HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1975.06.09 - 3621JUILt SOUTH LYON COMMUN I TY SUIltitn_,S ANN U211, SUIJAJUL J1IUI CANVASS OF AT THE ELECTION HELD ON June 9, 1975 (DATE Or MEC) ION) AND CAN VASS:g0.:..BY OF_ OAKTIAND ***2551PbtatomomocracgaixxxxxvorarzE II tt ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE FURNITURE AND SU 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHGAN Order by Form No. M..107 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Specicil Election € at s on . thlefinifi .ce• STATEMENT OF VOTES (vete -fo-r--not -more—than-1-)- BOARD OF EDUCATION KR or VOTES ',AIRMEN IN rind the y ;liven :Cif RSONS NIECE 1 V THE ()TES DAVID P. GRItIES ARLAND E. PHELPS EDWARD P. ELLSWORTH T •fo• term:: Ncyte—R11-71-mt=itoire—S.*-ti:-±) ::Tne whole Humber of votes g iven h•::.:r the office of BOARD •:•OF••: EDUCATION • MalBER • : • ‘1, •• one • • .•••• • • f:rd 1 Mcfj ..vf.fp•iftra. PERE(R4S Lrr1=TIE VPTLS : . NLIMPE OE V•DIE3 WRITTEN 1F4 GERALD F. KNAPP The wholefnuMb,.- votes given for the office of . onchithey we for the following named persons: . . . PERSONS REC.E.,VNG THE VOTES NUMPER Or •VOThS WRitiEN N kiDS : •••ili.:::..whol -e.'ilwrober of yOties given -for fliw. -of f•-f y vqe:e given fcr he followinr.f n:..pried persons: Ci 1 I V 0:i ES • PEIONs iCriIV IN N OMIT f:or:vr,DrEs wizni-rk:N ••••••••flfl41 9, 1975 • • • •• LEbAY: ZRO.S.. ISQ . _„. _ BOND PROPOSITION ...YES . NO •.',1.• •yEs :TOTALS BOARD OF EDUCATION _ BOARD OF EDUCATION .yr . _tens). . . . • "." • • • . . • • • .. • :7••‘,...?•:'..1:•.:•: • • • • • • . 7. TOTALS STATEMENT OF the South Lyon Community Schools/ sum of not to exceed One Million general obligation bonds therefor and equipping a new swimming pool and developing and improving the 09u1')M hL BOND. PROPOSITION .7_ Shall Oakland Washtenaw and Livingston Counties, Michigan borrow the Two Hundred iiinetY_ThoUsand_Dollars ($1 ,290 ,000) and issue its for the purpose of defraying the cost of erecting, furnishing, facility_as_an_addition to the South Lyon. nigh school Building site and necessary utilities therefor? PLiT fIC41.1111:ti THIS GOLWAN c OLA,h1.0": . . ry.nnber of vates for. and aciairkit ',mere whole run*pr of vate.5 and alcirkaci :..f BOND PROPOSITION Playing 444.444kKi Jc :St..;n:C:011 •VOteS: was efea tect Having •NIDT Receive Pa$Sed Soft: c'.1:nt vOrc-2:;: was" : R•eceived NONE . 1-•; ATTE'rif. CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION 7.1."'::;;NTE;OF .rTIc1FT OAKLAND . • ftc COUNTY Bo,:ird of •Canyass•ets a1.. the .. f :OAK:LiaID wit p .arz: • " y'it1/2Ge) SOUTH: LYON : ovituarry: SCHOOLS : hav:nu ANtLetioined (..ailvossed the Votes.:c4 sold „ :n it 1.:0.-;n5Jr.i r• at the ANNUAL SCHOOL : ) • §.1 " 9 th : d junt le:, ,ne " c)ne thousand nine kiiri,:tri;K:i and seventy five iciere6it 43:tid rteitootkrio: : : ,.• That._ a.:14:••±•• _ _ _ • ••• ••••• • • • .• sufit.o.t erct...nijmber •of • votes.ii$ erectr.4_;;-__..MENI_Xi(.... OF 6.r.0) _ _ _ . • Thai- _ v ir.b.c•eived :..§uff et • of . . . votes :•i$ electoj MEMBER :OF BOARD • OF EDUCATION.:.....(1..L.yr term): .. • • • • . • .:.• •• . That_ „ • • . • • •••fip..,i1c re co.: S"eci.. votes is elected_. That_ : • . v.ed s off i 5:ierit:••iitiiIi•iper .of • votes ,:i5 erected . That • • - kaving. received votes.:i.$ elected_ . That -hbvin.5 votes is elected : . .• • :. • •• • : .•••• That ' • -• hovirq rceIVe votes:is elected -%at having . . • • . •• ••re.cetved votes t$ elected That -ha.vin.w:e.deivc ,..1.sitYtticierit..n....m..ibe.r. of votes is elected • . • • • • • .• • • • • • • ••• •• •. • • • ••• • That . ve. . votes is elected_ or •De Furthe:0 ileret-q Detetremrom Tnat the icillowi!"•.-si or ( OF PROPOSITION . . ichc-rrted below: ions :).•veic i•defe•;:t.ted:.•(..1s... NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION • .. • • . • . „.. • 1`.4 :Wilt•Oir,aioffWe• tiff i!ir VOt O.'S.' • • set o ur hanc..4s and olfixed the Seal of the _PUN. _ _6F ..." I OARLAND v: I !). this__.,„„:_ _10 t1 do•yi 6f June itt the yef.,11.‘.ott, thousand flirt:e:hlindOedand. ,,......4..avityt-fjx.c BOARD OF C,e',NVAS5ERS cLERK C i oARD oF cANVAS5ERS