HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2014.05.08 - 36812OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0475 Telephone (248) 858 -0100 FAX (248) 858 -1572 FINANCE COMMITTEE May 8, 2014 Chairperson Middleton called the meeting of the Fina nce Committee to order at 9:02 a.m. in Committee Room A of the Commissioners' Auditorium, County Service Center in Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Middleton, Shelley Taub, Christine Long, John Scott, Kathy Crawford, Jeff Matis, Helaine Zack, Nancy Quarles COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE David Woodward OTHERS PRESENT CENTRAL SERVICES Todd Birkle, Manager, Support Services COUNTY EXECUTIVE Phil Bertolini, Deputy County Executive COMPLIANCE OFFICE Scott Guzzy, Purchasing Administrator Pam Weipert, Compliance Officer FACILITIES PLANNING & ENGINEERING Art Holdsworth, Director Ed Joss, Manager, Facilities Planning & Engineering HUMAN RESOURCES Nancy Scarlet, Director Heather Mason, Analyst Hailey Seguin, Intern INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Ed Poisson, Director Janette McKenna, Chief MANAGEMENT & BUDGET Laurie Van Pelt, Director, Management & Budget FISCAL SERVICES Lynn Sonkiss, Manager Gaia Piir, Chief Holly Conforti, Chief Ebru Adoglu-Jones, Supervisor II Laura Huyghe, Accountant Pam Barrow, Accountant Monica Tinsley, Financial Analyst Nancy Falardeau, Financial Analyst Antonio Pisacreta, Financial Analyst Leo Lease, Financial Analyst PUBLIC SERVICES Mark Newman, Director SHERIFF’S OFFICE Mike McCabe, Undersheriff Dale Cunningham, Business Manager TREASURER’S OFFICE Ross Gavin, Deputy Treasurer WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER Sue Coffey, Manager Steve Korth, Manager Sherri Gee, Chief, Administration Glenn Appel, Chief Engineer Tom Maxwell, Project Engineer, CE III Christine Long John Scott Kathy Crawford Jeff Matis Helaine Zack Nancy Quarles TOM MIDDLETON Chairperson SHELLEY TAUB Vice Chairperson DAVE WOODWARD Minority Vice Chairperson Christine Long John Scott Kathy Crawford Jeff Matis Helaine Zack Nancy Quarles FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 2 May 8, 2014 OTHERS PRESENT, cont’d. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Jim VerPloeg, Administrative Director Chris Ward, Senior Analyst Pamela Worthington, Committee Coordinator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Middleton led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES Taub moved approval of the previo us minutes of April 24, 2014, as printed. Supported by Zack. Motion carried on a voice vote. PRESENTATION OF THE AGENDA No changes to the agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT None FY 2014/ FY 2015/FY 2016 CONTINGENCY REPORT There are no items on today’s agenda that affect the FY 2014 – FY 2016 General Contingency of $158,815. The Use of General Fund Equity During FY 2014 balance will be reduced by $191,440 with the adoption of Items #1a – 1e (Tri-Party Resolutions), and the WRC Long -Term Revolving Fund will be reduced by $1,000,000.00 with the adoption of Item #6. Scott moved to receive and file the FY 201 4 – FY 2016 Contingency Report dated May 1, 2014. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a voice vote. COMMUNICATIONS A. County Executive Compliance Offic e/Purchasing – Contract Exception Report for the May 8, 2014 Finance Committee Meeting B. Sheriff’s Office – 2014 Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) Program Grant Application C. Information Technology – CLEMIS Funds – Financial Statements and Schedules for the Quarter Ended December 31, 2013 Long moved to receive and file the Communications. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried on a voice vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 3 May 8, 2014 CONSENT AGENDA 1a. MR #14109 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – TRI-PARTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2014 APPROPRIATION – CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BLOOMFIELD – IMPROVEMENTS TO H ICKORY GROVE ROAD – PROJECT NO. 52292 The resolution, which was introduced by Shelley Taub, authorizes the release of $111,744 (Oakland County’s 1/3 share) in Tri -Party Road Improvement P rogram funds from the Oakland County Designated Fund Balance for a project that was submitted by the Charter Township of Bloomfield. The project is for the milling and resurfacing of Hickory Grove Road from Square Lake Road to Franklin Road. A C ost Participation Agreement is included, and a budget amendment of $111,744 is recommended. Any additional project cost less than 15% of the original agreement will be honored under this agreement. Project costs exceeding 15% will require an additional resolution and approval. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward and Matis absent. 1b. MR #14107 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – TRI-PARTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT PR OGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2014 APPROPRIATION – TOWNSHIP OF ADDISON – GRAVEL ROAD PROGRAM – PROJECT NO. 52302 The resolution, which was introduced by Michael Spisz, authorizes the release of $10,978 (Oakland County’s 1/3 share) in Tri -Party Road Improvement Program funds from the Oakland County Designated Fund Balance for a project that was submitted by the Township of Addison . The project is for the spreading of gravel and chloride on various roads within the T ownship. A Cost Participation Agreement is included, and a budget amendment of $10,978 is recommended. Any additional project cost less than 15% of the original agreement will be honored under this agreement. Project costs exceeding 15% will require an additional resolution and approval. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward and Matis absent. 1c. MR #14108 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – TRI-PARTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2014 APPROPRIATION – CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD – GRAVEL ROAD PROGRAM – PROJECT NO. 52312 The resolution, which was introduced by Michael Spisz, authorizes the release of $18,538 (Oakland County’s 1/3 share) in Tri -Party Road Improvement Program funds from the Oaklan d County Designated Fund Balance for a project that was submitted by the Charter Township of Oxford. The project is for the spreading of gravel and chloride on various roads within the T ownship. A Cost Participation Agreement is included, and a budget amendment of $18,538 is recommended. Any additional project cost less than 15% of the original agreement will be honored under this agreement. Project costs exceeding 15% will require an additional resolution and approval. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward and Matis absent. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 4 May 8, 2014 1d. MR #14111 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – TRI-PARTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2014 APPROPRIATION – CITY OF NOVI – IMPROVEMENTS TO HAGGERTY ROAD – PROJECT NO. 52321 The resolution, which was introduced by Kathy Crawford, authorizes the release of $40,000 (Oakland County’s 1/3 share) in Tri -Party Road Improvement Program funds from the Oakland County Designate d Fund Balance for a project that was submitted by the City of Novi. The project is for the widening of Haggerty Road, south of 10 Mile Road. A Cost Participation Agreement is included, and a budget amendment of $40,000 is recommended. Any additional pr oject cost less than 15% of the original agreement will be honored under this agreement. Project costs exceeding 15% will require an additional resolution and approval. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward and Matis absent. 1e. MR #14110 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – TRI-PARTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2014 APPROPRIATION – TOWNSHIP OF ROSE – GRAVEL ROAD PROGRAM – PROJECT NO. 52372 The resolution, which was introduced by Bob Hoffman, authorizes the release of $10,180 (Oakland County’s 1/3 share) in Tri -Party Road Improvement Program funds from the Oakland County Designated Fund Balance for a project that was submitted by the Township of Rose. The project is for the spreading of gravel and chloride on various roads within the T ownship. A Cost Participation Agreement is included, and a budget amendment of $10,180 is recommended. Any additional project cost less than 15% of the origina l agreement will be honored under this agreement. Project costs exceeding 15% will require an additional resolution and approval. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward and Matis absent. REGULAR AGENDA 2. SHERIFF’S OFFICE – CAMP DEARBORN CONTRACT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES FOR THE 2014/2015/2016 SEASONS The Sheriff’s Office is seeking approval of a continuing law en forcement contract between the County of Oakland and the City of Dearborn for law enforcement patrol services at Camp Dearborn for the 2014 – 2016 seasons. One Deputy II and two Deputy I’s will continue to fulfill this contract on an overtime basis. In addition, ten (10) General Fund/General Purpose part-time, non-eligible Park Deputy positions will continue to fulfill this contract in the Patrol Services Division, Contracted Patrol – Parks Unit of the Sheriff’s Office. No budget amendment is required because the budget already include s this contract renewal. Long moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. S upported by Quarles. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward and Matis absent . 3. SHERIFF’S OFFICE – CONTRACT FOR FIRE DISPATCH SERVICES FOR THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WASHINGTON 2014 - 2015 FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 5 May 8, 2014 The Sheriff’s Office is seeking approval of a contract between the County of Oakland and the Charter Township of Washington for dispatch services in FY 2014 – FY 2015. To support this contract, one General Fund /General Purpose full-time eligible Dispatch Specialist position will be created in the Sheriff Emergency Response & Preparedness Division, Communications Unit. The yearly Dispatch expenses for the remaining four months of FY 2014 is $22,887, and the tota l expense for FY 2015 and FY 201 6 is increased by $68,663 per year, with offsetting expenses to dispatch overtime should this contract be renewed beyond March 31, 2015. Undersheriff McCabe indicated that this is the 18 th fire department that has come to t he Oakland County Sheriff’s Office for dispatch services. This contract will allow enough revenue to cover the cost of the additional position. Undersheriff McCabe explained that the reason they are seeing more interest from fire departments is because t hey are the only center in Michigan and one of only nine (9) in the country th at offers Emergency Medical Dispatch, fire dispatch, and emergency police dispatch services. This item was directly referred by the Planning & Building Committee for immediate c onsideration. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Scott. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward and Matis absent . 4. WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER – 2013 STORMWATER, ASSET MANAGEMENT AND WASTEWATER (SAW) GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality has awarded Oakland County $2,350,000 in grant funding, which includes $1,929,167 from the State of Michigan and $420,833 in matching funds for the 2013 Stormwater, Asset Manageme nt and Wastewater (SAW) program. The grant period is from January 2013 through April 2017. Ms. Coffey explained that the Water Resources Commissioner (WRC) applied for a grant back in November of 2013, and there were so many applicants that they had to draw the applications by lottery, and the Oakland County WRC was fortunate enough to receive this grant. The majority of the money will be used for upgrading the WRC Asset Management Software. Ms. Coffey indicated that WRC staff has been working with In formation Technology to take their Collaboration Management Program to the next level. The matching funds will be allocated to the appropriate sewer systems, and the General Fund will incur a minimal cost of $25,000 associated for storm drains benefitin g from the SAW Grant project. The capital cost to upgrade WRC’s data management system related to Asset and Storm Water Management is estimated at $1,000,000. The Asset Management System is a combination of software, computers and servers designed to col lectively work together as support structures for asset registry, condition assessment, customer service tracking, maintenance planning, work order management and financial planning. Zack moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward absent . 5. WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER – CREATE POSITIONS TO ACCOMMODATE THE ACQUISITION OF SERVICES TO THE CITY OF PONTIAC In 2012, the WRC entered into a contract with the City of Pontiac and established the City of Pontiac Sewage Disposal System, the City of Pontiac Water Distribution System, and the Pontiac Wastewater Treatment Plan Drainage District systems. Since acquiring these systems the WRC has assumed all operations and maintenance responsibilities. Under the amended contract, WRC will assume FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 6 May 8, 2014 responsibilities related to the water storage facility operation and maintenance, customer service and billing, and sanitary sewer system operations and maintenance. The Water Resources Commissioner (WRC) is seeking approval to create 21 positions t o allow WRC to perform work to accommodate the modification of the United Water contract related to Operations and Maintenance and Customer Service Billing for the City of Pontiac. In addition, WRC is requesting to retitle the positions in the Billing Services Unit from Utility Billing Customer Service to WRC Billing and downwardly reclassify one General Fund/General Purpose Account Clerk II position to a WRC Billing Assistant I and to increase the classification of the WRC Billing Supervisor I from a Salary Grade 10 to a Salary Grade 11. The Fiscal Note was amended by changing the estimated financial impact for FY 2015 through 2017, which was noted in #9, from $1,643,507 to $1,644,330 . A revised Fiscal Note was distributed. Quarles moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note, as revised . Supported by Scott. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward absent. 6. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT & BUDGET/WATER RESOURC ES COMMISSIONER – APPROPRIATION TO LONG-TERM REVOLVING FUND FOR SANITARY SEWER PROJECTS CONSTRUCTED UNDER CHAPTER 4 OF THE MICHIGAN DRAIN CODE Per MR #92252, a Long-Term Revolving Fund was established by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners for the p urpose of providing a funding source for specific capital projects, as approved by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, with the funds advanced being recovered through special assessments or contracts with municipalities or drainage distri cts. The Water Resources Commissioner is requesting $1,000,000 to provide additional funding for sanitary sewer projects under the Michigan Drain Code that would bring the total funding in the Long -Term Revolving Fund to $2,491,000. An agreement between Oakland Cou nty and the Drainage District shall be approved by the Department of Corporation Counsel and the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Mr. Korth explained that the WRC does have an up coming sanitary sewer project under the Michigan Drain Code, and this p roject has been under development for several years. T his request is for the financing portion of the project. Mr. Korth indicated that the proj ect is in Highland Township on L ower Pettibone Lake, and the WRC has held several public meetings with the residents to make sure the majority of them still support the project. Taub moved approval of the attached sugg ested Resolution. Supported by Crawford . Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward absent. 7. CIRCUIT COURT – DELETE AND CREATE POSITIONS/REORGANIZATION The Circuit Court is requesting approval for some minor staffing changes that will increase efficiencies. The Court requests the deletion of one (1) GF/GP Full-Time Eligible Judicial Staff Attorney and the creation of one (1) GF/GP Part-Time Non-Eligible, 1,000 hours per year Judicial Staff Attorney; the creation of one (1) GF/GP Full-Time Eligible Senior Psychologist; and one (1) GF/GP Part-Time Non-Eligible, 1,000 hours per year Executive Secretary. Mr. Oeffner explained that the provision of the Juvenile Competency Statute has changed with regard to forensic psychological evaluations of juveniles, and it is now required that competency evaluations be done within 30 days of the entry of a court order, and they must be completed by a PhD level Psychologist. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 7 May 8, 2014 The cost of the salary and fringe benefits for the Senior Psychologist position will be reimbursed 50% b y the Child Care Fund, and the Circuit Court will also use a portion of the savings from a recent reorganizati on per MR #14023 for the proposed changes for FY 2014. The FY 2015 – FY 2017 net fiscal impact is estimated at $1,325 for the General Fund and $109,852 for the Child Care Fund. Matis moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note . Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward absent. 8. DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES/LEASED VEHICLES – NEW POSITION CREATION The Department of Central Services is requesting one (1) additional Communication Installer I position, in the Support Services/Leased Vehicles Unit. Mr. Birkle explained that the duties of this position is to install all of the police equipment in the Sheriff Deputies’ vehicles from the light bars to the inmate security screens, mobile data computers, radar devices, shotgun racks, etc. Mr. Birkle indicated that the Sheriff has added about 100 additional service vehicles as a result of several additional law enforcement contracts that have been obtained in the last ten (10) years. This additional posi tion will help with the increased workload. Taub moved approval of the attached sugge sted Fiscal Note. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward absent. 9. HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT – REMOVE THE BOILER OPERAT OR CLASSIFICATION FROM THE SALARY ADMINISTRATION PLAN AND INCREASE SALARY Ms. Mason indicated that the Facilities Management and Operations (FM&O) heating plant currently has four boiler operator positions, two of which just became vacant, and the other two are filled with long-term employees, one of which has been there about 26 years. The most recent recruiting attempts for this position produced very few applicants. O nly five (5) of the 21 applications received met minimum qualifications. As a result, the Human Resources Department conducted an extensive compensation survey of comparable positions throughout southeast Michigan and found that the average maximum salary of a similar position is approximately $55,000 per year. The top salary for an Oakl and County Boiler Operator position is $40,966. Due to the disparity between the County’s salary range, the survey results and because of recruiting difficulty, the Human Resources Department is requesting to increase the salary range of the Boiler Operator to be more competitive with the labor market with the minimum salary range set at $41,808, and the maximum salary range at $54,422. The cost for the salary and fringe increase of four (4) Full-Time Eligible Boiler Operator positions in the FM&O Fund is $10,993 for the remainder of FY 2014; $47,062 for FY 2015; $55,840 for FY 2016; and $61,732 for FY 2017. The FM&O will absorb the cost of the salary increases in FY 2014 and will recover the increased costs of the positions in subsequent years through the building space rates. FY 2015 – FY 2017 will be addressed in the County Executive Recommended Budget process. Crawford moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note . Supported by Scott. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward absent. 10. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT/FACILITIES PLANNING & ENGINEERING – DTE ENERGY FOUNDATION TREE PLANTING GRANT ACCEPTANCE FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 8 May 8, 2014 The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has awarded Oakland County $3,000 in grant funding for the 2014 DTE Energy Foundation Tree Planting Grant program for the period of May 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014. Mr. Holdsworth indica ted that they would be obtaining 12 trees as a result of this grant. The total project costs of $8,500 include grant funding of $3,000 fo r the purchase, planting and care of the trees, and a required County match of $5,500 for services provided by Facilities Maintenance and Operations including personnel, trees, equipment and supplies. A budget amendment is recommended. Zack moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Matis. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward absent. 11. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT/FACILITIES PLANNING & ENGINEERING – COURTHOUSE STEAM TUNNEL REPAIR PROJECT Mr. Joss explained that there is approximately 700 linear feet of steam tunnel north of the courthouse that has been identified as deteriorating and unsafe to the point that the road that sits on top of the tunnel has been closed. Therefore, FM&O/FP&E would like to move forward with the Courthouse Steam Tunnel Repair Project, which will include replacing the roof, excavating down to the bottom of the tunnel to replace drain tile, waterproof the tunnel, backfill and replace the asphalt on the road on top of the tunnel, wh ich will take approximately 20 weeks to complete. Competitive bids were received and administered by the County’s annual construction manager, George W. Auch Co., who will oversee the project and has estimated the total repair costs to be $1,148,709. The FY 2014 FM&O fund has available funding for this repair since the tunnel provides heating and cooling of numerous county building s on the east and west campus. This item was directly referred by the Planning & Building Committee for immediate considerati on. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward absent. 12. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – 2013/2014 MASTER PLAN QUARTERLY STATUS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Information Technology Master Plan Quarterly Status Executive Summary provides an overview of the services and hours provided by IT during the 2013/2014 Master Plan period. Analysis for the second quarter of the 2013/2014 Master Plan shows that 72% of IT’s labo r force was spent supporting and maintaining the County’s current systems, which includes Customer Support, Maintenance, Planned Maintenance and Upgrades, Team Management and Non -Project time. The remaining 28% of IT’s labor force was spent implementing systems requested by various County Divisions through the IT Leadership Group Process. There are a total of 253 Enhancement and New Development projects on the 2013/2014 Master Plan across the seven Leadership Groups. Of these projects, 74 are completed, 145 are in process and 34 are not started. As of March 28, 2014, 130,077 hours of IT labor have been expended on project - based work. Scott moved to receive and file the Information Technology 2013/2014 Master Plan Quarterly Status Executive Summary . Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Woodward absent. 13. DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – SECOND QUARTER 2014 DEVELOPMENT FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 9 May 8, 2014 APPROPRIATION TRANSFER The Department of Information Technology is requesting approval of the Second Quarter 2014 Appropriation Transfer for development charges during the second quarter, which the Department of Information Technology has determined to be $856,615.49 for the General Fund/General Purpose County departments. Direct charges to Special Revenue and Proprietary Fund departments are $590,241.72 and non-county agencies are $526.50 for the Second Quarter of 2014. The schedule provides detailed information. Long moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Woodward absent. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the committe e, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 a.m. ________________________ _______________________________ Pamela L. Worthington Jim VerPloeg Committee Coordinator Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.