report similar to that for Royal Oak Township’s law enforcement services. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 4 September 14, 2006 Jamian moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Wilson. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Melton voting no and Coulter absent . 9. SHERIFF’S OFFICE – GRANT YEAR 2006 BIOMETRIC IDENTIFICATION DEVICES TECHNOLOGY GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Sheriff is requesting authorization to accept United States Department of Justice grant funding of $1,974,456 to purchase Biometric Identification Devices for use with the Court and Law Enforcement Management Information Systems. The grant funding period is November 22, 2005, through November 21, 2008. This is the third year of funding. Funds will be used to purchase portable devices that will take fingerprints and send them to a central system for identification. No County match or positions are required. Budget amendments will be made as outlined in the Fiscal Note. Zack moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Coulter absent. 10. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY – FY 2007 DISTRICT COURT ADVOCACY PROGRAM – VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT (VOCA) GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Prosecuting Attorney is requesting authorization to accept a $125,018 FY 2007 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) grant from the Michigan Department of Community Health . Of the award amount $100,014 is that state contribution and $25,004 will be provided by the County. The County’s share includes voluntary part - time Victim Advocate intern positions and a cash match of $20,000. The grant does not allow for recovery of the County’s administrative and support costs of $11,191. Budget amendments will be made as outlined in the Fiscal Note. Wilson moved approval of the attached sugges ted Fiscal Note. Supported by Rogers. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Coulter absent. 11. MR #06171 – CIRCUIT COURT/FAMILY DIVISION – OAKLAND COUNTY CHILD CARE FUND BUDGET 2006-2007 The Circuit Court Family Division is requesting au thorization to submit its October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007 plan and budget for funding foster care services to the Child and Family Services Office of the Bureau of Juvenile Justice, Department of Human Services. The budget reflects $33,230,113 in gross expenditures and $2,300,000 in offsetting revenues, leaving a net expenditure of $30,930,113, a $3,467,612 increase from the previous year. Net expenditures are shared 50/50 by the State and County, rendering a state reimbursement of $15,465,057 should the State approve the budget and the County expend the funds. Figures provided are estimates for budgeting purposes based on current available data and may not reflect the eventual adopted budget and/or expenditures for this program. No budget amendment is necessary at this time. Zack moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Coulter absent. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 5 September 14, 2006 12. MR #06170 – 52ND DISTRICT COURT, DIVISION I – FISCAL YEAR 200 7 MICHIGAN SOBRIETY COURT FEE INCREASE AND CREATION OF PROBATION OFFICE I POSITION The 52-1 District Court is requesting authorization to increase its Sobriety Court fee from $130 to $240 effective October 1, 2006. The fee will continue to be imposed on all offenders convicted of drinking and driving related charges. Funds will be used to continue two Probation Officer II positions and to create one additional Probation Officer I general fund position for the program to replace State Court Administrative Office grant funding for an equal position set to expire September 30, 2006. Fee assessment is estimated to generate approximately $228,000 based on 1,000 cases annually with a 95% collection rate. The annual position cost is $215,916. Budget amendmen ts will be made as outlined in the Fiscal Note. Judge MacKenzie indicated that the 52 -1 District Court processes over 1,000 new drunk driving cases annually, one of the highest volumes of in the state of Michigan. Those who can’t pay or can and won’t a re ordered to work in the community garden. Crawford moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 13. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES/CHILDREN’S VILLAGE DIVISION – FY 2006-2007 CHILDREN’S VILLAGE SCREENING PROJECT GRANT ACCEPTANCE Children’s Village is requesting authorization to accept Michigan De partment of Community Health funds of $73,000 for use in monitoring sexually transmitted diseases in adolescents in specia l settings. This is the seventh year of the funding for the Adolescent Screening Project. Funds will be used to continue one special revenue part-time, non-eligible General Staff Nurse position, to be shared by two part-time non- eligible General Staff Nurses. The County’s indirect costs of $7,217for FY 2007 are not recoverable through the grant. Budget amendments will be made as outlined in the Fiscal Note. Palmer moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Coulter absent. 14. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION – COMMUNITY GARDEN MINI -GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Parks and Recreation Commission is requesting authorization to accept a $1,500 mini -grant from the Michigan Recreation and Park Association and the Michigan Department of Community Health, for the period June 9, 2006 through August 31, 2006. Funds will be used to construct raised gardening beds and purchase general and adaptive equipment for a Horticulture Therapy pro gram at the Springfield Oaks Community Garden. Parks has designated in -kind funds estimated at $1,500 in its 2006 Operating Budget for expenditures related to transportation of groups to the program site. A budget amendment will be made to accept the grant award as outlined in the Fiscal Note. Wilson moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Coulter absent. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 6 September 14, 2006 15. HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT – SALARY ADMINISTRATION P LAN 3RD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR FY 2006 Under the Salary Administration Plan, the Human Resources Department has reviewed 10 classifications / 19 positions and is recommending that 5 classifications / ten positions be upgraded and five classifications / 9 positions remain the same. Budget amendments will be made as outlined in the Fiscal Note. Jamian moved to report to amend the resolution to include an additional paragraph to read: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Facilities Engineer supervisor position (#1040801-03179) be retitled to Facilities Project Coordinator. Supported by Rogers. Motion to report to amend carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Coulter absent. Jamian moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Rogers. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Coulter absent. 16. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET / EQUALIZAITON DIVISION – APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR OAKLAND COUNTY EQUALIZATION DIVISION ASSISTANCE SERVICES WITH THE TOWNSHIP OF NOVI The Equalization Division is requesting authorization to contract with the Township of Novi to provide services including original assessments, reappraisals and file maintenance. The Township will pay the County $14.00 for each real or personal property descriptio n rendered for the life of the contract. Revenue and expenditures for this contract are included in the FY 2007 budget. Crawford moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Long. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Coulter absent. 17. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET – REVISED PAYMENT PROCEDURES FOR OAKLAND COUNTY FAMILY COURT WARDS SUPERVISED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES (DHS) The proposed resolution would institute payment procedures used to char ge the County for State Wards on the “cost report” as specifically identified in the resolution. A copy of the September 8, 2006 , letter to Ms. Warner, Director of the Michigan Department of Human Services, Oakland County Office (MDHS-O), explaining this change in procedure was distributed. Mr. Soave explained that problems actually started with review of the 2004 Third Quarter Forecast when MDHS-O came in with invoices of $1 million for foster care payments which the County knew nothing about. These same issue was discussed last year at this time and resulted in adoption of MR #05239, creating a 60-day time frame from the end of the month in which services were rendered to submit billing to the County, giving the vendors 30 days to submit to MDHS-O and MDHS-O another 30 days to p rocess and submit these invoices to the County. An amnesty period for invoices was provided until the new process was fully implemented February 1, 2006. Since that time, over 400 invoices totaling $414,000 or 10% of what the County pays for foster care have been received delinquent and have been sent back to MDHS-O. Attempts to work with MDHS-O have not improved the situation and the vendors are caught in the middle. Currently the vendor provides the service, MDHS -O reviews the invoice, makes sure it falls under the Oakland County Child Care Fund, marks it off and sends the invoice to the County for review and FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 7 September 14, 2006 payment. There are times when the County pays and it is later found to be incorrect and must seek redress from the State. The proposed resolution would not change the 60 day deadline but would hand over invoices to MDHS -O to review, pay and request reimbursement from the County for 50%. This change in process would take the vendors out of the middle of the dispute betw een the County and the State. Ms. Warner has indicated that her office was willing to look at this change but does not believe they have the legal authority to pay vendors directly. There is a show cause hearing scheduled for next week on this matter to answer the questions of whether MDHS-O can pay their vendors directly or if the county has to pay first. Ms. Warner was invited to attend today’s meeting but was unable to do so and did not send staff to respond to questions. Commissioners Zack, Melton and Woodward indicated that they would prefer to wait for the results of the show cause hearings before taking action. Jamian moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Moss. Zack moved to postpone this item until the next regular meeting of the Finance Committee. Supported by Melton. Roll Call Ayes: Melton, Zack, Woodward Nays: Crawford, Wilson, Jamian, Long, Rogers, Palmer, Moss Absent: Coulter Motion to postpone failed. Main motion carried on a roll call vote with Zack, Wood ward and Melton voting no and Coulter absent. 18. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET – FISCAL YEAR 2006 THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL FORECAST AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS The FY 2006 Third Quarter Forecast is projecting an overall year end favorability of $10,243,5 83 for General Fund operations due to receipt of $4,313,617 more revenue than anticipated and expending $5,929,966 less than budgeted. The resolution would authorize budget amendments for the third quarter as detailed in the resolution and attachments. T he resolution was revised from the previous handout of August 17, 2006, to include amendments to appropriate additional funds of $510,000 for the Motorpool as a result of increased fuel costs and a transfer fr om the Revenue Sharing Reserve F und to the Capital Cooperative Initiatives Revolving Fund. Commissioner Rogers asked how fuel is purchased. Mr. Birkle explained that there is a 32,000 gallon fuel storage tank on site and fuel is purchased directly from the wholesaler, another means is through the Roa d Commission at any of its sites and through a Voyager Credit Card that is state and federal tax exempt. On-site fueling costs are about $1.95 this year, $2.35 from RCOC sites and $2.65 with the credit card. The RCOC computerized fueling sites automatically factor in administrative costs, accounting for the difference in price . Mr. VanderVeen added that an additional fuel storage capacity of 20,000 gallons will be added on site under the current Capital Improvement Program. Commissioner Wilson asked if the County is using or considering use of hybrids. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 8 September 14, 2006 Mr. Birkle explained that they have looked at various alternatives to standard vehicles but due to the higher costs for hybrids and problems in getting fuel for 85/15 vehicles it is not an option at this time. Wilson moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Rogers. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Coulter absent. 19. FINANCE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR PARKS AND RECREATION FY 2007 AND FY 2008 BUDGET The Parks and Recreation Commission has finalized its FY 2007 and FY 2008 recommended budget, consisting solely of funds resulting from its voted millage, and has submitted it for inclusion in the Finance Committee’s recommended budget. Crawford moved to report that the Finance Committee recommends that the attached Fiscal Year 2007 and Fiscal Year 2008 Parks and Recreation Budget be incorporated into the Finance Committee FY 2007 and FY 2008 Recommended Budget. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Coulter absent. 20. BOARD OFCOMMISSIONERS – 2006 COUNTY GENERAL FUND PROPERTY TAX ANDPARKS AND RECREATION TAX RATES The resolution would authorize the supervisors of the various townships and assessing officers of the several cities of Oakland County to spread on their respective township or city tax rolls for the year 2006 the tax rates of 4.1900 Mills for General Property Tax Levy, 0.2415 Mill voted for Parks and Recreation and 0.2146 Mill for the Huron -Clinton Park Authority. Palmer moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Coulter absent. COMMUNICATION ITEMS A. Circuit Court/Friend of the Court – FY 2007 Access and Visitation Grant Application B. Sheriff’s Office – FY 2007 Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program Grant Application C. Sheriff’s Office – FY 2007 Auto Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA) Grant Application D. County Executive – Emergency Response and Preparedness – Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Grant Application E. Department of Health and Human Services – Health Division – 2007 Transportation Grant for Pregnant Women Grant Application F. Department of Information Technology - CLEMIS Funds – Financial Statements and Schedules for the Nine Months Ended June 30, 2006 FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 9 September 14, 2006 G. Notice of Public Hearing Re: Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for PBR International USA LTD – 1979 Atlantic Blvd., Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326 Crawford moved to receive and file Communication A-G. Supported by Palmer. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the committe e, the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m. ________________________ _______________________________ Helen A. Hanger Lawrence M. Doyle Senior Committee Coordinator Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.