HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2017.07.10 - 37076 July 10, 2017 Chairperson Long called the meeting of the General Government Committee to order at 9:33 a.m. in Committee Room A of the Commissioners’ Auditorium Wing, County Service Center in Pontiac, Michigan. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT : Christine Long, Wade Fleming, Marcia Gershenson, Shelley Taub, Bob Hoffman, Adam Kochenderfer, Nancy Quarles COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT WITH NOTICE: Eileen Kowall, David Woodward OTHERS PRESENT : AREA AGENCY ON AGING 1-B Jim McGuire, Interim Chief Executive Officer Ron Borngesser, Oakland County Older Adult Rep. CHILDREN’S VILLAGE Joanna Overall, Manager HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Kathy Forzley, Director INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Mary Morgan, Supervisor BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Helaine Zack, Commissioner, District #18 Chris Ward, Administrative Director Michael Andrews, Senior Analyst Connie Srogi, Analyst Jami Monte, Committee Coordinator PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairperson Long led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Fleming moved approval of the minutes of June 15, 2017, as printed. Supported by Kochenderfer. Motion carried on a voice vote. AGENDA Taub moved approval of the agenda, as presented. Supported by Gershenson. Motion carried on a voice vote. PUBLIC COMMENT None. OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1200 NORTH TELEGRAPH ROAD, PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 48341-0470 Telephone: (248) 858-0100 FAX: (248) 858-1572 GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Shelley Taub Bob Hoffman Eileen Kowall Adam Kochenderfer David Woodward Nancy Quarles CHRISTINE LONG Chairperson WADE FLEMING Vice Chairperson MARCIA GERSHENSON Minority Vice Chairperson General Government Committee Page 2 July 10, 2017 AGENDA ITEMS 1. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CHILDREN’S VILLAGE DIVISION - INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN OAKLAND COUNTY AND THE MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FOR THE PROVISION OF SHELTER RESIDENTIAL FOSTER CARE The Department of Health and Human Services/Children’s Village Division is requesting approval of an Interlocal Agreement between Oakland County and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services for shelter care services at Mandy's Place, effective June 1, 2017 through September 30, 2017, with a provision of a two-year extension. Abused and neglected children are under the care and custody of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. The State of Michigan is now requiring this contract in order for Oakland County to continue to receive reimbursement for the placement of neglected and abused children. The State determines where neglected or abused children are placed. Under this contract, the per diem rate for placement of children at Mandy's Place has been raised to $234.16 per child, regardless of which county the child is from. In the past, there has been a verbal agreement for placement of children at Mandy’s Place. The State of Mic higan has always used an RFP process to receive competitive bids from privately operated facilities and is now requiring Oakland County to also participate through this process. At the end of the current contract, either in September or at the end of the t wo-year extension, Oakland County will have to submit a bid in order to continue services with the State at Mandy's Place. Taub moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution . Supported by Fleming . Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Kowall and Woodward absent . 2. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES/CHILDREN’S VILLAGE - CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REPLACEMENT PROJECT The Department of Health and Human Services/Children’s Village Division is requesting approval of the case management system replacement project in the amount of $151,800. This need has been vetted through the IT Leadership Group process and is included in the IT Master Plan schedule. Oakland County Purchasing has put out an RFP to find the best system and the Next Steps case management software was selected. The new system will allow for creation and modification of forms, and will provide notifications such as when to check reports that are being written, as well as licensing requirements and timelines. The notification systems will alert the right people of due dates and deadlines, is C loud-based and is user friendly, creating a better workflow for staff. The Next Steps software demonstrated significant communication with the State and other systems that it wo uld integrate with. There will be a one -time purchase and implementation fee of $151,800, with $132,500 available in the Department of Health and Human Services adminis trative budget and $19,300 available in the Children’s Village budget. There will be an ongoing annual maintenance fee that is estimated at $39,900, with $20,600 available in the Department of Health and Human Services administrative budget and $19,300 available in the Children’s Village budget. The system will have Evergreen upgrades and fix es, and any changes that need to be made to the system will be supported under the annual maintenance fee. Fleming moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution . Supported by Taub. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Kowall and Woodward absent. 3. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - AREA AGENCY ON AGING 1 -B - FY 2017-2019 MULTI-YEAR PLAN The Area Agency on Aging 1-B (AAA 1-B) is seeking approval of their Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Implementation Plan. Oakland County has about 287,000 s eniors, aged 60 and older. AAA 1 -B, their General Government Committee Page 3 July 10, 2017 service delivery system and the agencies they fund touch the lives of about 27,000 Oakland County residents. The senior population in Oakland County represents about 1 in 4 residents. There are about 46% more seniors in Oakland County than there are school -aged children. There are about 8,600 59 -year-olds who will turn 60 this year. Mr. McGuire explained that there are small changes in the plan and that it is essentially a maintenance-of- effort-level plan, with one change being to reallocate the $1,000 fund for vision services to another community -based service. There is a focus on health education promotional programs for the improvement and maintenance of health status and potentially decreasing the utilization o f more expensive healthcare services, such as using evidence-based programs to provide education and training to famil ies in order to increase their ability to respond and perform as caregivers. In terms of a management standpoint, there is a focus on accreditations. The National Council on Quality Assurance (NCQA) is the highest level of certification for management services provided and is the core of many of AAA 1-B’s services. Mr. McGuire stated that they need to have accreditations similar to the accre ditation that the healthcare organizations recognize and participate in. The vast majority of cognitively fully functioning individuals that do not need care management or counseling services, as much as they physically need help in the home , are served with state and federal funds. These individuals receive in-home assessments twice a year and are now fulfilling the assessments through telephonic care management. Traditionally, care managers serve caseloads of about 45 individuals . The telephonic care mana gement has allowed the care managers to serve about 180 individuals , which also allows a greater portion of those dollars to pay for the direct services provided. Fleming moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution . Supported by Gershenson. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Kowall and Woodward absent . 4. MR #17187 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - AUDIT OF COLLECTION AND REMITTANCE OF EMERGENCY 911 FEES BY COMMUNICATION SERVICE PROVIDERS The resolution is requesting the Michigan Legislature to adopt legislation granting authority to state regulators to invest and audit the collection and distribution of 911 fees by communication service providers. Commissioner Taub expressed her continued frustration with the communication service providers’ remittance of fees not having increased since the early ‘90s, even though the number of phones per household has increased. The Michigan Association of Counties support s this resolution and wants an accounting of what the private companie s are collecting in fees so that money can be returned to the counties and put into the 911 system. Taub moved to report to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution . Supported by Hoffman. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Kowall and Woodward absent . COMMUNICATIONS A. DHHS Board Meeting Minutes - 4/18/17 B. DHHS Board Meeting Minutes - 5/16/17 C. DHHS Memo - 6/8/17 D. Health and Human Services/Health Division - FY 2017 Comprehensive, Planning, Budgeting, and Contracting (CPBC) Agreement - Amendment within 15% of Original Agreement E. Health and Human Services - Health Division - FY 2017 Michigan Local Food Council Network Seed Grant Program Application F. Health and Human Services/Health Division - 2017 Engaging in Regular Physical Activity - Grant Application General Government Committee Page 4 July 10, 2017 General Government Committee Page 5 July 10, 2017 Commissioner Gershenson expressed her excitement for the Food Council and asked Ms. Forzley to send information to the Board so that interested Commissioners could participate with the Council. Ms. Forzley stated that she will send t he information and that the Council has a broad cross-sector of participa nts. Commissioner Gershenson asked if Item F is specifically focused on kids in Pontiac. Ms. Forzley stated that it is supporting the Healthy Pontiac, We Can! coalition. Quarles moved to receive and file Communication Items A - F. Supported by Fleming. Motion carried on a voice vote. OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Gershenson stated that when departments bring hard copies of documents to committee, it should be double -sided printing. There being no further business to come before the Commi ttee, the meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m. ______________________________________ _____________________________________ Jami Monte, Committee Coordinator Chris Ward, Administrative Director NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.