HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1991.06.10 - 3686SOUTHFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS NVASS OF VOTE! CAS1 AT TH )( GENERALA ELECTION LI SPECIAL HELD ON JUNE 10, 1991 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY n 11E BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OA' 'ND COUNTY, MI''"'" M A NUFAcrci.:;RED BY MUM! l IP ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road * KALAMAZOO, MrlIGAN PRECINCT NUMBER 2 3 4 5 6 7 >- CZ CZ =r.0 ANITA BARRATT EUGENE CHEEK STEVEN KAPLAN STATEMENT OF VOTES, MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION TWO YEAR TERM - VOTE FOR ONE I SOUTHFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS ANNUAL ELECTION - JUNE 10, 1991 MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION FOUR YEAR TERM - VOTE FOR ONE 11_ 1 P, G SOUTHFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS STATEMENT OF VOTES ANNUAL ELECTION — JUNE 10, 1991 r TWO YEAR TERM Put 1 The whole number of votes elven for the office of MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION — VOTE FOR ONE 4 1 q was and they • foil, os: LARRY D. WRIGHT received received votes received votes [ TOTAL votes The r. r -3. number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION — FOUR YEAR TERM - „ 1 and they vv,:i. 1 ANITA BARRATT received votes , EUGENE CHEEK received votes , I STEVEN KAPLAN received • --tes I I I ' VANESSA THRASHER received votes ,i I received votes received votes received votes rem yen I 1 votes 1 I 1 1 I votes : r - d votes I TOTAL votes ! ---_,_,,_,,----- - -- ' The Whole number of vote , was II and they ‘Air for the - H II reme votes ' received votes II received votes receive votes received votes 1 11 received votes _i.• 1 I' received votes i received votes l• h ll received votes I received votes ' received votes TOTAL votes 1 Ij 3.c The wh S given for the iven for the ji. • named persons: received received received TOTAL was votes votes votes votes votes votes votes TOTAL riven for the office of was TOTAL votes received received ieucived received received TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES The was and the,• ,'ved was and ce votes votes 1 'Jotes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes 2.G of the •7' ens Canvassed the \ at the ANNUAL 10th day of _LJNE COUNTY SOUTHFIELD PUBLIC S OAK -00LS TOWNS,t, VII. LAG,...) Do l!gge,ily- Cartily MEMBE7 EICARD OF EVIJCATICIN — UNEXPIRED TWO YEAR TERM ENDIk JUNE 30, MEMn:R OF BoApn.OF EDUCATION — FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING having That having CERTI FICATE OF DET ER MIN, E OF MICH G A OAKLAND SS, NINETY—ONE The hav*— votes elected ThEal Tha: votes is -- That V0t iss The votes is That votes is e! That votes umber of That votes is elected That The votes k elected 4,G vute:s elected . votes is e1ected That Th:aa voted 11 11 11 vatic 11 shaii••••.: • •••• :• •-• of 11 NO NONE -art PROPOSITION NONE a NE Sufficient votes was : . ..e was Passed Defeated 11 3 11 Having 1 i • -as ; via te s vvas Pers.i.fid 11 the OAKLAUD_ of _OAKLAND_ II h h i on e thousand tent, hundred and NINETY-ONE i 11 11 11 j j! I; J; fe have set cur hands and affixed the See 1 of H ON NAM a. NONE this day of ATTEST: :E RS. i 1 11 i • . . '• i• • • of 1 h 1111 i• cuciticci a sufficiurri:111..iirji.Oi of her of 1 having received a sufficieni LeU having received a suhrieiefit number of 11 !I i j , j 1! .s quesitions overe passed si