HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1981.06.08 - 3774JUNE 8, 1981 (DAR Or ELECT1 NO WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS OAKLAND T i ES:3- STATEMENT OF VOTES OFCE AND : .Ceir401DA:7 ttp,Ii•E$• T.QTALS. r• • • •••••: • • i• .• ....• .• 'MEMBER OF BD. OF EDUC.• Lt Yr. Term-Vote for 1 _ _ wan : PATR ICIA ANN JACKIviAli STEVEN H. LASHER .1614a •:••••• •• • 1 ROBERT F. McNOTT 5:P.11L ..I.JEFFREY•R. PORTKO MERL IN . • . •• • K. REEDS .1 • : ..IDAVD M. RODDY TOTAL PROPOSITION :A PROPOS I T 1 ON Bi STATEMENT OF VOTES, WALLED • ...LAKE....CONSOL1DAT:ED ...•JUNE 8, 1981 OAKLAND : .SCHOOLS.: PROPOSITION I LLAGE RENEWAL TAX LIMITATION i•••OAKLAND SCHOOLS INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SCHOOL DISTRICT SPEC] AL EDUC TO SCHOOL BUILDINGS MI LLAGE INCREASE QUESt I ON PREC.1NCTS, 1 :YES. .... ..:1 . .....NO...'...i,„,..i .. TOTAL :•..!,:..:y.u...... ::......::.:.!::::N. ...._.... T0341.......:, .....:Y.:...15::.... ..1H...':.N.Q.:L.:.....: ...TOTAL:......I 1 : : 1 _601 t -.t.,. i if L. 4 ...C' ...,?...ii 4. :. :.._.3 ....±_,...,Y±:...-t.C.77...c . . .: ./ .7. '2_,.:.f:; ..:L.;.,?....y...H....i.7,.7,. 9 9 r ' - ?-.'''ci 3...5<•-i •91:.(76,; .'• .76 1 . • •2:123•:"- •Il c-7.• 7 .•.: :'.:77b i.• 1 ...., • :Z;L:„.; . • .1_ c'... . 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Avc6: 1 ...:_:...1 1 :.: v(5,I g ..:-....T.Y 1. ..1. ...3 .1::....: .........': .: ...P.Y. il....:...,?:::.V ...11!..::::.:4:1......1-.......r .-‘:::.: . .... . ATEMENT OF: 'VOTES — MEMBER: BOARD (I ::EOUCATION : I- VOTE- FOE NE npry4:.,?T V. '...R:ble...-; :t:::;i:',..R-Al pr ',no .4:::l;•.t. pr MOO beT *of iho: Bp.T.11.-: .: of Ed ipc.qt49 rg tor :c.....1" Fool :YE:i..Or reur :I: a Am:J-14_ 4,....i.)..:4.1,,,...-y.,7.,,xx::.,::);/,•,„(,--- ' :: : : : : 1 : : :: : : : : : I: - : " I: eiT, C:PVE,..r'i:?..f::•t 1.:.E.::,::),:..9!ocno rOrr.e.:::: person ....:: rr.11501:47, REMVING THE VOTES 1 PATRIUWANN :JACKMAN 2, STEVEN 1-1. LASFIR N.LIMEIR. OF VOTES. WRITTEN iN TOTAL ; tr; n f • :Mo•It1b4i::. :I:4H' the :Bo. 6014;c:it. ;.-:it.:•ej Vi . . . r •cs •'.."-",; I cly,;..0•1.10w ... • .. . • . .• •. rti..VONSrr THE -VC:Vile • Ntok,iFgk 'IA.' OP.EZ IOTA • 0 f- • le,10.111,.. e f :of.: d F2•F. •c. Iwo Yeor i'.1:4;•1 • WI:4k I1C rerzions: FlicEr:ANic 171,4•E I F ‘.(07E5 VIRTITEN IN Wogn,-..: :Y•PT;E•7r1:1117:7 : : • .N.." • • ''• •••4;41.,4A..: • • • • • •• • • • • 1 •••••••••• if he.' (.:4 • 63:: 4 _ ri•er Sf.DiriS .7"..;k5 OW; 2-.EqNiq 1 k'•51 LORRA I NE S. HAWORTH REP OF It/OTES" .WRITY.EN .;:,4:W011..• • • 64 : :1 th411. . . 0 • C. • , :151. 0.1 Y'r(716-A,.4"4 64, Of Wj,T.C.i't Vivrribt r 'YES t40-. riunit)ti,r F 6.1 C! .1 cf. t& e - v4.;ch were iki VES Trie.:EvA.ioii,,. II:Jr:16er te s t i 00,6 :fruilt +he : PROPOS ITION :' M ILLAQE RENEWAL.::PROPOSAL ,. Shall the previously voted four (4) mill increase in the constitutional limitation on the total amount of taxes_whi ch..M4)L., bg_ _Imposed_ in any one year upon proparty_i_m_Wal led. Lake_Comm solidated School District, Oakland County, Michigan, BE RENEWED as provided in Section 6, Article IX, of the Constitution of the _State of Michigan, for _the. years 1981...through..1985,- - by four (4) mills on each dollar ($4.00 per $1,000.00) of the assessed valuation as equalize for_the_purpose_of_paying_a_part of thp opP rntIng_expenses of the—school-Aistrict? : AV,I; hd /1,424,4610 Were ...-*TAIJM.J.15571 ON ...:PROPOSALI:MATNTOAN.E.:..AND:.. • ..REPAl.R.....TOI:.:$CHO.OL BUILDINGS. Shall the limitation on the total amount of general ad valorem taxes which may bi imposed_foti ail Obrposes in --any one year upon property in the Walled Lake Consolidated School District, I Oakland County, State of Michigan, be increased as provided in Section 6, Article _IX of th e I -Constitution or Michigan, Fr a period of fiv —(5) years, from 1981-1985, inclusive, by one- half (0.5) mill on each dollar ($0.50 per S1000) of the assessed valuation as equalized and 11rie Board of Education 'be -authorized to levy jich amount for maintenance and repair- of school' facilities and general building purposes? .! , A : Legi . 1 • •.04LANDI•SCHOOLS...ANTERMEDTATCflOQL...D1TRICT:5U0AL• le EINCATI0/47M4-L-.LACE...INC:REE,ETIP.N.:•.::-I.':•:-•-.:•..:•.I.---7.::-I' Shall the one (1) mill limitation on the annual property_p.reviously approved bY the • electors of Oakland Schools, an intermediate school district, State of Michigan, for the education of handicapped Alersons. be incrPa_PA by two (Z) mills? : . . . •V(E wt riuied NO Y '4' • • • C.:44:TE OF !: A .0AKLAND , t 'user. Oakland I.) y 0 ir the r-:I. : WALLED LAKE CONSOL IDATED::SCHOO.L$eceivd by said Board d dr..0 Fa.t ..t.hotc.rmsnic heir • - • - • ;i87.T.1011ite.id .0 n....;_411N... • 8..,...... 1.981 . . . i • • :1...,..-'Fi::).7 .“.T.C7.1:.;•'. . , :' Cr t 1 011 -0 i T n el' O i:d ..,)C ;TO 0 I .for a fb ur term n — 1985 VOTE FOR ONF -tirp:son,•elected for cm three t:::ert:D.ds. elected for a two r...-er.,:orit,-..olexted-for a One - 1982 VOTE FOR ONE ••T!-IE,P. HEREBY DET:-MMINE: That the followin g Prop.6itions Questions were pcised or dore6i6cf PROPOSITION A....." MI LLAGE • RENEWAL 'PROPOSAL 1. i4;,F-:ce,VeC Haying S ff rossed uicient votes was ; Hay in r• P. OP 0 S ON 'TAX LIMITATION .PROPOSAL MAINTENANCE AND REPA TO 'SCHOOL :BUILDINGS icient votes wo.i n ,_ P.2-ceived ::!1.;7711,Cni'fiON Pcmod Having ' Sufficient votes was Nat R,F:.:ttc.iyed . Defeat-ed NONE 4 01,CP3; NONE r n:1535c Having Sufficient votes wa, Not Received Deiectit,A Ylh.ereo, We. have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal C,f the In OAKLAND tk iS rre day .af': JUNE 1981 r:E.-IAIRMeos! 'BOARD :OF l'.'CANVASSERS: ort