HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1988.06.13 - 3701GENERA, ELECTION '1AL LII SP'E fOTES ASS AT T SOUTHFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS XX AN UAL HELD ON JUNE 13, 1988 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVP _D BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS C.-4KLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN :-!:k.UFAaURED BY Litg ELECTION SUPPL' MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East r- —44' Road KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN ON VI cr. r- SANDRA BRUTMAN -n 0 DONALD N. FRACASS I JOYCE MC CLENNEY PETER J M I TOFF ard09 AD 'd39143W WALTER J. REYNOLDS ZELDA ROB 1 NSON CD 0 -n CD r-n co G 7 > C) TOTAL TOTAL Pc' 01 0 ICHARD A. BLONDE AMES A. DOYON DITH L. GONZALEZ IN3-43 AVID W. HACKETT URTICENE HARDAWAY- SHEPHERD -‹ 3 0 01 r+ P1 CD 70 --h 0 5 —I rn 101 --A • X C:j rc, 51.) --s CD c") ICHAEL R. LEWIS ALPH V. MARANDA AVID WALKER MELDMAN HOMAS S. NELSON BEN E. PEARLMAN GENE P. STANLEY C) C-) c—) cz-.) C") rn C-) PI 17) •-1 PI UCIUS THEUS MARCIA VAN CREVELD jr- r rTi C—) TOTAL CD TOTAL CO 00 I , 4 I I j 1 , • I L t : , = 1 I I I 1 1 1 , I ! t- I 1, 1 , 1 1 1 , 1 , n I ' [ III 1 1 ! I I 1 , Hift I < • -1- i -1- -E , " " I i 1 ! I and they were given for the following named persons: 1 i ' I I received received received TOTAL votes votes II votes 11 V OWS The Was and they wr 'was and they were given for the follovving named persons: received received received TOTAL 1 -- 1 1 I ' - V otes v cites votes votes i recek v otes VOteS receft" •1 rec' VOW'S 11 Vcit9S VOteS receiv re ceivr received WALTER J. REYNOLDS ZELDA ROB I NSON ' es o votes TOTAL received received votes V OIPS VOWS VOWS ST7T E r OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for the office o was 71F-77, .er of votes given for the office of r the following narrisi ne,;•-:ons: ; . i ,• 1 reived votes , l• , 1 I l votes , received received TOTAL of votes given for the office of of vely give+orl ffice of MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION _ Four Year r Terms Vote for Two was end ••1 or the foilovviiig ri SANDRA BRUTMAN DONALD M. FRACASSI IF_JOYCF MC CLENNEY ' PETER J. MITOFF reci'ved Votes 2G The 11 votes 1 received received received received votes votes votes votes received votes II received received votes votes 1 STATEMENT OF VOTES number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: received received votes I HII received TOTAL of c.:nien•for the office of 1i ll was or the following named persons: received votes votes • votes received votes received votes 1 received votes I received votes received v o t,s received votes 1 received votes received voc received votes TOTAL votes I umber of votes given for the office of for the following named persons: 1 I received votes received II I I votes I: received votes received votes TOTAL votes 3.G SS, County el and C Annual Pighty-eLght That our Year Term ER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - Four Year Term elected That 3 is elected havir suffloient mon ber of V otes F B n OF C../.).7 votes That et:Rived a sufficient num votes is elected That I sufficient r votes i - CER 7 TE OF MTCHIG,NN cou7 'TY OF OAKLAND The Rnard of Canvasers nf the of Oakland havir- at the one 'Ef.L.,r3F o Southf ieid Publ ic Schools dav of June 13th IS 1.1 vote That That having received! a suffi 11 11 vote,s is. alerted votes That votes That Thilt votes k e!ected h n That 4.0 of teceived of Su f ficien t votes vvas e•sIS Passed Defeated Felissed I . 31-ectiticl PR(4 iii2cived as Was votes vvas was Passed g 0112311111211211612632101111111ffire havirig nit'. asufficismt. elected That vutes is elected That . •. elected t number of - 1 1 That having received a sufficient nutnider of votes is elected That . •dotes is elected having received a sufficient . of :fleeted That haviilg received a sufficLiii. votes is elected That That - NCHE 11 1 1 1 i 4 I\ Ott E [ 1 I 5 NONE ' S NONE J - VVe hv ieieurito set • • • • and affixed the Seal of ti- County of Oakland `CV, 'TOWN EHIE OR V ILLAGE ) day of June eighty —eight . and R Nil A N , ^,,,,ENS),1,P OR V LA-AG E this I 11 5,0