HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2017.02.06 - 37038 February 6, 2017 Chairperson Long called the meeting of the General Government Committee to order at 9:31 a.m. in Committee Room A of the Commissioners’ Auditorium Wing, County Service Center in Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT : Christine Long, Wade Fleming, Shelley Taub, Bob Hoffman, David Woodward, Nancy Quarles COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Marcia Gershenson, Eileen Kowall, Adam Kochenderfer OTHERS PRESENT : AREA AGENCY ON AGING 1-B Karen Wintringham, Chair, Board of Directors James McGuire, Acting Interim CEO FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Art Holdsworth, Director HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES George Miller, Director Kathy Forzley, Health Officer Leigh-Anne Stafford, Chief Admin Services INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Tammi Shepherd, Chief Application Service ROAD COMMISSION FOR OAKLAND COUNTY Eric Wilson, Chairman Ron Fowkes, Commissioner Dennis Kolar, Managing Director BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mike Gingell, Chairman, District #1 Helaine Zack, Commissioner, District #18 Chris Ward, Administrative Director Michael Andrews, Senior Analyst Connie Srogi, Analyst Julia Ruffin, Sr. Community Liaison Jami Monte, Committee Coordinator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Long led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Fleming moved approval of the minutes of January 18, 2017, as printed. Supported by Hoffman. Motion carried on a voice vote. AGENDA Taub moved approval of the agenda, as printed. Supported by Quarles. OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48341-0470 Telephone: (248) 858-0100 FAX: (248) 858-1572 GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Shelley Taub Bob Hoffman Eileen Kowall Adam Kochenderfer David Woodward Nancy Quarles CHRISTINE LONG Chairperson WADE FLEMING Vice Chairperson MARCIA GERSHENSON Minority Vice Chairperson General Government Committee Page 2 February 6, 2017 Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT Commissioner Taub expressed her support for Tom Brady. AGENDA ITEMS 1. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - E-HEALTH SOLUTION REPLACEMENT PROJECT The Department of Health and Human Services is seeking approval of the purchase and implementation of a commercial “cloud” product to replace E-Health Software Suite in the amount of $494,938. In 2011, MR #11024 allocated $607,751 to rewrite the E-Health software; however, it has been determined that this cloud technology would enable greater functionality, flexibility, and provide consistency since the State and other local health departments are also using the software. Taub moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution . Supported by Hoffman. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gershenson, Kowall, and Kochenderfer absent. 2. HEALTH DIVISION/FACILITIES PLANNING & ENGINEERING - HEALTH DIVISION LEAD ANALYZER LAB REMODELING PROJECT The Health Division is requesting approval of the Lead Analyzer Remodeling Project in the amount of $43,401. The health lab is going to be installing a lead analyzer that will also include arsenic and copper analysis of water samples. Because of the device itself and its requirements, a significant amount of remodeling has to take place prior to the installation. The remodeling will i nclude creating dedicated space for the device , putting in an air hood and fan above it that will vent out through the ceiling, installation of an alarm so that building safety dispatch will be alerted of any problems that need to be addressed, as well as having a dedicated electrical circuit and gas supply line. The remodeling work will be performed by annual contractors, which are competitively bid and selected every other year. The lead analyzer equipment has previously had funds all ocated in the budget, so this resolution is strictly for the remodeli ng. The lead analyzer will provide for quicker results for testing being done by the Health Division for the County and for school districts, as well as allowing for the public to submit samples at a lower cost than submitting them to the State. Taub moved to recommend approval of the attached suggeste d resolution. Supported by Fleming . Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gershenson, Kowall, and Kochenderfer absent . 3. MR #17030 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - SALARY OF CHAIRPERSON AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS FOR OAKLAND COU NTY The Board of Commissioners (BOC) is requesting to increase the salary of the Chairperson and its members of the Board of the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC). It has been 25 years since there has been any financial increase in compensation fo r the Commissioners of the RCOC . During that time, their budget has almost doubled, increasing the amount of responsibility almost 100 -fold. Staff has been reduced by about 100 people, and they have been working to sec ure their long-term liabilities and pension obligations. Chairperson Gingell stated that a comparison analysis has been very difficult due to the number of miles under RCOC jurisdiction, the annual budget, number of employees, and the fact that other comparable counties do not have road commissioners. He stated that this proposal is a mid -point between the upper and lower end of the spectrum. The BOC is responsible for setting these salaries, but the funds do not come out of the County budget. General Government Committee Page 3 February 6, 2017 Mr. Wilson expressed his appreciation for the BOC’s consideration on the salary increase, and explained that they have done some positive and innovative things in regard to the RCOC. He stated that they are in contact with a State Representative, that the Chairman of the House Transportation Committee will be coming to Oakland County because of the road improvements, road action, and innovative ideas for road funding, as well as having a meeting set up with Senator Kowall with regard to road funding. Multiple Committee members showed their support f or the Board of the RCOC and their staff by stating their appreciation for the good work that they are doing, as well as their quick responses. Mr. Holdsworth stated that an Authorization to Negotiate the Sale of Oakland County Campus Land with the RCOC will be brought to the Planning and Building Committee on February 7 th and asked Dennis Kolar to speak on his long-term plans to bring their headquarters onto campus. Mr. Kolar affirmed that it is the intention of the RCOC to move their headquarters and administ rative offices into the same building as the main service center for operations, as well as move the traffic operation center, that is currently in the basement of the IT building, into this same location. Mr. Kolar further stated that the estimated timeli ne is about three to four years out. Taub moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution . Supported by Hoffman. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gershenson, Kowall, and Kochenderfer absent . 4. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - APPOINTMENTS TO THE JOB EVALUATION REVIEW PANEL The Human Resources Committee reported to this Committee their recommendations for appointment to the Job Evaluation Review Panel (JERP) as Commissioners Kochenderfer and Bowman, with Commissioner Spisz as the alternate. Hoffman moved to report to recommend the appointments of Commissioners Adam Kochenderfer and David Bowman, with Commissioner Michael Spisz as an alternate , to the Job Evaluation Review Panel for the two -year term of January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2018. Supported by Taub . Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gershenson, Kowall, and Kochenderfer absent . 5. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - 2017 APPOINTMENTS MEMO The Committee is currently accepting applications for the Older Adult Represen tative seat on the Area Agency on Aging 1 -B Governing Board through February 9 th. Upon the close of the receipt of applications, it will be decided how to proceed. There are four seats expiring on the Community Mental Health Authority Board. One of those s eats was just appointed last month due to a resignation and will be reappointed. The incumbents of the other three seats will be contacted to see if they are interested in being reappointed. If so, they will be invited to come to th e March 6th meeting to give Committee members an opportunity to ask questions prior to the expiration of their terms. Hoffman moved to receive and file the 2017 Appointments Memo . Supported by Fleming . Motion carried on a voice vote. 6. REPORT RELATED TO MR #17002 - AREA AGENCY ON AGING 1-B Ms. Wintringham and Mr. McGuire came to speak to the Committee regarding the Notice of Cancellation of Contractual Agreement with the Area Agency on Aging 1 -B (AAA 1-B), Miscellaneous Resolution #17002. Ms. Wintringham stated that it is absolutely critical to the vitality of AAA 1 -B that the BOC’s appointees serve on their governing board. She expressed her appreciation of Commissioner Zack in that she has been very generous with her time and expertise. Ms. Wintringham stated that she hopes the events that General Government Committee Page 4 February 6, 2017 took place in January never happen again, and expressed the desire to do what can be done to avoid a repeat in the future if the circumstances were to arise again. She indicated that they have gone through their bylaws and are proposing change s. The first proposed change is that any commissioner appointed to their board, whose term ends December 31st, remains in the position until reappointed or replaced. The second proposed change is for the BOC to stagger the appointments of the commissioner and older adult representative, keeping the commissioner appointment in the odd year, and appointing the older adult representative in the even year. Chairman Gingell emphasized that the BOC’s position regarding the resolution is not due to the appointment process, but rather the meeting that was scheduled in January before Commissioner Zack was officially reappointed. Chairman Gingell asserted that the BOC had raised a concern regarding the meeting and requested to have Commissioner Zack participate, even if it was as a non-voting member. The request was dismissed and the meeting occurred without the participation or presence of Commissioner Zack. Members of this Committee also expressed their concern and frustration surrounding the circumstances of the January meeting. Chairman Gingell stated that a possible remedy for the appointment process is to allow a commissioner, if re -elected, to remain in the position until the appointment is officially confirmed, either by way of reappointment or a new appointme nt, with the caveat that if the commissioner is not re -elected, the Chair has the ability to make a temporary appointment. Ms. Wintringham introduced Mr. McGuire as the Acting Interim CEO for AAA 1 -B who was appointed upon the resignation of their previou s CEO. Mr. McGuire relayed that it is a pleasure to have been chosen to keep the momentum moving in the organization to try to satisfy the needs of the constituents and those responsible for the organization, including the County Boards of Commissioners. Mr. McGuire stated that he has documentation pertaining to the request in the resolution for their strategic plan, as well as the classifications of their waitlist, and is happy to provide them to the Committee. Mr. McGuire gave an overview of their strategies. A brief discussion was held. Woodward moved to report with recommendation to the Chairman of the Board that, pending receipt of written documentation of their strategic plan, the 60 -day notice of cancellation of our contract for services with AAA 1 -B be rescinded. Supported by Hoffman . Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Gershenson, Taub, Kowall, and Kochenderfer absent. COMMUNICATIONS A. Health and Human Services/Health Division - FY 2017 Comprehensive Planning, Budgeting, and Contracting (CPBC) Agreement - Amendment within 15% of Original Agreement B. FOC-CAC 2016 Report of Activities C. Annual Training - 2017 West Nile Virus Reimbursement Program D. Senior Advisory Council Minutes - 11/14/16 E. Senior Advisory Council 2016 -17 Meeting Schedule F. Health and Human Services - Homeland Security Division - Program to Prepare Communities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks - Application Hoffman moved to receive and file Communication Items A - F. Supported by Fleming . Motion carried on a voice vo te. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Woodward stated that he would like a resolution that he introduced regarding the creation of a commission to assess the gravity of the healthcare repeal of the ACA to be placed on the next agenda. Chairperson Long agreed to discuss the subject after the meeting. General Government Committee Page 5 February 6, 2017 There being no further business to come before the Commi ttee, the meeting adjourned at 10:51 a.m. ______________________________________ _____________________________________ Jami Monte, Committee Coordinator Chris Ward, Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.