HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1989.12.11 - 3721TROY SCHOOL DISTRICT CANVASS OF VOTES (AST GENERAL AT THE SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON )ECEMBER 11, 1989 (DATE OVELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY 'AHEM II3LS!t tL ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1 -I 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN STATEMENT OF VOTES, TROY SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECT ION - DECEMBER 11, 1989 NEW TROY HIGH SCHOOL TROY HIGH SCHOOL RENOVATION ;BONDING PROPOS! T I-ON BONDING PROPOSITION 1 , PRECINCT NUMBER 1 Yes No Totd1 1 " . Yes ! No . Too! 1 . Q4 io ..3,.3 ''"' 2.3.2. 2 . Ai 37 ; fr 3 g 57 1..?A- ,! gi7 5 .”- , 33 kl 11 /0 fl 6 P') '/O It, A34' ! 27 J_Ii I 2 ! 8 J If : y x„ity 7, , I.' .37 3'f7 , 9 „OZ i fc :r_y/ .6.- I 11 C 77 172 17 „,a, 12 . 'fq6 /3 4.0 ? Ifii yil.J L 13 i f'.jg viz., ' 4/ 71) 14 30E„,.. _gy ilcz , .ly 2 Of , ,9-ZA5 17 11/7 -7?,_, ' 18 13F i 00 z37 .2Y 1 i ! /93 ' 19 171 .Z3 AP/ 1/ ! 13'2 . /-q , 1 20 gY„ n 177 L 11 _iy2„.Jkl , 1 ' 21 3I5 /1 7„0 ,2--- 6 10,34s7 X/ 1 , , 22 _ y2., s y_S” _ 1 Y_ by. 71.' 23 3o, *7 2 YoZ I f-3 6i7 25 yl /7/ ‘,(4 i, ' 27 ..Y? ix/ yir i/i 1.347 :, i • 28 ;03 73 ;ik 30 lo /a P20 ' 3, fy___, ,i3.31 ,0 .3, 32 ;i, Q7 3 2 1/1. 1 ' 33 y.5- 20q i, 1 1g 4in . , 34 0 1 i Y 41-;/ ' ` 36 o 7 p i 4 -2,7b ! AVCB 37.2 27 h373 0 . , 1 ' TOTAL --63.?D 3y 73.vo _ 1 . • • , , , , 1 i 1 , , . 1 , , r , , 1 , 1 . , , „ SPECIAL ELECTION - TROY SCHOOL DISTRH STATEMENT OF VOTES DECEMBER 11, 1989— Put figures The whole number of votes given for and against the NEW TROY HIGH SCHOOL BONDING PROPOSITION in this colurnn I Shall the Troy School District ,Oakland County Michigan borrow the sum of not to exceed Thirty-Three Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($33,500;000) and issue its bonds therefor for the purpose of constructing and equipping a new Troy High School on the southwest corner of Long Lake Road and Northfield Parkway including site improvements? , , was TAI,t4,61.A.k.44117-i(14L-1.1-1.4,, )1.444141) 'CI 7 If 13 , I zo of which number 4 ....e_ ciud4j--T-4- if I 3 Al ,. A ' : A A.A .4.4 ' F 1 votes were marked YES , and I 1 , 1 1 i ,._.4 '.. 0 - -.40 _../IMIrcli. V ' , I . Ail it • ' _ .! .41. ALI I 0/ ir'.1 .1 ' votes were marked NO I , TOTAL VOTES, 719 The whole number ofvotes given for and against the TROY HIGH SCHOOL RENOVATION BONDING PROPOSITI , Shall the Troy School District Oakland County, Michigan, borrow the cum of not to exceed Thirty-Two Million Dollars ($32,000,000) and issue its bonds therefor for the purpose of acquiring land adjacent to the existing Troy High School site, tearing down and removing a substantial part of the existing Troy Iflgh School and rebuilding renovating, reequippinq. and refurnishing tn - -.- t'll • ..ag School, including site improvements, which would involve the relocation of Troy , High School outdoor activities during construction? i was r 44:VI AJA414rrqQ11-1--61 ,ZIA-ItAildAk • , of which number I 1.1 iv wee I aiskgii 1) Li a._ .a.........._ i votes were marked YES , and 7a e . votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, ..?1 , 6.P County Oakland of SS, Having 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rookies! Having Not Received NAME OF PROPOSITION TROY HIGH SCHOOL RENOVATION BONDING PROPOSITION Received Having Not Received Received Having Not Received Rece ved Having Not Received Having Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Received Not Received Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated NAME OF PROPOSITION NEW TROY HIGH SCHOOL BONDING PROPOSITON NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE . NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE _ Received Passed Sufficient votes was Nee-liemiAted= -14eferm# m Oakland (CCO•INT,. CITY, TOWNSHIP OR YILI.AUC BOARD OF CANVASSERS CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN, (COL.NTY, OrTY. TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE] at Special , Election, held on the 1 1 th dzy of December one thousand nine hundred and Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: COJNTY OF OAKLAND COJNTY OF OAKLAND having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said Troy School D istrict The Board of Canvassers of the The Board of Canvassers of the The Board of Canvassers of the (COUNT,. CITY. TOWNSHIP OR VILLAWIE) eighty-nine (COURT,. CDT,. TQWNOHIP OR V11-16.461' In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSF RS. 7 .• : 40 _ s v. SEAL%' :1 Miontzemsemeonzen Count y the C of (COUNTY, CITY. TOWNAHIP OR YILLA4PIS) /V ATTEST :c th is V 1-7 December ---...— CHAIRMAN. day of the year one thiptsana nine hundred and eighty-nine ‘\ CHAIRMAN OF BOARD/6-F C-AN VI-SSE RS. A=46 o F