HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2012.02.28 - 36610 February 28, 2012 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Potts at 9:33 a.m. in Committee Room A, Auditorium Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac , Michigan COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: David Potts, Philip Weipert, Jim Nash, Robert Gosselin, Jim Runestad, Kathy Crawford, Beth Nuccio, Janet Jackson, Dave Woodward and Gary McGillivray COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: None OTHERS PRESENT: FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Art Holdsworth, Director Paul Hunter, Manager Mike Hughson COMMUNITY & HOME IMPROVEMENT Gordon Lambert, Chief of Operations Karry Rieth, Manager Carla Spradlin, Grant Comp. Kathy Williams, HSB Counseling CORPORATION COUNSEL Jody Hall, Asst. Corp. Counsel COUNTY EXECUTIVE Robert Daddow, Deputy PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Dan Stencil, Executive Officer Jim Dunleavy, Chief of Parks Melissa Prowse, Business Development Rep. Phil Castonia, Business Development Rep. Linda Hegstrom, Project Advisor PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bret Rasegan, Supervisor Whitney Calio, Environmental Program Coord. CITY OF PONTIAC Louis Schimmel, Emergency Manager BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Jim VerPloeg, Administrative Director Sheryl Mitchell, Senior Analyst Harvey Wedell, Senior Analyst Julia Ruffin, BOC Liaison Pamela Worthington, Committee Coordinator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Potts led the Committee in the Pledge of Allegiance. OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48341-0470 Telephone: (248) 858-0100 FAX: (248) 858-1572 PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Robert Gosselin Jim Runestad Kathy Crawford Beth Nuccio Janet Jackson Dave Woodward Gary McGillivray DAVID POTTS Chairperson PHILIP WEIPERT Vice Chairperson JIM NASH Minority Vice Chairperson Planning & Building Committee Page 2 February 28, 2012 PUBLIC COMMENT None. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Gosselin moved approval of the minutes of February 7, 2012, as printed. Supported by Runestad. Motion carried on a voice vote. AGENDA ITEMS 1. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS – WASTE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT – APPROVAL OF 2012 NO HAZ INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT The Department of Economic Development & Community Affairs – Waste Resource Management is seeking approval of an interlocal agreement between Oakland County and all municipalities that have signed the interlocal agreement and passed a resolution in support the reof. Currently, there are 8 communities that have approved the interlocal agreement, and they are Addison Township, Groveland Township, City of Lake Angelus, Oakland Township, Oxford Township, Orion Township, City of Rochester and the City of Rochester H ills. White Lake and Waterford Townships have expressed an interest in participating this year. The No Haz program has been in place since 2003 , and it provides communities with a place to dispose of toxic and poisonous household chemicals. The term of the agreement is one year beginning on January 1, 2012, until December 31, 2012. Crawford moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Jackson Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent. 2. PARKS AND RECREATION – PROPOSED REVISION OF OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION RULES AND REGULATIONS The Parks and Recreation Commission is seeking approval of some revisions to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation General Information and Regulations. Under Public Act 261 of 1966 the Board of Commissioners has the right and responsibility to establish the rules and regulations for how the parks are operated. All proposed revisions have been reviewed and approved by Corporation Counsel. Changes were made to S ections 6, 9 13, 17, 27 and 39. Some of the commissioners expressed co ncerns about the changes to Section 39. Crawford moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by McGillivray. PLANNING & BUILDING COMMITTEE VOTE: AYES: Weipert, Nash, Gosselin, Crawford, Nuccio, Jackson and McGillivray (7) NAYS: Runestad, Woodward and Potts (3) Planning & Building Committee Page 3 February 28, 2012 Motion carried on a roll call vote . 3. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION – DONATION OF REFRIGERATION UNITS TO FORGOTTEN HARVEST The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission is seeking approval to donate 15 refrigeration units to Forgotten Harvest, a non -profit organization, to assist them in expanding the donation of perishable food to needy residents of Southeast Michigan. These refrigeration units were targeted for removal and replacement as part of an energy efficiency audit. McGillivray moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. McGillivray moved to directly refer this resolution to the Finance Committee. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a voice vote. 4. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION – 2012 CRITTER CATCHER INC. GRANT PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE The Organization for Bat Conservation has awarded the Oakland C ounty Parks and Recreation Commission a 2012 Critter Catchers grant in the amount of $250 to support a live animal bat conservation workshop. The Parks and Recreation Commission is seeking approval of the Critter Catchers Inc. 2012 Program Grant Contract. The Departmental approvals were not received prior to the mail out of the packets; however, they were received at today’s meeting. Jody Hall from Corporation Counsel suggested that the organization’s name should be changed from Oakland County Parks & Recreation to the County of Oakland. Melissa Prowse stated that the change was made to the contract, and corrected copies are available. Nash moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Runestad. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 5. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION – SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR A MICHIGAN RECREATION PASSPORT PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT GRANT FOR ACCESSIBILITY IMPROVEMENTS AT ADDISON OAKS COUNTY PARK The State of Michigan established the Recreation Passport P rogram, whereby when renewing license tabs, individuals can pay an additional $10.00 in order to have an annual access to all State parks in Michigan. These funds go into a pool that allows local parks to apply for funds to support enhancements and improvements to their local parks. The Parks and Recreation Commission was notified by the Department of Natural Resources that applications for cost sharing grants from the Recreation Passport Grant Program may be submitted Planning & Building Committee Page 4 February 28, 2012 by April 2, 2012. The grant agency requires a resolution from the governing body in support of the application. The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission met and recommends the filing of the application to the Department of Natural Resources for a $45,000 grant (75% of total project costs) with a local match of $15,000 (25%). Corporation Counsel reviewed and approved the application. Nuccio moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by McGillivray. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 6. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION – SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE WTH E.A. FULLER OAK MANAGEMENT CORPORATION Oakland County and E.A. Fuller Oak Management Corporation entered into a lease dated December 14, 2006, (approved through MR #06245) and amended January 1, 2008, for food and beverage services for Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission (OCPRC) facilities. The lease currently expires on December 31, 2015. In August, 2011 , Oak Management requested that the County submit a request for proposals for some of the food and beverage services provided to the OCPRC under the lease to be effective prior to the expiration of the lease. The OCPRC, through the County Purchasing Division, released a request for proposals in December 2011 for food and beverage service s at the following OCPRC facilities: Addison Oaks Concession Stand, Springfield Oaks Golf Clubhouse, Waterford Oaks Wave Pool Concession Stand, Red Oaks Wave Pool Concession Stand and Groveland Oaks Concession stand. On January 1, 2013, Oak Management an d OCPRC would like to discontinue catering services to all OCPRC facilities under the lease, except for Addison Oaks Conference Center, White Lake Oaks, Lyon Oaks Golf Clubhouse and Glen Oaks Golf Clubhouse. The OCPRC, through the County Purchasing Divisi on, plans to submit a request for proposal s in the 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2012 for all OCPRC facilities under this lease, except for the facilities previously noted. All vending services would no longer be provided by Oak Management under this 2nd Amendment to the lease between Oak Management and the County of Oakland. The Parks and Recreation Commi ssion is seeking approval for the second amendment to the lease between the County of Oakland and E.A. Fuller Oak Management Corporation. Weipert moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Crawford. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE VOTE: AYES: Weipert, Nash, Gosselin, Runestad, Crawford, Nuccio, Jackson, McGillivray (8) NAYS: Woodward, Potts (2) Motion carried on a roll call vote. Gosselin moved to directly refer this resolution to the Finance Committee. Supported by Weipert. Motion carried on a voice vote. Planning & Building Committee Page 5 February 28, 2012 AGENDA Chairperson Potts moved items #9 and #10 up on the agenda to be considered at this time. There were no objections. 9. MR #12039 – DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS – COMMUNITY & HOME IMPROVEMENT DIVISION – COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) RESCISION OF THE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF PONTIAC IN FAVOR OF A JOINT AGREEMENT The City of Pontiac had a longstanding history of receiving funding on their own from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and they received funding from the HUD housing Formula B (HUD applies Formula A or B, whichever generates mor e funds). The City of Pontiac has a long history of federal grant noncompliance, and HUD strongly recommended that Oakland County administer Pontiac’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) through a 3 - year-Cooperative Agreement, which required the City of Pontiac to relinquish its Metropolitan City status to join the urban county community -based program, which results in less money for the City of Pontiac. Since this was the only option that HUD offered at that time, a resolution was adopted last year, October 5, 2011, MR #11249, that authorize d the Cooperation Agreement with the City of Pontiac to participate in the Oakland County Urban County CDBG Entitlement Program for the three-year qualification period beginning with program year 2012 through 2014 . In the fall of 2011, Pontiac Emergency Manager Lou Schimmel requested technical assistance from HUD to help mitigate losses in grant revenues, and in late December, 2011 HUD presented a second option for Pontiac to participate in the County CDBG program under a joint agreement to maximize CDBG funds under Formula B. This new option requires Pontiac to restore its Metropolitan City status with HUD and rescind the three -year Cooperative Agreement in favor of a “joint agreement, which will permit Oakland U rban County to receive CDBG funds on behalf of Pontiac, by using a different formula to maximize CDBG funds. The joint agreement terms and conditions do not result in any additional grant compliance exposure than the three -year Metropolitan City alternative. The Department of Economic Development & Community Affairs – Community Home Improvement Division is seeking approval to rescind MR #11249, the Cooperative Agreement with the City of Pontiac, to participate in the Oakland County Urban County CDBG Ent itlement Program for the three-year qualification period beginning with Program Year 2012 through 2014 (May 1, 2012 – April 30, 2015). The resolution authorizes the Joint Agreement with the City of Pontiac to participate in the Oakland County Urban County CDBG Entitlement Program as a Metropolitan City for the three-year qualification period beginning with the program year 2012 through 2014 (May 1, 2012 – April 30, 2015) and automatically renews for participation in successive three -year qualification periods until closure of the CDBG program or unless the County or City provides written notice it elects not to participate in the new qualification period. Mr. Schimmel was present today, and he expressed his appreciation to all the departments within the County that have offered assistance. Crawford moved to report to the full Board with the recommendation that the resolution be Planning & Building Committee Page 6 February 28, 2012 adopted. Supported by Runestad. Nuccio moved to report to the full Board with the recommendation that the word Rescision in th e title of the resolution be corrected by adding an S, as follows: Rescis sion. Supported by McGillivray. Motion carried on a voice vote. Main motion, as amended, carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 10. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS – COMMUNITY & HOME IMPROVEMENT DIVISION – PROGRAM YEAR 2010 NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM 3 (NSP3) JOINT AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF PONTIAC The Department of Economic Development & Community Affairs – Community & Home Improvement Division, in relation to Item #9, is requesting approval of the Joint Agreement between the County of Oakland and the City of Pontiac to participate in the Oakland County Urban County Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 (NSP3) as a Metropolitan City for Federal Fisc al Year 2010 and such additional period of time for the purpose of carrying out activities funded by NSP3 from Federal Fiscal Year 2010 appropriations and from any program income generated from the expenditure of funds. The NSP3 funds that are awarded to Oakland County’s Urban County federal grant program as a result of the City of Pontiac’s participation in the program must be allocated to recipients and/or projects in the City of Pontiac, to the extent authorized or permitted by law. McGillivray moved to report to the full Board with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 7. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS – COMMUNITY & HOME IMPROVEMENT DIVISION – EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT ALLOCATION METHODOLOGY The Department of Economic Development & Community Affairs – Community & Home Improvement Division is seeking approval of a change in the methodology of grant allocation with respects to the Emergency Solu tions Grant Program that reserves 7.5% for administration, 7.5% to manage the mandated Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), 60% to fund emergency shelters and 25% for prevention and/or rapid rehousing programs. The resolution further provides that 60% of the funds allocated to emergency shelters will be awarded based on a formula of (Utilization + 2(Residency) + Capacity) /4 as detailed in Attachment A. In addition, 25% of the funds allocated to homeless prevention and/or rapid rehousing service providers will be awarded to a maximum of two agencies based on factors of capacity/experience, outreach plan, HMIS, mainstream resources/leveraging and Oakland County Continuum of Care participation. Kathy Williams gave a brief PowerPoint presentati on, which included some background information of the Emergency Solutions Grant and the formula allocation methodology. Crawford moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Runestad. Planning & Building Committee Page 7 February 28, 2012 Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote wi th Gosselin absent. 8. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – AMENDMENT TO GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT SECTION 26 – DEBT FORGIVENESS Section 26 of the proposed FY 2012 General Appropriations Act states that “A member of the Board of Commissioners, the County Executive, any elected official, the Fiscal Officer, any other administrative officer or employee of Oakland County shall not forgive a debt or write off an accounts receivable without appropriate authorization of the Board of Commissioners.” It also allows for certain administrative write offs of accounts receivable; specifically, Inmate Prisoner Billings under $2,500, in order to expedite receipt of monies owed the County. The Oakland County Community and Home Improvement Division provides home improvement loans to qualified Oakland County residents. Current Oakland County policy requires full repayment of these loans. Due to the mortgage crisis and the economy downturn many of the homes in which the County is the lienholder are in foreclosure or are going throu gh the foreclosure process, which would force Oakland County to write off the entire loan. The County has been approached by various homeowners, realtors, mortgage services and others connected with the housing and financial market to consider accepting less than the amount owed the County for a home improv ement loan, thus accepting a “short sale” on a property to satisfy a mortgage debt. The resolution approves the “Policy for Accepting Less than What is Owed to Satisfy Mortgage Debt (Short Sale Policy)” and authorizes that the FY 2012 General Appropriations Act be amended, under Section 26, to include the provisions of this policy. Nash moved to report to the Finance Committee with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. Supported by Woodwa rd. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Runestad voting no and Gosselin absent. 11. DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY (AT&T MICHIGAN), EQUIPMENT ROOM, OAKLAND COUNTY CO URTHOUSE BASEMENT Since 1988, the County of Oakland has had lease agreements with the Michigan Bell Telephone company (AT&T Michigan) for providing and operating the County’s Centrex telephone system and related features and equipment from the basement of the Oakland County Courthouse. Since the County presently operates its own primary telephone system, the Centrex telephone system is currently utilized as a back-up telephone system. The Department of Facilities Management is seeking approval and accept ance of a lease agreement between the County of Oakland and the Michigan Bell Telephone Company (d/b/a AT&T Michigan). The lease is a renewal of the current lease, and the term of the lease would be for five years, commencing on March 20, 2012 , until March 19, 2017, unless terminated pursuant to the terms of the lease agreement. McGillivray moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Weipert. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Jackson abstaining and Gosselin abse nt. Planning & Building Committee Page 8 February 28, 2012 CONSENT AGENDA – INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Economic Development & Community Affairs Department – Community & Home Improvement Division – 2012 Annual Action Plan and Consolidated Grant Application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development fo r Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Home Investment Partnership Grant (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) B. Economic Development & Community Affairs Department – Community & Home Improvement Division – PY2011 Annual Action Plan Substantial Ame ndment to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) C. Building Authority Minutes of December 14, 2011 D. Building Authority Minutes of January 11, 2012 McGillivray moved to receive and file the items on the Consent agenda. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT Mr. Stencil, Executive Officer, Parks and Recreation Commission, mentioned that the Parks and Recreation Commission will hold their annual marshmallo w drop at Catalpa Park on Friday, April 6 th, at 10:00 a.m. There will be a groundbreaking for the first phas e of improvements at the park. The park is located just adjacent to the South Oakland Health Care facility. Mr. Stencil said that invitations will be sent to all the commissioners. There being no further business to come before the Commi ttee, the meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m. ______________________________________ ________________________________ Pamela Worthington, Committee Coordina tor Jim VerPloeg, Administrative Directo r NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.