HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2012.11.14 - 36678 OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48341-0470 Telephone: (248) 858-0100 FAX: (248) 858-1572 HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE November 14, 2012 The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson Bosnic at 1:30 p.m. in Committee Room A, Auditorium Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Bosnic, Helaine Zack, Thomas F. Middleton, Bill Dwyer, Beth Nuccio, Philip J. Weipert, Mattie Hatchett and Craig Covey COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: John A. Scott OTHERS PRESENT: Human Resources Nancy Scarlet, Director Karen Jones, Supervisor Lori Motyka, Supervisor Heather Mason, Analyst Connie Srogi, Analyst Sheriff’s Office Undersheriff McCabe Information Technology Ed Poisson, Director Prosecutor’s Office Terri Meiers, Supervisor Administration Board of Commissioners Jim VerPloeg, Director Sheryl Mitchell, BOC Senior Analyst Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF October 24, 2012 Dwyer moved to approve the minutes of October 24, 2012 as printed. Supported by Covey. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT None John A. Scott Chairperson Mike Bosnic Majority Vice-Chair Helaine Zack Minority Vice-Chair Thomas F. Middleton Bill Dwyer Beth Nuccio Philip J. Weipert Mattie Hatchett Craig Covey Human Resources Committee Page 2 November 14, 2012 1. CIRCUIT COURT – 2013 URBAN DRUG COURT INITIATIVE (UDCI) PILOT PROGRAM STATE COURT ADMINISTRATIVE (SCAO) – GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Circuit Court has been awarded SCAO grant funds in the amount of $247,229 and PA 511 funds in the amount of $167,000, for a total award of $414,229, no County match is required. Th e UDCI Pilot Program will focus on high-risk, high-need offenders who have committed criminal offenses within the City of Pontiac and who have been diagnosed with a substance abuse disorder. This Program consists of three phases including varying types of treatment programs, court appearances, incentives and sanctions as needed with specific goals for graduation into the next phase and ultimately graduation from the program. This program also provides funding for drug testing supplies and kits, interlock tethers for participants, indirect costs and therapy. The grant provides for the creation of one SR FTE Youth and Family Caseworker Supervisor position in the Circuit Court Civil/Criminal Services Criminal Case Support system. One SR Technical Assistant position will be partially funded by this Pilot Program and the Adult and Juvenile Drug Court Grant Programs. Continuation of associated positions is contingent upon continuation of state funding and receipt of additional funding sources. Acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment. Nuccio moved to Report to the Board this resolution be adopted. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Scott absent. 2. CIRCUIT COURT – 2013 MICHIGAN DRUG COURT GRANT PROGRAM (JUVENILE TREATMENT COURT) – GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Circuit Court has been awarded State Court Administrative Office (SCAO) grant funds in the amount of $40,000, Child Care Fund contributions of $398,873 (of which 50% is reimbursab le) Restore Foundation donation of $59,404 and General Fund support of $24,143 ($21,018 personnel support and $3,125 operating support). The Juvenile Drug Court intends to continue to deal with the problems of increasing recidivism, increasing use of alcohol and illegal drugs rising systems costs, and an increase in out of home placement days ordered. The Juvenile Drug Court Program has one SR FTE Youth and Family Caseworker I position partially funded by the SCAO grant and the Restore Foundation .One SR Technical Assistant position will also be funded by the Adult Drug Court and Urban Drug Court Initiative Pilot Program funds. Continuation of positions associated with this grant is contingent upon continuation of state funding and receipt of additional funding sources. Zack moved to Report to the Board this resolution be adopted. Supported by Dwyer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Scott absent. 3. CIRCUIT COURT – 2013 MICHIGAN DRUG COURT GRANT PROGRAM (ADULT TREATMENT COURT) – GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Circuit Court applied for a grant with the State Court Administrative Office (SCAO), Michigan Drug Court Grant Program in the amount of $30,000, PA 511 Community Corrections contributed funds of $100,000 General Fund support of $69,489 ($35,237 operating support and $34,252 personnel support) and a Restore Foundation donation of $18,940. One SR Technical Assistant position will also be funded by the Juvenile Drug Court and Urban Drug Court Initiative Pilot Program funds. Two positio ns are partially funded by the Adult Treatment Court Grant, one SR FTE Youth and Family Case work Supervisor and one SR FTE Technical Assistant position. The Court intends to continue the Adult Treatment Court to deal with the problems of increasing recidivism, increasing use of alcohol and illegal drugs, rising systems costs and the increase in jail days ordered. Continuation of related grant positions is contingent upon continuation of state funding and receipt of additional funding sources. Acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment. Covey moved to Report to the Board this resolution be adopted. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Scott absent. Human Resources Committee Page 3 November 14, 2012 4. SHERIFF, PROSECUTING ATTORNEY – FISCAL YEAR 2013 OAKLAND COUNTY NARCOTICS ENFORCEMENT TEAM (NET) BYRNE GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Michigan State Police has awarded the Sheriff and Prosecuting Attorney funding for the FY 2013 Narcotics Enforcement Team (NET) Byrne Grant Program. The grant award is for $397,700, the State share is $198,850, and the County 50/50 match is $198.850. The balance of program funding of $191,752 will be derived from Sheriff’s Restricted Revenue Account ($87,452) and reductions to Prosecutor’s general fund expense budget ($104,472) representing a total NET Byrne program budget of $589,452. The award will delete one FTE SR Deputy II position and continue partial funding of two FTE SR Sergeant positions and one SR PTNE 1,000 hours per year Office Assistant position in the Sheriff’s Office. The grant also partially funds the continuation of one FTE SR Assistant Prosecutor II position and one FTE SR Assistant Prosecutor IV position. Continuation of this program, including positions, is contingent upon continued grant, general fund and Restricted Revenue Account funding. Dwyer moved to Report to the Board this resolution be adopted. Supported by Nuccio Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Scott absent. 5. SHERIFF’S OFFICE – FISCAL YEAR 2013 SECONDARY ROAD PATROL AND TRAFFIC ACCIDENT PREVENTION PROGRAM GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Sheriff’s Office applied to the Michigan Department of State Police – Office of Highway Safety Planning for $710,556 in grant funding from Public Act 416 to conduct secondary road patrol activities for the period October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013. Grant acceptance provides continuation funding for four SR FTE Deputy II positions and one SR FTE Sergeant position. One SR FTE Deputy II position is continued for three months and will be deleted on January 1, 2013. No county match or additional positions are required. Continuation of this program and associated positions are contingent upon future levels of grant funding. Zack moved to Report to the Board this resolution be adopted. Supported by Middleton. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Scott absent. 6. HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT – SALARY ADMINISTATION PLAN – 1st QUARTERLY REPORT FOR FY 2013 The Salary Administration Plan approved by the Board of Commissioners for Salary Grades 1 – 21 provides a process for departments and employees to request a review of the salary grade placement of classifications. One position was reviewed in the 1st Quarter – Chief – Automation Alley Grade 17. After reviewing the factors for this position the Human Resources Department found some changes in factors but were insufficient to change the grade. The Human Resources Department is recommending a change in Classification to – Chief – International Business Development and remaining at Grade 17. Hatchett moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Middleton Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Scott absent. 7. HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT – OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY INCENTIVE Per MR #01200 – Optional Supplementary Incentive for new hires for difficult to recruit positions the Human Resources Department is requesting approval to utilize the Incentive for a User Support Specialist III-GIS position. The amount of the incentive will not exceed five percent of the maximum of the salary range or $5,000, whichever is less. The maximum amount is $3,267. Funding is available within the Information Technology Departmen t current salaries budget to cover the cost of this request. Zack moved to approve the use of the Optional Supplementary Incentive in the requested amount. Supported by Nuccio. Motion carried on a voice vote. Human Resources Committee Page 3 November 14, 2012 CONSENT AGENDA/COMMUNICATIONS Middleton moved to Receive & File Item A. Supported by Covey. A. Position Change Summary Motion carried on a voice vote. . OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 1:56 p.m. ______________________________________ Nancy Wenzel, Committee Coordinator ______________________________________ Jim VerPloeg, Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.