HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2006.12.05 - 36136 December 5, 2006 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Palmer at 9:35 a.m. in Committee Room A, Auditorium Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles E. Palmer, Sue Ann Douglas, Jim Nash, Tom Middleton, Jeff Potter, William D. Molnar, Mattie Hatchett, and Dave Woodward PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Marcia Gershenson OTHERS PRESENT: Facilities Management David Ross, Director Robert Larkin, Supervisor Maintenance Dick Johnston, Manager Engineering Paul Hunter, Manager Central Services David VanderVeen, Director Sheriff’s Department Mike McCabe, Undersheriff Dale Cunn ingham, Business Manager Corporation Counsel Judy Cunningham, Corporation Counsel John Ross, Assistant Corporation Counsel Parks & Recreation Dan Stencil, Executive Director Axe & Ecklund, P.C. Peter Ecklund, Bond Counsel Board of Commissioners Bill Bullard, Commissioner, District #2 Larry Doyle, Administrative Director Sheryl Mitchell, BOC Senior Analyst Harvey Wedell, BOC Senior Analyst Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator Chairperson Palmer led the Committee in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF THE November 14, 2006 MINUTES Hatchet moved approval of the minutes of November 14, 2006 as printed. Supported by Molnar. Motion carried on a voice vote. 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD  PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48341-0470 Telephone: (248) 858-0100 FAX: (248) 858-1572 PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Tom Middleton Jeff Potter William D. Molnar Mattie Hatchett Marcia Gershenson Dave Woodward Charles E. Palmer Chairperson Sue Ann Douglas Vice Chairperson Jim Nash Minority Vice Chairperson Planning & Building Committee Page 2 December 5, 2006 PUBLIC COMMENT None An amended agenda was distributed adding three items to the Consent Agenda. CONSENT AGENDA Middleton moved to amend the agenda adding Items E, F and G and to approve the Consent Agenda. A. Coordinating Zoning Committee Minutes – November 14, B. Oakland County Building Authority Minutes - October 11, 2006 C. Facility Inspection Tour of Administrative Annex I and Rochester District Court 52 -3 - Commissioner Potter D. Facilities Management 2006 Capital Improvement Program Monthly Progress Rep ort November 2006 E. USEPA Brownfield Grant Application F. Brownfield Redevelopment Authority Board Minutes 4/20/2005 G. Brownfield Redevelopment Authori ty Board Minutes 11/15/2005 Supported by Nash. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda carried on a voice vote . PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION – LEASE WITH OAK MANAGEMENT In 1974 the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission entered into a Concession Agreement with Oak Management to operate the food and/or alcohol concessions at Oakland County parks. The Agreement and subsequent Amendments also give Oak Management “the exclusive right in all facilities subject to this Agreement to operate restaurant facilities.” Corporation Counsel has reviewed the Agreement and has determined this Agreement and subsequen t 10 Amendments constituted a Lease of County property and must be approved by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Approval will extend the Lease between the Parks and Recreation Commission and Oak Management to December 31, 2015 Middleton moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Molnar. Douglas moved to amend the resolution by changing the 10 th WHEREAS paragraph to read as follows: “WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners is mindful and appreciative of the long -standing relationship between the parties and has determined to waive the County’s customary competitive bidding processes, thereby maintaining the continuity of quality services provided by Oak Management; and to recognize the current agreement that the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has established with Oak Management; and” Supported by Middleton. Motion to amend carried on a voice vote. Douglas moved to amend the resolution by adding a BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph, “BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no further extensions beyond December 31, 2015 shall be made to this lease without an appropriate RFP procedure.” Supported by Woodward . Motion to amend carried on a voice vote. Main motion as amended carried unanimously on a rol l call vote with Gershenson absent. Planning & Building Committee Page 3 December 5, 2006 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – 2006 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE In accordance with Section “(D.) (5.)” Rule XI of the Board Rules, the Planning and Bu ilding Committee has completed the 2006 portion of its biennial inspection of County -owned buildings and grounds. Twenty one projects have been approved and completed in 2006. Three projects have been approved and expected to be completed in 2007. Mr. Ross requested another item be added to the Annual Report: Item 22. – Service Center 88 Acre Master Plan. When the packets were mailed this item was incomplete. There was no objection. Douglas moved the Planning & Building Committee Report to the Board with the recommendation the above referenced Report be accepted. Supported by Woodward. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gershenson absent. Chairperson Palmer suggested Item #5 be considered at this time. There was no objection. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT/FACILITIES ENGINEERING – AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDING FOR JAIL RENOVATION & VISITATION PROJECT The FY 2007 Capital Improvement Program identifies the Jail Renovation & Visitation Addition Project . With the proposed installation of a video visitation system, an addition to the Jail at the public visitation area is no longer necessary and the project title is revised to Jail Renovation & Visitation Project. The project encompasses renovation of portions of th e Law Enforcement Center (Jail) for a kitchen trusty dormitory, jail staff offices, renovation and addition to the kitchen receiving area, public visitation areas, including a video visitation system replacement of the jail fire alarm system, master contro l system, and relocation of the jail records staff. Contracts have been awarded for architectural/engineering services to Landmark Design Group PC in the amount of $191,195 and for construction management services to George W. Auch Company in the amount o f $428,420. An $800,000 advance from the Capital Improvement Program/ Building Fund will be returned. Total estimated project cost is $6,200,000. Funding for the project is available for transfer from the remaining balances of the 52 -3 District Courthou se Project ($2,904,006.58), Work Release Facility Project ($2,234,368.02), and from FY 2007 Capital Improvement Program/Building Improvement Fund Estimated Carry-Forward from Previous Year ($1,061,625.40). Middleton moved the Planning & Building Committe e Report to the Finance Committee with the recommendation the above referenced resolution be approved. Supported by Hatchett. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gershenson absent. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF THE REMAINING F UND BALANCE FROM THE WORK RELEASE PROJECT FUND TO THE JAIL RENOVATION & VISITATION PROJECT FUND An excess of at least $2,234,368.02 remains after completion of the Work Release Facility Project. The County proposes to undertake an additional project to c onstruct the Jail Renovation & Visitation Project with the funds remaining in part from the proceeds of the Work Release Facility Project bonds. It is necessary to amend the Lease Contract to provide for the Jail Project. Douglas moved approval of the a ttached suggested resolution . Supported by Molnar. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gershenson absent. Planning & Building Committee Page 4 December 5, 2006 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF THE REMAINING FUND BALANCE FRO M THE 52ND DISTRICT COURT, THIRD DIVISION PROJECT FUND TO THE JAIL RENOVATION & VISITATION PROJECT FUND An excess of at least $2,904,006.58 remains after completion of the 52 -3 Court Project. The County proposes to undertake an additional project to cons truct the Jail Renovation & Visitation Project with the funds remaining in part from the proceeds of the 52 -3 Court Project bonds. It is necessary to amend the Lease Contract to provide for the Jail Project. Douglas moved approval of the attached sugges ted resolution. Supported by Molnar. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gershenson absent. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDING FOR CENTRAL HEATING PLANT STRUCTURAL STEEL REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT PROJECT The Central Heating Plant houses the Oakland County Service Center’s four steam boilers, which supply over 150,000 pounds of high pressure steam per day to heat and/or cool fourteen facilities on the Pontiac Campus. During examination of exterior windows in the Central Heating Plant it was discovered the structural steel surrounding the windows is badly rusted, unable to support installation of new windows and causing failure to the exterior masonry. The project cost is estimated at $200,000 which is available for transfer from the FY 2007 Facilities Maintenance and Operations Fund Equity. Douglas moved the Planning & Building Committee Report to the Finance Committee with the recommendation the above referenced resolution be approved. Support ed by Molnar. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gershenson absent. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – ENGINEERING – SERVICE CENTER 88 ACRE MASTER PLAN An “Oakland County Service Center Sub -Area Master Plan, November 2006” was distributed. In 2000 Oakland County purchased 88 acres of land from the State of Michigan to provide for an ever - increasing need for future growth of the County campus. The site is currently zoned G -O-T, Governmental, Office and Technology. The possible uses identified by the County are in general compliance with the Permitted Principle Uses of the G -O-T zoning. A variety of framework options were developed to illustrate alternative circulation and development patterns in the study area. The master plan includes 667,100 square feet of additional building area and 2,460 additional parking spaces, with roadways and pedestrian walks to serve these facilities. Middleton moved to Receive & File. Supported by Douglas. Motion to Receive & File carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Palmer thanked the Committee for t heir input over the past year reminding them of the End of the Year Lunch immediately following. There being no further business to come before the Commi ttee the meeting adjourned at 11:16 a.m. ___________________________________ __________________________________ Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator Lawrence M. Doyle, Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.