HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1997.06.09 - 3731TROY SCHOOL DISTRICT CANVASS OF VOTES CAST „ EAAiRAL AT THE n SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON JUNE 9, 1997 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY OgREELH OEM eL ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN STATEMENT OF VOTES, TROY SCHOOL DISTRICT t' REGJLAR ELECTION - JUNE 9, 1997 ti MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION ; I Vote for Two - Four Year Tern 1 I I 1 —1 1 I .0 H. 1-- i I L',21 I I I , PRECINCT cf.?. .,, ,-, • I -4 1 NUMBER 4c )1 p-.1 cH 61 LL1 1— 1 , 7._.: • : --r I r:-Li 1 I k lit 1 cc ifs >, , L Lo ›- Ef_, c9 • __i i il L-P F-. -FI 1 ..c to - .. n1 <1 c,! a-1 1-- 0._. , . ., ,-3 .- - '- ./A . 7 , 1/ . : 57 _ z",-H.,?6, // Si I ve;" L - — --1 i.st ir, , /0 6 I * 1 111771 1 ,?..‘ L ,-?`•-?: 107 1 6 1 'ii ! 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',31Z-4_,r - 29 II,_-?/6 I P/5- /fq 103!/o3 ! 35; ,,...5-a 51 ' , _ 30 1 16, I . 1 .A/ 1 .5- 3 . 5 i -- i -- - i I 32 , 1.17._.g 1 i0235--Js`A ._.9/o:/6.,2 ! 2 is,' i ka ' I , 1 „3 ) -,57S` I ! .,).a 1 ,le. I J3 -- - i. 1 1 7,5,6 34 1/.='4... 1 37 //o ,2( 1 5- ! ini l 1 1 L 1 AVCI1 _..,3 i ?y __ _ria_. 9'8' /_741/34, 71 47' , I , i TOTAL .59,0 1 cli,iii-a/79' ,g,994 /fill: '/./- i 9.0--- 1 1 I , • i 1 i I I , . I , ' I -- 1 - I i - 1 -.- 1 . I i . , , i , r , . , 1 111 -rH 11 ,[ 1-P, G STATEMENT OF VOTES, TROY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR ELECTION - JUNE 9, 1997 BONDING PROPOSAL ' PRECINCT NUMBER , • i . • Yes No Total 1 Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No i Total Yes No Total 1 7.--• '7..— /JD 2 _/.3 , / 6 Aq • , , 3 ...3F/ 46' ' 5 /7 , 0Z.9,- 3 (1 • . 6 , 7 , 45-8'. Y Se 4.1:, 8 /X9 V-2- ../.9/ . 9 ii i'..r.._4 4/0. 165' . U 12 , /0,2, pi , /f2 13 - 14 ./ai e.g' kr9 , 15 /..46.- , /00 .1_51, . 17 41R //sit-2341 18 ' Si's- 67 1 /5y 19 20 ' 21 1 jg7 ./v4 4/7/ _ .1 22 !, ...T./ ..4.y- 1 ' - 1 23 Lil i 1 , 24 /3V 7c2- do 4 1 25 /7/ , 27 4( . ' , w 28 1.5-8 '76. AI 9 , 29 ' /c7g //7 Lq/,5- 30 ' .5- : 4, )/ , 1 1 31 /2? . , 32 i ,p.„,..i /y7 152/ .: ' 33 34 ' ' AVCB , : , TOTAL , . , , , , , ; , ' 1 1 I I I 1 1 I : 1 I I ' „ 11 1 , 2.13 TOTAL votes was 9 J6,1 7.61-714 received received 9 IDA EDMUNDS MARY KERWIN JA uotes / :1 1,4 ROBERT S. PRESTON JOHN TAYLOR EDWARD L. ZALESKI, JR. 1 ' rece'ved rece 1ved31 Nee ved received votes votes votes 7 2/1 01 votes received votes votes votes TY0-1 votes 11 1 received VOWS c received votes received votes TOTAL votes STATEMENT OF VOTES TROY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR ELECTION - JUNE 9, 1997 Put figures 1 The whole number of votes given for the office of ,. in this column : was and they were given for the following named persans: received votes received vows received votes The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION V ote for Two - Four Year Tern and they were given for the following named persons: received votes received received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: received votes received votes received vows received votes received votes received votes received votes received votes 3.6 TROY SCHOOL DISTRICT STATEMENT OF VOTES REGULAR ELECTION - JUNE 9, 1997 i Put figures The whole number of votes g:ven for and against the BONDING PROPOSAL ii in this column T Shall Troy School District, Oakland County, Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed Seventy-One Million Four Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars (S71,475,000) and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds therefor, for the purpose of: -. erecting, furnishing anc equipping additions to existing school facilities; I - partially remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, equipping and re-equipping school facilities, in part for energy conservation improvements; - erecting, furnishing and equipping a new computer services/support building, and . acquiring, installing and equipping technology for the new computer services/ ..P support building and existing school facilities; and - improving, equipping and re-equipping outdoor athletic fields and playgrounds and developilngaandATproVingsSitesand.acquiriimssthool buses' I (Pursuant to State law, expenditure of bonth.proceeds must be audited, and the I proceeds cannot be used for repair or maintenance costs, teacher, administrator or employee salaries, or other operating expenses.) -, , , was ''.--/ets, ..4-,-/:// .,,e,"_,,oz---114-",/,>,-,e! ----4,---- -1•4...6 /71 / __..... 1 of which number ---F/ r.---ed-2-- •e'%.' 2 ' ,I votes were marked YES , ana 1 votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, 676 ,5 Pi; I The whole number of votes given for and against the I , 1 ' , , , , was i of which numbe- votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, 1 i i i 6-P CERTIFICATE OF DETEFUVIINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN. ss. COUNTY OF OAKLAND The Board of Canvassers of the COUNTY of OAKLAND , (COUNTY, CITY. 'TOWNSHIP OR VILLAS.) (CSPONTY. CITY. TOWNSHIP OR VILLAOMI having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said TROY SCHnOi :-)TSTRICT , COLINTY. CITY, TOWNSHIP ON 'RPM...PSIS) at the - RFGULAR Election, held on the 9TH day of JUNE , , one thousand nine hundred and NINETY-SEVEN Do Hereby Cert,..._17.7423eterrre That "(.....,1.--,71,.6t--/-c—A. ''-;' having received a sufficient number of votesiselected MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - Four Year Tern Ending June 30, 2001 That 717‘44F:7 having received a sufficient number of vonsiselecnd MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - Four Year Term Ending June 30, 2001 That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That Waving received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That haying received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having 1-ceiyed a-sufficient numbeiwf - votes is elected , - - _ - That having.received-a sufficient number of votes is elected That havrng received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected 4.G BONDING PROPOSAL NAME OF PROPOSITION Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Having Having Having Having Having Not Received Received Not Received Received Sufficient votes was -pointed Received Having Not Received Rece'veci Not Received Received Not Received NAME OF PROPOSITION 6 NONE of OAKLAND BOA RD OF CANVASSERS CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF ,CANVASSERS. (7 toe this ,in t1 COUNTY il CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. ATTEST: "A. (COUNTY. CITY. Tcfrir• OR VILLAGE) day of ar on housand nine h ,died an12 1 INETY-5EVEN (C4UNTY, crTY. TOWNinip Ii yiLLNG.2) JUNE That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected __ That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION having received a sufficient number of 1 2 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 3 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 4 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of 6-G