HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1980.06.09 - 3622AT 11:1 " g Frq .17) I CANVASS OF VOTES CV HELD ON: June 9, 1980 (DATE OF ELECTION) OF THE _.—SALUTiLLKON_CTIMMUNLLY SCHOOLS (LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT) OAKLAND 07UNTY, MiCto(ta MANUFACTURED BY ;,4 ELECTION SUPPLY MAitfUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICF.URNITURE AND SUPPLI: 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No.. r;S39'31‹: CANVASSERS BOOK SEMMW=MMMIM MEMEIMME Mt==MIME_ ........ mimmilim il ........ rmilm, _ mmilmamm l_mmilmmommill _I MEMO MMERM M. MEIMMMMMMMMI limmiMmommomM MM MEMEMEMEN MIMMMMMMMMEMM M MMMEIIIMIMIMMnn MMMMMMMM MMIMM milm:IMm MIMMIMMMMWMM -M mMMMI=Mpli MEIN _ HEM EN FREDERICK J BURT JULIE A. FIELEK ERIK M. MAYERN I K FRANCINE A. SHOWERMAN 2 STATEMENT OF VOTES OFFICE.A CANDIDATE MAME S PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER TOTALS ' a I - DAVID W. HACKETT MARGARET MAC TAVISH RICHARD J. PAPPAS VERONICA SEXTON NANCY E. VANGILDER BARBARA J. WILLING 11 J JOHN J. YUMAN I THEODORE DZ 1 URMAN ROBERT FILIATRAULT MARIELLEN GREENBURY 9 i 1 Z I 1 C rn it 0 > 0 r) P ! 71C 74 , ,f, xl c-) -11--- ---- 1 - o 11 ••1 11 e > r" < > 0 :2: rn ("I 0 11 70 G Z —ii —1 11 7, 0 r- r-- —I m m k.+0 PO 11 •••••••• Crjrn CD I !I `I al rt ro i-- Y,ES, NO ------ ---.-4,..- 6 7 IC::' /: YES I NO YES I NO i I OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE DIST. TRANSFER PROPOSITION iT T-0 L PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER 1! ir- PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER YES NO YES NO YES NO YES STATEMENT OF VOTES, PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. 2. 5. STATEMENT VOTES — MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION The whole number of votescgiven for the office of l'I.4lr r\ of the Board of Ed cation for a Four Year term was ___.----.....-Vs...4.....,:.-..-,;.— ,-,-,Q r',.--, ---;-z-- 1.-kn,L - :- and they were given for the following named persons; VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN\ —WO 1 P.:F.,sc.N.3 kiaiVING TI-::: VO ,I•S NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS . , . "-; I . FREDERICK J. BURT I 2. JULIE A. F.J ELEK '-'4--. t\ --,1•,' \-c)\ ,,,/..i, . , . ..,„ ,----- , ci ,.• 3' ER_I K M_. _MAY ERN I K _ , .,7 , L ,A, i 4. FRANC INE A. SHOWERMAN fx.../----&-..,,,,, - 4,,,,...L.4,j..:..„._..k,, , - — k=r,' ,...i.„.z,,,,___,.., c---:,. • ') 5 . _BABY .E1.,,,,VEI- N_S , - '-' 6. • '1,-,..,,L,,:.:............ Q„_,,,-__ . , _ ..lx_.Th,,,,.., • . I S. . ' I I I 9. H0. . TOTAL i I ; , ......._ . I I The whole number of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Education for a Three Year term I I I; was ; . I and they were given for the following named persons. PERSONS RECEMNG THE VOTES III.IMITER IDE VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 2. . 3. I 4. 1— 5 TOTAL li I ii --- -- The hle number of votes given For the office of Member of the Board of Eclucation for a Two Year term was _ and they were given for the following named persons: TOTAL • The whole number of votes give.n for the office of Member of the Board of Fducation for a One Year term was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL T - )(E. NO YES NO NO NO 11 YES YES YES [ NO YES OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE 01ST. TRANSFER PROPOSITION PRECINCT 11 OR I WARD NUMBER II. I . [ , . , r . . I .1 - , , , _ i . .. . ..._ - .. _ 1 i i I , 1 I . . I . . . . . - , [ . _I . . ..... _. .. - 1 , : 1 , , ( ==== 'DAVID W. HACKETT MARGARET MAC TAVISH RICHARD J. PAPPAS VERONICA SEXTON VANGILDER BARBARA J. WILLING JOHN J. YUMAN THEODORE DZIURMANL ROBERT FILIATRAULT MARIELLEN GREENBURY NANCY E. r- < > 110 7;) a z a — o o m r-- m 3> rri 1-4 70 r"ri rn rP tf) CN (I) fl) ten C >0 n tn rn . 1 ., i T I .1 • I I 1 , . . , 1 1 , ) , -.-1 • , , I , .. . . 1 , . 1 ' , . , . . , , . . , •,_,.,_ , 1 I . . 1 .. , 1 and IOTA votes were marked NO VOTES was of which number TOTAL VOTES STATEMENT OF VOTES — PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS The whole number of votes for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES The whole number of votes for and against the votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINA UN STATE OF MICHIGAN } Ss. COUNTY OF We, the undersigned Board of Canvassers for the County of OAKLAND from an examination of the Election Returns of SDUT_Ii LY.O.N___CJI .___ received by said Board of Canvassers, LEGAL NAME ,7:7;' SCHOOL ctsi,tc-r determine that at the ANNUAL election held on Aline 9 1980 ,that the persons listed below were duly ANNUAL OR SRECtAl_ DATE OF 'ELECTION elected as members of the Board of Education of the said School District for the terms of office set opposite their n ame or names; Names of persons elected for a four year term expiring c.: \ c----, 1984 -- \- - " _ Names of persons elected for a three year term expiring : Names of persons elected for a two year term expiring Names of persons elected for a one year term expiring Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the following Propositions or Questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITIO Received ,-. , . Passed Having utticient votes was Not Received Defeated 2. NAME OF PROPOSITION Received , , Passed Having ttl-ticient votes was ,-., , Not Received Liereated NAME OF PROPOSITION Received - , Passed Having . Suff ici ent votes was Not ReceiVed Defeated NAME Of PROPOSITION ' Passed Having Not , Suff icient votes was Not Received Defeated In Witness Whereof, We hove hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the County of OAKLAND this-- day of JUNI' 19_80_ . n .---,-)7- V—,_„") Att CHAIRM AN '-'1,fi ,' BOARD OF 9. , , CANVASSERS irt 2/ . , ... 0 OF CANVAS S (N, 7