HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2014.12.01 - 36857CHRISTINE LONG Chairperson KATHY CRAWFORD Vice Chairperson MARCIA GERSHENSON Minority Vice Chairperson December 1, 2014 Chairperson Long called the meeting of the General Government Committee to order at 9:33 a.m. in the Commissioners’ Committee Room A, County Service Center in Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Christine Long, Kathy Crawford, Marcia Gershenson, Bob Gosselin, Jeff Matis, Bob Hoffman, Michael Spisz, Mattie Hatchett, Nancy Quarles COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: None OTHERS PRESENT: COUNTY EXECUTIVE Jerry Poisson, CDCE Bob Daddow, Deputy County Executive HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES George Miller, Director Elaine Houser, Public Health Nurse HUMAN RESOURCES Nancy Scarlet, Director Lori Taylor, Manager LIBRARY BOARD John Chambers, Board Chair Laura Mancini, Director Pam Williams Clara Bohrer REGISTER OF DEEDS Ron Crank, Plat Boundary Spec. SENIOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE Cameron McClure, Recording Secretary BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Shelley Taub, District 12 Helaine Zack, District 18 Dave Woodward, District 19 Jim VerPloeg, Administrative Director Julia Ruffin, Community Liaison Chris Ward, Sr. Analyst Tracy Stolzenfeld, Committee Coordinator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Long led the Pledge of Allegiance. OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 N. TELEGRAPH ROAD, BLDG 12E, PONTIAC, MI 48341-0475 Telephone (248) 858-0100 FAX (248) 858-1572 GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Bob Gosselin Jeff Matis Bob Hoffman Michael Spisz Mattie Hatchett Nancy Quarles GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 2 December 1, 2014 Minutes APPROVAL OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES Gosselin moved approval of the minutes of November 19, 2014, as printed. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried on a voice vote. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Item 6, Library Board Status Update, was moved to first on the agenda. Gershenson moved approval of the agenda , as amended. Supported by Quarles. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. McClure of the Senior Advisory Council made a brief presentation regarding the handout entitled, “Wisdom for New Journeys, Overview.” Mr. Miller thanked Ms. Houser for her hard work, as she is retiring at the end of the year. REGULAR AGENDA 6. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – LIBRARY BOARD STATUS UPDATE The Library Board presented their report a long with a PowerPoint presentation. Ms. Williams identified the areas where the Library’s budget will be reduced: Personnel, operating expenses and internal services. • By the year 2024, an additional $300,000 in savings will be posted. • Next year, $126,000 will be reduced from the budget . • Since 2010, the budget has been reduced by 46 percent, main ly by outsourcing services. • The visually impaired services were transferred to the Rochester Hills Library and law services to Cooley Law School. • Reductions in personnel of ten positions impacted the budget by 59 percent, realizing a cost savings of $442,668. • Operating expenses were cut by 80 percent, mainly by reducing print subscriptions and going digital. • Technological changes have assisted a spending reduction of approximately $332,000. • Under the internal services category, 51 percent of the library space was reduced. • Since 2012, the total reductions equaled over $1 million. • An additional goal of reducing $200,000 to $400,000 from the budget over the next few years has been set. • A study group consisting of Ms. Williams, Ms. Bohrer and Ms. Mancini conducted a study of all facets of library operations. • The study group p resented their findings to the Library Board of Trustees and it was approved and agreed upon by the rest of the Library Board. • The Library’s mission statement was updated as follows: “The mission of the Adams -Pratt Law Library is to provide legal research assistance to the public, to the bench, and to the Bar by offering access to a vast array of databases, printed materials, computers, self -help GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 3 December 1, 2014 Minutes assistance, and legal aid clinics to facilitate the just and equit able disposition of legal matters in Oakland County.” The Library Board plans to ensure that the new mission statement is reflected throughout all operations. • Due to statistics show ing that Research Library usage is low and decreasing , most of its collections will be eliminated. • Adoption of push services through remote database access will be instituted for the de minimus Law Library over the next five years. • Migration to electronic formats will replace current practices. • Over 3,000 square feet of library space will be given to the County for an estimated cost savings of $54,000. • Two of seven staff will be eliminated through attrition. The elimination of Library Technician II will result in a $72,000 savings. A short discussion followed the presentation . Gershenson moved to receive and file the report. Supported by Matis. Motion carried on a voice vote. 1. MR #14284 - DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES/HEALTH DIVISION – YOUTH PRESCRIPTION DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION CAMPAIGN The Health Division is seeking authorization to dedicate $15,000 in royalties from the Coast2Coast discount prescription card fund to a Youth Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention campaign. The funds will be utilized to produce and distribute awareness materials to the county’s middle and high schools and to purchase advertising space. Mr. Miller explained that the prescription drug abuse problem is on the rise. This resolution was rewritten to allow the Commissioners to sign on and then be approved by the entire Board. Hoffman moved to report to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Crawford. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Spisz absent. Hoffman moved to directly refer the resolution to the Finance Committee. Supported by Crawford. Motion to refer carried on a roll call vote with Spisz absent. 2. MR #14226 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – MEDICAID REBASING AND GENERAL FUND REDUCTIONS THAT ARE BEING IMPOSED UPON OAKLAND COUNTY COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY (OCCMHA) BY THE MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH (MDCH) The resolution, which was introduced by Commissioner Zack, addresses the reduced funding issue. The original resolution that was drafted with input from the Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority (OCCMHA) was revised. The purpose of the resolution is to advocate on behalf of the County regarding decreased funding . Last year the State rebased and took away $14 million from urban areas to readjust funding throughout the state. At the same time Oakla nd County lost $7 million due to Healthy Michigan and other funding issues. For the past 12 to 14 years the community mental health providers in the county have experienced flat funding, plus 5 percent was taken away recently, which has left operational losses. The provider community wanted OCCMHA GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 4 December 1, 2014 Minutes to absorb the reduction, which was not possible due to lack of reserves. OCCMHA’s Executive Director, Willie Brooks, has met with the Michigan Department of Community Health Executive Director, Nick Lyon. Funds were used from the Building Authority fund for building the new Resource & Crisis Center. No Medicaid reserve funds are currently available. OCCMHA requires additional funding to meet existing needs. Gershenson moved to report to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Quarles. Matis moved to amend the resolution as follows: “RE: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – MEDICAID REBASING AND GENERAL FUND REDUCTIONS THAT ARE BEING IMPOSED UPON SUPPORT FOR IMPROVED MEDICAID FUNDING FOR OAKLAND COUNTY COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY (OCCMHA) BY THE MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH (MDCH) To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority and its network of core provider service agencies offer support to more than 23,000 Oakland County residents; and WHEREAS by helping the individuals it serves, lead independent and self -directed lives, OCCMHA also impacts the lives of their family members, fr iends, classmates, and colleagues, totaling approximately 500,000 people, nearly half of Oakland County’s population; and WHEREAS the reductionreductions of vitalin funding to Oakland County’s public mental health system hashave a direct and negative impacts on the services received by individuals who have a developmental disability, mental illness, substance use disorder, or serious emotional disturbance; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority received $14 million in reduced Medicaid funding in 2014; and WHEREAS the Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority was given a $20 million General Fund reduction in support from the State of Michigan; and WHEREAS these reductions have not been replaced with funds from the transition to the expanded Medicaid services offered under the Healthy Michigan as promised, causing $8 million General Fundprogram have caused a budget gap infor the Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority budget; and WHEREAS the distribution of Medicaid doll ars should reflect the reality that more than 60% of Medicaid recipients live in Macomb, Oakland, or Wayne County, yet these three counties are getting a disproportionally smaller distribution of Medicaid dollars and rebasing; and WHEREAS during a recent community forum, an announcement was made by the rebasing is a creating a funding decrease for Oakland County; and WHEREAS false assumptions regarding the combination of previous cuts and increased service demands indicate the number of citizens who would si gn up for the Healthy Michigan program combined with steep cutbacksOCCMHAs need additional support to local mental health programs in the state budget are putting critical human services at risk .meet existing needs. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners supports OCCMHA, its service providers, and the community at large in their efforts to encourage MDCH to reconsider and reevaluate its decision to reduce valuable funding that inspires hope, empowers people, and strengthens communities in Oakland County and across the state re-evaluate the rebasing funding formula to reflect the historic financial support and service needs of the region for mental health programs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Co mmissioners calls on the members of the Michigan Legislature and Governor Snyder to take action to change MDCH’s unfair rebasingcreate an equitable, stable and fair funding formula which is causing severe cutbacks for the distribution of Medicaid funds to mental health care in Oakland County and throughout the region. agencies. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners calls on the members of the Michigan Legislature and Governor Snyder to restore adequate funding provide state financial support to mental health programsprogram until the anticipated savings are realized from new enrollments in the Formatted: Strikethrough GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 5 December 1, 2014 Minutes Healthy Michigan program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Clerk/Register of Deeds is requested to forward copies of this adopted resolution to Governor Rick Snyder , the Oakland County delegation to the Michigan Legislature, the M ichigan Association of Counties, the Michigan Press Association and the Oakland County legislative lobbyists.” Supported by Gershenson. Motion to amend carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Spisz absent. Main motion, as amended, carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Spisz absent. 3. MR #14287 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – APPROVAL AND SUBMISSION OF AMENDMENT #1 – ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE GREAT LAKES WATER AUTHORITY The resolution that adopted the Articles of Incorporation of the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) was approved by the Board of Commissioners on October 8, 2014. The proposed amendment, which was introduced by Com missioners Woodward and Gershenson, provides for the Board to have a role in the County appointment for the GLWA. In order for this to occur, the other parties , including Macomb County, Wayne County and the City of Detroit, would have to adopt a similar amendment to the GLWA Articles of Incorporation. Due to a deadline date , this amendment was not able to be a part of the original resolution passed. Bob Daddow was appointed as the County representative on the GLWA Board by County Executive Patterson . The amendment proposes that the Committee will have an advise-and-consent role with regard to future appointments. Gershenson moved to report to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Gosselin. Matis moved to amend the resolution as follows: Under Article 7 – BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS, “B. Each Charter or 1973 PA 139 County that adopts these articles of incorporation shall appoint one member who shall be a resident of the County from which appointed. The initial appointments shall be made by the Executive or Administrative authority designated under the respective Charters or 1973 PA 139 and the appointees shall serve at the appointing authority’s pleasure. Following the expiration of the term of the initial appoint ee, the Executive or Administrative authority of each Charter or 1973 PA 139 County shall submit appointments to the respective legislative body of authority of that County and appointments shall be effective upon the concurrence of the legislative body of authority of that County. The initial term for the appointees from the Counties with the highest and second highest population shall be two (2) years and all subsequent terms shall be for four (4) years. The initial term for the appointees from any othe r county shall be one (1) year and all subsequent terms shall be four (4) years.” Supported by Hoffman. Motion to amend carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Spisz absent. Main motion, as amended, carried unanimously on a roll call vote. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 6 December 1, 2014 Minutes 4. MR #14288 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – BOC SPONSORSHIP OF EVENTS, ACTIVITIES, ADJUNCT COMMITTEES The resolution proposed by Chairperso n Gingell addresses guidelines for sponsorship projects that utilize the Board’s Special Funds. If the Special Fund is used for an event or activity, the Board has to approve a proposed budget submitted by the sponsor . Discussion was held regarding the proposed rules. Commissioner Taub answered questions posed by the Committee members. In past years the Special Fund monie s were not used. The current Board Rules contain rules for events that are non-funded. Spisz moved to report to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Hoffman. Long moved to amend the resolution as follows: In the NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED paragraph, “for the use of funds from the Board of Commissioners ’ special project line item budget” Motion to amend carried on a roll call vote with Quarles voting no. Hatchett moved to postpone action until later in the evening to be taken up at the Reorganization meeting. Supported by Spisz. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Crawford, Gosselin, Matis, Hatchett, Spisz, Long (6) Nays: Gershenson, Hoffman, Quarles (3) Motion to postpone carried on a roll call vote. 5. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – POSITION CHANGES AND REORGANIZATION The Board of Commissioners is requesting authorization to realign administrative department staff positions. Due to vacancies in personnel, the Board, along with Human Resources ’ input, has created a reorganization plan as follows: T o eliminate the vacant Senior Analyst and Senior Coordinator positions; to delete the Senior Coordinator classification; to increase the pay of the existing Senior Analyst; to create a new classification/position of an Analyst; to increase the pay for the Secretary II; and to create a Coordinator position. This item will be directly referred to Finance and Human Resources. A brief discussion was held. Ms. Scarlet answered questions posed by the Committee. Discussion was held concern ing other positions within the organization. Spisz moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution. Supported by Crawford. Hatchett moved to amend the resolution as follows: “WHEREAS it is proposed to upwardly classify one (1) GF/GP fu ll-time eligible Board of Commissioners Community Liaison position and create a new classification Senior Board of Commissioners Community Liaison, overtime non -exempt, at a salary range as shown below; and WHEREAS it is proposed to delete (1) GF/GP full -time eligible Board of Commissioners GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 7 December 1, 2014 Minutes Community Liaison position and have the remaining Board of Commissioners Community Liaison report to and provide support to the Senior Board of Commissioners Community Liaison; and WHEREAS these position changes provid e a savings to the General Fund of $42,963 $38,312 for Fiscal Year 15, $21,137 $16,387 for Fiscal Year 16 and $17,896 $13,146 for Fiscal Year 17. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland, County Board of Commissioners approves the following position changes: 1. To delete the following positions: Classification Title Position Number(s} Senior Board of Commissioners Analyst 5010101-01843 Senior Committee Coordinator 5010101-03130 Board of Commissioners Community Liaison 5010101- 07908 2. To delete the following classification from the salary schedule: Classification Title FLSA Salary Plan FLSA Category Senior Committee Coordinator EXC Non-Exempt 3. To create the following new classifications: Classification Title FLSA Salary Plan FLSA Category Board of Commissioners Analyst SAP/12 Non-Exempt Senior Board of Commissioners Community Liaison EXC Non-Exempt 4. To increase the salary range for the Senior Board of Commissioners Analyst as shown below: Base 1yr. 2yr. 3yr. 4yr. 5yr. $65,482 $69,425 $73,373 $77,312 $81,255 $85,199 5. To increase the salary range for the Secretary -Board of Commissioners II classification as shown below: Base 1yr. 2yr. 3yr. 4yr. 5yr. $39,509 $41,907 $44,305 $46,676 $49,102 $51,503 5. To create the salary range for the Senior Board of Commissioners Community Liaison classification as shown below: Base 1yr. 2yr. 3yr. 4yr. 5yr. $49,854 $52,890 $55,929 $58,969 $62,008 $65,046 6. To create the following full-time eligible General Fund/General Purpose positions: Unit# Unit Title Position Title 5010101 Administration Board of Commissioners Analyst 5010101 Administration Committee Coordinator GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Page 8 December 1, 2014 Minutes 5010101 Administration Senior Board of Commissioners Community Liaison” Supported by Gershenson. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Gershenson, Hatchett, Quarles (3) Nays: Crawford, Gosselin, Matis, Hoffman, Spisz, Long (6) Motion to amend failed on a roll call vote. Main motion carried on a roll call vote with Gershenson voting no. Spisz moved to directly refer the r esolution to the Human Resources and Finance Committees. Supported by Gosselin. Motion to refer carried unanimously on a roll call vote. COMMUNICATIONS A. Clerk/Register of Deeds – 2015 Survey and Remonumentation B. Michigan Department of Human Services Board - Oakland County Minutes – October 28, 2014 Gosselin moved to receive and file the communications. Supported by Matis. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Matis made a closing remark regarding two commissioners leaving, Crawford and Hatchett, and wished them the best on their new adventures. There being no other business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 11:25 a.m. ______________________________ ________________________________ Tracy Stolzenfeld Jim VerPloeg Committee Coordinator Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.