HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2012.09.11 - 36660 September 11, 2012 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Potts at 9:30 a.m. in Committee Room A of the Courthouse Auditorium Wing, County S ervice Center, Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: David Potts, Philip Weipert, Jim Nash, Robert Gosselin, Jim Runestad, Kathy Crawford, Janet Jackson, Dave Woodward, Gary McGillivray COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Beth Nuccio OTHERS PRESENT: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & COMM. AFFAIRS PLANNING Bret Rasegan, Manager Whitney Calio, Environmental Program Coordinator FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Art Holdsworth, Director WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER Steve Korth, Manager Eugene Snowden, Civil Engineer BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Jim VerPloeg, Administrative Director Sheryl Mitchell, Senior Analyst Helen Hanger, Sr. Committee Coordinator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Potts led the Committee in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT None. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Jackson moved approval of the minutes of August 14, 2012, as printed. Supported by McGillivray. Motion carried on a voice vote. OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48341-0470 Telephone: (248) 858-0100 FAX: (248) 858-1572 PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Robert Gosselin Jim Runestad Kathy Crawford Beth Nuccio Janet Jackson Dave Woodward Gary McGillivray DAVID POTTS Chairperson PHILIP WEIPERT Vice Chairperson JIM NASH Minority Vice Chairperson Planning & Building Committee Page 2 August 20, 2012 AGENDA ITEMS 1. WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER – 2012 LAKE LEVEL ASSESSMENTS FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANC E The Water Resources Commissioner (WRC) maintains 35 lake level contract devices/structures and 7 lake augmentation pumps regulating legally established water levels of 53 lakes in Oakland County. The WRC is authorized by law to levy costs incurred for operation, maintenance and repair of Inland Lake Level Districts and is required to obtain Board approval for any proposed assessments in excess of the $10,000 limit. For 2012 the WRC is requesting authorization to assess, levy and collect $4 76,832.93 against all benefiting properties and government entities comprising the assessment rolls for 29 separate lake level districts, for operating, maintaining and repair, including 14 in excess of the $10,000 limit . Commissioner Nash stated that he had heard th at Walled Lake’s level was down 15 inches. Commissioner Runestad indicated that he had heard talk of reducing lake levels to improve the level of the Clinton River. Mr. Korth reported that the spring drought had impacted the lake levels but that the leve ls had come back up in July and August. He indicated that he would follow up regarding Walled Lake’s level. He explained that a report is being compiled using federal grant dollars to look at opportunities to better manage lake levels for the Clinton River and the final report will be released by year end. The WRC participated during modeling. Much is dependent on rain fall. When there is more rain the WRC can tailor its operations to help the flow of lake levels but there is no case for supplementing court ordered lake levels. The WRC does the best it can to make sure there is no negative impact on levels in times of drought and at the same time maintain legal lake levels. Commissioner Potts noted that he had recently read about a proble m with algae blooms in Lakes Erie and St. Clair and asked whether this was a problem for the County’s lakes. There is some concern that the state may require state-wide regulation of phosphates utilized in fertilizers which interact with light to create algae blooms. Commissioner McGillivray noted that many drain and wetland areas are being taken over by phragmites and asked if the WRC deals with this problem. Mr. Korth explained that there have been algae blooms on lakes because of run off and fertilizer. The WRC participates on lake boards and those boards have treatment programs provided by various companies specializing in this field. The issue of dealing with phragmites is something that local lake boards could address as well. If the WRC encounters problems with phragmites in its drains, they can excavate if necessary but there is no legislation or funding available currently to address this invasive species. The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission does have a treatment program . McGillivray moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent. Weipert moved to refer the resolution directly to the Finance Committee pursuant to Board Rule IX.E. Supported by Jackson. Planning & Building Committee Page 3 August 20, 2012 Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent. 2. WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER – 2012 CHAPTER 4 DRAIN MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION The Water Resources Commissioner is requesting authorization to assess, levy and collect $247,500.00 for the year 2012 against all benefiting properties and government entities comprising the assessment rolls, for the purpose of maintaining, cleaning and repairing 49 Chapter 4 drains within Oakland County. Mr. Korth explained that the Dra in Code limits the amount of assessment to $2,500 per mile. Assessment rolls are updated using a Geographic Information System and the information is sent to communities and homeowners during the process to give them an opportunity for review. Jackson moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Gosselin. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent. McGillivray moved to refer the resolution directly to the Finance Committee pursuant to Board Rule IX.E. Supported by Gosselin. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent. 3. WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER – 2012 CHAPTER 18 DRAIN MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION The Water Resources Commissioner is requesting authorization to assess, levy and collect $107,500.00 for the year 2012 against all benefiting properties and government entities comprising the assessment rolls, for the purpose of maintaining, cleaning and repairing 3 8 Chapter 18 drains within Oakland County. Mr. Korth explained that Chapter 18 drains are typically for entire developments and that both the Townships of West Bloomfield and Oakland have passed ordinances to establish these drains. Chapter 20 drains are larger systems for waste water/sanitary purposes. Gosselin moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent. McGillivray moved to refer the resolution directly to the Finance Committee pursuant to Board Rule IX.E. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS – WASTE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT – EXTENSION OF NO HAZ PROGRAM THROUGH 2015 Waste Resource Management is requesting au thorization to facilitate the NO HAZ Program for an additional three years (2013 – 2015) as long as the member communities fully reimburse the County for all costs and expenses connected with the operation of the program. This is the third extension of the original program begun in 2003. The following communities will be participating in NO HAZ: the townships of Groveland, Oxford, Addison, Orion, Oakland, Waterford; the cities of Lake Angelus, Rochester and Planning & Building Committee Page 4 August 20, 2012 Rochester Hills and the villages of Oxford, Leo nard, Lake Orion. Mr. Rasegan distributed a map of the county showing what communities were participating as well as those communities who had programs available through SOCRRA, RRRASOC, Independent Programs and those who had no program. He reported that participation has exceeded the previous year with one more event coming up for this year. Waterford rejoined the program and Wolverine Lake is considering joining. Ms. Calio explained that they do receive many calls from communities on how to dispose of certain things and try to direct them as well as they can, such as where to take used oil and the Operation Medicine Cabinet program. Those that do not have a program can drop their items off but will pay more to do so. The NO HAZ program cost is bas ed on the number of communities, how many cars drop off items and administration. Letters are sent to participating communities each year but some have dropped out due to financial reasons. Commissioner Crawford expressed concerns about making those whos e property still utilizes well water for drinking purposes more aware of how hazardous materials can impact their wells and seep into the ground water aquifers. Crawford moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by McGillivray. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Nuccio absent. CONSENT AGENDA – INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Facility Inspection – Oakland Pointe Office Buildings – Jim Nash B. Facility Inspection – Medical Examiner’s Facility – Dave Woodward C. Facility Inspection – Central Garage – Robert Gosselin D. Facility Inspection – Children’s Village School – Kathy Crawford E. Facility Inspection – Courthouse Complex – Phil Weipert F. Facility Inspection – 52-3 District Court – David Potts G. Building Authority Minutes – July 11, 2012 McGillivray moved to receive and file the communications. Supported by Gosselin. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT Chairman Potts asked that those commissioners who had not yet completed their inspection tours do so and report by the last committee meeting of the year. Commissioner Crawford stated that during her inspection of Children’s Village she noted the garage area is not utilized, except for a small area that was converted to a school room for the art therapy program. She indicated that Mr. Miller would love to use the remaining space for a skill development program such as car repair which perhaps could be tied into the County’s Central Garage. She asked the committee to consider support to make this space available for the school. She also reported that they were not able to utilize the art therapy room when hot because there is no air conditioning and she has talked to Mr. Holdsworth regarding this matter. Planning & Building Committee Page 5 August 20, 2012 In response to Commissioner Gosselin’s inquiry re garding the status of work on the water tower, Mr. Holdsworth reported that the interior painting has been completed and that the framing has been put in place to hold the shroud for exterior painting. Work should begin this week. A wraparound logo will be put on the tower, somewhat reminiscent of the zoo. The logo is more elaborate than originally planned but the cost has been balanced out under the Capital Improvement Program. Commissioner Gosselin indicated that he had been approached by a young m an working on his Eagle Scout Badge and asked Mr. Holdsworth to give some consideration to allowing this young man to paint the tower’s surrounding fence. Chairperson Potts acknowledged a letter from Enbridge sent to members of the committee. Chairperson Potts reminded the committee that there would be a ceremony at 12:30 pm today in front of the Courthouse to plant a Liberty Tree in recognition of the 10 th anniversary of the September 11, 200 1 terrorist attacks and as part of Patriot Week activities. There being no further business to come before the Commi ttee, the meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m. ______________________________________ _____________________________________ Helen Hanger, Sr. Committee Coordinator Jim VerPloeg, Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.