HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2014.02.24 - 36788CHRISTINE LONG Chairperson KATHY CRAWFORD Vice Chairperson MARCIA GERSHENSON Minority Vice Chairperson February 24, 2014 Chairperson Long called the meeting of the General Government Committee to order at 9:31 a.m. in the Commissioners’ Committee Room A, County Service Center in Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT : Christine Long, Marcia Gershenson, Bob Gosselin, Jeff Matis, Bob Hoffman, Michael Spisz, Mattie Hatchett, Nancy Quarles. COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Kathy Crawford. OTHERS PRESENT : HOMELAND SECURITY Theodore Quisenberry, Manager OLHSA Ron Borngesser, Chief Executive Officer BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Jim Ver Ploeg, Administrative Director Sheryl Mi tchell, Sr. Analyst Tracy Stolzenfeld, Committee Coordinator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Long led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES Spisz moved approval of the minutes of February 6, 2014, as printed. Supported by Matis. Motion carried on a voice vote. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Spisz moved approval of the agenda as printed. Supported by Gershenson. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT None. OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, BLDG 12E, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0475 Telephone (248) 858 -0100 FAX (248) 858-1572 GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Bob Gosselin Jeff Matis Bob Hoffman Michael Spisz Mattie Hatchett Nancy Quarles GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 2 February 24, 2014 REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA 1. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – HOMELAND SECURITY DIVISION – 2013 FEMA STATE HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ACCEPTANCE The Homeland Security Division is requesting a uthorization to enter into an interlocal funding agreement between Oakland and Macomb County regarding grant acceptance . Macomb County was designated by the State of Michigan as the grantee and fiduciary agent for the UASI (Urban Area Security Initiative) region. This region is comprised of the City of Detroit, Macomb, Monroe , Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw and Wayne Counties. Th e yearly grant is from the government’s Homeland Security and FEMA . The grant funds are used by the various municipalities to support law enforcement, help the fight on terrorism and implement homeland security efforts. The monetary allocation is formula-driven and each of the seven jurisdictions receives a fund amount based upon population. The interlocal agreements between the counties will be used for the 2013 Homeland Security Grant Program to determine the fund distribution of $604,534 for the period of September 1, 2013 through May 31, 2015. Commissioner Gosselin requested a breakdown from last year’s expenditures . Mr. Quisenberry has the 2012 grant expenditures and could provide it to the committee. A local planning team of the county’s first responders, made up of police and fire, plans where the money will be spent. The different entities that may be involved in this planning team are CLEMIS, the water and building department s and DPW. The counties of the UASI region collaborate and consolidate their efforts on grant-funded projects and those projects are approved by the regional board. Spisz moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Matis. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Quarles and Crawford absent. 2. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – APPOINTMENTS TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY The upcoming expiration of the four OCCMHA seats were discussed. Applications were received from the following incumbents: Dr. Robert Klotz, Mental Health Provider; Darlene Logan, Primary Consumer; Jonathan Landsman, General Public; and Sidney Rubin, General Public. Commissioner Gershenson has contacted Malkia Newman, OCCMHA chair, who recommended the four individuals for re-appointment. Being a citizen-based group, there is a lot of interest in serving on this board. Commissioner Spisz requested that the date when members begin serving be added to the application form. Matis moved to report to recommend that Darlene Logan, Sidney Rubin, Dr. Robert Klotz and Jonathan Landsman be re-appointed to the Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority seats for a three-year term of April 1, 2014 - March 31, 2017. Supported by Hatchett. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Crawford absent . GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 3 February 24, 2014 3. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – REGIONAL CONVENTION FACILITY AUTHORITY – CITIZENS ADVISORY COUNCIL The Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) seat of the Regional Convention Facility Authority expires March 2, 2014. Jay Shah, current CAC member, addressed the committee and gave a brief status update. The seven-member CAC met during the summer of 2010 several times, but has not met since then due to lack of funding. Mr. Shah provided four pages of information to the committee. The five-member Detroit Regional Convention Facility Authority (DRCFA) meets twice a month and had a $15 million budget in 2010. Mike Carroll is the Oakland County Executive appointee. In 2010 the CAC requested $94,600 in funding from the DRCFA. Larry Alexander, DRCFA chairman, informed the CAC that the DRCFA would not support their activities or the requested budget and suggested seeking support from the counties and the City of Detroit. Mr. Shah held CAC meetings at his office during 2010 and his secretary provided the secretarial support. CAC’s last meeting was at an IHOP restaurant in Southfield in August 2010 and possible options were discussed. CAC members decided not to approach the City of Detroit or counties due to the economi c condition of the region. The choice was made not to move forward with CAC activities. All CAC members were asked to share this decision with their respective county board s. Mr. Shah advised Mr. Carroll and the county commissioner chairman of this decision in the fall of 2010. Mr. Shah clarified that his current application is contingent upon the funding to allow the CAC to exist and is currently willing to continue to serve. Commissioner Gershenson spoke about the Board of Commissioners’ discretionar y fund. Commissioner Spisz suggested a policy be made that annual reports should be required for advisory committees. Spisz moved to postpone further discussion regarding the Regional Convention Facility Authority – Citizens Advisory Council seat until the next meeting , March 10, 2014, so that more information may be gathered. Supported by Hoffman. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Crawford absent . Matis moved to receive and file the February 24, 2014 memo, DRCF Citizen Advisory Council sheet, proposed budget and Act 554 information from Jay Shah. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS Commissioner Gershenson announced that the KidSpeak event is this evening and is supported by Commissioner Runestad. Commissioner Hatchett added that one may come and go a s the time is flexible. This event is being held in the Auditorium from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. with refreshments at 8 p.m. Registrations may be called in today. Chairperson Long stated that three applicants will be scheduled for interviews at the next meeting for the Building Authority seat. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 4 February 24, 2014 COMMUNICATIONS A. Oakland County Senior Advisory Council (SAC) November 18, 2013 Minutes B. Michigan Department of Human Services Board – Oakland County Minutes – December 17, 2013 C. Oakland County Library Board November 19, 2013 Minutes D. Area Agency on Aging 1-B – October – December 2013 Quarterly Report Spisz moved to receive and file the communications. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried on a voice vote. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 10:12 a.m. ______________________________ ________________________________ Tracy Stolzenfeld Jim Ver Ploeg Committee Coordinator Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.