HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2014.04.22 - 36805BILL DWYER Chairperson MIKE BOSNIC Vice Chairperson HELAINE ZACK Minority Vice Chairperson April 22, 2014 Chairperson Dwyer called the meeting of the Public Services Committee to order at 11:3 0 a.m. in Committee Room A, Commissioners’ Wing, County Service Center, Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT : Bill Dwyer, Mike Bosnic, Helaine Zack, Shelley Taub, Michael Spisz, Gary McGillivray COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: None OTHERS PRESENT : CIRCUIT COURT Lisa Langton, Deputy Court Administrator John Cooperrider, Business Administrator HUMAN RESOURCES Clare Flaisch, Analyst PUBLIC SERVICES Mark Newman, Director ANIMAL CONTROL Bob Gatt, Manager Joanie Toole, Administrative Supervisor Kara Clark, Office Assistant SHERIFF’S OFFICE Mike McCabe, Undersheriff Dale Cunningham, Business Manager OTHERS William Armstrong BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Marcia Gershenson, District 13 Jim VerPloeg, Administrative Direc tor Chris Ward , Senior Analyst Tracy Stolzenfeld, Committee Coordinator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Dwyer led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES McGillivray moved approval of the minutes of April 1, 2014, as printed. Supported by Taub. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT None. OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0470 Telephone (248) 858-0100 FAX (248) 858 -1572 PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Shelley Taub Michael Spisz Gary McGillivray PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Page 2 April 22, 2014 AGENDA ITEMS 1. SHERIFF’S OFFICE – CAMP DEARBORN CONTRACT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES FOR THE 2014 2015 2016 SEASONS The Sheriff’s Office is requesting authorization to enter into a contract for law enforcement services for Camp Dearborn’s seasons 2014 through 2016. This contract renewal is for three years and allows for ten continued positions for the patrol of the parks during the summer months. Spisz moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 2. SHERIFF’S OFFICE – CONTRACT FOR FIRE DISPATCH SERVICES FOR THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WASHINGTON 2014 -2015 The Sheriff’s Office is requesting approval to enter into a fire dispatch services contract for Washington Township and the creation of a full-time dispatch position in the Communications Unit. The revenue will allow another dispatcher to be hired. Spisz moved to recommend a pproval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by McGillivray. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 3. CIRCUIT COURT – DELETE AND CREATE POSITIONS/REORGANIZATION The Circuit Court is seeking authorization to reorganize the departme nt by deleting and creating several positions as follows: the addition of a full -time Senior Psychologist in the Clinical Services Unit of the Family Court Division, the deletion of a full-time Judicial Staff Attorney in the Civil/Criminal Division, the creation of one part-time non-eligible 1,000 hours per year Judicial Staff Attorney in the Civil/Criminal Division and the addition of a part-time non-eligible 1,000 hours per year Executive Secretary in Court Administration. These position changes are cos t neutral. The senior psychologist is a Ph.D. level. The clinic was virtually dele ted with the budget cuts. The law has changed recently and it is now required that competency evaluations be done within 30 days . Additional staff is needed to accomplish this new requirement. Zack moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Bosnic. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote . COMMUNICATIONS As a walk-on Communication item , the Animal Control staff presented the ASPCA Rachel Ray 100K Challenge materials to the committee . This is the fifth and final year of th is contest. The contest was promoted by Bob Gatt, Joanie Toole and Kara Clark . The following was received and filed with the Communications: - ASPCA Rache l Ray 100k Challenge Summary and Animal Control & Pet Adoption Center flyer. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Page 3 April 22, 2014 A. Sheriff – 2014 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) Grant Application B. NACo 2014 Achievement Award Program Guidelines and Abstract. Regarding Item B, Chris Ward submitted the abstract application by the deadline last Friday. Bosnic moved to receive and file the Communications. Supported by Spisz. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Spisz gave a brief synopsis of the presentatio n made to the General Government Committee on Monday regarding the Miscellaneous Resolution #14065 – Board of Commissioners – Recognition of June 2014 as National Safety Month In Oakland County and Support for Efforts to Promote Firearms Safety. June 6 was added as an amendment to be designated as Gun Safety Awareness Day. Chairperson Dwyer announced thanks to Diana Lewis for donating her time. She will be doing a third Public Service Announcement on the mental health aspect regarding gun violence this F riday. There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 11:58 a.m. _____________________________________ ___________________________________ Tracy Stolzenfeld Jim VerPloeg Committee Coordinator Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.