HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2014.06.02 - 36814CHRISTINE LONG Chairperson KATHY CRAWFORD Vice Chairperson MARCIA GERSHENSON Minority Vice Chairperson June 2, 2014 Chairperson Long called the meeting of the General Government Committee to order at 9:30 a.m. in the Commissioners’ Committee Room A, County Service Center in Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT : Christine Long, Kathy Crawford, Marcia Gershenson, Bob Gosselin, Jeff Matis, Bob Hoffman, Michael Spisz, Mattie Hatchett, Nancy Quarles. COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: None. OTHERS PRESENT : HISTORICAL COMMISSION Jennifer Radcliff Melissa Luginski Richard Stamps LIBRARY BOARD Laura Mancini, Director Library Services BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Sheryl Mi tchell, Sr. Analyst Tracy Stolzenfeld, Committee Coordinator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Long led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES Spisz moved approval of the minutes of May 5, 2014, as printed. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried on a voice vote. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Spisz moved approval of the agenda as printed. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT None. OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, BLDG 12E, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0475 Telephone (248) 858 -0100 FAX (248) 858-1572 GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Bob Gosselin Jeff Matis Bob Hoffman Michael Spisz Mattie Hatchett Nancy Quarles GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 2 June 2, 2014 Minutes REGULAR AGENDA 1. MR #14127 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – EXTENSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT FOR GOVERNMENT RELATIONS CONSULTING FIRM TO PUBLIC AFFAIRS ASSOCIATES, INC. This resolution was introduced by Commissioner Gingell. The request is to extend the contract of Public Affairs Associates, LLC (PAA) for three years from June 30, 2014 through June 30, 2017. PAA is the government relations consulting firm that has represented the Oakland County Board of Commissioners’ interests since 2009. The monthly fee for service is $5,000 for a total of $60,000 per year. The renewal fee will remain the same and does not increase for the three -year term of the contract. A brief discussion took place regarding the need for a lobbyist firm . It was mentioned that other County groups have lobbyists and there are legislative represe ntatives to handle pertinent issues. Commissioner Matis ex plained the importance of having a voice in Lansing, especially with the current Detroit water situation . The Legislative Committee was formed to work directly with the lobbyists. At the end of PAA’s contract the service will be bid out. Matis moved to report to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Spisz. Gosselin moved to amend the resolution by revising the term limits from three years to one year. Supported by Hoffman. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Long, Gosselin and Hoffman (3) Nays: Crawford, Gershenson, Matis, Spisz, Hatchett and Quarles (6) Motion to amend the resolution failed on a roll call vote. Main motion carried on a roll call vote with Long, Gershenson and Gosselin vo ting no. 2. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – DIGITIZING OF THE RESEARCH LIBRARY The Oakland County Library Board passed a resolution on April 29, 2014 , which endorses the creation of digitization of the Oakland County Research Library’s Documents Collection. This endeavor would allow the information to be more accessible to the public. The Historical Resources Consortium has been involved with this project. The cost is not to exceed $25,000. Library staff will digitize the document volume o f 62,000 pages and 35 linear feet. The web address that will contain the documents is www.ochr.org. There is also a link to the website on the Library’s home page. Gosselin moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Hoffman. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote . 3. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – APPOINTMENT TO THE REGIONAL CONVENTION FACILITY AUTHORITY – CITIZENS ADVISORY COUNCIL The two candidates interviewed were Brenda Carter and MiVida Burrus for the open seat of the Citizens Advisory Council. The term that Jay Shah served expired on March 2, 2014. It was agreed that the appointment will be discussed following the Historical Commission presentation . GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 3 June 2, 2014 Minutes 4. OAKLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION STATUS UPDATE Historical Commission Chairperson Jennifer Radcliff presented the annual update. Commission members Richard Stamps and Melissa Luginski a lso contributed to the presentation. The remaining members are Chris Cummins, Carol Bacak-Egbo, Brian Golden, Jim Craft, Kathleen Mutch and David Walls. The Commission represents local history, archeology, history preservation and oral history. The Commission’s work plan is to educate, advocate and collaborate. The Commission collaborates with the Parks and Recreation Department. Funds from the Commission’s budget were used by the Parks and Recreation Department to create the banner that was displayed, which is first in a series to be completed this year. The Commission created th e Civil War map that has been distributed widely to schools. This year’s local history conference conducted by the Historical Society of Michigan will be held in Sterling Heights. The Commission supported the fundraising event regarding the Ellis Barn. Commission members and Parks staff conducted an archeological dig on the Ellis property that yielded artifacts and history regarding the Ellis Farm and Springfield Township. The collaboration between the Commission, Parks and SCAMP enables the Ellis Farm’s history to be preserved. In March of 2014 the Michigan Barn Preservation Network held its annual tour from MSU in Lansing to Oakland County. The tour bus of over 50 people participated in a private tour of the Ellis Barn in Springfield Township and the Van Hoosen Barn in Rochester Hills. The Commission promoted the event and provided the tour guides. In closing, Ms. Radcliff revealed that through a collaborative effort with the Parks, six booklets are being created covering the history of six local farms. Four of these six sites are part of the County’s park system. ITC, a corporate entity, will underwrite the costs for making these booklets available to the public. The Commission will sponsor this year’s Heritage Conference on September 12 at Addison Oaks. The Commission appreciates the Board’s support. Mr. Stamps added that later in the fall the Commission will co-sponsor a national three-day conference on mills. Mr. Stamps noted that an archeological dig they were invited to was done at an abandoned ice house where the usual bottles and dishes were found, along with chamber pots. Ms. Radcliff commented that lilac bushes were grown near outhouses where trash was thrown out, making the bushes possible indicators of where artifacts may be found . Ms. Luginski added that daylilies are also grown there. 2. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – DIGITIZING OF THE RESEARCH LIBRARY (Continued) Spisz moved to directly refer the resolution to the Finance Committee. Supported by Quarles. Motion to refer carried on a voice vote. 3. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – APPOINTMENT TO THE REGIONAL CONVENTION FACILITY AUTHORITY – CITIZENS ADVISORY COUNCIL (Continued) Quarles moved to report to recommend that MiVida Burrus be appointed to the Regional Convention Facility Auth ority - Citizens Advisory Council to complete a four-year term that began March 3, 2014 to March 2, 2018. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a roll call vote with Hoffman, Spisz and Hatchett vo ting no. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 4 June 2, 2014 Minutes COMMUNICATIONS A. Area Agency on Aging 1-B, January - March 2014 Quarterly Report B. Oakland County Library Board Minutes, January 28, 2014 and April 1, 2014 C. Senior Advisory Council (SAC) Legislative Breakfast Presentation of May 19, 2014 D. Michigan Department of Human Services Board – Oakland County Amended Minutes – March 25, 2014 and Minutes – April 22, 2014 E. Oakland County Health Division and Healthy Pontiac, We Can Coalition Garners Innovation in Health Care Award, May 20, 2014 Spisz moved to receive and file the communications. Supported by Hoffman. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 11:09 a.m. ______________________________ ________________________________ Tracy Stolzenfeld Jim VerPloeg Committee Coordinator Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.