HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1974.05.07 - 3812talLED LAXE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION May 7 , 1974 ... .... . .. „ ,..,, . .... .. . ....... . .... .... .. .. . •... .: .: .. ... .. •...,••• . .. :...... . ...........,.....,.,.,...:.— FVOTES.:-...:CAST. v .N......:..,.,,,,„„,....s •-•.."0. •.....• •••:. • ••• ••• .•-• •••• "_ -• .....:..:ii::;,..T...:Til rt...:.......:ElICTION . . HELD ON . Nay .7, .197.4 (DATE OF E.LECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS Ii 0,AKLAND. (ocmcsmocapppraloppopowopogKNAok 1---- _COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY t7 I ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURE 5C4f OM FORM PRINTrRS OFFICF RnliT R A.M0 S PPUE ;5 1919 Lost Kilgore Rood • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN (Idol IDy Form No, M.397 CANVASSER BOOK SotciFy whetier Goperal, E!ection •it hole u vclites giverl. .1.1e.s. olfito .of• WO.S :and ihey Niv.:N•6iv i for ri-e l'Olib•ev'nrf nc.:rr,:ed• persons: PERS6NS REQZIVINO THE VOTES mPFR OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 5. •10, The whole number of votes given for the office of Wt=ts id they were g iven for the followinr corned: persons: for a Yea: tet PERSONS. RECEMKG. TI-1F VOTES... • • • • • .• NUMBE.12 OF.VO• The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they 6.(ere given for the following name for a personst • TOTAL• • ••11. ocir. PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMRPR OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS The wholo,nvoiber of votes given for the .office of • .• • • \NCIs stiv&I lot..the following named persoM.:J t PERSONS RECEMNO THE VOTES .1r•Ie NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS inTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES, 0040y;•,:rkup.,9:4: cne; oi...A6m4d.:4.5jor,, m461 :FORm.„,,Np.,: 14446R . . . . . • . . • . . 1:F.:•. • M I LLAGE RENEWAL PROPOS IT ION TOTALS PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER PRECINCT NUMBER • YES • . • • . YES : • •-• :• • • •.• !,•• • •••.•• ••• ••• • ..•.•:• ••.• • •.:. .• NO ••.. . ..::.,..... ' ur (a:17:B : IN .111/1i .CCILIIIA N. • t I • I 1 votes -•TOTAI. The whole number of votes for and against ihe was which numb votes were rnark•oci YES • C11,10 votes. Were rnorL.-,T1 NO The w6ole :nuAer of votes for an against the of which number vofes were marked YES votes wel,,,.rncrkeci NO OTAL.:.•VC)T.E: 5TATEMENT OF VOTES . . . and•-6§p ,nst.the MILLLWE RENEWAL PROPOSITION--TO renew the six (6) miii. increase which 05iptted in 1973, • shall the ..constitutional .1•41iitatipn.i•pri ...:ad•:.va1o.rein..::::tap:s..:which .:inay .:.'he.:!.itodSI:upon.......prt.o.pe*.i...: • • 1:171w11ed Ik Con&o1idatdgchc,ol 1)3.07,r:tet • Oakland County, Mchigan, be increased for the two-year period Ittigt ..1.974though I975 .by...61*.•.:(6)•mi11S .H($6,M0•per..$1,001.90.)..p.p.equali..ze0:Valuationjp.r -.sEhopLppera:ting.:-. puy.txties7 5-4VASFERS. ST.ATP OF :NI IC 41T -N.. ) OAKLAND `..1. 1.....nuNTr he Boatd of 1.1,E.; COUNTY.: E : : : OAKLAND : : L I hi r i 116,6) filo Votes Of sic:it1:1: WALLED : LAKE CONS OL IDATED : SCHOOL: DI S.TRIC.T aviro .vec.,et,feci votes:k elected That .1-laving-received sufficient votes•is elected -117,at having :received .sUfficient ni,ritibor of votes:is elected-__--. votAs k That . having received surricreirt ni...inn.:i•er of vots iN elected having•received suffcen nntrr oi votes 15 elected mai having re:ce.ived votes:is elected. t,hot having reçeived votes •:s elected . That having received sufficient nurni.-..er of votes is elected That_ havirig received s;.iffic.enf:;:iiithec of votes :$ elected 11).6 . . . Heiehy PipDsi;•les 01.• Questions were oassed or defeated as indkcatad -bela•%,4,.': • NA ME. .PRO ,..7qTION Re.ce.ived : •••••1"..• ••1 : • •r••asse•cA ••• . . •••• .• ••• • Suffieient•••votes . ••• ••••••••• MILLACE•KENEWAL PROPOSITION — • = PR OPOSO.ION NONE .eRecceY.eeid t veci NAME OF PROPOSITION „ votes : :.NONE N 1 r Whoieof,,:W6.1.16ve twi.etn)1.6 set Our ho d dr.fixt71 oFsl COUNTY I i; ;IN f o oi Vi 11119 (36 y in :i.6eNo.irii.,,nn Ittotisond likinch!ed _ .2.1E ,13:01".!..,,RD OF 11.(71 th,2 SPECIAL _ „ _ _ held pri. 11)o Mar: : c.ne thotiscmd n ine h und red an d severity. four: Do Hereby Cedify cmti Dete.rmirie hdving:.reteived ATTPIZ)T- ? - CLEM< CF. BOAC.