HomeMy WebLinkAboutReports - 2022.12.08 - 37795BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM: Appointment Oakland County Building Authority COMMITTEE MEETING: Board of Commissioners DATE: Thursday, December 8, 2022 9:52 AM - Click to View Agenda ITEM SUMMARY SHEET The Authority consists of five members: The County Executive or a Designee The County Treasurer or a Designee Three members appointed by the Board of Commissioners Members serve three-year terms and mileage reimbursement is provided by the County. The appointment of Jamele Hage expires 12/31/2022 and she has requested reappointment Committee members can contact Michael Andrews. Policy and Fiscal Analysis Supervisor at 24&858.5115 (office) or andrewsmb(@,oakgov.com. or the department contact persons listed for additional information. Kristen Nelson, Commissioner nelsonkd@oakgov.com Kristen Nelson, Created/Initiated - 12/8/2022 AGENDA DEADLINE:-12108/2022 11:15 AM 2022-11-29 Legislative Affairs & Government Operations - Report to Recommend Reappointment to Board 2022-12-08 Full Board - Confirm Appointment MMOAKLANII.- COUNTY MICHIGAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS December 8, 2022 RESOLUTION #2022-2265 Appointment Oakland County Building Authority Sponsored By: Kristen Nelson, Commissioner Chairperson. the Board of Commissioners recommends the following Board action: The Legislative Affairs & Government Operations Committee, having considered the upcoming vacancy on the Building Authority, recommends that Jamele Hage be reappointed for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2023, and ending December 31, 2025. Chairperson, the following Commissioners recommend the adoption of the foregoing Board action: Kristen Nelson. C'O,W\IITTEE TRACKING 201_'-11-19 Legislative affairs & Government Operations - Report to Reeormuend Reappointment to Board -10_''-I I -OS Full Board - Confiriu Appointment VOTE TRACKING - Board of Commissioners Motioned bs - Commissioner Kristen Nelson Seconded by: Commissioner Pem1v Luebs Yes: David Woodward, Michael Gingell, Michael Sptsz. Karen Joliat. Kristen Nelson. Eileen Kowall, Christine Long. Philip Nk eipett, Given Markham. Angela Powell. Chick -loss, Marcia Gershenson, William Miller M. Yolanda Smith Charles, Charles Cavell, Penny Luebs. Janet Jackson. Gary McGillivray, Robert Hoffman. Adam Koctienderfer (20) No: None (0) Abstain: --'one (01 Absent: (0) Passed ATTACHMENTS 1. Hage App Hage Resume Building Authority Application Submitted on: 121/06112022 011 2:58 PM Please Provide hiformation for your Home'Lecal Residence Jamele ,e Hage P 34 years B oard'C onvnittee+Corlmussion Building Authority Yes I have served three 3 years terms or 9 years My continuity after 9 years of service is beneficial to Oakland County Yes P' 3°.•: list'., iliCdi r-,r qd r,,,_'tT;!C:: rr t t,i il: at'>_�7ll -•L`tl ;l`,c ! ;�'ii ^o[l:;n tit Trin !.?.-t(<°. The Building Authority i1': 1`I I,d + US'iL-!'Cl.'i: ll' ,_, t..+e `.'i.7 itl:i. _c':1 ICl _7i1 :d1:�' ,.. _t.' l.__..; lilt; .11:1" As a member of Wayne County Corporation Counsel, I represented the Wayne County Building Authority. 'ic- +..'3ilOC=.. _�.!dl., 'JYPjeS'r�tl 01-no-ii4.+.:•!'. :Ifsch,v'�=C: .;i . .. ''. 1::II �l ,fii ::';-+:;?��e V:S.: _iL _ '• is flit- , r Sat ; tl�c'."1%ii1C i ;`1 ! No 1 +. t• r{al ,;��c: i_!Cc:_ t ,;ll:eC, a :;"C �`� a �'c:• nC ::;r:.: � tt�ii i;-.P: _.tt _?j. Yes I was the plaintiff in an investment fraud lawsuit that was resolved in my favor. Education Stevenson High School Livonia, Michigan Wayne State Law School Detroit, Michigan turfs Doctor Employment Alternative Dispute Resolution Source, LLC 24333 Woodham Rd Managing Member April 2022 to Present Private arbitrator and mediator References jano Hanna - Richard AlAziz - �i:iiSL( - Don Fresard - lamele Haqe J"'),- .91Qe/i�am537 Q48-92-�c 6667 EMPLOYMENT Delta Lath Group, PC HISTORY Managing Partner (2016 to Current) American arbitration Association Arbitrator Panelist for Commercial, Constimer and Healtlicare Matters (Current) lYayne Cotmh• (State of Michigan) Director of Couinarnity Development (2015 to 2017 ) Director of the Nlormave Foreclosure Prevention Prosram (2009 to 201 ) Assistant Corporate Counsel. Real Estate and Economic Development 12009 to 201_) General Motors Corporation - Detroit. NII N3`oridwide Real Estate Real Estate Division Kotz, Sangster, AIk7vsocki S Hamling - Detroit. NII Business Law and Trial Attornev Berms•, Frances. Seifman. Salamey & Harris - Dearborn, \SI Governmental. Trial and appellate Attorne}- Sills. Hemming, Law. Essad, Polaczvk S Giliary - Plymouth, ti1I Governmental. Trial and Appellate Attorney EXPERIENCE Governmental Law • Assigned corporation counsel to several Wayne Count~, dep3rtuients and programs, inchrd na Executive Office. Coninumitc Development. and Department of Economic Development. • Resolved clialienaim and divisive issues anion, elected puhlic officials • Drafted and amended proposed Wayne County ordinances to present *o the Wayne Counts' Commission. inchrdiug Nuisance Abatement. Foreclosure Prevention Assistance. Drafted numerous local ordinances. including Natural Preserve and Druid driving Ordinances. • Participated innumerous public hearings and assisted lawmakers • Advised local public servant_; on a variet} of issues, including Open Meetings Act, residency laws, drug testing of emp1011ees and adult foster care laws • Drafted and negotiated numerous iutra-governmental and uuer- goverimiental contracts and agreements. • Interfaced with communhv leaders, lobbies and politicians to roll -out and support pro grain goals. • Negotiated and drafted Sub -recipient agreements related to conumuiiiv development. • Negotiated and drafted grain and loan agreement for HOME Funds and C'DBG Funds. • Advised Wavlae County on all matters related to HUME Funds and CDBG Funds • FOI.1 counsel to Amine County th ougli the Department of Public Services. • Attended and counseled the members of various board of directors at Board meetings. including the Vision Fluid. and the Wayne County -Detroit CDE. Inc. • Assist clients in streamlining government approval processes for developers and sub -recipients. • Implement in excess of'_GO new projects annually. including contract negotiation. procurement. due ditigeuce. consiructiou. and requests for reimbursement and project close out; • Negotiated and drafted numerous goveriunerital contracts. • Prosecuted and tried numerous ordinance violation actions. Countywide Director Positions • Director of the home Foreclosure Prez elation Programr for Wayne Count%% supervising 17 employees. • Director of C'onurninity Development super isurg 21 employees. • Executive Director of the National Association of C'omu5''s Award ("NaCO'-) award -winning Foreclosure Prevention Program for Wayne C'oumv. • Prepared applications for federal. state and private grants and administered the swine • Designed and implemented outreach stratep- to the private sector parties, stakeholders. and other governmental agencies- 0 Extensive experience in police development and advocac. • Communicated strategic and business information to partners and stakeholders on a varier' of programs and opportunities. • Briefed elected officials on issues and situations related to the slants of programs. • Implemented diversity and inclusion into program recipient assistance aspects • Creatively and effective handled employee -related issues. • Prepared prograin budgets and responsible to ensure program budget was adhered to. • Continually monitored each and evert case in the pipeline to ensure timely representation, quality work product and best -case results -Formulated and articulated verbal and written instruction, to staff that included standard operating procedures and instructions related to non- routuie and'or complicated assignments. • Instrumental in stannor• amendme arts to foreclosure related laws. Hired, trained. montored and oversaw staff and evaluation wort: product in several programs for professional development. • Managed program goals. finding allocations. conumumit.% relations and program implementation for y\'ayrre Coumv's 34 allocation coiruuuni;ies for coimnunity development. Instrumental in designing and implementing the Wayne Count} Hub and Spoke model of mortgage foreclosure prevention in Oakland.:\19comib and Washtenaw Counties through a licensing agreement and internal training. Page , of 4 • Developed an innovative strategy for a home foreclosure prevenrion program for Wayne County which included a partnership with -NISHDA. major lenders. investors, housing agencies. educational institutions, a cable nemork. regional and national non-profit corporations and foundations. local, state and federal governments. • Designed every aspect of the home foreclosure prevention program. including, but not limited to, the web -based application program. the collaborative nem-ork of housing counseling agencies. the hi -take procedure. and the finding sources strategy. • Successfttliv lobbied iron -profit corporations and foundations. for profit corporations, state and federal government for grant funds dedicate(( to the county -wide programs. • Created and implemented a marketing strategy for a countywide program. including radio and local television. cable network. print nnedia. webimars, and a Dateline NBC segment that resulted in assisting 6000 hones. • Designed and actively managed a model program that assisted over 6000 families coumvnvide. • Oversight, monitoring and auditing of 1�, local housing counseling agencies. coniuntnication • Prepared press releases and interfaced with media on a broad range of subjects. • Poliev advisor to Counts, Executive's Office and Wayne County, Commission related to housing, housing insecurity, HOME program and fiords. C'DBG program and funds. foreclosure prevention and economic development. • Spokesperson for county -wide programs, including television and radio appearances and newspaper articles. • Engaged in extensive community outreach and community education semunars. • Prhnary responsibility for creating an active and significant private -public partnership xvith SISHDA. major lenders. investors. housing agencies. educational institutions. media outlets. regional and national non-profit corporations and foundations. local. state and federal governments in order to get the word out on foreclosure prevention options and programs. • Prepared case summaries for media publication, with an emphasis on connecting with diverse and ethnic communities. • Provide strategic planning and technical assistance in project development to the 34 entitlement conununnities within 'VVivne Countv: • Prepared and delivered seminars and talks on a variety of issues including real estate. prosecution. drug testing, contracts. and corporate policies. • Prepared for and delivered business law courses innclnding, contracts, negotiations and corporations. • Prepared and delivered numenons anal -level and appellate -level oral arguments. • Trained and mentored staff in order to develop talents and create a best practices progrann. • Prepared and presented numerous trial -level and appellate -level briefs. Page 3 of EDL'CAIION • Wavue State I-niversith° Law School Iuris Doctor. tune 1990 • University of Michigan Bacicelor of Atts in Political Science. April 19S7 ABILITIES • Creative. outside -the -box thuiker • Able to mediate differhiv opinions betn'een law -makers and decision - makers • Able to effectiveh, manage numerous projects sinuiltaueousl_v • Excellem oral and written communication skills • Excellent analNYlcat skills • Excellent research skills. • Excellent problem -solving abilities .ACHIEVEMENTS APPOI\-€VIENTS • Arbitrator Panelist for Commercial, Consumer and Healthcare flatters Wurrently ) • 2020 Detroit Bar Association Legal Scholar Award • Commissioner on Oakland County- Building Authority (Since 2016 i • Board of Director Wavue Count• -Detroit CDE, Inc (Since 2015) + Employee of the fear _Award for 2010 • Designed an award winning program (2009 in the fist year of operation _Midwest Technology ward for 2009 and National .Association of Count --Ativard in 2009). • Licensed to Practice Law in Michigan and all Federal Courts since 1990 • Licensed Real Estate Broker in Michigan • Recruitment Committee, Commercial Real Estate Wain en -Detroit '_00' - _004 • Board of Directors, Salvation _Army - Harbor Light Division199 -1997 • Best Oral _advocate Award • Wayne State Law School. 1990. • Wavue State hoot Court National Team ;Member Wavue State Laic School 1989-1990, page of