HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2011.09.15 - 36567TOM MIDDLETON Chairperson SHELLEY TAUB Vice Chairperson DAVID WOODWARD Minority Vice Chairperson September 15, 2011 Chairperson Middleton called the meeting of the Finance Committee to order at 9:13 a.m. in the Board of Commissioners' Committee Room A of the Commissioners' Auditorium Wing, County Service Center in Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Middleton, Shelley Taub, David Woodward, David Potts, Jim Runestad, Bill Dwyer, Helaine Zack, Tim Greimel, Nancy Quarles COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Kathy Crawford, Christine Long OTHERS PRESENT CHILDREN’S VILLAGE Jody Overall, Manager CIRCUIT COURT John Cooperrider, Busin ess Manager Pamela Davis, Manager CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS Larry Doyle, Deputy EXECUTIVE OFFICE Phil Bertolini, Deputy Executive/CIO FACLITIES MANAGEMENT Art Holdsworth, Director Paul Hunter, Manager Mike Hughson, Property Mgmt. Sp ecialist FISCAL SERVICES Tim Soave, Manager Nancy Fournier, Chief Lynn Sonkiss, Chief LaVerne Smith, Supervisor Gaia Piir, Grant Program Coordinator Jeff Phelps, Parks Fiscal Coordinator Leo Lease, Analyst Prentiss Malone, Analyst Monica Tinsley, Analyst Nancy Falardeau, Analyst Anthony Pisacreta, Analyst HUMAN RESOURCES Karen Jones, Manager INFOR MATION TECHNOLOGY Edwin Poisson, Director Janette McKenna, Chief PARKS AND RECREATION Dan Stencil, Executive Officer Jon Noyes, Supervisor PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEOPMENT Bret Rasegan, Supervisor Ryan Dividock, Planner PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Terri Meiers, Administrative Supervisor OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0475 Telephone (248) 858 -0100 FAX (248) 858-1572 FINANCE COMMITTEE Christine Long David Potts Jim Runestad Kathy Crawford Bill Dwyer Helaine Zack Tim Greimel Nancy Quarles FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 2 September 15, 2011 PURCHASING Jack Smith , Manager SHERIFF Michael McCabe, Undersheriff Dale Cunningham, Business Manager WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER Kevin Larsen, Deputy Steve Korth, Manager ITC COMMUNICATIONS Cynthia Stump, Customer Relations MICHIGAN DEPT. OF HUMAN SERVICES Susan Hull, Director Dorothy Butler BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Jim Ver Ploeg, Administrative Director Harvey Wedell, Sr. Analyst Julia Ruffin, BOC Liaison Helen Hanger, Sr. Committee Coordinator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Middleton led the Pledge of Al legiance. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES Taub moved approval of the previous minutes o f August 25, 2011 as printed. Supported by Dwyer. Motion carried on a voice vote. AGENDA A resolution to approve restoration work on the water tower was added as item 20 without objection. PUBLIC COMMENT None. FY 2011 - FY 2013 CONTINGENCY REPORT The Contingency Fund balance of $224,608 will remain unchanged by today’s agenda items. Runestad moved to receive and file the FY 2011 Contingency Report dated September 8, 2011. Supported by Dwyer. Motion carried on a voice vote. REGULAR AGENDA 1. MR #11204 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – TRI-PARTY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2011 APPROPRIATION – GRAND RIVER AVENUE – PROJECT NO. 49881 Introduced by Commissioners Crawford and Weipert, the resolution approves the project submitted by the City of Novi as eligible for Tri-Party Road Improvement Program funding and authorizes the release of the County’s one -third share of funding from the General Fund Designated Fund Balance. The program consists of milling and hot mix asphalt resurfacing with drainage and signal improvements on Grand River Avenue from east of Novi Road to Haggerty Road. A copy of the Cost Participation Agreement between the Road Commission for Oakland County and the City is included. A budget amendment of $63,840 will be made as outlined in the Fiscal Note. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 3 September 15, 2011 Dwyer moved approval of the attached suggested Fisc al Note. Supported by Runestad. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote wit h Long, Crawford, Potts and Greimel absent. 2. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE OAKLAND COUNTY BUILDING AUTHORITY TO FINANCE A PROJECT FOR THE CITY OF OAK PARK, OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN The resolution would authorize the Oakland County Building Authority to issue bonds in a not to exceed amount of $6,500,000 towards a total not to exceed project amount of $20,500,000 to construct, reconstruct, renovate, furnish, equip, refurnish and re -equip various buildings of the City of Oak Park on their administrative cam pus, including the library, water administration, recreation center and the 45B District Court. The resolution would further authorize a lease contract between the County and the Building Authority to construct and lease the project to the City for a term not to exceed 50 years. The bonds shall bear a net interest cost not exceeding 8% per annum. The lease contains a self-help clause for security of the debt payment and authorization to publish public notice . Runestad moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note . Supported by Taub. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Long, Crawford, Potts and Greimel absent. 3. SHERIFF’S OFFICE – OCCMHA AGREEMENT AND INMATE CASEWORKER POSITION The Sheriff is requesting acceptance of partial reimbu rsement funding not to exceed $64,468 from the Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority in support of one Inmate Caseworker position that provides mental health services to inmates having serious and persistent mental illness. The funding is for a one-year period of October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012 (Fiscal Year 2012). This agreement has been in place since 1999. Billing to OCCMHA and revenue receipts will be recorded to the Sheriff’s Office Community Corrections Division General Fund/Ge neral Purpose budget. No budget amendment is necessary. Runestad moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note . Supported by Taub. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long, Crawford, Potts and Greimel absent. 4. MR #11202 – SHERIFF’S OFFICE – CONTRACT AMENDMENT #2 FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES IN THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON -2011 The Sheriff is requesting authorization to amend its law enforcement contract with the Charter Township of Brandon for calendar year 2011. Rates were previously established per MR #10261. The amendment period is September 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011. One general fund/general purpose Deputy II (patrol Investigator) position will be created in the Sheriff’s Contract Patrol Unit, Patrol Services D ivision and will function as the school liaison officer. The total number of contracted positions will be 11.5. The Fiscal Year 2012 Budget will be amended as outlined in the Fiscal Note. Dwyer moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Runestad. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long, Crawford, Potts and Greimel absent. 5. SHERIFF’S OFFICE AND COMMUNITY CORECTIONS – 2011 EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASISTANCE GRANT (JAG) PROGRAM – GRANT ACCEPTANCE FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 4 September 15, 2011 The Sheriff and Community Corrections are requesting acceptance of a $208,894 U.S. Department of Justice grant awarded to the County and the cities of Southfield and Pontiac. The County will receive $33,180, $9,500 for the Sheriff to purchase cell extractio n equipment and $23,680 for Community Corrections to fund a part-time non-eligible Sheriff Deputy for after -hours program security. The remaining grant distribution is based on Federal allocation of $121,903 to the City of Pontiac and $63,811 to the City of Southfield pursuant to the Intergovernmental Agreement approved by MR #11195. The County will act as fiduciary and lead agency for the entire grant. The funding period is October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2014. The FY 2012 budget will be amended as outlined in the Fiscal Note. Zack moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Runestad. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long, Crawford, Potts and Greimel absent. 6. CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS – CALENDAR YEAR 2011 ASSISTANCE FOR SURVEY, MONUMENTATION AND REMONUMENTATION GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Clerk/Register of Deeds is requesting authorization to accept a Calendar Year 2011 Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth on -going funding in the amount of $3 26,937 for the remonumentation program of which $226,937 will fund the current program costs and $100,000 is reimbursement for expedited expenditures . The grant will partially reimburse one existing full -time eligible General Fund/General Purpose Plat & Boundary Review Specialist position. A Budget amendment will be made for Fiscal Years 2012-2014 as reflected in the Fiscal Note. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long, Crawford, Potts and Greimel absent. 7. MR #11201 – CIRCUIT COURT/FAMILY DIVISION – OAKLAND COUNTY CHILD CARE FUND BUDGET 2011-2012 Circuit Court is requesting authorization to submit its plan and budget for funding foster care services to the Child and Family Services Office of the Michigan Department of Human Services, Bureau of Juvenile Justice for Fiscal Year 2012. The application reflects $35,669,361 in gross expend itures and $2,500,000 in offsetting revenues, leaving a net expenditure of $33,169,361. The Child Care fund will reimburse 50% for all Child Care Fund eligible expend itures. Figures are estimated for budgeting purposes only based on current data and may not reflect the final adopted program budget and/or expenditures. The program budget expenditures exceed the FY 2012 Finance Committee Recommended Budget by approxi mately 8.59% or $1,423,370 and, if necessary, may require a budget amendment at the time of contract agreement. Dwyer moved approval of the attached sugges ted Fiscal Note. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long, Crawford, Potts and Greimel absent. 8. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES/CHILDREN’S VILLAGE DIVISION – 2011/2012 FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PROGRAM GRAN T ACCEPTANCE Children’s Village (CV) is requesting authorization to accept from the Michigan Department of Education, U.S. Department of Agriculture National School Lunch - Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program pass -through funding of $663 for the period October 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. Funds will be used to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables to provide to Kindergarten through Sixth Grade students in the CV School classroom each day class is in session. The program’s educational component on the val ue of healthy eating is provided by the special education teacher in tandem for curriculum development with the Health FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 5 September 15, 2011 Division Registered Nurse stationed at the Village. There is an allowable 10% administrative component to the grant that can be used for preparation and grant administration but the majority of funding goes to purchase the fresh fruit and vegetables. The County’s bidding process is used to select vendors from which to purchase these items. A budget amendment will be made for FY 2012 as r eflected in the Fiscal Note. Woodward moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note . Supported by Quarles. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long, Crawford, Potts, Greimel and Zack absent. 9. WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER – 2011 LAKE LEVEL ASSESSMENTS FOR OEPRATION AND MAINTENANCE The Water Resources Commissioner is requesting authorization to assess, levy and collect $432,364.79 for the year 2011 against all benefiting properties and government entities comprising the assessme nt rolls, for the purpose of operating and maintaining 29 lake levels within Oakland County. The County’s share of the assessments is $3,515.12, for roads at large. Funding is available in the General Fund Non -Departmental account – Drain Assessments. No budget amendment is necessary. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long, Crawford , Potts and Greimel absent. 10. WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER – 2011 CHAPTER 4 DRAIN MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION The Water Resources Commissioner is requesting authorization to assess, levy and collect $231,250.00 for the year 2011 against all benefiting properties and government entities comprising the assessment rolls, for the purpose of mainta ining, cleaning and repairing 30 Chapter 4 drains within Oakland County. The County’s share of the assessments is $15,362.62 for roads at large. Funding is available in the General Fund Non-Departmental account – Drain Assessments. No budget amendment is necessary. Quarles moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Taub. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long, Crawford, Potts and Greimel absent. 11. WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER – 2011 CHAPTER 18 DRAIN MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION The Water Resources Commissioner is requesting authorization to assess, levy and collect $78,500.00 for the year 2011 against all benefiting properties and government entities comprising the assessment rolls, for the purpose of maintaining, cleaning and repairing 30 Chapter 18 drains within Oakland County. The County’s share of the assessments is $10,762.77 for roads at large. Funding is available in the General Fund Non-Departmental account – Drain Assessments. No budget amendment is necessary. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long, Crawford, Potts and Greimel absent. 12. MR #11198 – DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE OAKLAND COUNTY MEDICAL AUTHORITY, BUILDING 36 EAST Facilities Management is requesting authorization to enter into a lease agreement between Oakland County and the Oakland County Medical Control Authority for use of space in Building 36 East. Lease terms are FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 6 September 15, 2011 five years, beginning June 22, 2011 through June 21, 2016 with a five year renewal upon written agreement of the Tenant and Landlord’s Director of Facilities Management or his or her successor. Rent is $1.00 annually. The County will install an intercom system and be r eimbursed by the tenant in an amount not to exceed $3,000. Any further remodeling or improvements to the premises will be at the expense of the tenant. The County is responsible for maintenance of the building, custodial services, grounds inclusive of trash removal, snow and ice removal from sidewalks and parking lot and payment of utilities. The tenant is responsible to provide and maintain its computer system a s well as payment to Oakland County for use of its telephone services. No budget amendment is required. Mr. Daddow explained that the Oakland County Medical Authority is a statutory requirement, is an integral piece of the County’s Homeland Security efforts and has been on campu s since the mid 1990’s. Its functions include coordination of 911 calls between hospitals for consistency in response, to make sure all 13 hospitals have consistent Emergency Room standards and to coordinate equipment standards. The County provides space through the lease but a ll other resources for the Authority are provided by the hospitals. Dwyer moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Taub. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long, Crawford, Potts and Greimel absent. 13. MR #11199 – FACILITIES MANAGEMENT/PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION – INDEPENDENCE OAKS -NORTH OTTMAN LEAHY LEASE Facilities Management, on behalf of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, is requestin g authorization to enter into a lease agreement with Kristy Ottman Leahy for a 760 square foot house, identified as 5511 Oakhill Road from September 15, 2011 through September 14, 2016. Ms. Leahy will pay rent as outlined in the lease and all utility costs. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Potts. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long, Crawford and Greimel absent. 14. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION – APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF MICHGIAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES TRUST FUND DEVELOPMENT GRANT PROJECT AGREEMENT NO. TF07 -030 ADDISON OAKS TRAIL CONNECTOR The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission (PRC) is requesting authorization to accept a Michigan Department of Natural Resources grant of $228,800, with matching funds of $291,200 provided by the PRC Fund for a total project cost of $520,000 . The PRC Board supported this acceptance on July 6, 2011. Funds will be used to construct trail and boardwalks to connect Addison Oaks Cranb erry Lake to the border of Bald Mountain State Park along Romeo Road. There is sufficient funding in the PRC Budget and no budget adjustment is required. Commissioner Potts explained that Corporation Counsel is in discussion with the State Department o f Natural Resources and the Attorney General’s Office to modify the grant contract language on indemnification and governmental immunity and will provide a n update on this effort on September 22, 2011 prior to the Board of Commissioners’ meeting. Commissioner Woodward indicated that this has been an ongoing issue for the last three years and needs to be addressed. Dwyer moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Taub. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 7 September 15, 2011 Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long and Crawford absent. 15. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION – APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF MICHGIAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES TRUST FUND DEVELOPMENT GRANT PROJECT AGREEMENT NO. TF10-098 NATURAL AREAS ACCESSIBILITY IMPROVEMENTS The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission (PRC) is requesting authorization to accept a Michigan Department of Natural Resources – Natural Resources Trust Fund Development Grant of $308,000, with matching funds of $392,000 provided by the PRC Fund for a total project cost of $700,000. The PRC Board supported this acceptance on July 6, 2011. Funds will be used to construct boardwalks, wildlife viewing platforms and floating fishing piers at Highland Oaks, Lyon Oaks, Red Oaks and Rose Oaks. There is sufficient funding in the PRC Budget and no budget adjustment is required. This grant contract has also been flagged by Corporation Counsel with the same concerns regarding contract language. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Potts. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long, Crawford and Greimel absent. 16. PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION – DONATION FROM ITC SUPPORTING 2011 GREAT LAKE S RESTORATION INITIATIVE (GLRI) GRANT - ACCEPTANCE Planning and Economic Development Services is requesting authorization to accept a $100,000 donation from ITC Transmission to match the Great L akes Restoration Initiative Grant accepted per MR #11075. PEDS is administering the grant and will utilize these funds consiste nt with the project. Approximately $1,000 of staff time will be used to administer the grant and provide monitoring activities. Funding will be used toward the grant project which includes identifying priority tree planting areas, developing landscaping plans and planting trees in the Rouge Watershed on public land within Oakland County. Target areas include West Bloomfield Township and the cities of Novi and Farmington Hills. A total of 850 trees will be planted on 21 sites. An individual from each o f the three communities will be responsible to check on the trees and contact the vendor to replace the trees if necessary. A budget amendment will be made as reflected in the Fiscal Note. Mr. Dividock explained that they are working with the communities to identify what trees are appropriate for the road corridors. Trees will range from seedlings to 6-8’ trees with 2.5” trunk caliber. A copy of the planting sites will be provided to commissioners. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal No te. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long and Crawford absent. 17. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET – FISCAL YEAR 2011 THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL FORECAST AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS A copy of the FY 2011 Third Quarter Forecast and Budget Amendments resolution, transmittal letter dated September 6, 2011 and backup information was distributed previously for review. A revised resolution includes acceptance of additional State dollars for the 2011 Community Corrections Gr ant for reimbursement of fringe benefits. Forecasted year-end favorability of $11.9 .0 million is a result of receiving $813,473 less revenue than anticipated and expending $12.7 million less than anticipated. This includes planned use of fund balance dol lars. Administrative staff responded to questions regarding expenditure variances for the 52nd District Court and the Sheriff’ Office and writeoffs from the Oakland County International Airport . FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 8 September 15, 2011 Potts moved approval of the attached suggested Resoluti on. Supported by Runestad. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long, Crawford and Greimel absent. 18. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET / FISCAL SERVICES DIVISION – IMPLEMENTATION OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD (GASB) STATE MENT NO. 54 Fiscal Services is requesting authorization to reclassify six Special Revenue funds in accordance with GASB Statement No. 54 which has changed the definition of “special revenue funds” and required that local units of government examine their fund classifications and make the appropriate adjustments for all fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2010. This change will be concurrent with the close of the fiscal year 2011 financial activities. The following funds currently classified as special revenue will be changed as follows: Interim Retiree Medical Benefit Trust Fund – Pension Trust Fund; Delinquent Personal Property Tax Fund – Enterprise Fund; Property Tax Forfeiture Fund, Community Partnership Fund and CCIRF – General Fund. The FY 2012 -2014 Triennial Budgets will also be amended to properly reflect this change. Mr. Soave explained that many governmental units use Special Revenue designations to identify special projects and grants. The Government Accounting Standards Board has tighten ed up the definition of Special Revenue to projects whose activities are generated by an outside source of money. The Administration worked with the outside auditors and determined that six funds would need to be corrected and re-classified with the Fiscal Year-end report. These activities will still be accounted for on a separate basis and reported by separate year but will no longer by reported as separate funds. Ms. Van Pelt explained that this requirement is a result of changes to State Trea sury guidelines. Most government units will not need to make this change because they do not provide more dollars to these types of projects than what the state gives them . Oakland County supplements these projects with use of the General Fund. Potts moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Runestad. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long and Crawford absent. 19. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – 2011 HURON CLINTON METROPOLITAN AUTHORITY TAX RATE The resolution authorizes the Board of Commissioners to apportion a 0.2146 mill property tax rate, the maximum allowable tax rate consistent with Michigan Law (MCL 211.34d(26) the “Headlee “ amendment, for the Huron Clinton Metropolitan Authority. The levy is antici pated to raise $10,883,820.96 for operational purposes based on a final 2011 Taxable Value of $50,716,779,887. The resolution further authorizes supervisors of the various townships and Assessing Officers of the several cities of Oakland County to spread this tax rate on their respec tive tax rolls for the year 2011 for all 201 1 Taxable Value of property within their jurisdictions. Runestad moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Taub. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long and Crawford absent. 20. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT/FACILITIES PLANNING & ENGINEERING – WATER TOWER RESTORATION PROJECT Facilities Management is requesting authorization to proceed with a project to restore the foundation of the FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 9 September 15, 2011 Water Towe r. The project resolution was originally considered by the Planning and Building Committee with bid responses resulting in a total project cost higher than what was included in the Capital Improvement Program. The resolution failed in the Planning and Building Committee but was reconsidered on Tuesday and reported out to the Finance Committee with proposed amendments that would reduce the project to the foundation work for $60,000 and re-bidding of the remaining project. Potts moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Runestad. Potts moved to amend the resolution consistent with those proposed amendments reported by the Planning and Building Committee. Supported by Runestad. Motion carried on a voice vote. Main motion, as amended, carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long and Crawford absent. COMMUNICATIONS A. Department of Management and Budget / Purchasing Division – Contract Exception Report, for the Month of September, 2011 B. Circuit Court – 2012 Michigan Mental Health Court Grant – Grant Application C. Friend of the Court – FY 2010 Access and Visitation Grant - Grant Application D. Economic Development & Community Affairs Department – Arts, Culture & Film – FY 2012 Regional Regranting Services Grant Application E. Notice of Public Hearing – 8/29/11 RE: Sunlogics, Inc. Located at 2910 Waterview Drive – Request for Establishment of Industrial Development District and Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate F. Notice of Public Hearing – 9/19/11 @ 7:15 p.m. RE: U.S. Farathane Application for Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for New Personal Property Installation @ 4872 Lapeer Rd., Orion Township, MI 48359 Weipert moved to receive and file the communications. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 10:31 a.m. ________________________ _______________________________ Helen A. Hanger Jim Ver Ploeg Senior Committee Coordinator Administrator Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.