HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1990.06.11 - 3692(OT E! SOUTHFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS XX Al HI AL AT THE E L EC A i S PECI A L HELD ON JUNE 11, 1990 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY LIVELEfft6 ggg, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN STATEMENT C H VOTES, SOUTHFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS ANNUAL ELECTION - JUNE 11, 1990 16.3 Four Year Term Vote for L6Lo • 9 10 11 1) AVCB TOTAL I 1.1 I 1— 7 c2 1_34 (f) cr) 0:1 ERIC COLEMAN PRECINCT .,1_111.1BER JOYCE MC CLENNEY WALTER JOHNSON MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION n•n Ztj 1 if 1 , 1 , 1 ! i i 1 P, G • 1 ' ' , d &I d IJ < I I I I C) ' F-. 1 11 11 I I LLJ Cn , 1 • , < = I Cl) ! ! < (—) < (2(f , i f! 1 LEJ Lj (.2 4_1 L_L.1 < _J < cc _1 C) cD < cz) 4 f 5 6 . 1°4., 8 L. 1-7J Cl) F- 1 CD I I-- V 1, 9 P l 1! 10 IL: 11 , L 11 AV CB 1 4, I , If li TOTALS II fl 1. !I I I 1 11 11 11 1 _1111 , I H I, 1, I'.I 111 1 11 11 11 ; 1 I:• 1' 11 11 11 11 I I 1 i I I ; ; [ I; 1 I 1 1 f_ ! t I 1 I I STATEMENT OF VOTES, OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLELE BIENNIAL ELECTION - JUNE 11, 1990 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES VOTE FOR TWO - SIX YEAR TERMS VOTE FOR ONE - UNEXPIRED 4 YEAR TERM r, ,P, 11- Irral STATENT OF VOTES, 1 ,P, G V otes receiVCd TOTAL The whole number of votes give the office of was and they wfi ffir VO .MS "Ott reififii The whole :•-•;---:` of ifiotes given for the office of Four Year Term MEMBER OF BOAn OF EDUCATION - Vote for Two. was HAROLD I. BUS$EY ERI C COLEMAN 11 WALTER JOHNSON received fi JOYCE MC CLENNEY received received received received received votes votes votes V 0 V O — The whole number of votes cliv was and they were civen for the fol received received received TOTAL office of The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were for the felifiir:ii Y.e• H erfions: ecl I votes votes votes votes Votes received TOTAL Votes STATEMENT OF VOTES SOUTHFIELD PUBL I C SCHOOLS ANNUAL ELECTION-JUNE H , Qc70 2•G Put figures n this column votes votes votes votes votes I.-ace:Ned end TOTAL ' The was and the received received reLeived TOTAL votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes so Los votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes STATEMENT OF VOTES votes give and they were given for the follovving named narsaane: v- eived received TOTAL 7„a whole number of votes gkc., die s. sac of , named persons: reaelved votes d votes • -.sed r. CERTIFICATE OF DETE'' ON SOIJTHFI FLD P11131 IC SCH001 S (COU51,1,, CITY, TOWNSH IF OR VELA-AGE ) at the one thousand nine h ,,cireci and d De held on the ninety 11th day of June a s:.fficient EIJCAT I ON Four Year Term having received a sufficient number of That votes is elected EMBER OF Boxyp OF EDUCATION - Four Year Term County N TYSTY TOWN SL-",' 09 V STATE OF MICHIGA COUNTY OF OAKLAND The Board of Canv----i-- of the . . of Oakland Ic.o,,P4-nr, clay, votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected Thie• vote That is el fi cf That having received a of havin That votes is elected That — votes is elected That votes is elect lent number of fficient number of having received a sufficient number of That having received a sufficient number of of having received a votes •' • That having received votes is •: That bevie° votes is n That votes is ele.cted :-nber of That having received a suffi votes is elected That votes is elected That .._ votes is elected having receive cient number of eived a sufficient number o 4,G That votes is elected That _ votes is ale.cted hr h. re.ceived a sufficient number of !laving rec,-eived a sufficient number of C. or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: kipavir. tYr-'. PROPOSITION 1 NONE NAME OF eficPcpsITIoN Received Not Received NONE NAME OF FROPOSi TION Received Not Pa _s..ived NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE 111 NAME OF ROPOS lION 6 NONE 4 NONE Not Rtt;eived Received Not Received l:.Vhereof, We have hercunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of in the day of June • one nine huni.4.red and n_l_n_e_t y this CHAAI RMAN. C F ATTEST: ASSE RS. C HAI RMAN OFE -• RD 'OF CAN ASSE RS. 5-C; 2 NONE NAME. Ha•v•ing Having Having Having Received Not Received Passed Defeated Passed Del'eated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Sufficient votes was _Is was Sufficient votes was Su•flicient votes was t was Sufficient votes was axnemoramsnriti County TOWNSHI of VIE AGE) Oakland [COUNTY, C11,/, OR VILLAGE-) Having eccivcd a suffici, That . a of is elected . That of elected That .eceived a sufficient number of 'selected having receive-d a sufficient number of votes is elected That _ votes is elected That having received a so riber of elected That