HomeMy WebLinkAboutReports - 2023.04.20 - 38144 AGENDA ITEM: Continuation of Positions for Countywide Active Assailant Incident Training Two- Year Pilot Program - Second Year Funding DEPARTMENT: Sheriff’s Office MEETING: Board of Commissioners DATE: Thursday, April 20, 2023 6:00 PM - Click to View Agenda ITEM SUMMARY SHEET COMMITTEE REPORT TO BOARD Resolution #2023-2783 Motion to authorize the continuation of three (3) Deputy II positions (P00015648, P00015649, P00015650) for the second year of the pilot program and amend the FY 2023 – FY 2024 budgets as detailed in the attached Schedule A. ITEM CATEGORY SPONSORED BY Budget Amendment Penny Luebs INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Miscellaneous Resolution #22-168 created three full-time eligible Deputy II positions in the Sheriff’s Office, Emergency Response and Preparedness Division in the first year of the pilot program. Based on the success of the pilot program, the Sheriff’s Office is requesting appropriation of the second-year funding. BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUIRED: Yes Committee members can contact Michael Andrews, Policy and Fiscal Analysis Supervisor at 248.425.5572 or andrewsmb@oakgov.com, or the department contact persons listed for additional information. CONTACT Curtis Childs Gaia Piir, Sheriff Fiscal Officer ITEM REVIEW TRACKING Penny Luebs, Board of Commissioners Created - AGENDA DEADLINE: 04/20/2023 6:00 PM ATTACHMENTS 1. Specialized Active Assailant Training Continuation Schedule A 2. Active Assailant Pilot Program Update v1 3. 2022 Civilian ASR Training COMMITTEE TRACKING 2023-04-11 Public Health & Safety - Recommend and forward to Finance 2023-04-12 Finance - Recommend to Board 2023-04-20 Full Board - Authorize and Approve Motioned by: Commissioner Robert Hoffman Seconded by: Commissioner Michael Gingell Yes: David Woodward, Michael Spisz, Michael Gingell, Penny Luebs, Karen Joliat, Kristen Nelson, Christine Long, Robert Hoffman, Philip Weipert, Marcia Gershenson, Janet Jackson, William Miller III, Yolanda Smith Charles, Charles Cavell, Brendan Johnson, Ajay Raman (16) No: None (0) Abstain: None (0) Absent: Gary McGillivray, Gwen Markham, Angela Powell (3) Passed Oakland County, Michigan SHERIFF'S OFFICE - RESOLUTION ADDING NEW POSITIONS TO ASSIST IN CONTINUING COUNTYWIDE ACTIVE ASSAILANT INCIDENT TRAINING TWO-YEAR PILOT PROGRAM - SECOND YEAR FUNDING R/E Fund Name Division Name Fund # (FND) Cost Center (CCN) # Account # (RC/SC) Program # (PRG) Grant ID (GRN) # Project ID # (PROJ) Region (REG) Budget Fund Affiliate (BFA) Ledger Account Summary Account Title FY 2023 Amendment FY 2024 Amendment FY 2025 Amendment FY 2026 Amendment R General Fund Non-Departmental FND10100 CCN9010101 RC665882 PRG196030 Planned Use of Balance $-$-$-$- $-$-$-$- E General Fund Emergency Response & Prep FND10100 CCN4030501 SC702010 PRG110005 702000 Salaries $78,683 $177,037 $-$- E General Fund Emergency Response & Prep FND10100 CCN4030501 SC722900 PRG110005 722000 Fringe Benefit Adjustment 40,092 90,650 -- E General Fund Emergency Response & Prep FND10100 CCN4030501 SC731304 PRG110005 730000 Officers Training 569 1,304 -- E General Fund Emergency Response & Prep FND10100 CCN4030501 SC750070 PRG110005 750000 Deputy Supplies 862 2,035 -- E General Fund Emergency Response & Prep FND10100 CCN4030501 SC750581 PRG110005 750000 Uniforms 402 951 -- E General Fund Emergency Response & Prep FND10100 CCN4030501 SC772618 PRG110005 770000 Equipment Rental 748 1,683 -- E General Fund Emergency Response & Prep FND10100 CCN4030501 SC773535 PRG110005 770000 Info Tech CLEMIS 211 476 -- E General Fund Emergency Response & Prep FND10100 CCN4030501 SC773637 PRG110005 770000 Info Tech Eqpt Rental 337 757 -- E General Fund Emergency Response & Prep FND10100 CCN4030501 SC774636 PRG110005 770000 Info Tech Ops 3,094 6,962 -- E General Fund Emergency Response & Prep FND10100 CCN4030501 SC774677 PRG110005 770000 Insurance Fund 4,446 10,503 -- E General Fund Emergency Response & Prep FND10100 CCN4030501 SC776659 PRG110005 770000 Motor Pool Fuel Charges 1,381 3,106 -- E General Fund Emergency Response & Prep FND10100 CCN4030501 SC776661 PRG110005 770000 Motor Pool 5,424 12,203 -- E General Fund Emergency Response & Prep FND10100 CCN4030501 SC778675 PRG110005 770000 Telephone Communications 620 1,466 -- E General Fund Emergency Response & Prep FND10100 CCN4030501 SC788001 PRG110005 FND53600 788001 Transfer Out - Radio ---- E General Fund Emergency Response & Prep FND10100 CCN4030501 SC788001 PRG110005 FND63600 788001 Transfer Out - Info Tech ---- E General Fund Emergency Response & Prep FND10100 CCN4030501 SC788001 PRG110005 FND66100 788001 Transfer Out - Motor Pool ---- E General Fund Non-Departmental FND10100 CCN9090101 SC730359 PRG196030 730000 Contingency (136,869)(309,133)-- $-$-$-$- R Radio Communications IT Public Safety & Radio Comm.FND53600 CCN1080310 RC695500 PRG115150 FND10100 695500 Transfer In - Gen Fund $-$-$- Total Revenue $-$-$- E Radio Communications IT Public Safety & Radio Comm.FND53600 CCN1080310 SC796500 PRG115150 796500 Budgeted Equity Adj $-$-$- Total Expenses $-$-$- R CLEMIS Fund IT CLEMIS Operations FND53600 CCN1080305 RC630931 PRG116080 630000 In-Car Terminals $337 $757 $-$- R CLEMIS Fund IT CLEMIS Operations FND53600 CCN1080305 RC665882 PRG116080 665882 Planned Use of Balance (337)(757)-- Total Revenue $-$-$- R Information Technology IT Technical Systems and Netwk FND63600 CCN1080601 RC695500 PRG152096 FND10100 695500 Transfer In - Gen Fund $-$-$-$- R Information Technology IT Technical Systems and Netwk FND63600 CCN1080601 RC665882 PRG152096 665882 Planned Use of Balance ---- R Information Technology IT Technical Systems and Netwk FND63600 CCN1080601 RC630658 PRG152096 630000 Equipment Rental 748 1,683 -- Total Revenue $748 $1,683 $-$- E Information Technology IT Technical Systems and Netwk FND63600 CCN1080601 SC761121 PRG152096 761000 Depreciation Equipment $748 $1,683 $-$- Total Expenses $748 $1,683 $-$- R Motor Pool Fund Support Svc Leased Vehicles FND66100 CCN1040210 RC695500 PRG184010 FND10100 695500 Transfer In - Gen Fund $-$-$-$- R Motor Pool Fund Support Svc Leased Vehicles FND66100 CCN1040210 RC631071 PRG184010 630000 Leased Equipment 5,424 12,203 -- R Motor Pool Fund Support Svc Leased Vehicles FND66100 CCN1040210 RC631610 PRG184010 630000 Productive Labor ---- R Motor Pool Fund Support Svc Leased Vehicles FND66100 CCN1040210 RC631463 PRG184010 630000 Parts and Accessories ---- R Motor Pool Fund Support Svc Leased Vehicles FND66100 CCN1040210 RC630833 PRG184010 630000 Gas Oil Grease Changes 1,381 3,106 -- R Motor Pool Fund Support Svc Leased Vehicles FND66100 CCN1040210 RC665882 PRG184010 665882 Planned Use of Balance -(3,261)-- Total Revenue $6,805 $12,048 $-$- E Motor Pool Fund Support Svc Leased Vehicles FND66100 CCN1040210 SC750210 PRG184010 750000 Gasoline Charges $1,381 $3,106 $-$- E Motor Pool Fund Support Svc Leased Vehicles FND66100 CCN1040210 SC750413 PRG184010 750000 Parts and Accessories ---- E Motor Pool Fund Support Svc Leased Vehicles FND66100 CCN1040210 SC761156 PRG184010 761000 Depreciation Vehicles 3,974 8,942 -- E Motor Pool Fund Support Svc Leased Vehicles FND66100 CCN1040210 SC796500 PRG184010 796500 Budgeted Equity Adjustment 1,450 --- Total Expenses $6,805 $12,048 $-$- 4/3/2023 1201 N TELEGRAPH RD PONTIAC MI 48341-1044 248/858-5000 Memorandum To: Sheriff Bouchard, via Chain of Command From: Lt. Paul Workman Date: 02/07/2023 Re: Compliance with MR #22-168 Based on the event that took place at Oxford High School in 2021, the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office (OCSO) witnessed a substantial increase in active assailant threats in several of our communities. Due to those increased threats, the OCSO received numerous requests from public schools, public school academies, houses of worship, and private businesses to conduct, or participate in, on-going training in active assailant response and threat mitigation. To meet the demand for training requests, and to better protect the citizens of Oakland County, the Board of Commissioners approved Miscellaneous Resolution (MR) #22-168 adding (2) positions to the Emergency Response and Preparedness Division (ERP) of the OCSO. Those (2) positions would provide progressive informed instruction on active assailant training. The MR also included an additional position to ERP to analyze and support countywide school resource officer needs, including safety plan reviews and coordination of responses to ongoing school threats. The MR required that the OCSO provide a report to the Public Health & Safety Committee detailing all training administered. It is with the objective in mind, that I am submitting this memorandum and the attached document. Based on the attached document, our data informs us, that in 2022 the OCSO has provided training to over 9,500 citizens of Oakland County. Training topics included ALICE, Run-Hide-Fight, Stop the Bleed, and School Bus Critical Incident Training, as well as School Resource Officer Training (SRO), and building security assessments. Our trainers have conducted training in both contracted law enforcement service areas and in non-contracted municipalities. In addition to the training outlined on the document, our newly appropriated positions have worked closely with SROs across the county to analyze improvements to future threat responses. Our representative has coordinated training events for countywide SROs, has written a base SRO model policy (currently under revision), and met with several community organizations attempting to stem COUNTY OF OAKLAND OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF MICHAEL J. BOUCHARD 1201 N TELEGRAPH RD PONTIAC MI 48341-1044 248/858-5000 incidents and threats before they occur. Examples include A Courageous Voice, Handle with Care, and Oakland County Health Network. Based on the information outlined in this document, and supported by the data, it is clear the Active Assailant Pilot Program has been successful. It is my recommendation that the program continue into the second year and that consideration is given to fully supporting this program in the future. There is little to no doubt, that incidents like the one in Oxford have continued across the country at a seemingly increasing pace. From 2019-2020, there was a 33% increase in Active Shooter Incidents and from 2020-2021 there was an additional 52.5% increase in the same events (as reported by the FBI). That is an alarming trend that shows no signs of leveling. Data for 2022 has not been issued to date. It is apparent to me, that not only should we continue this current program, but we should also consider additional spaces where the Board of Commissioners could work in partnership with OCSO to affect additional positive change. Those spaces include additional resources in the areas of mental health response, response to resistance training and investigations, de-escalation, and community policing and engagement. Respectfully Lt. Paul Workman 2022 Civilian ASR Training Schedule Organization Requested Training Scheduled Date & Time Contact Total Trained 1 Commerce UMC Building walk through and presentation planning 01/11/2022 1800hrs Kathleen Nelson (248)889-5767 kknphd@gmail.com 10 2 Commerce UMC ASR Presentation and RHF scenarios 03/01/2022 1830 hrs Kathleen Nelson (248)889-5767 kknphd@gmail.com 40 3 Grace Centers of Hope Initial meeting 01/05/2022 1700 hrs Ashley Sheffer (248)-334-2187 x1132 asheffer@gracecentersofhope.org 10 4 Grace Centers of Hope Building walkthroug for both shelter and church 01/13/2022 1800 hrs Ashley Sheffer (248)-334-2187 x1132 asheffer@gracecentersofhope.org 10 5 Grace Centers of Hope ASR Presentation to congregation 01/19/2022 1830hrs Ashley Sheffer (248)-334-2187 x1132 asheffer@gracecentersofhope.org 200 6 The River Church Building walkthrough and presentation planning 01/18/2022 1800 hrs Noble Baird (248)328-0490 nbaird@theriverchurch.cc 10 7 The River Church ASR Presentation and RHF scenarios 04/04/2022 1800 hrs Noble Baird (248)328-0490 nbaird@theriverchurch.cc 100 8 Our Lady of Queen Martyrs ASR Presentation 01/14/2022 0900 hrs Jill Geden (248)642-2616 jgeden@olqm-parish.org 50 9 Our Lady of Queen Martyrs Parents Meeting /ASR Q&A 03/10/2022 1800 hrs Jill Geden (248)642-2616 jgeden@olqm-parish.org 15 10 Divine Grace Lutheran School ASR Presentation (School) 3/25/2022 0900 Nolan Valus (763)200-0770 nvalus@dgles.net 10 Oakland County Schools Technical Campuses (4) ASR Presentation 4 Dates Andrew Chase (248)330-2469 Andrew.Case@oakland.k12.mi.us 11 OSTC NE 1371 N. Perry, Pontiac, MI 48340 ASR Presentation 02/17/2022 1400-1500 40 12 OSTC SW 1000 Beck Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 ASR Presentation 02/08/2022 1400-1500 40 13 OSTC NW 8211 Big Lake Rd, Clarkston, MI 48346 ASR Presentation 02/10/2022 1400-1500 40 2022 Civilian ASR Training Schedule 14 OSTC SE 5055 Delemere Avenue Royal Oak, MI 48073 ASR Presentation 02/24/2022 1030-1130 40 15 OSTC NE 1371 N. Perry, Pontiac, MI 48340 Emergency Operations On-Site Building Security Assessment 05/13/2022 1000-1100 5 16 OSTC SW 1000 Beck Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 Emergency Operations On-Site Building Security Assessment 05/13/2022 1200-1300 5 17 OSTC NW 8211 Big Lake Rd, Clarkston, MI 48346 Emergency Operations On-Site Building Security Assessment 05/13/2022 1400-1500 5 18 St. Daniels Church (Clarkston)Church Security Assessment 03/14/2022 1600 hrs Steve Schuster (248)568-5885 steve@schusterhomes.com 2 19 EdTec Capstone Academy ASR Presentation and De-Escalation training 01/13/22 0900 hrs William Sanders (313)970-9113 william-sanders@edtec.net 100 20 Oakland Schools Transportation CIT Bus Driver Planning Meeting 03/03/2022 Susie Gagnon susie.gagnon@oakland.k12.mi.us 6 21 Brandon Training Site CIT Bus Driver Training 07/14/2022 0800-1600 40 22 Waterford Training Site CIT Bus Driver Training 7/19/2022 0800-1600 50 23 Farmington Training Site CIT Bus Driver Training 7/28/2022 0800-1600 60 24 Kensington Church (Orion)ASR Presentation 03/23/2022 1900 hrs Mike Harvill mike.harvill@kensingtonchurch.org 250 25 Clarkston Schools (14 Schools / Admin) ASR Presentation and oversee teacher led scenarios 02/23/2022 0700 hrs Lt. Workman 1,300 26 Edtec Life Skills Center of Pontiac ASR Presentation 01/13/22 Roderick Jones (248) 392-5198 roderick-jones@edtec.net 20 2022 Civilian ASR Training Schedule 27 The Learning Experience Child Care Center (Lyon Twp) ASR Presentation 03/08/2022 1830-2000 Sarah Leece (248)446-6283 lyon@tlecorps.com 30 28 The Learning Experience Child Care Center (Clarkston) ASR Presentation 04/14/2022 1830-2000 Alicia Black independence@tlechildcare.com 20 29 Clarkston United Methodist Chruch ASR Presentation and RHF Scenarios 04/05/2022 1800 hrs Mark Deacon 248-775-9043 50 30 Huron Valley Schools ASR Presentation 11 Dates Kristina Stafford - HVS Director of Safety kristina.stafford@hvs.org (248)941-5469 31 Highland Elementary 1 hour - 3 Scenarios Hallway, Cafeteria, Outside 04/06/2022 16:15 40 32 Milford Highschool 1 hour - 3 Scenarios Hallway, Cafeteria, Outside 05/03/2022 1230 & 1330 100 33 Appolo Early Learning Center 11/8/2022 1000 hrs & 1230 hrs 50 34 Heritage Elementary 09/26/22 1630 hrs 50 35 Oak Valley Middle School 10/11/2022 1445 hrs 40 36 Highland Elementary 10/11/2022 1615 hrs 30 37 Country Oaks Elementary 11/29/2022 1630 60 38 Spring Mills Elementary 11/01/2022 1630 40 39 Milford High School 11/08/2022 1330 hrs 100 40 HVS Para professionalss 12/021/2022 1430 hrs 30 41 HVS Administration 12/19/2022 1330 hrs 30 42 Orion Twp Offices Sub Station Meeting 03/09/2022 1200 hrs Lt. Ofiara 5 2022 Civilian ASR Training Schedule 43 Orion Twp Offices ASR Presentation 04/08/22 Lt. Ofiara 30 44 Archdiocese of Detroit ASR Presentation - Zoom 03/14/2022 1400-1530 hrs May Bluestein (313) 237-5772 bluestein.may@aod.org 329 45 Brandon Twp Library ASR Presentation 03/31/2022 0830 hrs Laura Fromwiller (248) 627-1460 lfromwiller@brandonlibrary.org 40 46 Oakland Schools Administation Building ASR Presentation 03/07/2022 0800 hrs 1000 hrs 1300 hrs Andrew Chase (248)330-2469 Andrew.Case@oakland.k12.mi.us 170 47 Oakland Schools Administation Building ASR Presentation 03/08/2022 0800 hrs 1000 hrs 1300 hrs Andrew Chase (248)330-2469 Andrew.Case@oakland.k12.mi.us 180 48 OLHSA 196 Ceaser Chavez, Pontiac ASR Presentaion and Scenarios (3 Groups) 5/12/2022 1500 hrs Tracy Mcgregor (248)595-2338 TracyM1@olhsa.org 60 49 Independence Twp Offices ASR Presentation & Security Assessment 08/22/22 1400 Rachel Thompson (248) 625-5111 rthompson@indtwp.com 40 50 Independence Twp Offices ASR Presentation 08/26/22 0900 Rachel Thompson (248) 625-5111 rthompson@indtwp.com 20 51 Independence Twp DPW Security Assessment Walk Trough 08/26/22 Rachel Thompson (248) 625-5111 rthompson@indtwp.com 10 52 Brandon Schools ASR Presentation & Classroom Scenarios 09/01/22 Carly Stone (248) 627-1804 cstone@brandon.k12.mi.us 300 53 Christ the Redeemer Church Security Assessment Walk Through 09/22/22 1800 hrs Karen Swietlik (248)391-1621 service@ctredeemer.org 5 54 Christ the Redeemer Church ASR Presentation 10/5/2022 1800 hrs Karen Swietlik (248)391-1621 service@ctredeemer.org 100 55 Oakland Family Services ASR Presentation & Building Walk Through 7/21/2022 Elizabeth Kellogg (586)713-9168 ekellogg@ofsfamily.org]20 56 Oakland Family Services ASR Presentation to Teachers 9/13/2022 1300 Elizabeth Kellogg (586)713-9168 ekellogg@ofsfamily.org]30 2022 Civilian ASR Training Schedule 57 Oakland Family Services (Walled Lake) Building Walk Through 09/08/2022 0900 hrs Elizabeth Kellogg (586)713-9168 ekellogg@ofsfamily.org 5 58 Oakland County Schools Technical Campuses (4) Andrew Chase (248)330-2469 Andrew.Case@oakland.k12.mi.us 59 OSTC NE 1371 N. Perry, Pontiac, MI 48340 ASR Presentation & Scenarios 08/29/22 0720-1020 60 60 OSTC SW 1000 Beck Rd, Wixom, MI 48393 ASR Presentation & Scenarios 11/10/2022 1400-1500 40 61 OSTC NW 8211 Big Lake Rd, Clarkston, MI 48346 ASR Presentation & Scenarios 08/30/22 0720-1020 40 62 OSTC SE 5055 Delemere Avenue Royal Oak, MI 48073 ASR Presentation & Scenarios 08/30/22 0720-1020 30 63 Crosswalk Family Church 5311 Sunnyside, Independence Twp Security Assessment 08/03/22 1700 Ed DeWitt Cell Phone #865-256-0320 2 64 Crosswalk Family Church 5311 Sunnyside, Independence Twp ASR Presentation 09/21/22 1900 hrs Ed DeWitt Cell Phone #865-256-0320 12 65 Working Parent Network – Stellantis (Chrysler) ASR Presentation through TEAMS 08/25/2022 1100 hrs Sara Goldsworthy sara.heck@stellantis.com 248-884-4029 40 66 Atlas Copco 30000 South Hill Road New Hudson, MI 48165 ASR Presentation 09/07/2022 1000 hrs Natalie Fox natalie.fox@atlascopco.com 35 67 Farmington Public Schools North Farmington H.S. 32900 W 13 Mile Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48334 ALICE 8/24/2022 0800 Officer Garin Anderson 1,300 68 Rochester Hills School District Student Lockdown Drills 09/01/22 ROH SRO's 700 2022 Civilian ASR Training Schedule 69 GM Pontiac Engeneering 800 North Gleenwood Pontiac, MI Tornado Strike Tabletop Turned over to Sgt. Burwell 08/11/22 Kevin Young kevin.2.young@gm.com 248-200-9607 100 70 Headstart Pontiac Security Assessment & Armed security meeting 7/26/2022 1100 Tracy Mcgregor (248)595-2338 TracyM1@olhsa.org 10 71 OLHSA Pontiac ASR Presentation & Scenarios 08/16/22 1300 Tracy Mcgregor (248)595-2338 TracyM1@olhsa.org 60 72 Honor Community Health ASR Presentation 12/09/2022 0830 Diane Gladden dgladden@honorcommunityhealth.org 100 73 Walled Lake Schools Alice Training 9/27/22-9/30/22 Michael Lonze michaellonze@wlcsd.org 74 Walled Lake Western Alice Training 09/27/22 125 75 Walled Lake Central Alice Training 09/27/22 125 76 Walled Lake Northern Alice Training 09/27/22 125 77 Oakley Park Elementary Alice Training 09/28/22 60 78 Commerce Elementary Alice Training 09/29/22 60 79 Glengary Elementary Alice Training 09/29/22 50 80 Smart Middle School Alice Training 09/30/22 80 81 Geisler Middle School Alice Training 09/30/22 80 82 Outdoor Learning Center Alice Training 10/06/22 15 83 Meadowbrook Elementary Assist Novi PD with ASR 09/28/22 67 84 Hickory Woods Elementary Assist Novi PD with ASR 09/29/22 52 85 The River Church ASR Presentation and RHF scenarios with teachers 09/23/22 1300 hrs Noble Baird (248)328-0490 nbaird@theriverchurch.cc 50 86 Orion Twp Library ASR Presentation 10/10/22 1030 Joyce Becker 248-287-8020 jbecker@orionlibrary.org 75 2022 Civilian ASR Training Schedule 87 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church ASR Presentation 08/22/22 0900 Michael 248-765-1195 25 88 Clarkston Schools (New Staff) ALICE & Scenarios 08/19/22 Deputy Knopp 56 89 Ortonville United Methodist Church Security Assessment 08/16/22 1730 Pastor Terry Melton (734)395-3432 preacherterry22@aol.com 1 90 Ortonville United Methodist Church ASR Presentation + Community Q&A afterwards 10/04/22 1830 Pastor Terry Melton (734)395-3432 preacherterry22@aol.com 30 91 Ruth Paterson Senior Center - Pontic ASR Presentation 9/6/2022 1000 Gladis Smith (248)758-3282 35 92 Highland Twp Library ASR Presentation 11/11/22 1000 Brenda Dunseth (248) 887-2218 bdunseth@highland.lib.mi.us 25 93 Elm Haven Manor ASR Presentation 10/19/2022 1000 hrs 50 94 Huntingwoods Child Development Walk-Through Security Assessment 10/03/2022 1300 hrs 5 95 Huntington Woods Child Development ASR Presentation 10/17/2022 1815 hrs 15 96 Holly High School ALICE 11/15/2022 1500 60 97 Bowens Senior Center ASR Presentation 10/04/22 75 98 Oxford Resilency Center ASR Presentation 10/21/22 10 99 CBS - Detroit ASR Presentation 10/20/22 50 100 General Motors - Orion ASR Tabletop 10/20/22 40 101 WLSD Adult Education ASR Presentation 12/15/2022 1700 hrs Lora Stout lorastout@wlcsd.com 3 102 First Baptist Church of Clarkston Walk-Through Security Assessment 11/03/2022 1730 hrs Dann Lemerand dlemerand@gmail.com 4 103 Commerce Twp Offices Walk-Through Security Assessment 12/12/2022 1000 hrs Larry Gray lgray@commercetwp.com 1 ASR TOTAL TRAINED 2022 8,409 Rochester Hills Community 2022 Civilian ASR Training Schedule 104 Energy Steel ASR Presentation 04/05/22 100 105 Bosch Automotive ASR Presentation 05/17/22 50 106 Salvation Army Camp ASR Presentation 06/10/22 30 107 Saint Mary's church group ASR Presentation 08/22/22 25 108 Montessori school ASR Presentation 08/30/22 40 109 Oakland Surgery Center ASR Presentation 09/27/22 25 110 East Avon daycare ASR Presentation 08/03/22 15 111 Saint Mary's Preschool ASR Presentation 08/11/22 20 112 St Irenaeus Church ASR Presentation 10/13/22 100 113 Rochester Industrial ASR Presentation 11/02/22 60 114 Center for Behavioral Health ASR Presentation 11/15/22 30 115 Snap-On Corporation ASR Presentation 12/07/22 70 Rochester Hills Total Trained 2022 565 Oakland Schools Transportation CIT 116 Oakland Schools School Bus Critical Incident 07/14/22 70 117 Brandon Schools School Bus Critical Incident 10/14/22 35 118 Farmington Schools School Bus Critical Incident 07/28/22 83 119 Waterford Schools School Bus Critical Incident 07/19/22 77 120 Lake Orion Schools School Bus Critical Incident 08/31/22 40 121 Oxford Schools School Bus Critical Incident 08/22/22 45 Oakland Schools Total Trainied 350 Stop The Bleed Training 122 Stop the Bleed 08/16/22 123 Stop the Bleed 10/04/22 124 Stop the Bleed 10/19/22 2022 Civilian ASR Training Schedule 125 Stop the Bleed 11/15/22 126 Stop the Bleed 12/13/22 STB Total Trained 127 SRO Training 127 Oakland County SRO(s)SRO ASR Training 67 128 Other Jurisdiction SRO(s)SRO ASR Training 23 SRO Total Trained 90 ,TOTAL TRAINED 2022 9,541