HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2017.04.17 - 37053 April 17, 2017 Chairperson Long called the meeting of the General Government Committee to order at 9:32 a.m. in Committee Room A of the Commissioners’ Auditorium Wing, County Service Center in Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT : Christine Long, Wade Fleming, Marcia Gershenson, Shelley Taub, Bob Hoffman, David Woodward, Nancy Quarles COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Eileen Kowall, Adam Kochenderfer OTHERS PRESENT : CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS Lisa Brown, Clerk/Register of Deeds Joe Rozell, Director, Elections COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY Willie Brooks, Executive Director, CEO EXECUTIVE OFFICE Jerry Poisson, Deputy Executive II HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES George Miller, Director Kathy Forzley, Health Officer Leigh-Anne Stafford, Chief KMG PRESTIGE Sondra Hirzel, Service Coordinator BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chris Ward, Administrative Director Michael Andrews, Senior Analyst Connie Srogi, Analyst Jami Monte, Committee Coordinator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Long led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Taub moved approval of the minutes of March 30, 2017, as printed. Supported by Fleming. Motion carried on a voice vote. AGENDA Fleming moved approval of the agenda, as printed. Supported by Gershenson . Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48341-0470 Telephone: (248) 858-0100 FAX: (248) 858-1572 GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Shelley Taub Bob Hoffman Eileen Kowall Adam Kochenderfer David Woodward Nancy Quarles CHRISTINE LONG Chairperson WADE FLEMING Vice Chairperson MARCIA GERSHENSON Minority Vice Chairperson General Government Committee Page 2 April 17, 2017 None. AGENDA ITEMS 1. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - COUNTY EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENT - DIRECTOR OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERV ICES The County Executive is seeking concurrence from the Board of Commissioners for the appointment of Kathy Forzley as the Director of Health and Human Services, effective April 29, 2017, upon the retirement of George Miller. Mr. Miller thanked the Comm issioners for their support over the years, and added that Ms. Forzley’s credentials and experience throughout the course of her 25 years with the Health Division will allow her to do a fantastic job as his replacement. Ms. Forzley expressed her excitement for the appointment of this position, and stated that she has big shoes to fill, but will do her best to make Oakland County proud. Ms. Forzley stated that Leigh -Anne Stafford will be taking her place as Health Officer, who has 18 years of experience in t he Health Division and knows about the programs, starting her off on the right foot. Commissioners expressed their approval for the appointment of Kathy Forzley . Taub moved to report to recommend concurrence of the appointment of Kathy Forzley as Director of Health and Human Services, effective April 29, 2017 . Supported by Fleming. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Kowall and Kochenderfer absent . 2. CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS - ELECTIONS DIVISION - 2017 HELP AMERICA VOTE ACT (HAVA) GRANT ACCEPTANCE AND EQUIPMENT PURCHASE The Clerk/Register of Deeds is seeking acceptance of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) Grant for voting system equipment in the approximate amount of $228,920, with no County match, from the Michigan Department of State. Out of three vendor options, Hart InterCivic, the Verity program , was chosen. Ms. Brown stated that during the selection process, they held a vendor fair where all three vendors had an equal amount of time to present and then they broke into small groups. Addit ionally, each of the vendors came into the Elections Division for two days and programmed the upcoming election into the equipment to test several aspects of how the systems r un. Ms. Brown stated that there were significant differences between the programm ing and how the results were relayed back to her office , also specifically noting that only Hart InterCivic’s equipment has the capability to print new ballots right at the precinct, should they run out. Ms. Brown checked in with the local communities’ clerks to identify what their top priorities are regarding the equipment. Ms. Brown stated that she believes voters’ concerns of the integrity of the elections, whether their votes really count, and if the election processes are being run appropriately will b e satisfied with this equipment. Hart InterCivic will recycle each of the old tabulators and provide a Certificate of Destruction upon completion. In addition to the equipment provided through the grant, $150,000 is available in the Technology Replacement/Hardware Assigned Fund that will be used to purchase a high - speed tabulator to be used in the Elections Division office. Fleming moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution . Supported by Gershenson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Kowall and Kochenderfer absent . 3. MR #17063 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - RECOGNIZING NATIONAL COUNTY GOVERNMENT MONTH IN OAKLAND COUNTY - APRIL 2017 April is National County Government Month , recognizing the essential public services provid ed by 3,144 counties across the nation . A resolution for the recognition in Oakland County comes through every year. General Government Committee Page 3 April 17, 2017 Taub moved to report to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution . Supported by Woodward . Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Kowall and Kochenderfer absent . 4. MR #17064 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - DESIGNATION OF APRIL 24, 2017 AS ARMENIAN MARTYRS’ DAY IN OAKLAND COUNTY The Young Turk leadership of the Ottoman Empire persecuted and killed 1.5 million Armenians throughout 1915 to 1923. A resolution for the designation of April 24 th as Armenian Martyrs’ Day in Oakland County comes through every year. Taub moved to report to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution . Supported by Gershenson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Kowall and Kochenderfer absent . 5. MR #17075 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - RECOGNITION OF MAY 15, 2017 AS PEACE OFFICERS’ MEMORIAL DAY AND MAY 15 -21, 2017 AS NATIONAL POLICE WEEK Initiated in 1962, President John F. Kennedy designated May 15 th as Peace Officers Memorial Day in recognition of law enforcement officers that have paid the ultimate price in the line of duty, as well as the designation of the week in which this day falls, as Police Week. A resolution for t he recognition in Oakland County comes through every year. Hoffman moved to report to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution . Supported by Fleming. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Kowall and Kochenderfer absent . 6. MR #17076 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - DESIGNATION OF MAY 2017 AS ASIAN AND PACIFIC AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH IN OAKLAND COUNTY In 1968, President Jimmy Carter designated May as Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week, which was later changed in 1990 to designate the entire month of May as Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month. This population represents about 7% of Oakland County’s total population and about 23% in the City of Troy alone. A resolution for the recognition in Oakland County comes through every year. Fleming moved to report to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution . Supported by Gershenson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Kowall and Kochenderfer absent . Chairperson Long called Item #8, with no objections. 8. MR #17079 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - OAKLAND COUNTY DESIGNATION OF THE WEEK OF SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 2017 THROUGH SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 2017 AS DAYS OF REMEMBRANCE AND MONDAY, APRIL 24, 2017 AS THE DAY OF REMEMBRANCE OF THE VICTIMS OF THE HOLOCAUST The Days of Remembrance is the nation’s annual commemoration of the Holocaust , which runs from the Sunday before the Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoah), April 24, 2017, through the following Sunday. A resolution for the recognition in Oakland County comes through every ye ar. General Government Committee Page 4 April 17, 2017 Taub moved to report to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution . Supported by Gershenson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Kowall and Kochenderfer absent . 7. MR #17078 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS’ WEEK MAY 1-7, 2017 In 1984, President Ronald Reagan issued a proclamation designating the first full week of May as National Correctional Officers’ Week to commemorate the correctional officers working in jails, prisons, and correctional facilities. A resolution for the recognition in Oakland County comes through every year. Hoffman moved to report to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution . Supported by Gershenson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Kowall and Kochenderfer absent . 9. MR #17080 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT FOR GOVERNMENT RELATIONS CONSULTING AND LOBBYING SERVICES The Governmental Affairs Study Group, consisting of Chairman Michael Gingell, and Caucus Ch airs Shelley Taub and David Woodward, are recommending selection of Public Affairs Associates, PLLC (PAA) for government relations consulting and lobbying services. A request for proposals (RFP) was sent out by the Purchasing Division to twenty -seven (27) consulting firms and the only proposal received was from PAA. PAA has represented Oakland County for the past eight (8) years and will keep their price constant over the life of the proposed contract. The proposed contract is for three (3) years, with an o ption of two, one-year extensions by Chairman Gingell. Commissioner Woodward stated that PAA is not only very responsive to the Legislative Ad Hoc Committee, but also to individual requests from Commissioners. Taub moved to report to recommend approval o f the attached suggested resolution . Supported by Woodward . Motion carried on a roll call vote with Gershenson voting no, and Kowall and Kochenderfer absent . COMMUNICATIONS A. Rochester Hills Public Library - 2015-2016 Talking Book Services State Aid Repor t B. SAC Minutes - 2/27/17 C. FOC-CAC - Derinda Roberts Resignation - 3/13/17 D. Library Board Minutes - 2/7/17 E. AAA 1-B Bylaws - Amendment Communique 3/31/17 F. AAA 1-B Bylaws - Amended 3/24/17 G. Health and Human Services - Homeland Security Division - FY 2018 Preparing Communities for a Complex Coordinated Attack Integrated Emergency Management Course (IEMC) Application Process - FEMA - Training Request H. Health and Human Services/Health Division - FY 2017 Comprehensive Planning, Budgeting, and Contracting (CPBC) Agreement - Amendment within 15% of Original Agreement I. DHHS Memo - 4/6/17 Commissioner Woodward questioned the decrease in the registered borrowers and processes of the services regarding Item A. Mr. Andrews took note of the questions to forward to the Director o f the Rochester Hills Public Library for response. General Government Committee Page 5 April 17, 2017 Commissioner Gershenson asked which position Ms. Derinda Roberts filled on the FOC -CAC, regarding Item C. Chairperson Long stated that she was seated as General Public and that there are four terms expiring on the Committee at the end of June. Commissioner Woodward asked if the changes reflected in Items E and F cover all concerns. Commissioner Long stated that it will be looked into. Commissioner Taub stated that it may be a good idea for the Older Adult Representative to have an alternate. Hoffman moved to receive and file Communication Items A - I. Supported by Fleming . Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commi ttee, the meeting adjourned at 10:16 a.m. ______________________________________ _____________________________________ Jami Monte, Committee Coordinator Chris Ward, Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.