HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2012.11.15 - 36679TOM MIDDLETON Chairperson SHELLEY TAUB Vice Chairperson DAVID WOODWARD Minority Vice Chairperson November 15, 2012 Chairperson Middleton called the meeting of the Financ e Committee to order at 9:06 a.m. in the Board of Commissioners' Committee Room A of the Commissioners' Auditorium Wing, County Service Center in Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Middleton, Shelley Taub, David Woodward, Christine Long, Jim Runestad, Kathy Crawford, Bill Dwyer, Helaine Zack, Nancy Quarles COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE David Potts OTHERS PRESENT CIRCUIT COURT Lisa Langton, Deputy Administrator John Cooperrider, Business Manager FRIEND OF THE COURT Suzanne Hollyer, Friend of the Court DISTRICT COURT 52-3 Jill Palulian, Administrator EXECUTIVE OFFICE Robert Daddow, Deputy Executive Phil Bertolini, Deputy Executive/CIO COMPLIANCE OFFICE Pam Weipert, Compliance Officer FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Art Holdsworth, Director HUMAN RESOURCES Nancy Scarlet, Director Karen Jones, Manager Jordie Kramer, Supervisor INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Ed Poisson, Director Jamie Hess, CLEMIS Manager MANAGEMENT & BUDGET Laurie Van Pelt, Director FISCAL SERVICES Tim Soave, Manager Lynn Sonkiss, Chief Holly Conforti, Chief Gaia Piir, Supervisor Nancy Falardeau, Analyst Monica Tinsley, Analyst Katie West, Grants Coordinator PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Terri Meiers, Supervisor SHERIFF Mike McCabe, Undersheriff TREASURER Jim Van Leuven, Deputy Treasurer AXE ECKLUND, P.C. John Axe, Bond Counsel OAKLAND PRESS John Turk, Reporter BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Jim Ver Ploeg, Administrative Director Harvey Wedell, Sr. Analyst Helen Hanger, Sr. Committee Coordinator OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0475 Telephone (248) 858 -0100 FAX (248) 858-1572 FINANCE COMMITTEE Christine Long David Potts Jim Runestad Kathy Crawford Bill Dwyer Helaine Zack Nancy Quarles FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 2 November 15, 2012 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Middleton led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES Dwyer moved approval of the previous minutes o f October 11, 2012 as printed. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a voice vote. AGENDA The agenda stands as printed. PUBLIC COMMENT None. FY 2012 CONTINGENCY REPORT The beginning Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 Contingency Fund balance of $321,566 will not be impacted by items on today’s agenda. Item 5 on today’s agenda will reduce the non -departmental grant match line item by $198,850 to $961,150. Long moved to receive and file the FY 2013 Contingency Report dated November 8, 2012. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried on a voice vote. CONSENT AGENDA 1. MR #12271 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – TRI-PARTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2013 APPROPRIATION – CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE – SASHABAW ROAD – PROJECT NO. 51491 Introduced by Commissioner Middleton, the resolution approves the project submitted by the Township of Independence as eligible for Tri-Party Road Improvement Program funding and authorizes the release of the County’s one-third share of funding from the General Fund Designated Fund Balance . The program consists of installation of a traffic signal on Sashabaw Road at Flemings Lake Road . Additional costs up to 15% are allowed for otherwise another resolution will be required. A copy of the Cost Participation Agreement between the Road Commission for Oak land County and the Township is included. A budget amendment of $50,000 will be made as outlined in the Fiscal Note. Crawford moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note . Supported by Runestad. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote wi th Taub, Woodward and Potts absent. REGULAR AGENDA 2. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE INSERTION OF NOTICE OF INTENTION OF THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND TO ISSUE RETIREES HEALTH CARE REFUNDING BONDS FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 3 November 15, 2012 The resolution, Exhibit A and Appendix I authorize and define preliminary plans and estimates relating to issuance of bonds for the purpose of refunding a contract obligation which provided funding for the Health Care Trust Fund established for payment of post -employment health care benefits for public employee retirees of the County, insertion of the Notice of Intent to inform the electors and taxpayers of the intent to issue the bonds and t heir right to petition to request election on the issuance of the bonds, form and content of the Notice and authorization for the County Clerk to publish same in the Oakland Press, Retention of Axe & Ecklund P.C. as bond counsel and Municipal Financial Consultants Incorporated as financial consultants, the referendum period, rescinding of all previous resolutions in conflict and the effective date. Mr. Daddow and Mr. Axe presented items 2 -4. Mr. Daddow explained that Public Act 329 of 2012 was passed in October and will allow Oakland County to refinance outstanding Certificates of Participation funding the County’s Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) a.k.a. “retirees’ healthcare” by issuing limited taxable general obligation bonds . Savings over the life of the new issue is estimated at $100 million based on assumption that the bond interest rates and market value of the two OPEB oper ating funds remain relatively unchanged through receipt of the bond proceeds. A memo dated November 6, 2012 from Mr. Daddow containing a history and detailed information of the original COPS issue in 2007 and current business issues associated with defeas ance of the OPEB Certificates of Participation was distributed. Zack moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Runestad. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. 3. RESOLUTION APPROVING A N AMENDMENT TO THE 2007 OAKLAND COUNTY INTERMEDIATE RETIREE MEDICAL BENEFITS TRUST AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY AND THE TRUSTEES DESCRIBED THEREIN ESTABLISHING THE 2007 OAKLAND COUNTY INTERMEDIATE RETIREE MEDICAL BENEFITS TRUST The resolution would amend paragraph 3 pertaining to Contributions to the intermediate Trust of the ordinance enacted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on June 14, 2007 establishing the Intermediate Retiree Medical Benefits Trust Agreement. Dwyer moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. 4. BOND RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND TO ISSUE THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND RETIREES HEALTH CARE REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2013 (GENERAL OBLIGATION LIMITED TAX) The resolution would authorize the County of Oakland to Issue the County of Oakland Retirees Health Care Refunding Bonds, Series 2013 (General Obligation Limited Tax) in an amount not to exceed $485,000,000 dated March 1, 2013 or later as defined within the resolution and incorporating Exhibits and Appendices as attached. Long moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Resolution . Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Zack and Woodward voting no and Potts absent . 5. SHERIFF, PROSECUTING ATTORNEY – FISCAL YEAR 2013 OAKLAND COUNTY NARCOTICS ENFORCEMENT TEAM (NET) BYRNE GRANT ACCEPTANCE FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 4 November 15, 2012 The Sheriff and Prosecuting Attorney are requesting authorization to accept a $397,70 0 Fiscal Year 2013 Byrne Memorial Grant. The State contribution is $198,850 and the County match is $198,850. The total program budget of $589,452 also includes a funding shortfall of $191,752 which will be covered by $87,280 from the Sheriff’s Law Enforcement Enhancement Fund and reductions to the PA’s General Fund expenditures of $104,472, outlined in the Fiscal Note, which will be transferred to the grant fund for this program. The grant award will continue two Special Revenue (SR) Assistant Prosecuto rs and two SR Sergeant positions and one SR part -time non-eligible 1,000 hour/year Office Assistant II in the Sheriff’s Office, with one SR full-time eligible Deputy II deleted. The budget will be amended as outlined in the Fiscal Note. Dwyer moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note . Supported by Taub. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. 6. SHERIFF’S OFFICE – FISCAL YEAR 2013 SECONDARY ROAD PATROL AND TRAFFIC ACCIDENT PREVENTION PROGRAM GRANT ACC EPTANCE The Sheriff is requesting authorization to accept a FY 2013 Michigan Department of State Police – Office of Highway Safety Planning Grant of $710,556 . The award is a $50,754 decrease from FY 12. The Grant will be used to fund five Special Revenue full-time eligible (SR FTE) Deputy II positions and one SR FTE Sergeant in Patrol Services. One additional SR FTE Deputy II will be funded for three months and deleted January 1, 2013. The Sheriff’s budget will be amended as outlined in the Fiscal Note . Crawford moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note . Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. 7. SHERIFF’S OFFICE – 2012 STATE CRIMINAL ALIEN ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (SCAAP) GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Sheriff is requesting authorization to accept United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance reimbursement funding of $35,485 for its State Criminal Alien Assistance Program. The reimbursement period for Grant Year 2012 is Jul y 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. Funding represents a 35.8% decrease from the previous year. Receipt of the award will be posted for 2013. No budget amendment is necessary. Runestad moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note . Supported by Quarles. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. 8. SHERIFF’S OFFICE – 2012 BULLETPROOF VEST PARTNERSHIP (BVP) PRO GRAM GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Sheriff is requesting authorization to accept United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance grant program funding of $17,093.30, including the grant award of $8,546.65 and county matching funds of $8,546.65. The grant provides 50% reimbursement of prior year costs for the purchase of approved bulletproof ve sts for deputies. Receipt of the FY 12 award will be posted to offset FY 12 expenses. Dwyer moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 5 November 15, 2012 Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. 9. MR #12280 – HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT – FISCAL YEAR 2013 – FISCAL YEAR 2015 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY DEPUTY SHERIFF ASSOCIATION (O.C.D.S.A.) Human Resources has negotiated a Fiscal Year 2013 – 2015 Collective Bargaining Agreement Wage and Benefit Reopener with the Oakland County Deputy Sheriff’s Association, representing 393 Sheriff’s employees, and is requesting approval of the agreement, which includes a $500 ratification bonus, a 1% wage increase for FY 14 and that wages shall remain unchanged for FY 13. Should a general wage increase be provided to non -represented employees, this bargaining unit would be entitled to the same increase applied at the same time and in the same manner. Prescriptio n co-pays shall be $5/$20/$40 and emergency room co -pays shall be $100. The $500 ratification bonus is included in the budget. Quarles moved to recommend approval of the attached suggest ed Fiscal Note. Supported by Dwyer. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. 10. MR #12281 – HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT – FISCAL YEAR 2013 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE COMMAND OFFICE RS ASSOCIATION (COAM) Human Resources has negotiated a Fiscal Year 2013 Collective Bargaining Agreement Wage and Benefit Re-opener with the Command Officers’ Association of Michigan, representing 96 Command Officers, and is requesting approval of the agreement, which includes a $500 ratification bonus and that wages shall remain unchanged for FY 13. Should a general wage increase be provided to non -represented employees, this bargaining unit would be entitled to the same increase applied at the same time and in the same manner. Prescription co-pays shall be $5/$20/$40 and emergency room co-pays shall be $100. The $500 ratification bonus is included in the budget. Runestad moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. 11. CIRCUIT COURT – 2013 MICHIGAN DRUG COURT GRANT PROGRAM (JUVENILE TREATMENT COURT) – GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Circuit Court is requesting authorization to accept a FY 12 $40,000 grant from the Michigan State Court Administrators Office , Michigan Drug Court Program for the Juvenile Drug Court. The total program budget of $522,420 includes the $40,000 award, Child Care Contributed funding of $398,873 a Restore Foundation donation of $59,404 and General Fund support of $24,143. Five positions partially funded by the program at $361,214 are described in the Fiscal Note. General Fund personal support estimated at $21,018 includes judges’ and support staff time spent. Judges salaries are reimbursed by the State. Operating costs and the budget a mendment to accept the grant are detailed in the Fiscal Note. Zack moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 6 November 15, 2012 12. CIRCUIT COURT – 2013 MICHIGAN DRUG COURT GRANT PROGRAM (ADULT TREATMENT COURT) The Circuit Court is requesting authorization to accept a FY 12 $30,000 grant from the Michigan State Court Administrators Office, Michigan Drug Court Program for the Adult Treatment Court. The t otal program budget of $218,429 includes the $30,000 award, PA 511 Community Corrections contribution of $100,000, General Fund support of $69,489 and a Restore Foundation donation of $18,940. Two full-time eligible positions are partially funded by the p rogram at $30,000 as described in the Fiscal Note. General Fund personal support estimated at $34,252 includes judges’ and support staff time spent. Judges salaries are reimbursed by the State. Operating costs and the budget amendment to accept the gran t are detailed in the Fiscal Note. Taub moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Runestad. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. 13. CIRCUIT COURT – 2013 MICHIGAN MENTAL HEALTH COURT GRANT PROGRAM (MMHCGP) The Circuit Court is requesting authorization to accept a FY 13 $60,000 State Court Administrative Office grant award. No additional funding is required. Funds will be used to purchase contractual services from Community Mental Health in the form of a court Liaison who will assist the Adult Treatment Court with mental health assessments, court testimony, etc. The budget will be amended as reflected in the Fiscal Note. Crawford moved to recommend approval of the attached suggest ed Fiscal Note . Supported by Runestad. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. 14. CIRCUIT COURT – 2013 URBAN DRUG COURT INITIATIVE (UDCI) PILOT PROGRAM – GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Circuit Court is requesting authorization to a ccept a FY 13 $247,229 State Court Administrative Office grant award for the Urban Drug Court Initiative Pilot Program. The total program budget of $414,229 includes the award and PA 511 Community Corrections contributed funding of $167,000. One Special Revenue, Full -Time eligible Youth and Family Caseworker Supervisor position will be fully funded by the grant at $97,505 and one SR FTE Technical Assistant position will be partially funded by the grant at $30,846 with remaining costs offset by Juvenile Dr ug Court and Adult Treatment Court funding. The budget will be amended as outlined in the Fiscal Note. Dwyer moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. 15. FRIEND OF THE COURT – FY13 ACCESS AND VISITATION GRANT The Friend of the Court is requesting authorization to accept a FY 13 $21,000 Federal Access and Visitation Grant through the State Court Administrative Office. The grant is for c ontracted services performed in conjunction with agencies that facilitate parenting time (visitation) for certain cases as the Court determines. The budget will be amended as reflected in the Fiscal Note. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 7 November 15, 2012 Ms. Hollyer explained that this program serves th e low income population and Oakland County is the only county in the country to provide such a program. Everywhere else you must deal with visitation privately and the President has realized that this is an important service and last summer sent a delegat ion to observe the program for two days to see how Friend of the Court manages and the vendor, Impact, safely handle the supervised parenting program and help parents to reacquaint themselves with their children. Zack moved approval of the attached su ggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Long. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. 16. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – 2011/2012 MASTER PLAN QUARTERLY STATUS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Mr. Bertolini presented the Information Technology 2011/20 12 Master Plan Quarterly Status Executive Summary - Fourth Quarter. Page 3 shows that IT planned for 70% fixed labor deli very and 30% discretionary and IT has ended the year with 69% of its labor force supporting and maintaining the County’s current systems and 31% spent implementing systems requested by County Divisions through the Leadership Group process. The summary includes a list of projects and completion information . Long moved to receive and file. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried on a voice vote. 17. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – FOURTH QUARTER 2012 DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATION TRANSFER Information Technology (IT) is requesting authorization to appropriate a 2012 Fourth Quarter Transfer to user departments with development of $961,172.74, d irect charges to Special Revenue and Proprietary Fund departments of $142,260.07 and non -county agencies of $10,696.50. Specific detail is attached to the resolution. The resolution also authorizes utilization of up to 1,000 hours of staff and profession al services within a fiscal year to work on unfunded mandates, with actual hours to be reported in the IT Quarterly Development resolution beginning in FY 2013. Mr. Bertolini explained that 1,000 hours of staff time will be allocated to accommodate unfunded mandates that require alteration of IT technology. Mandates include PA 114 for the Treasurer’s Office and Health Division food services inspection state software requirements. The state has provided $5,000 for software purposes but no funding for staff time to install software. IT and its customers are pursuing grant opportunities to fund compliance with unfunded mandates. Commissioner Taub indicated that the Michigan Association of Counties board members met with the Governor and suggested that ev ery policy bill passed by the legislature have a fiscal note attached explaining its impact on local governments. Ms. Van Pelt reported that she and other members of the Michigan Government Finance Officers Association are working to draft legislative lan guage for this purpose. Commissioner Zack asked to be kept informed as unfunded mandates occur. Long moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Taub. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 8 November 15, 2012 18. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) 2013-2014 MASTER PLAN The IT Project Goal Summary and the Strategic Plan were distributed. Mr. Bertolini explained that the two- year master plan process includes a series of reviews by Leadership Group s of project priorities, project sizing and customer need. The Master Plan contains a list of leadership groups, definitions, and projects containing detailed breakdowns of labor allocation. Hours are constantly revised as projects progress . Every available hour is accounted for, is tracked each day and adjusted as necessary. Master Plan hours budgeted for fixed labor have decreased and discretionary labor hours have increased over the last several plans as larger projects are completed. IT touches base with its customer community weekly. Technology upgrades are funded from IT equity and are not billed back to the customers. This leverages investment and is built into hou rs. Mr. Bertolini stated that IT is very advanced when compared nationally but to remain strategic to the organization IT must remain relevant. Social media has had a major impact on society and is now being allocated for in the master plan process. This includes E Government Cloud and G2GProjects. The County is concentrating on Facebook and Twitter because this is what the general public is using to obtain County information. Video and podcasting are becoming big and are another way the County is reaching out to the public . People would rather watch a video then read a documen t. IT staff are mostly technical people but are educated to act as ambassadors in providing outreach to explain product availability and usage. IT is careful about the technology that is pushed out. Access Oakland has been a huge success. GtoG Cloud programs were easy to implement and are easy to use. Many users are very technically savvy and are using smart phones, PDAs, tablet, etc. These devices are now outselling personal computers and IT is adjusting to this market . Many technical people ar e leaving the area and it is hard to get them back. The County is working with Human Resources to improve recruitment and with universities on this issue. Mr. Bertolini indicated that he was more concerned about the middle group – those who are experienced but are leaving. IT had a Succession Plan to bring these people in as its next leadership but they left for the private sector. The County is looking for IT professionals willing to retool their skill sets and lead the young people coming in and is working with MSU, OU and LTU on these issues . Soft skills are also a necessity because you are interacting with others. Each year 8-10 interns are hired. Commissioner Zack stated that as an organization the Co unty needs to invest in communities as wel l. It is not just about jobs but where you live. T ransportation is a major issue. What should the County invest in its communities to attract these people? Taub moved to receive and file. Supported by Runestad. Motion carried on a voice vote. 19. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF RADIO SYSTEM AGREEMENT FOR THE NEW COUNTY -WIDE RADIO SYSTEM, OAKWIN Information Technology (IT) is requesting authorization to enter into an agreement with Orion Township to allow the Township to participa te in use of the new county -wide radio system, OakWIN. Any costs and fees associated with use, operation and maintenance of the system assessed to the user shall be approved by the board of Commissioners. Mr. Hess stated that this is the last agency as king to join the system. Southfield has its own radio system, which is very robust and was built up over years . The County has built an interface between its system and Southfield’s and it is used on a regular basis. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 9 November 15, 2012 Taub moved approval of the attac hed suggested Resolution. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. 20. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – TRI-PARTY PROGRAM – ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION FOR CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF HIGHLAND PROJECT NO. 51062 The resolution authorizes additional Tri-Party funding of $19,564 for the Charter Township of Highland Project No. 51062 toward the North John Street paving project from Livingston Road to M-59. A budget amendment will be made as reflected in the resolution. Runestad moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Long. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward and Potts absent. 21. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – TRI-PARTY PROGRAM – ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE CITY OF TROY - PROJECT NO. 51261 The resolution authorizes additional Tri -Party funding of $46,667 for the City of Troy Project No. 51261 toward the Long Lake Road concrete slab replacement from Crooks Road to Northfield Parkway. A budget amendment will be made as refle cted in the resolution. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. 22. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT/FACILITIES MAIN TENANCE AND OPERATIONS – INDOOR LIGHTING SYSTEM RETROFIT PROJECT FOR THE NORTH OFFICE, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND PUBLIC WORKS BUILDINGS Facilities is requesting authorization to transfer funding in the amount of $195,000 from the Capital Improvement Program Building Fund to the Project Work Or der Fund to proceed with an indoor lighting system retrofit project for the North Office, Information Technology and Public Works Buildings. With assistance from Purchasing, the project was bid out, bids were evaluated and Allied Building Services, Inc. of Detroit was the low bidder overall and on each building individually at $167,500. The scope of work was reviewed with Allied . The total project cost of $195,000 includes the contract award, $10,000 for engineering/consulting services and a 10% continge ncy. A budget amendment to transfer funds will be made as detailed in the Fiscal Note. Dwyer moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potts absent. COMMUNICATIONS A. Department of Management and Budget / Purchasing Division – Contract Exception Report for the Month of November 2012 B. M.R. #12279 Central Services/Aviation - 2013 Oakland County International Airport Grant Program Acceptance-Install Fencing (SE Area) Grant Acceptance C. Clerk/Register of Deeds – 2013 Survey and Remonumentation Grant Application FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 10 November 15, 2012 D. County Executive Memorandum – In-substance Defeasance of OPEB Certificates of Participation Woodward moved to receive and file the communication s. Supported by Zack. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the committe e, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. ________________________ _______________________________ Helen A. Hanger Jim Ver Ploeg Senior Committee Coordinator Administrator Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval. `