HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1982.06.14 - 3804ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION GENERA SPECIAL HELD ON AT THE; ELECTION WALLED LAKE:CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS CANVASS OF VOTES CAST June 14, 1982 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIOHERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN WALLED: STATEMENT OF VOTES, ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECT. June 14, 1982 MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION Vote for 2 - 4 year term PRECINCT NUMBE R : .• 1. • :::'•!:••:•••• •• • 1 " • I :.C.,• • •:•• ": • ••• . 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WALLED LAKE CONSOL I DATED SCHOOL STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for the office of Put figures in this column •was.:. and they were given for the following named persons: receivedi .: : : " : : : . :votes :received TOTAL The whole number of vows given for the office of was votes and they were given for the following named persons received received :V.OWs votes::: Votes : Votes The:whole ilitOber Of votes given for tile :Office of was and they were given for the following named persons: received votes --- votes votes votes received received TOTAL The w1:1°1°ittur°661.-.: of ?..137tes 1:1111.ehi f °I.' tl--1°: office of MEMBER: OF :BOARD OF EDUCATION ON: :-.- Vote far E :ti4b : ........ : . .. .., : : ......_..::_._.____ was "4::.:::" ..i...1 : :: ::: .: .;;:::::."::...: :.:11....:. j::,1 d : ii.-; ...:•:-.;::t.: : : : :: LZ,ALA- :Leb: ili.t.:),.e.o....k.',:-.1'--.....l.,•' :',!.2,-.1".':.) ....A.:-A-k.,11 L.tit.A.:.ti : • 1.....,;:.... .,,4 .... .7.7 and they :Wei'0: given for the following rial-rie0 perSons: DONALD receivec.i , votes F . EBY - . . . . MERL I N K. REEDS received votes " :received:: " " 'f\al d -4- : : votes : : DAVID : M. R P ()Y. : : 0 KENNETH:. L :TUCKER : : redived:: : : :::: votes P.1 6•Vue--1, re:ceived received.: received : : : [ : : votes STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for the office of :and:theYwere given for the f011OVvingEnerned persons: received : : : : votes : received : : : : : ": : :votes: rec.eived votes TOTAL votes: The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: received received received received received votes votes votes: votes : received votes received votes received votes ieceived votes received votes TOAL votes The whole number Of votes given for the of rice of : was and they Were:giVon:for:the frittiming named:persons: received votes received votes received votes received votes icceived votes received votes received : : : " :votes received votes received votes received votes received votes TOTAL votes CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND :Thei..BOard:.:61. Canvassers of the 6.avvyri. c .:•: •.....• :(COUNTY, Ct • TOWNSHIP' ON having Ascertained and :Canvassed the Votes of said WA : .CONSOLIDATED.: LLED::: LAKE :: SCHOOLS : (:COUNTy; CITY, rowoto P at the . ANNUA L.:. . : Ele6i169; held on the . : ... day: Of : One thousand nine hundred :and I Do Hereby Certify and Determine . ,) j, That .. . . t A votes is elected MEMB E R OF BOARD .OfJDUCATION FOUR YEAR TERM having received a sufficient number of . . . „ . . ...,.... . . MEMBER OF BOARD OF' EDUCI(TION - FOUR YEAR TERM having received a sufficient number of That ....._._. . _ . having received a sufficient number of votes is electe(1 . . . . _ . ....... . . . . . That:: _ having received a:suffiCient number Of That . votes is elected having received a sufficient number a That ivotes is eleCted: : having reCeiVed:a sufficient number at That ... ... -- ........- ....- ........................having received a sufficient nurr ber of votes is olectecl - having received a sufficient number of I : ;having :received a sufficient number of received -a :sufficient number of That .. votes is elected That .. votes is elected _ • That votes is elected having ecoiod a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of flavirig received a sufficient number of :::That votes is elected: _.having received a sufficient number of . having received a sufficient nurilbei - of . . _ . having received :e.1 -sufficient number of : That VoteSis F;iFicired That votes is elected That votes is elected . having received a sufficient number o " That having received a :SaffiCient :110Per:Pf::::::: That : : : : : : : flaying re:ceiVed a sufficient number of Thdt . : reeeiVed:a SOffiCientriUMber :OV:::: • :That: . having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That .. votes is elected having received a sufficient number of That : : : : :having received a SL!fficietit :nOinber of votes is elected " That : : votes is elected That . votes is elected _having received a sufficient number of . having received a sufficient number of Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION Sufficient votes was NONE::: NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Not Received NONE Received Passed:: :Hiving : :Sufficient Vote's. Was : Not Received Defeated Received " :Passed Having Suffidient Votes was : : Not Received :: ": : : Defeated: NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Passed Having - • • •• . Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Having -Received Pa Sufficient, votes was ,ssect Not Received Deteated NONF NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was •••• Not Received Defeated NONF In Witness : Whereof; : We have hereunto : set our ,iripnds and affixed : the Seal Of the : cPONTY::: • clTy. TOWNSHIP OR VILLASCi " iCOUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP ON VILLAGE this e.....:Y/..1"1' day Of : :JUNE in tl>e,dr. one thousand nine tlund6nd E I GHT.Y.—TWO.. • : " BOARD OF :.CANVASSERS 1/4 <, cHAI iiMAN OF: POA:9D:OF CiNNYASSERS:::