HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1990.06.11 - 3634SOUTH LYON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS LIVINGSTON, OAKLAND AND WASNTENAW COUNTIES, MICHIGAN CANVASS OF VOTES CAST XX ANNUAL AT THE El GENERAL ELECTION EP SPECIAL HELD ON JUNE 11, 1990 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY DRIBLEBLY at g @, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN C-) r— tr.1 2 15 c co • — m z • ri ova 424 15- P ‘531.0A 1 (:) INRIAJ3IVIS . . ERRY BEALE rn M ;Eno JAMES 0. CL1NANSMITH THOMAS L. DUNCAN DOUGLAS CURRY , kik -nc> c) az. 73 Izi i — 9-1 TERENCE KI ERNAN < "D 10 a 7 ... ROBERT C. MORRIS, JR ' ' A % KAREN PALMER C) — —1 Cs E kE iElJANET L. REEDS + — 51..1 44, tz 11,-1 i..5 JOSEPH E. SH I GLEY , J WILLIAM CLARENCE TAU BEE BRIAN W. THOM .,.....4... CAROLYN VAUGHAN IrP4 ITOTAL TOTAL — Cr zc > r` C") us 1— rn r cc m • C-) — o o > a > z — c_ c a rn --- - 1=1 > (11 I--, C.A. rn —1 C-) 0 rn ce$ SOUTH LYON COMMON] TY SCHOOLS STATEMENT OF VOTES LIVI NGSTON , OAKLAND AND WASHTENAW COU ANNUAL ELECTION - JUNE 1 , 1990 Put fiuurus _ The whole number of votes given for the office of -- in this column !I was and they were given for the following named persons: received' votes receive° vows rece,veo votes I TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of wm • and they were given for the following named persons; , rece'ved votes rece:ved Votes received votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of __ , , was , and they were given for the following named persons' received votes received votes received Votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes uiven for the off'ce of Four Year Term m Er.' B.Eit_OF 0 R EaUCATJON - Vote far Two — QAY 7 bb'17 Anr thF.y wpro giwpn frNr thp follnw;n 9 named_pe-LILIna. JERRY BEALE - received I . .1 , ,AL. _ Votes _ received 7,... !.JAMES 0 _CL I NANSM I TH votes i 7&--4-A-2114-aic v , rece ived D 6 I DOUGLAS CURRY .ed 0 / 1 i . n._ANW votes % A . i CI yY received tr., .. e_.. ,..., .... ' i.1K0k1A5 L. DUNCAN i received i I TERE_NCE KIERNAN , i votes 42_5--A 7.7 re u4 ived .I.A.„_.0 / vvotes ,2, 7:6; tRaBF_A-T_C . S (R A . . 11 a-a — • At.' _r_a4,4- MORR I JO . received # . 1 I votes MFR i'l(iklIFN PAL ....,... ...ii_t_.r- I . r) [ANET _ eceived r vo es L RFEDS ,_,... - - %_.. _. ......... ar'' n .." _ .... d... _ 1 J i I JOSEPH E. SHIGLEY, 1E, teceivec votes i I , LI I a LAM CLARENCE TALILFIEE receivec 0 • 1 „ ,•, . .tes I ) votes ' wi 1511 _p_RIAN. t receiveo . CAROLYN VAUGHAN 1 dAj votes 175-1°1 , "(KN.) I ' g-4 11 b'mbkile) TOTAL — votes •-•"--.--9 1 -4; 2-G STATEMENT OF VOTES, SOUTH LYON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE BIENNIAL ELECTION - JUNE 11, 1990 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES VOTE FOR TWO - SIX YEAR TERMS VOTE FOR ONE - UNEXPIRED 4 YEAR TERMI m I _1 u_i ! ! ,--, U.': cc L.L., c): I...J LLI = I— 0: i— < —I . On PRECINCT Pd "— = NUMBER ! ul m < < v) ce • sel 0 ! C.il I CI I-- 1--. !3 UTI' 1 ,5J7 /Y 3 / 2 14,41 I 9 iPi , b4, ' 15-0 1 3 4.1414bb . IA. ' )P • ' 75( I AVER J.4 Of 'If° . 2. lai • 1.7L'i 31401 , 11 1 , TOTALS 735latil .1_, A0410 i '(d.?1 lb! rig I ' i , i , , 1 1 1 . 1 , . . , 1 1 , , I -1 1 . . 1 , , . . 1 1 i ' 1 1 , 1 i 1 1 - , . 1 1 1 1 ' 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 ., II I 1 I 1 I i 1 . , 1 1 1 I 0 1 „ i d r 1 P. G STATEMENT OF VOTES, moialufalia [thriffiRRIM WARUMATIMM E2717M No Total IMTPM=717 ifirIMIMIEPnZIMERM Yes No Total DOTE iiIAUI lib., %TIMM IMn SOUTH LYON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS LIVI NGSTON, OAKLAND AND WASHTENAW COUNTIES AL, - • PRECINCT NUMBER 3 WiligiiIMM nReiGIEWNVIII MIUELMVIYA AVCB I ' 0 i , ) 0 3D 160 2A9 1 324 , i I , TOTAL .44: jffOrjg -c; 1 1 r J f IIMGLIPIMI , ' , 11111=11111111111 FM NM MIMI , , n1111•1!, I I n was of which number „Iwo votes were marked YES 101 votes were marked N and The whole number of votes given for and against the !"ROPOSAL B I 1 j TOTAL VOTES, 7 9' e> votes were marked YES .--.X4t5l4J4-11,1510-14.„ votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, 1-42° oLi L — , I 1 ,A7 ji of which number and ANNUAL ELECTION - JUNE 11, 1990 STATEMENT OF VOTES SOUTH LYON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS LIVINGSTON, OAKLAND AND WASHTENAW COUt Pest figures in this column The whole number of votes given for and against the PROPOSAL A 1 o you approve-the :otal authorized operating mi 1 law of tne South Lyon Community School District be set at 33.827! mills after the application of MCL 211.34d and Section 31 of Article 9 of the State Constitution of 1963 for a period of one (1) year from Jaly 1, 1990 through June 30, 1991? Do you approve the total authorized operating millage of the South Lyon Community School District be set at 34.8271 mills after the application of MCJ 211.34d and Section 31 of Article 9 of the State .Constitution of 1963 for a period of one (1) year from J.ly 1, 1990 through June 30, 1991? 6.P STATEMENT OF VOTES _ Put figutes 1 The whole number of votes given for and against the in this column PROPOSAL C , 1 ' Shall the limitation on the total amount of general ad valorem taxes which may be imposed for all purposes in any one year upon real anc tangible personal property in': the South Lyon Community Schools, Counties of Livingston, Oaklanc and Washtenaw, 1 State of Michigan, be increased as provided in Sectior 6 of Article IX of the , i Constitution of the State of Michigan, for a period of one (1) year, from July 1, 1990 „ through June 30, 1991, by four and four-tenths (4.4) mills on each dollar of state eggalized valuation ($4.40 per $1,000.00), to be used for general operating purposes, which would establish the total operating millage rate at approximately 36.40 , mills for the July 1, 1990 to June 30, 1991 fiscal year? was ,.. IlwillwaLLA, )."Alt .-- 1 7 AI , , , of which number Dellt_AiL to,...pshl tera,r4 Lex Crt.C.4 --40/A.44,-'t 1 ) ? 3 7 1 , votes were marked YES •... and &AL 4.-0-p-1 I votes were marked NO I , i . 1 TOTAL VOTES, 1 . The whole number of votes given for and against the I i . , , 1 I , _ i , I , , , was of which number i 1 votes were marked YES 1 and , votes were marked NO _ TOTAL VOTES, i 5.13 COUNTY OF OAKLAND SS. COUNTY OF OAKLAND STATE OF MICHIGAN, } The Board of Canvassers of the — having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said Annua 1 Election, neld on the Oakland (Ce2UPITY. TOW1P OR VILLAGel South Lyon Community School (COQ 4 71",IFV, TRWR3H_P Qw VILLA' 1 1 th da of at the of June County TRYV4SHI.P PR ..ILLAGP) votes is elected That havirigrecelad-a,suffieikni number of „s_ , , That votes is e'ected votes is elected CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION one thousand nine hundred and ninety Do Hereby That votes is ceded Certift and Determine L6*V41_,L=.4) MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - Four Year Term having received a sufficient number of That C-Ptlaitideek-* da4LP—i having received a sufficient number of MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - Four Year Tern having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is e lected having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected having rece:ved a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected having received a sufficient number of votes is elected having received a sufficient number of votes is elected having received a sufficient number of votes is elected having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That That That That That That - • r r-- ‘hivingfeceived, a sufficient nprriber of votes is Wheeled having receiv,ed a-sOfficient number of That Tnat Tat S. having received a'4irfficient number of votes is elected That having rece:ved a sufficient number of votes is elected - 4.G having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of , Having Havng Not Received 415V Not Received atIERBigi* Defeated Sufficient votes was Suffivent votes was Defeated 1 3 PROPOSAL C NAME OF PROPOSITION Hay Sng Having Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passud Defeated ..; That having received a sufficient number of votes Is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That votes is elected Tnat having received a suffic:ent number cf votes is elected That votes is elected Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were classed cr defeated as i dicated te:ovv: having received a sufficient number of NAME OF PROPOSITION 1 PROPOSAL A NAME OF PROPOSITION 2 PROPOSAL B NAME OF PROPOSITION Hav1" SigmbluiP4--- Sufficient votes was 9 Not Received P4MMt_ Defeated 4 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 5 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 6 NONE Rece:vcd Having Not Received Received Not Received Rezeive0 'n3ot Rece'vect In Witness VVhereof, We have r....ereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of County Oakland the of C/TY, 3H1, OT7 in tie war one thousand nine hundred a iCOUNTV. C1YY. TOWHIIHIIP PH V -LLACEEi this June day of ninety \ . . ATTEST CkAIRMAN. rjZ--- BOARD OF CANVASSERS LERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. cHAIRNIAN OF BOARD OF CA:NvABSERS. 5•G