HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1976.06.14 - 3704...:Wulnr1r."-ii:TuDLTti.•....)L.put.9...a. • OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN YgLiit CANVASS 01 VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON June 14 1976 (DATE or ELECTION) OF THE SOUTHFIELD I),UBLIC SCHOOLS (LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT) MANUFACTURED BY EliCTION. SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS 'OFFICE - FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. ES-398:(Rev..1970) CANVASSER BOOK STATEMENT OF VOTES --- MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION • '•fh . • w1,41 e.• . . . . . . cinct the • :•• • • • • V-11;:..' • .. • .-"-":-•••: • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • ore'qiven • . n.,......"7-.1reWr • 2r- ••••• • ••• • • • • • • • • " .• • fc:i.i ..the..fa:'V(in:g...ii.orii;:i,.d...pf?.:r$ons..• • ftir.•:oot.::.:rti.o.re.::...tbati:•.. 2) • • . • . • • •• . • • . . • RECElyrNa Ttit..,..VOTES • •• • • • . • • • • • • .NIINIBER OE• V OTZS:.Witirr)q.11N. WORDS.' 2. ALLAN S '<ALT 3. CONRAD R. PEARL 5. ALBERT ROSEN 6. ROBERT D. STOLER_ 7, ROBERT THOMAS IAN 8. ROBERT WR I GHT TOTAL ! The whole number of vote.s given Fe the .office:of Member of the Boorci of lEchopaition for , ... was — ,...._....— s : and tiles? were given For the fano wing named perSOns• :— . rEnsoNs RECEDING TNE VOTES NUMBER OE VOTES WRTITENTN woRps .. of the Boa rd of Education for o Two Year tel :The W:hole numbet of votes given foi the :o4ice 55:: Me was cud they were given fortle follow:5).c) r:amed persons: PERSONS RECEIVtN0 THE VOTES NDNittER: OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS The whole number of votes given fr.q the office of Member of the Bovird of Education fa! a One Year term 1 ; was_ and they were given for the following named persons: •PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES I NUM8ER OE VOTES wRiTTEN IN WORDS SOUTHF IELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS STATEMENT OF VOTES, ArliriQC.:k: .gALA1.42,0.0...W411.%'.5204n' .09M. LIAS:E :RENEWAL::: 1 : 1•::.M.11.:LAGE••••I1CREASE • :•• • . : • .; . • :!',.....:PNECIN.C.T.:•• • PROPOSITION • •H • • • .• = • :PROPOS:IT:ION • • ••••, • • .• •-••:•••• •• • :• • •• • • • • • •• • :• ••• WARD- • OR (: • TOTALS .: i• . . • ••TOTALS-.. • • • . : PCT ..YES • • . • ;•.:NO • "- •. : ::•. ••• _ • YES NO YES NO 11 12 14 15 .• • :H.://1.: (..• •••••• .71 7 . . 7 /14 • • • • `:,) ntr5 • • • : STATEMENT OF VOTES, . _ MEM-Btri-1:-T3TiARb-TiV tTru-Al- year term - 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 ATH.RUP AV CB TOTA LS STATEMENT OF VOTES, COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRUSTEE 6 YEAR TERM Exp. 1982 COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRUSTE 4 Year term .Exp. 1980 .; CD ; i c) • c) 1 v) I : , . : LU 1 = ,- ,, CI i 1 --1 •; tf) f CD CD! F- r: -.I Z ; (1); 3,,-.. CI- } ; w . < ', = ; Lia i Z w W --.Z < i ic LLI ----! < i tZ ! CD . .: i:: ,ica.. : < ; • : 0 ; < 1 .: : - I -1 72:.: 1 -.., , • I . - -; Lu : . (y) q A Y..: - ; t-- a- :. = 3 to. 1 '1..0 — : — : = 0 1 . CL . =- — 1 1,4 .:C 1 U:- „n 1-Li ; C> ITI.7.1:77a". .........,_ :., „ 531 ?2 [ (i5-1 3? !_/6./ 1 ri i 1.5 3 t, I8 P .:_11-i6L 7 i ki - iig.7-1- 73 12 4_ :.: • IL 7 b• i„,-4/1 -z,---1,..-.3 k5, • [Did...! /7;713 y 5 -- .--..r.),0'77-TP-11-17-u-i'l7c5Ir7Tti:R4,v• i/y7 .i . .. . ..,,... . y,5-'4. ii..._-• 1) PIl tii ! 7,3 .-.1,3.7 ,. 7... -•]..-.7 1 . = C1/42.- 1-70 1 /371..--7 L.3,,7- _..,..i ,... 1•••_,..: ..___. t•-•._ .__ I....- • r,.! 4 3g7 !,/ I 5"-Vi •,_...,_,___..., , 7. 76 izys i 1/Fi'— 1 731 ..//./.,//3 r7 . e.•--1 .•, „ I/45 :-(t i lir7 7/ 15-3 &-.0 •P/// i Z-V-- . - •:'; -L.— - ' • - ' -L.--. .. --. •... .• . . - - ' __ •- - 1'2: • i'' - ' •-• -2?.. 6 ',51 J• 15,3 1)26 ,5 . -,`,-.2),/ 1......;:::•• H iit ..1 il-i 6- 6 L-5(in_4-73L3F -i..../ L''.Zi 7/ L-5; 1 • .-.( :1- i ,-q j. 1 .3-7 l y2_•-• ii--2. yi 43 ..i 7 -/. 16( 1 t. 757 t 7 .. .i! • i -i •7 L// /21 /)1) !...b•!:-).(-/.6i/...5 , i --4'f, 7 ,5 /i 51.,' 134 L'ii-T/Oc.- -_-:/-3 - '95 77.73- ,7k4= I f T the limitation on t Schools, Oakland Co Oak_land County, Mich., be increased for a period of five (5) years, the years 1976 to e•• amount taxes which may be assessed against property in Southfield Publiic •:: • . • • • •,•:'•:(f L • • n::-• whi:Lk nutbe d• / and STATEMENT OF VOTES --- PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS The whole MI LLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION '11 ikst Ole As a renewal of a previous increase which has expired shall ($7. 1 5 p 1980, inclusive, by seven dollars and fifteen cents per thousand $1,000) dollars (7F5 i 1s) of the state equal ized valuation on all taxable property in the District, in order t_o_p_r unds for operatin9 purposes of the School District? was - r I vide of which number votes were mailed yE;s / and e-f - votei-.:were marked:NO . . / • : ••• • •• . . . . / TOTAL VOTES 1 : .. • .•• MILLAGEY•INC.REASE ...:PROPOSITIQR..:. : .:.......-:• .....: ::—...••• .:::.: .::::::.:....:::..:......::: •• '....1 .:.:::...:. The whole .num.b.or..0f.Votes:fOr ,and. agOinst ..ihe. .:.. ...Shall :.thk, :11m.itat.i:Oti.•.oft... the_ ,,ameunt....of: .takes....Whla.h.....May'...b.:!:........• •• • •••::.•••• :. :.1: •• .ssessed.- against :...prope•ry.:Ii..ti . Siouttitie.td.• •:Public ..!.:Schoo:1*•:::q0 .k.T.tid:..c.Ourl...y;.:.:t4......1...ph......:,. :..bei 1 ritteaSecl.....f6..i,••:* ' er.lod ...of five (5) .year...s.,...the....yeara .1976.:.......to ::19801,..i4 10C.:lus-1V.6,• .by.:three --do.1:lat5'.•andl.e.i.ighty:ti.n .i:ne.:ye .,nfs ($3.89) per thousand ($1,000) dol lars (3.89, mills) of the state equal ized valuation_on all taxa• roperty in the District, in order to provide funds for operating purposes of the Schoo i l DiTstricitl• le:.•• • • ,• • • t were•ifKirk.ea a.. • . ; votes were marked :HQ TOTAL VOTES The whole number Of voles for cmd against the was:...: of which numboi.• %,.(ot:es. were. marked . YES rind . . • :vies were niatked..N.0 • 1OIAL VOTES this /7 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF_ OAK LAND We, the undersigned Board of Canvassers for the County OAK LAND from on examination of the Election Returns of ---S,OUT14F-1:%p leceived 14, said Boorld:,of (:6nvcissers; determine thet et the electidn hel .d june.: 14:,:::1:916thot the persons littoc:1 below ANNUM, 05 SPEC IAL 5 r:0 LS,Cc.7:or4 " elected as members of the Board of Education of the s School Distript for the terms: of offlee set opposite their nome.or names: : Names of persons elected for a four year term expiring (vote for not more than 2) 1 980 Names of persons elected for a three year term expiring Names of persons electe year term expiring or a two Names of persons elected for a one year term expiring 'Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the foilowing Propositions a as indicated below: HavIn •LLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION Received Pcissod - Sufficient votes was - 144,t14-ized NAME OF PROPOSITION Possed Sufficient votes was I LLAGE II NCREASE PROPOS IT ION Received Having Sufficient va Not ReceiVed Passed wc's Defeated NAME OF PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the OAKLAND County of Attest CHAIRMAN