HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1988.06.13 - 3643GENERAL ELE C TION SPECIAL AT THE SOUTH LYON COMMUN !TY SCHOOLS CANVASS OF VOTES CAST XX ANNUAL HELD ON JUNE 13, 1988 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY ONI3LEO1eV 131gtr:tti ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN LLJ I I STATEMENT OF VOTES, II MEKBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION Ip 2 Four Year Terms-Vote for Two r ' T ei [ 1 ' I ' U.i I I I I I I F, ( I . 1 i' 1 1 i PRECIN I I 1 CT ' T4---. NUMBER I I- LL' = - -Wf I . ! I I- — La, Q ' I I 1 I z •,,c j. ec 1 ¢ • • cc —f •('-`_) - Q : 1 1 I-1 ' I 1 1_ I_ //15 / I/0 PI I 2 11 671S10,1j A67' i , 1 r-44-C-8 Vi_.3"/ I 17 1/1 I ] FTOTAL__ 190/12P)1 if . I I I I , , r 1, , 1 "i i ii 1 ' --t I I 1 I , , , , 1 , , , 1 , , , 1 II 1 I , 1 , , , , , , 1.15, G STATEMENT OF VOTES F--- Put figures I The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER DF BOARD CF EDUCATION. _ _ in ths column .4 1 t- Four Year r Te mils • - • o i was A._ En; , f ;„ , , and they were given for the following named persons: ,._.i // 7--- _ votes , ;di ,17c.4 FRANC I NE A. SHOWERMAN received i 1 / .1 . . ,.1.El! Q 44 , P#1 ALMA SMITH .,1 received ' , w- ID, L___.0 2r414.2,1 received ti 7,___Q__ votes i TOTAL votes /7 L Y The whole number of votes given for the office of , was and they were given for the following named persons, received . votes received votes received votes TOTAL votes T-e whole number of votes given for the office of I was I and they were given for the following named persons: I. received votes received votes received votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named DerEons . receive° Votes received votes received votes receive° votes received votes receive° votes 1 I rece ived votes ' received votes _ received votes rece ved votes rece ved votes TOTAL votes II I 2,G Cl, -4 rn 0 rn rr7 1-1 4=1 •••1 r- ^C r- v) ------- _ - _ n < c rr, - CD - in 2 3) 2i \ RICHARD A. BLONDE :i JAMES A. DOYON s- EDITH L. GONZALEZ ") DAVID W. HACKETT 46 HURTICENE HARDAWAY - :, SHEPHERD ) MICHAEL R. LEWIS M 1,...1 co rn — .2Q ' RALPH V. MARANDA -...j cz) 71 --... --.._ --1 _ DAVID WALKER MELDMA ,.., - izzi THOMAS S. NELSON c) • X] C3 BEN E. PEARLMAN czz, tr:) -n d ,3'—'1 GENE P. STANLEY 7° 3 .)-) `... -I = D ti) 3 rri LUCIUS ThEUS oh M V) _ _ MARCIA VAN CREVELD t, TOTAL _II TOTAL cci r- rn to FA 4:7) = CO co STATEMENT OF VOTES 1 OPERATING MiLLAGE Putfiguros The whole number of votes given for and against the TAX LIMITATION PROPOSAL- RENEWAL'. - • - • i inthiscolumn 1 Shall the previously voted increase in the limitation on the total amount of generaj 1 ad valorem taxes which may be imposed for all purposes in any one year in the South Lyon Community School's, in the Counties of Oakland, Livingston and Washtenaw, State . . , of Michigan, as provided in Section 6 of Article IX of the Constitution of the Stet of Michigan, in the amount of eight (8) mills on each dollar (S8 per Si,000) of state I equalized valuation, which I's about to expire, be renewed and continued for the period of five (5) years, from July 1, 1988 through June 30, 1993, to be used fOr• the purpose of defraying a portion of the operating expenses of the School District . — was qitLA I rt f2r. rCiAii_ei / 1 O_AA A //i/L- LT JA.0-42 1 .P ,...' . -",--..-- , „I of which number , rt, / "r" CL{..,,:, -).-Ji --7/ ',4i..."--`"" 2 / I 6 9 )0 i ' — ' ' votes were marked YES i' r . -- _i_ 1 r and 10 i 01. :...1_,),,l_ .- / votes were marked NO j TOTAL VOTES, , gl2lb II. PROPOSAL TO APPROVE LEVY OF AUTHORIZO . Thewholenurnberofvotagivenforandagainstthe MILLAGE IN 1988 WITHOUT REGARD TO MILLAGE REUUC I,N1 1 Shail the South Lyon Community Schools, in the Counties of Livingston, Oakland 1 and Washtenaw, State of Michigan, be authorized to levy in 1988, for general ad valorem tax purposes, the total amount of millage authorized through the tax limita - tions previously adopted by the qualified electors or tax allocation boards of the respective Counties, and those adobted by the qualified electors of the South Lyon Community Schools, without regard to the miilage reducat ion required by MCL 211.344 .i and Section 31 of Article IX of the State Constitution of 1963? /),,,.u.7, ; A__ /-• was P itzu.S., i 1 1 i t \ .11 of which number i --C--0--b 1 c /7 — votes e / votes were marked YES //1 1 :./ and ( fi 0 i Ut-4---,e-1---1,-- )1 t4t ). jivt1-14 a',0---ei cf ) 2 ' votes were marked NO I I i TOTAL VOTES, OH! STATEMENT OF VOTES •n••n ' Put figuros , The whole number of votes given for and against the III. BONDING PROPOSITION Mttliscolumn' Shall South Lyon Community Schools, Oakland, Washtenaw and Livingston Counties, i I Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed Twenty-Five Million Forty Thousand Dolair (S25,040,000) and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds 1..herefor, for the purpose of acquiring additional land for the new high school site; erecting, i i furnishing and equipping a new high school facility and developing and improving the site to include constructing and equippping of outdoor Dhysicial education and athletic facilities? ...- I was - A t 0-0-4---0-74- N ic.,--1,4 44.1---r 1 i i 1 . I ' 11 6 u of which number r ; ---ii 19 A-4--- /L-' 1-Le- fi- 'A, 7 votes were marked YES and . (."':,' / /ay votes were marked NO .--- TOTAL VOTES, i'-' 0 The whole number of votes given for and against the IV. BONDING PROPOSITION , , , Shall South Lyon Community Schools, Oakland, Washtenaw and Livingston Counties, Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed Three Million Nine Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($3,940,000) and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds. therefori I ! for the purpose of: " a, remodeling and partially re-equipping the existing high school for middle school purposes; b. remodeling and partially re-equipping the existing micd e sc ooi or e ementar . school purposes; and c. purchasing, remodeling and ego-I-ping a busimainterla-n-ca far-l-1-1-tyl—and de - and improving the site? , i , , 1 .1 tutAL_ .7-a A N _W_Ll f1/4-,0•11 1 ofwhichnumter , votes were marked YES 1, , i and i... votes were marked NO 1 1 TOTAL VOTES, 7 v . , 643 I. TAX LIMITATION II. PROPOSAL TO APPROVE STATEMENT OF VOTES A ILLAGE RENEWAL 1N1988 WITHOUT-RECAP 'i III, BONDING I IV. BONDING TO MILLAGE REDUCTION I PRCIPnS1T19N : PROPOSITION 1 PRECINCT 1 , NUMBER , . 1 Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No , Total Yes No Total Yes No Total 1 ___ HL3Y2, rPf 1 1751 T.0 52* ig.1..3_ -7' ?7,Y /9 16_ ' i 2 Y7 ig7 yoo 1 $-5.2 / gp-- 77 ir,7 13 3 7V 417 ItYY 3 3Y/ P1 ba ,2 -yv 37_14/ '227 iRd. b6". gyil(/17 1 7 1 b51 AVE _B_ .. c-17 w7 lyD- clq 2)3-0 i VI 5iq 75i. )5L 7 , 2 .1 // TOTAL 1)0 )3'.)- 90p Q!)Y2; )61/ '1 417 I V,9,7 )L, 1 11 ()) 1 , 1 , , 2•P having received a sufficient number of h aving received a sufficient number of CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN. 1 COUNTY OF ______CO,KLAND_ COUNTYOF __OAKLAND_ SS. The Board of Canvassers of the Cnurity of Oakland (COUNTY, C.7,, TOWN9NIP c.I.1111.1.AUE1 SITY, TOWNSHIP UR VILLAGE) having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said RoUt-b—Ly.on Community Schools iccw.Ty, CITY, yowNsmir off VILLAGE •at the Annual Election, held on the 13th day of June one thousand nine hundred and eighty —eight Do Hereby Certify lnd Determine That "TA/611 cc qt ..tr votes is elected ITIBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - Four Year Term That (---/ votes is elected MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION — Four Year Term That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected _ That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a.sufficient number of votes is elected That - - having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected --- That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected 4.G laving received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of I Having Received Not Received Passed Defeated Sufficient votes was Passed Defeated Having Sufficient votes was Received Not Received CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. ATTEST: _mho, AICO That 'laving received a sufficient number of votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected . That votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected laying received a sufficient number of flaying received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected Do further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or cefeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION .1. TAX LIMITATION PROPOSAL - OPERATING 1 M1LLAGE RENEWAL NAMEOFPROMMTION II:.PROPOSAL TO APPROVE LEVY OF AUTHORIZED 2 MILLAGE IN 1988 WITHOUT REGARD TO MILLAGE NAME OF PROPOSITION 3 III. BONDING PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION IV. BONDING PROPOSITION 4 NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Nve@emmA Iltnaect- Received Passed Hay ale Sufficient votes was REDUCii ON 1\41VReetr Received Passed Having ____________ votes was f11 1 Eit=MME7 Received Passed Having Etitancime Sufficient votes was 41 .Zi d Beeeeistr 5 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE 6 In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of of the County Oakland OLIPITY, TOVINFNIP OR VILLAGE) (COUNTY. GITV, TcprirrisHir OR V ILI-ARM) thiS 2 0 in the year one thousand nine-hundred and — A cn , V., .1 ; BOARD OF CANVASSERS day of June eighty-eight al 6.1-1\ CHAIRMAN OF BOAR OF CANVASSERS. 5•G