HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2022.08.02 - 38005CANVASS OF VOTES CAST - AT THE - PRIMARY ELECTION -.HELD ON - AUGUST 2, 222 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WEST BLOOMFIELD CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN ,.:I,usG1i- Oaldand County, Michigan k Primary Election, Tuesday, August 2, 2022 d of w r 8/2/2022 3 ,.v", Page 83 Renewal and Restoration of General Millage: 0.2435 Mills - West Bloomfield Township - Nonpartisan Party 0 ° > m V C v m 3 V 0 o � ° w N O L 0V, U ry O w Precinct Y z 4 O n` West Bloomfield Township, 551 235 786 69 0 0 0 377 478 Precinct 1 West Bloomfield Township, 360 251 611 35 0 0 0 313 333 Precinct 2 West Bloomfield Township, 254 179 433 29 0 0 0 263 199 Precinct 3 West Bloomfield Township, 521 293 814 47 1 0 0 408 454 Precinct 4 West Bloomfield Township, 447 253 700 55 0 0 0 412 343 Precinct 5 West Bloomfield Township, 370 156 526 51 0 0 0 274 303 Precinct 6 West Bloomfield Township, 376 158 534 51 0 0 0 245 340 Precinct 7 West Bloomfield Township, 580 275 855 58 0 0 0 401 512 Precinct 8 West Bloomfield Township, 472 154 626 38 1 0 0 333 332 Precinct 9 West Bloomfield Township, 632 286 918 77 1 0 0 426 570 Precinct 10 West Bloomfield Township, 497 205 702 52 0 0 0 347 407 Precinct 11 West Bloomfield Township, 630 176 806 124 2 0 0 311 621 Precinct 12 w OI � � v o 8 O � 2 � m N � 855 2,394 35.71 % 646 2,275 28,40% 462 1,172 3942% 862 2,562 33.65% 755 2,429 31,08% 577 2,130 27.09% 585 1,731 33.80 % 913 2,594 3520% 665 1,890 35.19% 996 2,628 37.90% 754 2,455 30,71% 932 2,582 36.10% axb'F 7 :i-pit fia .. i+,,,s.,.11 _ ,. Oakland County, Michigan .l Primary Election, Tuesday, August 2, 2022 i I` 8/2/2022 Page 85 Renewal and Restoration of General Millage: 0.2435 Mills - West Bloomfield Township - Nonpartisan Party W o> Y O 7 C N @ U V Y a o w v m m O c @ m H 7 2 G c Y Precinct r" O z v o a a West Bloomfield Township, 655 173 828 36 1 0 0 389 476 Precinct 13 West Bloomfield Township, 309 255 564 39 0 0 0 305 298 Precinct 14 West Bloomfield Township, 565 212 777 36 0 0 0 326 487 Precinct 15 West Bloomfield Township, 589 299 888 64 0 0 0 407 545 Precinct 16 West Bloomfield Township, 630 227 857 64 1 0 0 38S 537 Precinct 17 West Bloomfield Township, 475 248 723 46 0 0 0 323 446 Precinct 18 West Bloomfield Township, 594 196 790 47 2 0 0 282 S57 Precinct 19 West Bloomfield Township, 481 213 694 37 0 0 0 316 415 Precinct 20 West Bloomfield Township, 305 126 431 49 0 0 0 271 209 Precinct 21 West Bloomfield Township, 541 258 799 64 0 0 0 277 586 Precinct 22 West Bloomfield Township, 297 140 437 48 0 0 0 204 281 Precinct 23 West Bloomfield Township, 308 186 494 42 0 0 0 282 254 Precinct 24 N N N D C v a w � N F � F3 865 2,172 39.83% 603 1,930 31.24% 813 2,137 38.04% 952 2,S45 37.41 % 922 2,407 38.30% 769 2,047 37.57% 839 2,061 40,71 % 731 2,260 32.35% 480 2,027 23,68% 863 2,570 33.58% 485 2,101 23.08% 536 2,360 22.71 % Oakland County, Michigan j Primary Election, Tuesday, August 2, 2022 !mob}r, 4fpcc - - - - - _ - .:=..'ricai 8/2/2022 !"�scord:Ei - :p7: v6a'i,:'zn Page 87 Renewal and Restoration of General Millage: 0.2435 Mills - West Bloomfield Township - Nonpartisan Party � o c a 3 N ) > O v� z a w o' v Precinct >" West Bloomfield Township, 522 239 761 30 0 0 0 Precinct 25 West Bloomfield Township, 267 100 367 25 1 0 0 Precinct 26 Totals 12,228 5,493 17,721 1,313 10 0 0 m U v N h rn V p � m m > w ro rn c 9 F- 386 405 791 2,271 34.83 % 141 252 393 1,096 35.86% 8,404 10,640 19,044 56,826 33.51% i Oakland County, Michigan i aa: tE , - 1::., Primary Election, Tuesday, August 2, 2022 8/2/2022 Page 89 t Renewal and Restoration of Restore Millage: 0.35 Mills - West Bloomfield Township - Nonpartisan Party v � o o c Y m c w U � � O o Z o o HINd ✓v d W V d N Precinct >" z 0' z a a West Bloomfield Township, 511 269 780 75 0 0 0 377 478 Precinct 1 West Bloomfield Township, 319 288 607 39 0 0 0 313 333 Precinct 2 West Bloomfield Township, 246 183 429 33 0 0 0 263 199 Precinct 3 West Bloomfield Township, 487 323 810 52 0 0 0 408 454 Precinct 4 West Bloomfield Township, 403 290 693 62 0 0 0 412 343 Precinct 5 West Bloomfield Township, 340 177 517 60 0 0 0 274 303 Precinct 6 West Bloomfield Township, 362 167 529 56 0 0 0 245 340 Precinct 7 West Bloomfield Township, 522 319 841 72 0 0 0 401 512 Precinct 8 West Bloomfield Township, 445 178 623 42 0 0 0 333 332 Precinct 9 West Bloomfield Township, 585 326 911 85 0 0 0 426 570 Precinct 10 West Bloomfield Township, 470 226 696 58 0 0 0 347 407 Precinct 11 West Bloomfield Township, 605 197 802 130 0 0 0 311 621 Precinct 12 r ;,ya«, , it •,.:;.:,i : _ 'd''.: l^''.. • - - - -- .'7, Fib b;.,,l. c.i,ioE -lilp,� rn O v 01 w n r 0 N E � F 855 2,394 35,71% 646 2,275 28.40% 462 1,172 39.42% 862 2,562 33.65% 755 2,429 31.08% 577 2,130 27.09% 585 1,731 33.80 % 913 2,594 35.20% 665 1,890 35.19% 996 2,628 37.90% 754 2,455 30.71 % 932 2,582 36,10% i tt 3n F'1 t:,:ii il<-•n;•li -- 1 Oakland County, Michigan Primary Election, Tuesday, August 2, 2022 I - 8/2/2022 Page 91 Renewal and Restoration of Restore Millage: 0.35 Mills - West Bloomfield Township - Nonpartisan Party v > > G U & U N 3 v m m p N v m m v m > 2 N O N V O W C N O M C > Ol C V N 9 N O Precinct a z v o a a r West Bloomfield Township, 622 205 827 38 0 0 0 389 476 Precinct 13 West Bloomfield Township, 285 280 565 38 0 0 0 305 298 Precinct 14 West Bloomfield Township, 540 236 776 37 0 0 0 326 487 Precinct 15 West Bloomfield Township, 559 327 886 66 0 0 0 407 545 Precinct 16 West Bloomfield Township, 614 240 854 67 1 0 0 385 537 Precinct 17 West Bloomfield Township, 445 271 716 53 0 0 0 323 446 Precinct 18 West Bloomfield Township, 556 221 777 61 1 0 0 282 557 Precinct 19 West Bloomfield Township, 457 234 691 40 0 0 0 316 415 Precinct 20 West Bloomfield Township, 301 126 427 53 0 0 0 271 209 Precinct 21 West Bloomfield Township, 512 282 794 68 1 0 0 277 586 Precinct 22 West Bloomfield Township, 274 162 436 49 0 0 0 204 281 Precinct 23 West Bloomfield Township, 285 204 489 47 0 0 0 282 254 Precinct 24 rn a' O c � v a Ol E K F} 865 2,172 39.83% 603 1,930 31,24% 813 2,137 38,04% 952 2,545 37.41 % 922 2,407 38,30% 769 2,047 37.57% 839 2,061 4071% 731 2,260 32,35% 480 2,027 23.68% 863 2,570 33,58% 485 2,101 23,08% 536 2,360 22.71% i; Lit iP�ailt.io-+i Oakland County, Michigan I i Primary Election, Tuesday, August 2, 2022 8/2/2022 uagr - 'Qv'P',j.{L;,.-. Page 93 Renewal and Restoration of Restore Millage: 0.35 Mills - West Bloomfield Township - Nonpartisan Party ffi w o o c < 6r 3 w > >° N a w w Precinct e > z c West Bloomfield Township, 490 269 759 32 0 0 0 Precinct 25 West Bloomfield Township, 252 114 366 27 0 0 0 Precinct 26 Totals 11,487 6,114 17,601 1,440 3 0 0 m u h m rn o > R m m w o v m w a t5 C v m O _ pUj N _ � N Ol i 386 405 791 2,271 34.83 % 141 252 393 1,096 35.86% 8,404 10,640 19,044 56,826 33.51% - - - c,f:;,li star di�dtstfi. STATEMENT OF VOTES CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WEST BLOOMFIELD The whole number of votes given for and against the Put figures in this column Renewal and Restoration of General Millage: 0.2435 Mills Shall the previously authorized tax levy of the Charter Township of West Bloomfield, of up to 0.2435 mills, reduced by required millage rollbacks to a levy of 0.2288 mills in 2021, and which is due to expire in 2023, be renewed at and increased up to the original voted 0.2435 mills ($0.2435 per $1,000.00 of taxable value), and levied for 10 years from 2024 through 2033 inclusive for the support of the West Bloomfield Parks and Recreation Commission for acquisition, maintenance, management, and control of Township parks and places of recreation? It is estimated that this proposal would result in the authorization to collect up to $.1,150,538. in the first year if approved and levied. was Seventeen thousand seven hundred twenty-one of which number Twelve thousand two hundred twenty-eight votes were marked YES and Five thousand four hundred ninety-three votes were marked NO The whole number of votes given for and against the Renewal and Restoration of Restore Millage: 0.35 Mills 17 7 2 1 12{{2 2 8( i� 5I4I9 3' TOTAL VOTES 1 17 7 2 1 Put figures in this column t -F-- i, r z -J; Shall the previously authorized tax levy of the Charter Township of West Bloomfield, of up to 0.35 mills or less, reduced by required millage rollbacks to a levy of 0.329 mills in 2021, and which is due to expire in 2023, be renewed at and increased up to the original voted 0.35 mills ($0.35 per $1,000.00 of taxable value), and levied for 10 years from 2024 through 2033 inclusive for the support of the West Bloomfield Parks and Recreation Commission for acquisition, maintenance, management, and control of Township parks and places of recreation? It is estimated that this proposal will result in the authorization to collect up to $1,653,750. in the first year if approved and levied. was Seventeen thousand six hundred one of which number Eleven thousand four hundred eighty-seven votes were marked YES and Six thousand one hundred fourteen votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES 1 7 6I0 1 1 1I48I7 6ff1I14I 7 I 6 0 1 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION L* �.Jl I FA• G 'c;l ) SS. COUNTY OF OAKLAND The Board of Canvassers of the COUNTY of OAKLAND (COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) (COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WEST BLOOMFIELD (COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP, VILLAGE OR SCHOOL) at the PRIMARY Election, held on the 2ND day of AUGUST in the year Two Thousand TWENTY-TWO i 2. Do Hereby Certify and Determine That the following propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: Renewal and Restoration of General Millaqe: 0.2435 Mills NAME OF PROPOSITION Renewal and Restoration of Restore Millage: 0.35 Mills NAME OF PROPOSITION Having Received 8etRoeefvad Having Received Not ReoeWed Sufficient votes was Passed Defeated Sufficient votes was Passed Oefeated CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS LISA BROWN CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the Circuit Court of Oakland County this i day of AUGUST in the year TWO THOUSAND TWENTY-TWO. CHAIRPERSON BOARD � OF CANVASSERS CHAIRPERSON OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS L_