HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1976.06.14 - 3803WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DIST. ANNUAL ELECTION JUNE 14, 1976 CANVASS OF AT THE ELECTION HELD ON June 14, 1976 OF THE WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT. ..(LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT) OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY t fl ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS • OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. ES-398 (Rev. 1970) CANVASSER BOOK STATEMENT OF VOTES -- MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION The whole number of votes given the office of Member f the 4004 of :Edkoation For 6: F • 0 . ear erm and they were given for the f011oWfrictficimed Pe!wils: (vote for not more trhan 2) : F.ERsONS RECEIVING THE VOTES : : : NIIMBERIOE VOTES WRaTEN IN WORDS ...:jE.A.NETTE:•::14. BRAND. •• • • .• • . . . . . ..:ROBE:RT. E., :COOPER: • • •::•• • • •• •• • It•••••• •• • • • 3. . • • PAT. R I:C I ANN JACKMAN: • • KF,N NE TH I TLJCKE&_ 10. 1"OTAL : The Whale nuniber:af votes aiVen for the office of Member the Board of Eddiaatiart: for a Three, '10.Cir tern; • • •• • • •• and they were given for the fallowing named bersons , — PERSONS RECEIVING 7:4E VOTES NUMBER OE VOTES WRITTEN IN. WORDS The whole number of votes given for tile otfico of Member was and they were given for the followin g namod persons7 PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES BOard'of Education for c Two Yocir term NUMBEA Qr VOTES WRITTEN :IN . WORDS .5. TOTAL • The whole number of votes given for the Offide of :Member of 1116 Booed of Ectoi:afion for a Orlis yd.t term was : and they were given for the :following tnamed p rsons PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES STATEMENT OF VOTES, . PRECINCT OR WARD 1 CD 1 CC ; a 1 0 .;i ti ,,,:'} ; Lti . i-- , ...i 1 • (r) it: .1 i ,.•. w ..,.., g < ,L, : :___ < .: ,, r 0 __ 1•• c=1 2 (._D _ = 0 „.., .. u :: ‹ : , r•-„, .: ,, , i L., . z • , I___, 0- ---- : cr) ---1: --J ; cr;; - -'-' : - • ..,,1 u...t : ---I : Lui• -1 ; < 4 Z',, = C i 2.:; -. : n k (r) < : .!: =. :D ]; w . c .. W:;.„...,_.CZI _.,..._.;__ - ...p._, ith'U"-"--.4 12 J.-i''7(// 43 -----./ • • . . • i• • - ... . i - . . . . ._ ;..,11. 4._._. 0 L 'i6 I .:2-1--r/V-.2--/e02 Vre),:? .// ) .. ... _ 7 . ..._..,_,...... 3 • •-• . ':1 - 7 8.5 5—i/..y/- 1 . ?,- .1/.0 . 162 p_ .:-,1 .:,k3 .1 ..:. /2-P .57 6( L/.17 • i , -i . i / -. . _. . /:: . . L. . 9 ,_. 7 1 ....._.,. ..!L... 9' 7 .9,. V/ 7 I t b 41/ "2-1 I 7')-i;' ' -- . . - ; .. ._.. ; . .: ... , .. . ti-j_.6....,.„1.._t.L.L If Y i D' 1../.4., y i SAT • 1 —7 ,5‘ 2 COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRUSTEE 6 YEAR TERM Exp. 1982 - ) ; A. 0 WALLED LAKE CONS OL I DATED SCHOOL cos-r, WAx .::.00RM: ..14'CAD.Et MI LIAGE PROPOS IT ION • Nits .• NO YES•• • NO YES••••:•.: NO.. ••••• • • • AV C B • • TOTA LS. • • " • • • • • . .• JEA.NETTE M. • 'BRAND. ,:.ROBERT E. coapER...•:.: • • -....•••••••• j: . • . • • • . ALLEN GREENH.J.R.: PATRICIA. ANN.. .i.JAC.KMANI.:-.. KENNETH L. TUCKER TOTALS STATEMENT OF VOTES --- PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS Fholwfiole number of votes for end eqa inst the M I LLAGE PROPOSITION Shall the 1.1.tra t at ion upon the total amount of taxes._.wh tc pnay_.be. imposAd in. any one.....year..upork. WA1 1 Ad I Ake _Cons& Mated .0.akle County., Mich—..be_i_urt her i reased as. .prov ded in . Sect ion 6, Article of the Const i tut ion. of Lgan, for years _1976 through_1980 , by fou.r....(14..0) mi.11s $1,1)00 ) of ...the_as_se ssed valuation as equalized . for-the--purpose of -pay-i-ng a .part - .operat expenses ,..cf the school district? I: t. ond /Le •TC..)T.Al.. VOTES:. The:whole.number.of..votes for and.clgoinst the . . . of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL .VOTES: The whole number of votes for and against the of which number votes were marked YES and:.:. votes were marked NO #.0TE.S. CERTIFICATE OF :DETERMINATION:: : STATE OF MICHI :GAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND . We, the ..undersigned Board: o f Canvassers for the. Coanty of OAKLAND from an exonlinotion of the Election R.eturns of WALLED,,,LAKE CONSOL IDATEO SCHOOL. DI ST •roceived by said :Boarc: of Co:-.vossers:, LE.pAL ,,,,N4-z c. ,.:!,;.00, .01 ....,,lcc : : ' determine tj-,at. at the--ANNUAL : e(6ction held on June ....1 14.:,.. 19.76 ,thrit.:t1.16 por:sonsistc'd below n;yeie :daly ANNUAL C.,: C. A.. " :. ::).4'eg CY= ELECT1:::, elected as member of the Board of Eduction of the said S'. oat for the terms of office. Set : opposite iheir name or names - . Names of persons elected for a lour -.., ye:dr torn expiring (vote for not more than 2) . e. 1900 Names of persons elected for a three yew tern) expiring Names of persons elected for a two year term expiring Names of persons elected for a one year term expiring - Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the following Propositions or Questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSI ION Received Passed Having -- : Sufficient votes was M I LLAGE PROPOS I T ION geee444441-- 2. NAME OF PROPOSITION Received , Passed Having : our, - ticient votes was Not Received Defeate-ti , NAME F PROPOSITION Received Passed Having . , Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated : 4• NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was i Not Received Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the County of -OAKLAND- this /7 — day of- fUNF ___ 1 \ Attest: N.,..„ CHA RMAN kr.)/ ,.......„-- ....„ c, POARD OF CANVASSERS. e J . /47' . C...,'"7 CLERK - SIOARD OF CANVASSERS Lynn IU-Allen, County Clerk