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Election Canvasses - 2022.11.08 - 37929
Elm CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF, COUNTY CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN Oakland County, Michigan General Election, Tuesday, November 8, 2022 11/8/2022 Page 237 Board Member Rochester Community School District - Vote for not more than 2 a - - - -o - Y 6 J -2'- 't- Precinct _ u o v o' v - z Oakland Township, Precinct 1 497 438 - 476 471 _ 1,882 892 2 2 Oakland Township, Precinct 2 - -187 156 - 204 205 752 424 - - 2 2 Oakland Township, Precinct 3 271 " - 233 361 351 1,216 643 - 2 3 Oakland Township, Precinct 4 347 278 457 456 1,538 799 2 3 Oakland Township, Precinct 5 595 459 489 448 1,991 851 6 4 Oakland Township, Precinct 463 380 679 597 2,119 916 6 1 Oakland Township, Precinct 7 562 466 714 668 2,410 1,331 3 1 Oakland Township, Precinct 8 214 161 195 177 747 263 0 2 Orion Township, Precinct 9 215 152 173 151 691 230 1 1 Auburn Hills, Precinct 6 87 59 92 79 317 99 1 0 Rochester, Precinct 1 606 461 387 320 1,774 767 3 7 Rochester, Precinct 2 716 545 502 497 2,260 1,090 2 6 Rochester, Precinct 3 442 360 Z77 255 1,334 656 0 2 Rochester, Precinct 4 332 266 345 308 1,251 538 0 - 1 Rochester, Precinct 5 473 349 596 531 1,949 835 2 8 Rochester, Precinct 6 332 239 322 311 1,204 395 1 1 Rochester Hills, Precinct 1 769 591 632 569 2,561 899 1 8 Rochester Hills, Precinct 2 710 669 574 468 2,421 994 2 1 Rochester Hills, Precinct 3 682 528 572 511 2,293 924 2 7 Rochester Hills, Precinct 4 877 737 611 627 2,852 902 3 6 w U rn V O V o > w 737 653 1,390 2,029 _ 68.51 % 393 198" "591 812 72.78% " 558 375 933 -1,289 .72.38%" 588 584 1,172 1,685 69.55% 742 - 687 1,429 2,145 66.62% 836 688 1,524 2,268 6720% 837 1,037 1,874 2,883 65.00% 311 195 506 725 69.79% 234 228 462 689 67.05% 104 105 209 320 6531% 785 492 1,277 2,101 60.787. 904 776 1,680 2,853 58.89% 584 412 996 1,670 59.64% 465 430 895 1,379 64.90% 750 648 1,398 2,145 65,17% 343 458 801 1,186 67.54% 752 983 1,735 2,567 67.59% 807 903 1,710 2,544 67.22% 750 864 1,614 2,478 65.13% 965 918 1,883 2,619 71.90% Oakland County, Michigan General Election, Tuesday, November 8, 2022 11/8/2022 Page 239 Board Member Rochester Community School District - Vote for not more than 2 0 m F v _ P: m - o > y - _ n c _ -o E Precinct z a i0. - r- Rochester Hills, Precinct 5 - :789 721 519 479 2,508 .837 2 5- 809 568 1;677 2,398 69.93% Rochester Hills, Precinct 6 - - 34-1 251 "251 204 " 1,047 525 - "2 0 -' 355" 433 - 788 1,242 63.45% Rochester Hills, Precinct 7 457 - 365 - 426 370. 1,618 713 0 3 525 642 1,167 1,770 65.93% Rochester Hills, Precinct 8 813 654 614 618 2,709 885 3 2 900 901 1,801 2,505 71.90% Rochester Hills, Precinct 9 715 566 589 504 2,374 777 6 7 729 856 1,585 - 2,292 69.15% - Rochester Hills, Precinct 10 566 483 438 380 1,887 916 4 3 - 698- 709 1,407 2,090 67.32% Rochester Hills, Precinct 11 440" 349 500 443 1,732 707 4 5 707 " 519 1,226 1,727 70.99% Rochester Hills, Precinct 12 - 432 362 368 371 1,533 579 0 6 428 631 1,059 1,441 73.49% Rochester Hills, Precinct 13 465 426 369 326 1,586 499 2 5 527 520 1,047 1,382 75.76% Rochester Hills, Precinct 14 338 313 262 227 1,140 608 0 4 455 421 876 1,456 60.16% Rochester Hills, Precinct 15 477 319 390 296 1,482 825 1 3 521 635 1,156 2,012 57.46% Rochester Hills, Precinct 16 551 409 441 441 1,842 897 1 5 650 723 1,373 2,061 66.62% Rochester Hills, Precinct 19 556 559 538 498 2,151 921 3 4 790 751 1,541 2,189 70.40% Rochester Hills, Precinct 24 422 362 334 270 1,388 637 2 5 589 428 1,017 1,605 63.36% Rochester Hills, Precinct 25 459 351 326 285 1,421 619 2 4 478 546 1,024 1,567 65.35% Rochester Hills, Precinct 26 197 107 132 132 568 390 1 8 303 181 484 1,346 35.96% Rochester Hills, Precinct 27 556 365 407 339 1,667 749 2 4 616 596 1,212 1,861 65.13% Rochester Hills, Precinct 28 212 183 172 146 713 371 0 2 252 261 543 955 56.86% Rochester Hills, Precinct 29 460 280 308 233 1,281 871 2 2 619 460 1,079 2,062 52.33% Rochester Hills, Precinct 30 352 277 264 271 1,164 544 0 4 439 417 B56 1,302 65.75% Oakland County, Michigan General Election, Tuesday, November 8, 2022 11/8/2022 Page 241 Board Member Rochester Community School District - Vote for not more than 2 v s_ 8 7, v, o u. v M, a - e o - LL- N Precinct. ¢.' Rochester Hills, Precinct 31 516 450 402 '. 389 _ 1,757 952 4 11 ' 778 586. 1,364 - 2,244 60.78% Rochester Hills, Precinct 32 326 321 272 - 199 ' - 1,118 801 3 9 - 606 361 -' 967 1,781 54.30% Totals - 19,837 16,010 16,980 - 15,421 68,248 30,071 85 167 25,249 - 24,079 49,328 75,675 65.18% Cialcland County, Michigan General Election, Tuesday, November 8, 2022 11/8/2022 Page 243 Board Member Rochester Community School District Term Ending 12/31/2024 - Vote for not more than 1 Precinct - Q V O, _�-_ Q - Oakland Township, Precinct 1 195 322 438 955 ; 430 4. 1. 737 653 Oakland Township, Precinct 55- 129 _ 210 394 194 2 1 - 393 198 Oakland Township, Precinct 3 98 204 340 642 '. 283 6 -.2 558 '375 Oakland Township, Precinct4 123 253 409 785 378 _ 7 2 588 584, Oakland Township, Precinct 5 154 464 438 1,056 357 13 3 742 687 Oakland Township, Precinct 6 179 313 597 1,089 421 11 3 836 688 Oakland Township, Precinct 7 225 447 580 1,252 608 13 1 837 1,037 Oakland Township, Precinct 8 52 165 177 394 110 0 2 311 195 Orion Township, Precinct 9 64 143 149 356 106 0 0 234 228 Auburn Hills, Precinct 6 23 71 77 171 38 0 0 104 105 Rochester, Precinct 1 179 427 310 916 353 4 4 785 492 Rochester, Precinct 2 231 437 456 1,124 545 7 4 904 776 Rochester, Precinct 3 151 308 227 686 305 2 3 584 412 Rochester, Precinct 4 99 261 292 652 239 2 2 465 430 Rochester, Precinct 5 169 307 504 980 412 4 2 750 648 Rochester, Precinct 6 153 188 262 603 196 1 1 343 458 Rochester Hills, Precinct 1 220 567 511 1,298 431 1 5 752 983 Rochester Hills, Precinct 2 240 482 508 1,230 466 12 2 807 903 Rochester Hills, Precinct 3 262 466 434 1,162 440 8 4 750 864 Rochester Hills, Precinct 4 226 635 554 1,415 455 7 6 965 918 rn, V o � a v n m _ N J O 1,390 2,029 68.51% 591 812 72.78% 933 1,289 72.38% 1,172 1,685 69.55% - 1,429 2,145 66.62% 1,524 2,268 67.20% 1,874 2,883 65.00% 506 725 69.79 % 462 689 67.05% 209 320 65.31% 1,277 2,101 60.78% 1,680 2,853 58,89% 996 1,570 59.64% 895 1,379 64.90% 1,398 2,145 65.17% 801 1,186 67.54% 1,735 2,567 6Z59% 1,710 2,544 67.22% 1,614 2,478 65.13% 1,883 2,619 71.90% Oakland County, Michigan General Election, Tuesday, November 8, 2022 11/8/2022 Page 245 Board Member Rochester Community School District Term Ending 12/31/2024 - Vote for not more than 1 V N O ° ---Z_ > Precinct $ ¢ u 0 a - Rochester Hills, Precinct 5 212 535 489 1,236 -434 4 . 3 609 Rochester Hills, Precinct 6 148 189 192 529 257 2 0 - 355 Rochester Hills, Precinct 7 - 149 319 364 832 - 331 4 .0 525 Rochester Hills, Precinct 8 201 601 575_ 1,377 413_ 7 4 900 Rochester Hills, Precinct 9 223 498 485 1,206 364 9 6 729 Rochester Hills, Precinct 10 190 406 375 971 431 2 3 698 Rochester Hills, Precinct 11 126 310 465 901 316 5 4 707 Rochester Hills, Precinct 12 157 286 322 765 290 1 3 428 Rochester Hills, Precinct 13 99 377 318 794 248 3 2 527 Rochester Hills, Precinct 14 136 228 218 582 291 2 1 455 Rochester Hills, Precinct 15 234 259 256 749 400 5 2 521 Rochester Hills, Precinct 16 170 364 416 950 419 2 2 650 Rochester Hills, Precinct 19 227 327 515 1,069 460 7 5 790 Rochester Hills, Precinct 24 188 265 265 718 289 - 8 2 589 Rochester Hills, Precinct 25 155 306 262 723 297 2 2 478 Rochester Hills, Precinct 26 104 79 136 319 160 1 4 303 Rochester Hills, Precinct 27 200 306 326 832 373 6 1 616 Rochester Hills, Precinct 28 76 149 136 361 179 1 2 282 Rochester Hills, Precinct 29 219 214 255 688 383 5 3 619 Rochester Hills, Precinct 30 182 172 237 591 257 5 3 439 V m m o � C _ a P 5 2 K - Q F' 868 1,677 2,398 69-93% 433 788 1,242 63.45% 642 1,167 1,770 65.93% 901 1,801 -2,505 71.90% 856 1,585 2,292 69.15% 709 1,407 2,090 67.32% 519 1,226 1,727 70.99% 631 1,059 1,441 73.49% 520 1,047 1,382 75.76% 421 876 1,456 60.16% 635 1,156 2,012 57.46% 723 1,373 2,061 66.62% 751 1,541 2,189 70.40% 428 1,017 1,605 63.36% 546 1,024 1,567 65.35% 181 484 1,346 35.96% 596 1,212 1,861 65.13% 261 543 955 56,86% 460 1,079 2,062 52.33% 417 856 1,302 6575% Oakland County, Michigan I General Election, Tuesday, November 8, 2022 aIC ` si 11/8/2022 Page 247 q Board Member Rochester Community School District Term Ending 12/31/2024 - Vote for not more than 1 o - - - - - - - > - ',� U �- 7 y o V `a - c >, - 'V Precinct -0+ al u �. O - z a ¢ - o' Rochester Hills, Precinct 3l - 168 341 394 903 449 7 5; 778 586- L364 2,244 60.78% Rochester Hills, Precinct 32 190 - 162 236 588 374 0 5 606 361 967 - 1,781 - 5430% Totals 6,852 13,282 "-14,710 34,844 14,182 192 110 25,249 24,079 '49,328 75;675 65.18% u The whole number of votes given for candidates for the office of ROCHESTER COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Put figures in this BOARD MEMBER column was Sixty-eight thousand two hundred forty-eight 6 8 2 4 8 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. Jessica Gupta Nineteen thousand eight hundred thirty-seven 2. Eddie Hillery Sixteen thousand ten 3. Carol Beth Litkouhi Sixteen thousand nine hundred eighty 4. Dennis Talluto Fifteen thousand four hundred twenty-one 5. 6. 1 9 8 3 7 1 6 0 1 0 1 6 9 8 0 1 5 4 2 1 TOTAL 6 8 2 4 8 The whole number of votes given for candidates for the office of Put figures in this BOARD MEMBER —TERM ENDING 12/31/2024 j column was Thirty-four thousand eight hundred forty-four 3 4 8 4 4 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. Julie Alspach Six thousand eight hundred fifty-two 6 8 5 2 2. Joe Pittel Thirteen thousand two hundred eighty-two 1 3 2 8 2 2. Andrew Weaver Fourteen thousand seven hundred ten 1 4 7 1 0 4, 5. 6. TOTAL 113 4 8 4 4 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN ) ) SS. COUNTY OF OAKLAND ) The Board of Canvassers of the COUNTY of OAKLAND (COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) (COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said ROCH%TA cQhlIM1JNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT i UUM eC��TivJ SHIP, VILLAGE OR SCHOOL) at the GENERAL Election, held on the STH day of NOVEMBER in the year Two Thousand TWENTY-TWO Do Hereby Certify and Determine that the preceding Statement of Votes reflect the ballots cast in Oakland County. In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the Circuit Court of Oakland County this '7 day of NOVEMBER in the year TWO THOUSAND TWENTY-TWO. r i, fl')J'�7Y1 c—�1AIRPERSON BOARD OF ATTEST: _ p CANVASSERS cis' 6 / S 4 CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS CHAIRPERSON OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS LISA BROWN