HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2008.06.05 - 36272MIKE ROGERS Chairperson EILEEN KOWALL Vice Chairperson HELAINE ZACK Minority Vice Chairperson June 5, 2008 Chairperson Rogers called the meeting of the Finance Committee to order at 9:02 a.m., in the Board of Commissioners' Committee Room A, Commissioners' Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Mike Rogers, Eileen Kowall, Helaine Zack, Sue Ann Douglas , Hugh Crawford, Tom M iddleton, Christine Long , Jeff Potter, David Coulter, David Woodward, Tim Greimel COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT None. OTHERS PRESENT AVIATION Karl Randall, Manager COMMUNITY & HOME IMPROVEMENT Karry Rieth, Manager CORPORATION COUNSEL Judy Cunningham, Corporation Counsel DRAIN COMMISSIONER Kevin Larsen, Chief Deputy Sue Piddington, Chief Engineer EXECUTIVE OFFICE Gerry Poisson, Deputy Bob Daddow, Deputy Dennis Toffolo, Deputy EQUALIZATION Dave Hieber, Manager FACILITIES Paul Hunter, Manager FISCAL SERVICES Tim Soave, Manager LaVerne Smith, Supervisor Holly Conforti, Supervisor Leo Lease, Analyst Monica Tinsley, Analyst HEALTH George Miller, Manager HUMAN RESOURCES Jennifer Mason, Manager INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Ed Poisson, Director PARKS & RECREATION Jim Dunleavy, Chief PLANNING & ECON. DEVELOPMENT Kristie Zamora, Coordinator PURCHASING Scott Guzzy, Chief SHERIFF Michael McCabe, Undersheriff Dale Cunningham, Business Manager TREASURER Pat Dohany, Treasurer INDEPENDENCE TWP Larry Rosso, Trustee Jim Wenger, Treasurer OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0475 Telephone (248) 858 -0100 FAX (248) 858-1572 FINANCE COMMITTEE Sue Ann Douglas Hugh D. Crawford Tom Middleton Christine Long Jeff Potter David Coulter David Woodward Tim Greimel FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 2 June 5, 2008 OTHERS PRESENT CONTINUED Curt Carson, Planning Commission Member Dick Carlisle, Planning Consultant BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS John Scott, District #5 Larry Doyle, Administrative Director Harvey Wedell, BOC Analyst Helen Hanger, Sr. Committee Coordinator APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES Crawford moved approval of the minutes of MAY 15, 2008 , as printed. Supported by Kowall. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 5. FY 2008 C ONTINGENCY REPORT The FY 2008 Contingency Fund balance of $186,712 will be reduced $5,694 by item 16 to $181,018. Item 20 will add an appropriation to the Contingency of $20,519, increasing the balance to $201,537. Mr. Soave reported that the Treasurer has captured $40,000 of Delinquent Tax Revolving Funds from the City of Pontiac to pay for past invoicing for county services. Middleton moved to receive and file the Contin gency Report dated May 30, 2008. Supported by Potter. Motion carried on a voice vote. REGULAR AGENDA 6. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT AUTHORITY Independence Township is requesting authorization to capture Count y tax dollars within its Corridor Improvement Authority of $1,294,501.37 or for a period of 14 years, whichever comes first. Tax capture participation will be limited to specific parcels and projects as listed in Exhibit A to the resolution. Middleton moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Kowall. Motion carried on a roll call vote as follows. Ayes: Kowall, Zack, Crawford, Middleton, Long, Potter, Rogers Nays: Douglas, Coulter, Woodward, Greimel 7. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION – “CONCEPTS IN THE PARK” PROGRAM MINI - GRANT The Parks and Recreation Commission (PRC) is requesting authorization to accept a $2,000 grant from the Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs. PRC will provide the required $2,430 match from its millage generated revenue. Funds will be used for planning, promoting and advertising of a county -wide Summer Concert Series in conjunction with participating communities. The PRC has budgeted sufficiently for this program; therefore, no budget adjus tments are necessary. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 3 June 5, 2008 Crawford moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Middleton and Kowall absent . 8. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS/ARTS, C ULTURE & FILM – FY 2008 REGIONAL REGRANTING ADMINIS TRATIVE SERVICES PROGRAM GRANT ACCEPTANCE – MICHIGAN COUNCIL FOR ARTS AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS The Economic Development & Community Affairs Department is requesting authorization to accept a $9,600 Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs grant for administrative services relating to its regional Regranting Services Program for Fiscal Year 2008. A local In-Kind Match of $9,600 consists of salary costs on a dollar -for-dollar basis and is available wi thin the Department’s budget. The amount awarded is $1,000 less than the FY 2008 budget anticipated; therefore, a budget amendment will be made as outlined in the Fiscal Note. Long moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Coulter. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 9. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS/ARTS, CULTURE & FILM – FY 2008 REGIONAL REGRANTING PROGRAM GRANT ACCEPTANCE – MICHIGAN COUNCIL FOR ARTS AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS The Economic Development & Community Affairs Department is requesting authorization to accept a $30,100 Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs Regranting Services Program Grant for Fiscal Year 2008. No match is required and the amount awarded is $5,700 less than t he FY 2008 budget anticipated; therefore, a budget amendment will be made as outlined in the Fiscal Note. Woodward moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Long. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 10. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS – COMMUNITY & HOME IMPROVEMENT DIVISION – 2008 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN AND CONSOLIDATED GRANT ACCEPTANCE FOR CDBG, HOME AND ESG PROGRAMS AND 2007 -2008 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN AMENDMENT Community & Home Improvement is reque sting authorization to accept U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development program funding of $5,438,769 for 2008. The award includes $3,739,885 for the Community Development Block Grant, $1,516,854 for the HOME Investment Partnership Grant, $14,309 for the HOME American Dream Downpayment Initiative and $167,721 for the Emergency Shelter Grant. The award also includes $1,000,000 in estimated Home Improvement Revolving Loan Funds, $17,234 in Community Program Income, $600,000 in estimated HOME Program Income and requires a HOME County match of $341,292 for a consolidated 2008 program year grant total of $7,397,295. The County match of $341,292 is available in the FY 2008 Non -Departmental Grant Match line item. The program year is May 1, 2008 through April 30, 2009. The 2007 Annual Action Plan and Consolidated Grant Acceptance will also be amended to reflect actual funding generated by the CDBG Home Improvement Revolving Loan Fund, the HOME Investment Partnership Act Revolving Loan Fund and the HOME Co mmunity Housing Development Organization Program Income for the previous program year. Zack moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Middleton. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 4 June 5, 2008 Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote . 11. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT/ FACILIT IES ENGINEERING – AUTHORIZATIONTO PROCEED AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR CENTRAL GARAGE FUEL TANK INSTALLATION PROJECT Consistent with projects identified in the FY 2008 Capital Improvement Program, Facilities Engineering is requesting authorization to award to the lowest bidder, Oscar W. Larson Company of Clarkston Michigan, a contract in the amount of $385,489 for the installation of two 20,000 gallon double -walled underground fuel storage tanks (to be located near the existing fuel tanks and dispensers) at C entral Garage. Contingency of $30,000 will also be included for project purposes. Total funds of $425,000 will be transferred from the Capital Improvement Program Building Fund to the Project Work Order Fund to establish the Central Services Fuel Tank Installation Project. Budget amendments will be made as outlined in the Resolution Crawford moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Rogers. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 12. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT/ FACILITIES E NGINEERING – AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR COURTHOUSE CAULKING PROJECT Consistent with projects identified in the FY 2008 Capital Improvement Program, Facilities Engineering is requesting authorization to award to the lowest bidder, Chezcore Inc. of Detroit, a contract in the amount of $403,731.25 to provide repair and replacement of caulking on the Courthouse Tower, East Wing, West Wing and the Auditorium . Facilities Engineering has recommended a total project cost of $530,000 to include the contract award, Engineering Consultation of $33,000, Landscaping Restoration of $5,000 and Contingency of $88,268.75 for a total project cost of $530,000. These funds will be transferred from the Capital Improvement Program Building Fund to the P roject Work Order Fund to establish the Courthouse Caulking Project. Budget amendments will be made as outlined in the Resolution. Middleton moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Coulter. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 13. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES/HEALTH DIV ISION – 2008 FETAL INFANT MORTALITY DATA ABSTRACTION AGREEMENT – GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Health Division is requesting authorization to accept a $3,780 Michigan Public Health Institute grant in return for entering infant mortality data for Oakland County into a statewide database to assist with statistical analysis. Budget amendments will be made as outlined in the Fiscal Note. Zack moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supp orted by Kowall. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 14. MR #08102 – DRAIN COMMISSIONER – DOWNWARD RECLASSIFICATION AND TRANSFER OF TWO (2) POSITIONS The Drain Commissioner is requesting authorization to reclassify two (2) vacant special rev enue funded Construction Inspector II positions, Grade 8 , to a classification titled Maintenance Mechanic II, Grade 7, for a projected annual net savings of $418. In response to a slowdown i n new construction projects and to enhance future workload object ives, these positions will be transferred from the Engineering and Construction Division to the Operations and Maintenance Division. Budget amendments will be made as outlined in the Fiscal Note. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 5 June 5, 2008 Zack moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Long. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Crawford absent . 15. MR #08103 – DRAIN COMMISSION – DELETION OF ONE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR II POSITION The Drain Commissioner is requesting authorization to delete one General Fund /General Purpose Construction Inspector II position from the Engineering and Construction Division of the Soil Erosion Unit, resulting in a savings of $29,019 for the remainder of FY 2008 and annual savings of $58,038. The duties and responsibilities of this position will be distributed to other division employees. These savings will be applied to the Drain Commissioner’s budget task. Budget amendments will be made as outlined in the Fiscal Note. Coulter moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Douglas. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 16. MR #08099 - DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN OAKLAND COUNTY AND THE CITY OF BERKLEY PUBLIC SAFETY FOR THE FIRE RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Information Technology is requesting authorization to enter into an interlocal agreement with the City of Berkley Public Safety to participate in the Fire Records Management System for a start -up fee of $3,500 and an annual department fee of $3,966. Addit ion of the City to the system will require the purchase of necessary computer equipment of $1,914 as well as a software license and support of $3,780. Budget amendments will be made as outlined in the Fiscal Note. Zack moved approval of the attached sugg ested Fiscal Note. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unan imously on a roll call vote . 17. MR #08100 – DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – SECOND QUARTER 2008 DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATION TRANSFER Information Technology is requesting authorization t o appropriate and charge Second Quarter 2008 Development costs to benefiting departments as follows: development changes of $1,415,882.10 and imaging development charges of $3,832.97 to General Fund/General Purpose departments; direct charges to Special Revenue and Proprietary fund departments of $195.20 and charges to non -county agencies of $366.00. Funds equal to actual expenses will be transferred from the non -departmental budget to the user department as outlined in the summary attachment to the resol ution. Kowall moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Douglas. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 18. MR #08101 – HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT – REORGANIZATION AND BUDGET TASK REDUCTIONS Human Resources is request ing authorization to reorganize its department by deleting positions and realigning existing resources to meet its budget reduction task s of $34,083 for FY 2008, $31,624 for FY FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 6 June 5, 2008 2009 and $205,553 for FY 2010. Detailed information on the reorganization is provided in the resolution and the Fiscal Note, with budget amendments for FY 2008 outlined in the Fiscal Note. Middleton moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Greimel. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 19. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET / EQUALIZATION DIVISION – APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR OAKLAND COUNTY EQUALIZATION DIVISION ASSISTANCE SERVICES WITH THECITY OF FERNDALE, CITY OF WALLED LAKE, CITY OF WIXOM, CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF LYON AND THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WEST BLOOMFIELD Equalization is requesting authorization to contract with the above -listed communities to provide services including original assessments, reappraisals and file maintenance July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. Revenues and expenditures associated with these contracts is included in the FY 2008 budget. Anticipated additional revenue of $65,622 and will be incorporated into the FY 2009 and FY 2010 County Executive Recommended Budget. Mr. Hieber reported that the rates will be restructure d for future contracts and brought back to the Board for approval. Coulter moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Potter. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Zack absent. 20. MR #08100 – DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – SECOND QUARTER 2008 DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATION TRANSFER Management and Budget is requesting authorization to implement various budget amendments as detailed in the Resolution in accordance with the General Appropriations Act, Sections 22 and 23. The May 30, 2008 Letter of Transmittal indicates an overall favorability of $4,438,051 in General Fund/General Purpose operations resulting from receiving $205,288 more revenue than anticipated and expending $4,438,051 more than budgeted. A substitute resolution was distributed to reflect the addition of language to authorize the write off of uncollectible debt for the Airport Fund. Mr. Soave reported on the possibility of reductions in state funds in several areas. Crawford moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Coulter. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 21. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET – STATUS REPORT PER MR #07276 – PRIVATIZATION EFFORTS MR #07276 authorized and endorsed the County Executive to evaluate alternative, cost-effective methods of delivering County services. In reference to the written material, Mr. Holdsworth explained that two Requests for Proposals (RFP) have been released. The first was for Inmate Billing and Collection. Thre e proposals were submitted and the selection committee is in the process of negotiating a contract with RDK of Troy with the intent is to have a contract in place by the end of the summer . The Sheriff will evaluate the contract after the first year to determine whether to continue. The second RFP was issued June 2 for court billing and collection and bids must be received by August 1. Crawford moved to receive and file the May 28, 2008 status report per MR #07276. Supported by Long. Motion carried on a voice vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 7 June 5, 2008 22. MR #08104 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – PROHIBIT REIMBURSEMENT TO COMMISSIONERS FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS, MEMBERSHIP AND COUNTY EVENTS Commissioner Scott introduced this resolution to eliminate reimbursement to individual Commissioners for newspaper subscriptions, Service Club and Chamber of Commerce memberships and attendance at community dinners, luncheons or events effective January 1, 2009. No motion was made in support of the resolution. COMMUNICATIONS A. Department of Management and Budge t / Purchasing Division – Contract Exception Report for the Month of May, 2008 B. Department of Information Technology – CLEMIS Funds – Financial Statements and Schedules for the Six Months Ended March 31, 2008 C. Department of Information Technology – Radio Project – Financial Status / Issues Based on March 31, 2008 Financial Balances D. Notice of Hearing for an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for Raval USA Inc. for Facility Located at 1797 Atlantic Blvd., Auburn Hills, MI 48326 E. Circuit Court/Family Division – FY 2009 Michigan Drug Court (SCAO) Juvenile Drug Court Grant - Application F. Circuit Court/General Jurisdiction – FY 2009 Michigan Drug Court Grant Program Through the State Court Administrative Office (SCAO) Adult Drug Court Grant - Application G. 52-2 Clarkston District Court, FY 2009 SCAO Grant – Drug Court Grant Application H. Sheriff’s Office – FY 2009 Jail Alliance with Support for Inmates with Co -Occurring Disorders (JAWS) Grant Application per the Justice and Mental Health C ollaboration Program I. Sheriff’s Office, Auto Theft Prevention Authority Grant (ATPA) – FY 2009 Grant Application J. Sheriff’s Office, Prosecuting Attorney - FY 2009 Oakland County Narcotic Enforcement Team (NET) Grant Application K. Oakland County Sheriff’s Office – COPS FY 2008 Technology Program L. Economic Development & Community Affairs – Marketing & Communication / Arts & Culture – FY 2009 Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs Administration Program Grant Application Crawford moved to receive and file the communications. Supported by Zack. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS / ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the committe e, the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 8 June 5, 2008 ________________________ _______________________________ Helen A. Hanger Lawrence M. Doyle Senior Committee Coordinator Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.