HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2012.05.08 - 36628 May 8, 2012 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Potts at 9:30 a.m. in Committee Room A, Auditorium Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac , Michigan COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: David Potts, Philip Weipert, Jim Nash, Robert Gosselin, Jim Runestad, Kathy Crawford, Janet Jackson, Dave Woodward, Gary McGillivray COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Beth Nuccio OTHERS PRESENT: CENTRAL SERVICES David VanderVeen, Director Karl Randall, Supervisor COMMUNITY HOME IMPROVEMENT Kathy Williams, Supervisor Karry Rieth, Manager CORPORATION COUNSEL Jody Hall, Assistant Corporation Counsel COUNTY EXECUTIVE Bob Daddow, Deputy County Executive Matthew Gibb, Deputy County Executive FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Art Holdsworth, Director Paul Hunter, Manager Ed Joss, Supervisor HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES George Miller, Director INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Greg Kwasnik, Project Manager MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET/PURCHASING Richard Browen, Buyer PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Dan Stencil, Executive Officer Phil Castonia, Business Development Rep. WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER John McCulloch, Commissioner Kevin Larsen, Deputy WRC Commissioner Joe Colaianne, Attorney & Insurance Administrator Sue Coffey, Manager Philip Sanzica, Chief Engineer WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT John Almstadt, Manager COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY Mary Griffiths, Director Melissa Wood, Service Network Analyst AXE & ECKLUND John Axe, Bond Counsel CITY OF PONTIAC Randolph Carter, Councilman TIFA & BROWNFIELD Don Woodward, Co -Chair OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48341-0470 Telephone: (248) 858-0100 FAX: (248) 858-1572 PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Robert Gosselin Jim Runestad Kathy Crawford Beth Nuccio Janet Jackson Dave Woodward Gary McGillivray DAVID POTTS Chairperson PHILIP WEIPERT Vice Chairperson JIM NASH Minority Vice Chairperson Planning & Building Committee Page 2 May 8, 2012 OTHERS PRESENT, CONT’D: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Jeff Matis, District #12, Commissioner Jim VerPloeg, Administrative Director Harvey Wedell, Senior Analyst Pamela Worthington, Committee Coordinator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Potts led the Committee in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT None. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES McGillivray moved approval of the minutes of April 10, 2012, as printed. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a voice vote. AGENDA Weipert moved to have Item #14, “MR #12081 – Board of Commissioners – A Resolution to Request County Executive to Appoint Young Member to Oakland County Workforce Development Board (OCWDB) and for the OCWDB to Develop New Strategy to Reduce Unemployment for Young Workers in Oakland County” up on the agenda to be taken up first to accommodate Mr. Gibb’s schedule. Supported by Potts. AGENDA ITEMS 14. MR #12081 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – A RESOLUTION TO REQUEST COUNTY EXECUTIVE TO APPOINT YOUNG MEMBER TO OAKLAND COU NTY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD (OCWDB) AND FOR THE OCWDB TO DEVELOP NEW STRATEGY TO REDUCE UNEMPLOYMENT FOR YOUNG WORKERS IN OAKLAND COUNTY Commissioner Woodward is seeking approval of a resolution that he introduced to req uest that Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson appoint a new member to the Oakland County Workforce Development Board who is under the age of 35 and that the Workforce Development Board develop a strategy to help lower unemployment among Oakland Co unty’s young workers. This item was postponed from the April 10, 2012, meeting to give County Administration time to review the resolution and give input. Today, Matthew Gibb, from the County Executive’s Office was present to share concerns from administr ation. Mr. Gibb submitted a memo to the committee, which addressed all the concerns of County Administration about the resolution requesting the County Executive to appoint a young member to the Oakland County Workforce Development Board. The memo states that the State of Michigan has directed that appointments to the OCWDB Planning & Building Committee Page 3 May 8, 2012 shall be mainly from private sector and that such individuals must be in positions within their operations or company that grants them “optimum policy making or hiring authority, and t hat there is no mention of age at all, as it could be difficult to use age as a basis for appointment. It is against common practice and often against legal standard, and it is County Administration’s contention that they already have a wide range of ages , as well as races, demographics and diversity in training and hiring already appointed to the Workforce Development Board, and the State of Michigan has certified the Board as being fully compliant with the law. Mr. Gibb indicated that when they consider appointing an individual to the OCWDB, they are looking for the most qualified person, regardless of their age, and he expressed concerns with the resolution “requesting” the County Executive to choose a “young member”. Woodward moved to report to the full Board with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. Supported by Nash. Woodward moved to report to the full Board with the recommendation that the resolution be amended by striking out the word “requests” in the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVE D paragraph and inserting the word “encourages” and by striking the first BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph. Supported by Jackson. Motion to amend carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent. Main motion, as amended, carried on a roll ca ll vote with Nuccio absent and Crawford voting no. 1. DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES – OAKLAND/TROY AIRPORT – 2012 GRANT PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE – MASTER PLAN STUDY The Michigan Department of Transportation has awarded the County of Oakland $265,000 in grant funding, which includes $251,750 in federal funds, $6,625 in State funds and a required County match of $6,625, which is available from the Airport Fund. The resolution authorizes the acceptance of the grant contract. The funds would be used for a Master P lan Study at the Oakland/Troy Airport. Gosselin moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Jackson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent. 2. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT/PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION – ADDISON OAKS – PHILABAUM LEASE The Parks and Recreation Commission is seeking approval of a lease between the County of Oakland and Ken Philabaum to lease a house located on Addison Oaks property at 1480 W. Romeo Road, Leonard, MI for a period of five years commencing on May 1, 2012, through December 31, 2017. Under the terms and conditions of the lease Mr. Philabaum will pay rent each month, which will start at $595.00/mth and increase 2 % each year. In addition, Mr. Philabaum will pay all utility costs. Crawford moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by McGillivray. Planning & Building Committee Page 4 May 8, 2012 Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent . 3. WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER – CITY OF PONTIAC WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY DRAINAGE D ISTRICT DRAIN BONDS – FULL FAITH AND CREDIT RESOLUTION The Drainage Board for the City of Pontiac Wastewater Treatment Facility Drainage District (the Drainage Board) has begun to locate, establish and construct the City of Pontiac Wastewater Treatment Facility (The Project) under the provisions of Chapter 20 of the Drain Code of 1956, as amended, pursuant to a petition filed with the Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner. In order to pay for all or part of the costs of the project, the Drainage Boa rd is expected to authorize and provide for the issuance of bonds by the City of Pontiac Wastewater Treatment Facility Drainage District in anticipation of the collection of special assessments against public corporations in the Drainage District. In orde r to support this project, the Water Resources Commissioner is requesting approval of a resolution that authorizes the issuance of bonds in the amount not to exceed $61,000,000 at an interest rate of 8% per year and reflects that the County pledges full fa ith and credit for payment of the principal and interest on the bonds ; however, the City of Pontiac would be responsible for paying the bonds back. In order to provide revenue and assistance to the City of Pontiac to pay off the bonds, the Water Resources Commissioner in two years plans to divert flow to the City of Pontiac Wastewater Treatment facility. Currently, the plant is approved for 30 million gallons per day, and it only utilizes 10 million gallons a day. The goal is to bring it up to 20 million gallons a day. Weipert moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Gosselin. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent. Weipert moved to directly refer this resolution to the Finance Committee. Suppor ted by Crawford. Motion carried on a voice vote. 4. WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER – RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH CITY OF PONTIAC SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND AUTHORIZE CITY OF PONTIAC SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONTRACT Under Public Act 342 of 1939, the Water Resour ces Commissioner is requesting approval of a resolution that authorizes the establishment of the City of Pontiac Sewage Disposal System to serve the City of Pontiac and appoints the Water Resources Commissioner the “County Agency” for the project and the system. The City of Pontiac has outstanding bonds of approximately $23 million that the City is currently paying, and they are secured by the plant itself. In order to avoid bond holders from calling in those low -interest loans, the County of Oakland is e ntering into a 342 agreement, which is a contract with the City that would provide services for the operation and maintenance of the distribution and collection system. The term of the contract is estimated at 40 Planning & Building Committee Page 5 May 8, 2012 years and upwards as the period of usefuln ess thereof. This contract would allow the City of Pontiac to take advantage of the County’s Triple -A rating along with the full faith and credit of the County. By doing this, the City of Pontiac would not be required to immediately pay back the $23 million on those low -interest loans. The resolution approves the contract between the City of Pontiac and the County of Oakland. Crawford moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by McGillivray. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent. Weipert moved to directly refer this resolution to the Finance Committee. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a voice vote. 5. WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER – RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH CITY OF PONTIAC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM AND AUTHORIZE CITY OF PONTIAC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM CONTRACT Under Public Act 342 of 1939, the Water Resources Commissioner is requesting approval of a resolution that authorizes the establishment of the City of Pontiac Water Supply System to serve the City of Pontiac and appoints the Water Resources Commissioner the “County Agency” for the project and the system. The City of Pontiac has outstanding bonds of approximately $3.7 million that the City is currently paying, and they are secured by the plant itsel f. In order to avoid bond holders from calling in those low -interest loans, the County of Oakland is entering into a 342 agreement, which is a contract with the City that would provide services for the operation and maintenance of the water supply system. The term of the contract is estimated at 40 years and upwards as the period of usefulness thereof. This contract would allow the City of Pontiac to take advantage of the County’s Triple -A rating along with the full faith and credit of the County. By do ing this, the City of Pontiac would not be require d to immediately pay back the $3.7 million on those low-interest loans. The resolution approves the contract between the City of Pontiac and the County of Oakland. Weipert moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Runestad. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent. Weipert moved to directly refer this resolution to the Finance Committee. Supported by Gosselin. Motion carried on a voice vote. 6. WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER – RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH OAKLAND COUNTY FARMINGTON HILLS 2012 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM AND AUTHORIZE OAKLAND COUNTY FARMINGTON HILLS 2012 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT AND OAKLAND COUNTY FARMINGTON HILLS WATER SUPPLY SYST EM BONDS, SERIES 2012 BOND RESOLUTION The City of Farmington Hills approached the Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner to Planning & Building Committee Page 6 May 8, 2012 establish a project to propose to build a 3 million gallon above -ground storage tank, which would provide substantial savings from rates in the City of Detroit. In accordance with the provisions of Public Act No. 34 of the Public Acts of 2001, as amended , the Water Resources Commissioner is requesting approval of a contract between the County of Oakland and the City of Farmington Hills for the County to issue Phase I, 2012 Bonds for a maximum total of $6,800.00 to provide for the acquisition, construction and financing of the water supply system improvements and facilities in the City of Farmington Hills. The project consists of the construction of a 3 million composite storage tank, 24” and 16” pressure reducing vaults, approxima tely 4,300 feet of 30” and 20” w ater main and miscellaneous improvements. The project will be constructed in two phases. The total cost of the project and the amount of the bond sales is estimated not to exceed $16,900,000. The period of the contract is estimated at 30 years and upwards as the period of usefulness thereof. The bonds will be publicly bid and will bear interest at such rates not to excee d 6.0%. Nash moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Weipert. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent . 7. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS – COMMUNITY AND HOME IMPROVEMENT DIVISION – FY 2012 HOUSING COUNSELING PROGRAM GRANT – (NATIONAL COMPETITIVE) ACCEPTANCE The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has awarded Oakland County $49,197.00 in grant funding , which includes $29,197.00 for Comprehensive Housing Co unseling Services and $20,000.00 for Reverse Mortgage Counseling Services, for the period of October 1, 2011, through September 30, 2012. The grant funds would be used to deliver a full range of housing counseling services ($29,197.00) to help housing con sumers improve housing conditions and meet the responsibilities of home ownership and tenancy through home purchase counseling, mortgage default and foreclosure assistance, Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Program (Reverse Mortgage) counseling, landlor d/tenant responsibility information, subsidized housing referral, home improvement resources and fair housing information. Woodward moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Jackson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent. 8. DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – COURTHOUSE OFFICE SPACE LICENSING FOR TITLE COMPANIES AND NEWSPAPERS There are currently six title companies and two newspaper companies occupying office space in the County Courthouse basement. It was discovered recently that there is no formal arrangement/ agreement for use of this office space between the County and these companies, and to protect the County’s interests, limit its liability and enforce security standards , license agreements have been drafted and customized for each company. The title companies will be charged the standard annual Courthouse square footage rate for the net square footage of their respective office spaces, and the newspaper companies will be charged $1.00 per yea r for their respective office spaces, since being located in the Courthouse assists them in providing a valuable public service. The Department of Facilities Management is seeking approval of the license agreements between the County of Oakland and the following companies: First American Title, ASK Services, Metro Equity, Planning & Building Committee Page 7 May 8, 2012 J&L Research Company, Seaver Title Agency, the Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press. Weipert moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Runestad. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent. 9. DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF SUBLEASE WITH OAKLAND COUNTY COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY FOR BUILDING 32 EAST The Oakland County Community Mental Health Au thority (OCCMHA) had approached Oakland County Facilities Management and expressed an interest in utilizing Oakland County’s former medical care facility to consolidate their operations into one location. The existing 48,735 square foot Medical Care Facility, Building 32 East, on the Oakland County Service Center Campus is currently vacant except for the Health Division lab and x -ray office. Miscellaneous Resolution #12035 was adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to finance the renovating, remodeling, constructing , furnishing and equipping of Building 32 East through the issuance of bonds for the purpose of consolidating the OCCMHA access services into one location. A sublease has been prepared between Oakland County and the OCCMHA for the OCCMHA to sublease certain property from the County for 25 years. Under the terms of the sublease, all utilities and maintenance services for the building and grounds are to be at the sole cost and expense of the OCCMHA. Facilities Management is seeking approval of the sublease between the County and OCCMHA. Nash moved approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Jackson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Crawford and Nuccio absent. Weipert moved to directly refe r this resolution to the Finance Committee. Supported by Nash. Motion carried on a voice vote. 10. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT/FACILITIES PLANNING & ENGINEERING – AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT Facilities Management/Facilities Engineering is requesting authorization to advertise and receive bids for the Water Main Replacement Project. The project entails replacing approximately 1,400 feet of 51 year old, six-inch water main pipe, which has averaged over two (2) failures a year for several years. There is a concern about the long -term reliability of this portion of the system. The project location is along Service Center Drive West between the north Telegraph intersection and Campus Drive South, then along Campus Drive sou th east to the Water Tower. The preliminary budget established for this project is $300,000. Jackson moved to authorize Facilities Planning & Engineering to advertise and receive bids for the 2012 Water Main Replacement Project, utilizing Purchasing Div ision services and procedures and to report to the Planning & Building Committee upon receipt and tabulation of the bids. Supported by Nash. Planning & Building Committee Page 8 May 8, 2012 Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent. 11. DEPARTMENT OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT /FACILITIES PLANNING & ENGINEERING – AUTHORIZATION TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR CHILDREN’S VILLAGE BUILDING J COURTYARD REPAVING Facilities Management/Facilities Engineering is requesting authorization to advertise and receive bids for the Children’s Village Building J Co urtyard Repaving Project. The project involves fully replacing the existing pavement across the entire courtyard at Children’s Village Building J. The existing blacktop surface has buckled, cracked and settled in such a way as to create an uneven surface, which is a safety risk for the boys and girls during their activities. The project would include frost-proofing areas in front of the building exit doors to prevent heaving of the pavement/door jamming. The gate into the courtyard would need to be remo ved /replaced to allow the equipment in. Nash moved to authorize the Purchasing Division to issue a Request for Proposals and receive bids for the Children’s Village Building J Courtyard Repaving project and report back to the Planning & Building Committee with the recommendation to award a contract. Supported by McGillivray. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent . 12. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT/FACILITIES PLANNING & ENGINEERING – 2012 PARKING LOT REPAVING JUDGE’S WELL Facilities Planning & Engineering received bids for the 2012 Parking Lot Repaving Program, which involves repaving the deteriorating Judge’s Well, which was last repaved 25 years ago and a small parking area at the service truck dock of the West Wing Extension buildin g. In accordance with Purchasing Division procedures, four (4) bids were received and opened on April 24, 2012, for the project and were reviewed by the Facilities Planning & Engineering Division and the Purchasing Division. The lowest, responsible bidde r is Goretski Construction of Milford, Michigan with a bid in the amount of $154,000. Facilities Planning & Engineering is requesting $205,000 to complete this project, which includes the contract award of $154,000, engineering consultants cost of $16,000 and contingency of $35,000. Weipert moved to report to the Finance Committee with the recommendation that funding for the total project cost of $205,000, including contingency, be approved. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent. 13. MR #12080 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – STATIONARY OUTDOOR SITES FOR MOBILE FOOD VENDORS ON COUNTY CAMPUS Commissioner Woodward is seeking approval of a resolution that he introduced that requests that the Oakland County Exe cutive’s administration submit a proposal for establishing stationary outdoor sites on the Oakland County campus for mobile food carts. It further requests that County Planning & Building Committee Page 9 May 8, 2012 Executive’s administration submit the policy, procedures and permit fees to the General Government and Finance Committees for review and recommendation to the full board within thirty days of the adoption of this resolution, and if one isn’t submitted by that time frame, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners will develop and consider a p olicy no later than May 31, 2012. Upon adoption of the policy, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners would direct the Board of Commissioners’ Director of Administration, through the normal Oakland County Purchasing process, to draft the Request for Proposals and solicit bids for mobile food cart vendors that will be permitted to operate on identified outdoor sites on the Oakland County campus. This resolution was postponed from the April 10 th Planning & Building Committee meeting to allow County Administration to review the resolution and provide input to the Planning and Building Committee. George Miller, Director of the Department of Health and Human Services , was present to address concerns and provide input from County Administration. Mr. Miller expressed the following concerns about a potential mobile food vendor operating on the County campus: 1. It would create competition against the restaurant operating in the basement of the courthouse, possibly forcing them out of business. 2. The County’s currently improved health ranking could be in jeopardy by allowing a food vendor on County campus selling hot dogs. He indicated that with the new State Department of Health guidelines community health rankings could be decreased by how many fast food establishments are in place. 3. Would Facilities Management have to provide an overhang or shelter for the food cart vendor in cases of inclement weather? 4. Another concern is more maintenance for Facilities Management to keep County grounds clean from the possibility of wrappers/napkins blowing around from customers who have purchased food from the mobile food vendor. Commissioner Crawford expressed her concern about increased staff time for some departments in grounds upkeep, especially during a time of fiscal r estraint. Commissioner Woodward indicated that the vendor would have to cover all the costs involved for setting up their mobile food cart. Woodward moved to report to the full Board with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. Supported b y McGillivray. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Nash, Jackson, Woodward, McGillivray, Potts (5) NAYS: Weipert, Gosselin, Runestad, Crawford (4) Motion carried on a roll call vote. 15. MR #12034 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – APPROVAL TO WEBCAST BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ’ BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND CONTINUATION OF WEBCASTING AD HOC COMMITTEE The Webcasting AdHoc Committee was created by MR #11005 to compile information on what Planning & Building Committee Page 10 May 8, 2012 would be the most effective and efficient method of broadcasting Board of Commissioners’ meetings. The Webcasting AdHoc Committee met 5 times, and after bids were sought and received by vendors and reviewed, the Webcasting AdHoc Committee submitted a report to the General Government Committee to recommend that a one -year contract be awarded t o Sound Que Multimedia. The General Government Committee unanimously approved the resolution, and it was referred to the Planning & Building and Finance Committees. The resolution reflects that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts and authorizes moving forward to finalize a contract with Sound Que Productions for a period of one year to webcast the meetings of the Board of Commissioners and its committees, under the terms and scope of services negotiated by the Purchasing Division and approve d by Corporation Counsel. Mr. Mazella, owner of Sound Que , indicated that they would need to install a patchbay, which would involve running some cables for both the Board of Commissioners’ auditorium and Committee Room A, and that it would be minimally invasive. The cost of the patchbay is estimated at $2,900, and the amount of the scope of services for a one -year contract is $50,660. Crawford moved to report to the full Board with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. Supported by McGillivray. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gosselin and Nuccio absent. CONSENT AGENDA – INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Building Authority Minutes – March 14, 2012 Weipert moved to receive and file the item on the consent agenda. Supported by McGillivray. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT Mr. VerPloeg reminded the Commissioners that today is the last day that health screenings will be done in the Board of Commissioners’ auditorium, if any of the commissioners ar e interested. There being no further business to come before the Commi ttee, the meeting adjourned at 11:59 a.m. ______________________________________ ________________________________ Pamela Worthington, Committee Coordinator Jim VerPloeg, Administrative Directo r Planning & Building Committee Page 11 May 8, 2012 NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.