HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1976.04.06 - 3767WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION APRIL 6, 1976 4,7- . • .ST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON APRIL 6, 1976 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED By THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF 0AiKLAND COUNTYi.MICHIGAN XXAOWXXXXXXXXXV=NOCIXXXXXXXXXXXX MANUFACTURED BY lii ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE FURNITURE AND SI.'117.3 1919 East Kilgore Road • RALAMAZOO„MICIV Order by Form No. M-397 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election STATEMENT OF VOTES 2. 4, The whole number of votes given for the office of Was TOTAL for a Year term: ey ere g iven for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL t _Year term: for 6 UM OF ES WRITTEN WO The whole number of ttrs given for the office 0 was and they were g iven foi the foflein named persons.: PERSOi•-IS RECEIVING U NN," for a Yecn temi NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 3. 4, 5. 8. 9. TOTAL_ _..Year ter • The whole number of votes given for the offi ce of • was they were. given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE .VOTES for a NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 3. 4. 5. The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were, given fo.r the following named persons: — PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1 TOTAL 5TATEM.ENTE.:.::OF:'VOIES PROPOSITION • • • • • ••••:' • • • ::" • ..• ReheWa.l.. •of.: . • • • • . • :.• • • PROPOSITION PROPOSITION 4 m 1 1 proposal in event prop- osition B is noi approved. /3 TOTALS YES • :;NO .YES ...NO YES NO 4 6 4) '7irp :44 .y:..,i':: :.:......:....::::..iei . . . . • 1 • •;;;.•:5-"-.1!.. • . ;• .:-/p:;,.41/ • • • •• • •••:•:••• • • • .• • • • • •••:.• • • • • ..e.1..e•• • • ' • • .. .• • ••••"-. • .- • ••• • . • • • • . • ••• • : Jo. • f. STATEMENT OF VOTES, ......„ .. PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER .. ' STATEMENT OF VOTES - --PROPOSITION A MI LLAGE RENEWAL .PROPOSAL Tke,vhc-rsurnloer, c.1 votes for ctnkagisiinst the To RENEW. teh 1141 1 i n crease .: Which ospiTed in 49754:-Shelt:the limitation upon the total amount of taxes which may be imposed in any one year upon propertY in Welled ta*e_tonsolidated_School District, Oakland County, Michigan, be increased as provided. in Section 6, Article IX, of the Oonsititution of the State of Michigan, for the years 1976 through 1985, by ten (10) mills on each dollar ($10.00 per $1,000.00) of the assessed valuation as equalized .for the purpose q paying a part of the operating expenses of the school district? PUT MIMES itti THIS COLLIMN 11 -1- • votes were marked YES votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES PROPOSITION D 5.5 MILL INCREASE PROPOSAL The whoie number of votes far and agamstfhe Shall the limAation upon the total amount of taxes which may be im- posed in any one year upon property in Walled Lake Consolidated School District, Oakland County, Michigar _b_e_further increased as provided in Section Article IX' of the Constitution of the State of_Mich- igan, for the years 1976 th rough 1980, by five and one-half (5.5) mills on each dollar ($5.5 0 Per _0,000.00) of the assessed valuation as equalized for the purpose of paying a_part of the operating expenses of the school district? votes were m votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES PROPOSITION .0 4 MILL INCREASEPROPOSAL iN: TRE 11.E.IT1-1114T .fRP.P.0$417. The whok number of votes for and against. the I ON :B:::(THE 5.5 MILL INCREASE PROPOSAL) IS NOT APPROVED AT :EMI:S . ELECTION, THENINSTEAD.::.shall the liMiiatiön upon the total: amount of taXeswhich -.may::bejthposed::*.inahy one YPer YPOn property in Walled Lake Consolidated School District, 0a151bnd County, MT..ChiganbefU:rther:: increased as provided in Section 6, Article i :X4 of the COTI.0000n.......6f....00 State of Michigan, for the Teara_1976:thro0b 19804 by four 14 ...pi Mills On each dollar ($4A0 ::per :$1400040) ..of the....eSseSsed ..: valuation as equalized for the purpose of paying a part of the operating eXpenSeSof the schooLdi:St4-iC was of which numbel votes were marked YES votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES z _. having received sufficient number of having received sufficient ,number of: having received sufficient number of. having received sufficient number of having received sufficient number of having reCeived sufficient number _havi n g received sufficient number: of _having :eived sufficient number of _having received sufficient number of -having received sufficient number of F,Allter Hereby Coe following Pmpotu -:Qns or Questions were passed or A. 1:0 MILL RENEWAL PROPOSITION :Receivpd HOV;t1q - NEA ME OF PROPOSMON Net",kAFOF PROPOSMON 5-5 MILL INCREASE PROPOSAL C o 4 HI LL I NCRE.ASE IN EVENT PROPOSAII. "Bff IS NOT APPROVED _ Sufficient. votes was 9- •N6t Received Defeated —Receiver:I Having uff Not•Received ;i.slof., We have hereunto set our holds and ctlfix.çi ,i3 the S.aiali _CP,gray_ -of Oak:Ina:Id t County, City, Township:. at- Vitta go ) (County, City, Ttn,‘,11--shin o this 7th day of APril in the lour one thousand riiiniesihuinthed , . "..HAtRMAN BOA-RP OF • CANVASSEAS. 15K OF hOARO crvAssERs. •7r. ATTES: V .og STATE' 0:1:41 __,OAKLAND_ _ _ Board of Caiiniict.seys Of the.. having Ascertained and Canvassed theiVs...resi .okoirs IAL _ one thousand nine hundred and Do Hereby itanci Determine That votes is elected That_ „ votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected_ votes is elected.. Thal votes is elected _ That votes is elected Thicit„ votes is elected That votes is ejected of • 7.(ilig-ieT .W01104Aato_CphsollOato&Sphoól_oistrIct, • • __Election, held on the 6th day ()LH . _ COiffity