HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2014.10.16 - 36849TOM MIDDLETON Chairperson SHELLEY TAUB Vice Chairperson DAVID WOODWARD Minority Vice Chairperson October 16, 2014 Chairperson Middleton called the meeting of the Finance Co mmittee to order at 9:04 a.m. in Committee Room A of the Commissioners' Auditorium Wing, County Service Center in Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Tom Middleton, Shelley Taub, David Woodward, John Scott, Kathy Crawford, Jeff Matis, Helaine Zack, Nancy Quarles COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Christine Long OTHERS PRESENT CENTRAL SERVICES Karl Randall, Manager, Aviation CHILDREN’S VILLAGE Jody Overall, Manager CIRCUIT COURT Suzanne Hollyer, Friend of the Court COUNTY EXECUTIVE PURCHASING Scott Guzzy, Purchasing Administrator FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Art Holdsworth, Director Ed Joss, Manager HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES George Miller, Director HUMAN RESOURCES Lori Taylor, Manager Sara Kohn, Analyst I INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Ed Poisson, Director MANAGEMENT & BUDGET Laurie Van Pelt, Director EQUALIZATION Dave Hieber, Manager Lori Norris, Tax Stand. Spec. Shannon Moore, Equalization Clerk FISCAL SERVICES Lynn Sonkiss, Manager Ebru Adoglu-Jones, Supervisor Gaia Piir, Chief Jeff Phelps, Fiscal Coordinator Laura Huyghe, Accountant Antonio Pisacreta, Analyst PARKS AND RECREATION Phil Castonia, Business Development Rep. PUBLIC SERVICES Mark Newman, Director SHERIFF’S OFFICE Michael McCabe, Undersheriff Dale Cunningham, Business Manager TREASURER Andy Meisner, Treasurer Jody DeFoe, Chief Deputy Treasurer Ross Gavin, Deputy Treasurer Laura Schmitt, Chief Tax Administrat or OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0475 Telephone (248) 858 -0100 FAX (248) 858-1572 FINANCE COMMITTEE Christine Long John Scott Kathy Crawford Jeff Matis Helaine Zack Nancy Quarles FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 2 October 16, 2014 OTHERS PRESENT, cont’d WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER Steve Korth, Manager Tim Prince, Manager Sid Lockhart, Chief Engineer Gary Nigro, Assistant Chief Engineer Mike Walsh, Project Engineer John Basch, Attorney MSU – EXTENSION Nancy Stobart-Mitch, Supervisor, Admin. Svcs. Edward Scott, Educator BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Jim Ver Ploeg, Administrative Director Chris Ward , Sr. Analyst Pamela Worthington, Committee Coordinator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Middleton led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES Scott moved approval of the previous minutes o f October 2, 2014, as printed. Supported by Taub. Motion carried on a voice vote. AGENDA Chairperson Middleton added Item #16 “Facilities Planning & Engineering/Health and Human Services – Children’s Village Kennel Construction” to the agenda, per Mr. Holdsworth’s request. Matis moved approval of the agenda, as amended. Supported by Taub. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT None FY 2015/FY 2016/FY 2017 CONTINGENCY REPORT There are no items that impact the General Contingency balance of $254,405. The FY 2016 Salary Adjustment Reserve balance will be decreased by $1,511 and the FY 2016 Fringe Benefit Reserve will be decreased by $588 with the adoption of Item #9 on today’s Finance Committee agenda. The Use of General Fund Equity During FY 2014 will be reduced by $8,200 with the adoption of Item #1 and it will be reduced by $30,000 with the adoption of Item #1 5 on today’s Finance Committee agenda. Zack moved to receive and file the FY 2014 Contingency Report dated September 5, 2014, as amended. Supported by Zack. Motion carried on a voice vote. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 3 October 16, 2014 COMMUNICATIONS A. County Executive Compliance Office/Purchasing – Contract Exception Report for the October 16, 2014 Finance Committee Meeting B. CLEMIS Funds – Financial Statements and Schedules for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2014 C. Sheriff’s Office – 2014 AAA Traffic Safety Equipment – Grant Application D. Friend of the Court – FY15 Access and Visitation Grant - Application E. Notice of Hearing: City of Auburn Hills – October 6, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. RE: Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for New, Real and Personal Property for SL America Corporation to be Located at 4375 Giddings Road, Auburn Hills MI 48326 Taub moved to receive and file the Communications. Supported by Matis. Motion carried on a voice vote. REGULAR AGENDA 1. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT – FACILITIES PLANNING & ENGINEERING/TREASURER’S OFFICE – BOOK ROOM CONVERSION PROJECT The Treasurer’s Office, with the assistance of Facilities Management staff, is seeking approval of a book room conversion project in order to organize some records that are statutorily required to keep in excess of 40 years. Due to security concerns, upgrades are necessary to enhance security and to better accommodate some of these records. Many of the records are in the process of being digitized; however, others, such as tax foreclosure forms must be kept in hard co py form. The estimated cost of renovating space is $8,200, including a contingency of $1,072. Facilities Management staff will manage and perform the project with the assistance of annual, competitively bid contractors. Funding is available in the Gener al Fund Assigned Fund Balance Property Forfeiture Activities for the Book Room Conversion Project. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long absent. 2. MR #14241 - SHERIFF’S OFFICE – FISCAL YEAR 2015 SECONDARY ROAD PATROL AND TRAFFIC ACCIDENT PREVENTION PROGRAM GRANT ACCEPTANCE The Michigan Department of State Police – Office of Highway Safety Planning awarded Oakland County $786,687 in grant funding for th e period of October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015. The grant supports funding for four (4) SR FTE Deputy II positions and one (1) SR FTE Sergeant Position in the Patrol Services Division. The grant funding also supports the creation of one (1) Deputy II position in the Patrol Services Division. No County match is required. Zack moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Taub. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long absent. 3. MR #14239 - WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER – CITY OF PONTIAC WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY DRAINAGE DISTRICT DRAIN BONDS, SERIES 2014 – FULL FAITH AND CREDIT RESOLUTION The Water Resources Commissioner is requesting that the Board of Commissioners pledges the full faith and credit of the County of Oakland for the payment of the principal and interest on the City of Pontiac Wastewater Treatment Facility Drainage District Drain Bonds, Series 2014, pursuant to the provisions of FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 4 October 16, 2014 Chapter 20 of the Drain Code of 1956, as amended. Mr. Lockha rt explained that three (3) bids were received, all within a tigh t range, and they are $1,000,000 over the estimated cost of this project; therefore, he is requesting that the Finance Committee amend the not -to-exceed amount on the resolution and Fiscal Note from $9,000,000 to $10,000,000. The Drain Bonds are to be used to defray costs for Phase I of the Pontiac Wastewater Treatment Improvement Project, which consists of improvement projects for critical work needed at this facility. This facility se rves around 20,000 residents in the City of Pontiac. An amended Fiscal Note was provided to change the not to exceed amount of the Bonds from $9,000,000 to $10,000,000. Woodward moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note , as amended. Supported by Taub. Matis moved to report to amend the first WHEREAS paragraph, as follows: WHEREAS, the Drainage Board for the City of Pontiac Wastewater Treatment Facility Drainage District, by resolution adopted on September 23, 2014, authorized and provided for the issuance by proposes that the City of Pontiac Wastewater Treatment Facility Drainage District of issue its Drain Bonds, Series 2014 (the “Bonds”) in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $9,000,00010,000,000 to defray part of the cost of the acquisition and construction of improvements to the City of Pontiac Wastewater Treatment Facility; and Supported by Quarles. Motion to report to amend carried on a roll call vote with Long absent. Main motion, as amended, carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long absent. 4. MR #14237 - WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER – TRANSFER OF COMMERCE TOWNSHIP/HURON VALLEY HOSPITAL BACK -UP WELL SITE PROPERTY The Water Resources Commissioner is seeking approval to transfer and assign all County interest in the back-up well site property located in the Charter Township of Commerce to the Vanguard Health Systems Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital, Inc. for the cost of $1.00. Mr. Nigro explained that this well site has been abandoned, and Commerce Township has asked the County to refer them back to Huron Valley Hospital. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long absent. 5. MR #14238 - WATER RESOURCES COMMISSIONER – RENOVATION OF THE BUILDING AT 522 S. OPDYKE ROAD, PONTIAC, MI The Water Resources Commissioner is requesting approval for the renovation of the building located at 522 S. Opdyke Road in Pontiac, Michigan. The building and associated assets of the Pontiac water and sewer systems were transferred to Oakland County as part of the Act 342 Agreement between the City of Pontiac and the County of Oakland that was established in FY 2012. Effective October 1, 2014, the Water Resources Commissioner is responsible for the maintenance of the City of Pontiac’s water system and the City of Pontiac’s sewer s ystem. The Water Resources Commissioner would like the Systems Controls, Water Metering and Water Maintenance units to be located in one location for operational efficiencies, and the renovations will accommodate this transition. The estimated renovation cost of the building is $1,918,379, which includes $98,519 from the Pontiac Sewer Fund and $1,819,860 from the benefiting Water Resources Commissioner Special Reven ue and Enterprise Funds. The project will be competitively bid in accordance with the Oakland County Compliance Office policies and procedures. The construction manager for Facilities Management, Frank Rewold and Son, FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 5 October 16, 2014 Inc. was selected to manage the project and will subcontract all trades. No General Fund money will be used for this project. The renovation costs will be capitalized as building improvements in the Pontiac Sewer Fund and depreciated over the useful life of 40 years, and ongoing maintenance costs of the building will be funded by the Enterprise F unds. Scott moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long absent . 6. DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES – OAKLAND TROY AIRPORT – 2014 GRANT PROGRAM ACCEPTANCE – INSTALL RUNWAY VISUAL GUIDANCE – 9/27 PAPIS (REPLACE AND RELOCATE); FAA REIMBURSABLE AGREEMENT – PAPI FLIGHT CHECK - CONSTRUCTION The Michigan Department of Transportation has awarded the County of Oaklan d $78,000 in grant funding, which includes $2,000 in State funds, for a project that consists of the installation of visual guidance – 9/27 Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) lights to replace the current lights that are obsolete . The FAA changed their standard so that the existing lights need to be relocated. These lights give the pilots indication of their position as they are approaching the airport. The grant requires a County match of $2,000, which is available from the Airport Fund. Matis moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Scott. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long absent. 7. MR #14236 - PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION – FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICES POSITION CREATIONS AND TRANSFERS The Parks and Recreation Commission (PRC) is requesting authorization to create and transfer positions , as detailed in the resolution , to provide for self-operation of the concessions at Groveland Oaks campground, Red Oaks Waterpark and Waterford Oaks Waterpark . Mr. Stencil explained that in 1970 , the PRC operated its own food and beverage services . At that time, it was limited to Addison Oaks and Springfield Oaks. In 1974, the PRC and the County of Oakland entered into an exclusive contract with Oak Mana gement to provide that service, and that continued for 32 years. In the past several years , the PRC had bid out their concessions with Kosch. Over this past year Kosch exercised its 365-day cancellation clause, and the PRC has tried to have contractors c ome in and assume these concessions; however, customer service has declined, and it’s not something that has been desirable for the private sector to get into. The PRC retained a consultant to help implement this process, and they have decided to operate the concessions at Groveland Oaks c ampground, Red Oaks Waterpark and Waterford Oaks Waterpark. Based upon expenses and revenues, revenues being in excess to expenses, as well as better customer service, it is justified for the PRC to take over the food and beverage operations, which would begin in May of 2015 . Funding for this operation is generated by the Parks and Recreation Fund in the amount of $475,200 for FY 2015, $471,625 for FY 2016 and $476,705 for FY 2017. Scott moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long absent. 8. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET – 2014 APPORTIONMENT OF LOCAL TAX RATES The Department of Management and Budget is requesting that the Board of Commissioners adopt the 2014 apportionment of local tax rate certificates with recommendations herein contained as part of the permanent records of the Board . Certified rates are subject to MCL 211.36, which allows additional millage FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 6 October 16, 2014 to be voted up to and including December 7, 201 4 for schools and, if adopted, up to and including November 4, 2014 for taxing jurisdictions, and it requires additional Board approval before authorization can be given to various assessing officers to spread the rates a gainst taxable valuation for 201 4 on the rolls. The electorate of the State of Michigan voted to limit school operating levies on homestead and non - homestead property taxes in accordance with this report. Copies of the 201 4 Apportionment of Local Tax Rates document will be distributed to commissioners and placed on file. This report is required to be presented to the Finance Committee in October and December of every year, and Mr. Hieber stated that they will provide color copies when they present the report in December. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Zack. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long absent. 9. MR #14242 - PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT/MSU EXTENSION – MODIFICATION OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT FOR 4-H YOUTH DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR POSITIONS AND EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING SERVICES Mr. Scott, MSU Extension Educator and Supervisor of the 4 -H Office in Oakland County, explained that last year the MSU-E implemented a pilot program in which they had two vacant positions that were previously filled by County employees. They transferred funding to Michigan State University for those positions in order to fund one 4-H Youth Development Coordinator for a one -year trial. The trial was successful, and now the MSU-E is requesting to extend the professional services contract with the Michigan State University Extension to provide 4 -H Youth Development and Educational Programming Services. The currently budgeted Oakland County 4-H Youth Development Program Coordinator position would continue to remain vacant for the contract extension period , and an additional vacant position of 4 -H Youth Development Program Coordinator positi on would be created for FY 2015 through FY 2017. Matis moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Taub. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long absent. 10. MR #14240 - DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES – REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF OAKLAND COUNTY INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AMENDMENT #6 BETWEEN OAKLAND COUNTY AND THE OAKLAND COUNTY COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY FOR BUILDING 32 EAST The Department of Health & Human Services is requesting approval of an Amendment #6 of the interlocal agreement between the County of Oakland and the Oakl and County Community Mental Health Authority (OCCMHA) to move the operations of the Prior Authorization and Centralized Evaluation (PACE) office from the North Oakland Health Center to the Resource Crisis Center (RCC) at the CMHA building. The PACE office will occupy 1,570 square feet of space at the RCC to provide better access to service their customers. The effective date of this Amendment will be April 1, 2014, and shall end on the date the Interlocal Agreement is either terminated or cancelled pursua nt to this agreement. The Amendment provides the delineation of space and clarification of responsibilities between Oakland County and the OCCMHA. Zack moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Taub. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long absent. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 7 October 16, 2014 11. MR #14243 - CIRCUIT COURT/FRIEND OF THE COURT – CREATION OF FRIEND OF THE COURT REFEREE POSITION Effective January 1, 2015, the Oakland County Circuit Court will reinstate the 19 th Circuit Court Judge; and as a result, the Friend of the Court (FOC) needs to create an additional Friend of the Court Referee for special caseload enforcement services. To offset costs of the additional referee, the FOC is requesting approval to delete on e Special Revenue (SR) funded, full-time eligible, Domestic Support Specialist and one SR funded full -time eligible Account Clerk II in the Circuit Court Family Division. A new hearing room will need to be created to accommodate the new referee. There is a one -time renovation project cost for the new hearing room of $28,731, which includes a contingency of $3,748. The position changes and one -time project costs will result in an overall savings in the Friend of the Court Cooperative Reimbursement Program of $5,410 in FY 2015 and $44,954 in FY 2016 and FY 2017, as well as a General Fund savings of $1,839 for the remainder of FY 2015 and a savings of $15,284 for FY 201 6 and FY 2017. The position changes will be effective January 1, 2015 to coincide with the reinstatement of the 19 th Judge. Zack moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Matis. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long absent. 12. MR #14227 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO PROVIDE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES CONTRACT FOR WOMEN’S ADVISORY BOARD Commissioner Gershenson introduced this resolution to authorize the use of $7,100 of funds in the Women’s Advisory Board Donation Fund for contractual services to provide administrative support. The resolution authorizes the t ransfer of funds from the Women’s Advisory Board Donation Fund to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners’ Special Projects line item. Woodward moved to report to the full Board with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. Supported by Zack. Taub moved to report to amend the resolution, as follows: 1. Change the 1st WHEREAS paragraph, as follows: WHEREAS the Women’s Advisory Board for Oakland County Oakland County Women’s Advisory Board was established with the adoption of Miscellaneous Resol ution #07236 for the purpose of conducting public forums and studying matters concerning women in Oakland County, the results of which were reported to the Oakland County Board of Commissioners as an advisory body to the board chairperson per the Board of Commissioners’ Minutes, March 6, 2013. 2. Add the following BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED paragraph: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the contractual services agreement be reviewed and approved by the Oakland County Compliance Office in accordance with Oakland County Purchasing Policies and Procedures. Supported by Matis. Motion to amend carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long absent. FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 8 October 16, 2014 Taub moved to postpone consideration of this item until the November 13, 2014, Finance Committee meeting so that Commissioner Gershenson can present this resolution and answ er questions in regard to donors and the details of how the money would be used . Supported by Crawford. FINANCE COMMITTEE VOTE: Ayes: Taub, Scott, Crawford, Matis, Middleton (5) Nays: Woodward, Zack, Qu arles (3) Motion to postpone carried on a roll call vote with Long absent. 13. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – PROPOSED CITY OF FARMINGTON HILLS CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT AUTHORITY TAX CAPTURE – “OPT OUT” The City of Farmington Hills has worked with the City of Farm ington to create the Grand River Corridor Vision Plan to revitalize the Grand River Avenue Corridor. The City of Farmington Hills presented its Corridor Improvement Authority (CIA) development plan to the Tax Increment Financing District Review Policy Ad Hoc Review Committee on May 8, 2014. Mr. Hunter explained that the County has 60 days after the City’s public hearing, per Public Act 280 of 2005, to preserve its right to opt out of tax capture. The City of Farmington Hills held its public hearing on September 22, 2014, and the Tax Increment Financing District Review Policy Ad Hoc Review Committee has recommended to the Finance Committee that the County exempt its taxes from capture by the Farmington Hills Corridor Improvement Authority at this time. The resolution reflects that pursuant to Section 18 of Public Act 280 of 2005, as amended, MCL 125.2888(5), the Oakland County Board of Commissioners exempts its taxes from capture by the Farmington Hills CIA for the proposed Tax Increment Financing (TIF) plan. Taub moved approval of the attached suggested Resolution. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long absent. 14. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – PROPOSED CITY OF FARMINGTON CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT AUTHORITY TAX CAPTURE – “OPT OUT” The City of Farmington presented its CIA Plan to the Tax Increment Financing District Review Policy Ad Hoc Review Committee on May 8, 2014. The City of Farmington will hold its public hearing on October 20, 2014, to present its CIA developme nt and TIF Plan. The Ad Hoc Review Committee recommends to the Finance Committee that the County exempt its taxes from capture by the Farmington Hills Corridor Improvement Authority at this time. Crawford moved approval of the attached suggested Resolut ion. Supported by Taub. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long absent. 15. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – FUNDING FOR SAFE AND HEALTHY KIDS PARTNERSHIP WITH OAKLAND SCHOOLS TO PROVIDE AN TI-BULLYING TRAINING FOR EDUCATORS AND SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS The resolution reflects that the County of Oakland, in partnership with the Oakland Intermediate School District, would provide for a sum not to exceed $30,000 to cover the cost of anti -bullying training for FINANCE COMMITTEE Page 9 October 16, 2014 educators and school administrators . The partnership will allow Oakland Schools to provide anti - bullying training for educators and administrators at no cost to participants. Facilities, expertise and materials will be available from Oakland Schools to provide expanded access to curriculum traini ng. Funds are available in the assigned fund balance of the Board of Commissioners Special Projects Fund to cover the cost. The resolution authorizes the Chairman of the Board to execute a contract for this program, subject to review by the County Execut ive contract review process , and approve expenditures for this project. Oakland Schools would be hosting several multiple -day training sessions. Commissioner Crawford suggested that it would be helpful if data is provided with attendance statistics after the training has concluded. Commissioner Woodward indicated that data will be provided . Woodward moved to report to the full Board with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. Supported by Taub. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long absent. 16. FACILITIES PLANNING & ENGINEERING/HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – CHILDREN’S VILLAGE KENNEL CONSTRUCTION The Departments of Facilities Planning & Engineering and Health and Human Services are seeking acceptance of a donation by the Children’s Village Foundation in the amount of $59,386. The money would be used to construct six (6) dog houses and four (4) runs adjacent to the CV -Kitchen building. Mr. Miller explained that this project would assist with the Teacher’s Pet Program in whi ch dogs are matched up with kids, and then the kid retrains the dogs so they can become adoptable. Mr. Miller indicated that the adoption rate from the Teacher’s Pet Program to date is 95%. The dogs would be staying in the kennels during the daytime, and it would make it much easier to maintain the dogs while they are at Children’s Village. Matis moved approval of the attached suggested Fiscal Note. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Long absent. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There being no other business to come before the committe e, the meeting was adjourned at 10:16 a.m. ________________________ _______________________________ Pamela L. Worthington Jim VerPloeg Committee Coordinator Administrator Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.