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Reports - 2023.05.11 - 38217
AGENDA ITEM: IT Development Second-Quarter Report DEPARTMENT: Information Technology MEETING: Board of Commissioners DATE: Thursday, May 11, 2023 6:00 PM - Click to View Agenda ITEM SUMMARY SHEET COMMITTEE REPORT TO BOARD Resolution #2023-2843 Motion to approve the Second Quarter 2023 appropriation transfer as specified on the attached schedule; further, that the respective departmental Fiscal Year 2023 budgets are to be amended as specified in the attached Development and Support Detail - Second Quarter 2023. ITEM CATEGORY SPONSORED BY Budget Amendment Gwen Markham INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND All development cost is incorporated as a single appropriation within the non-departmental budget and then an amount equal to the actual expense is transferred to the user department with a summary report to the Finance Committee. The Department of Information Technology has determined the Second Quarter 2023 development charges to be $1,499,145.56 for the General Fund/General Purpose County departments and direct charges to Special Revenue and Proprietary fund departments are $805,398.56 and non-county agencies are $5,699.00 for the Second Quarter 2023; and an appropriation transfer to General Fund/General Purpose County departments is needed to fund these development charges. The Oakland County Board of Commissioners has reviewed the Second Quarter 2023 Development Report and approves the Second Quarter appropriation transfer as specified on the attached schedule. The respective departmental Fiscal Year 2023 budgets are to be amended as specified in the attached detailed schedule. BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUIRED: Yes Committee members can contact Michael Andrews, Policy and Fiscal Analysis Supervisor at 248.425.5572 or andrewsmb@oakgov.com, or the department contact persons listed for additional information. CONTACT Ken Theis Sean Carlson, Deputy County Executive II ITEM REVIEW TRACKING Gwen Markham, Board of Commissioners Created/Initiated - 5/12/2023 AGENDA DEADLINE: 05/11/2023 6:00 PM ATTACHMENTS 1. IT Development Report - 2nd Quarter 2023 COMMITTEE TRACKING 2023-05-03 Finance - Recommend to Board 2023-05-11 Full Board - Adopted Motioned by: Commissioner Angela Powell Seconded by: Commissioner Robert Hoffman Yes: David Woodward, Michael Spisz, Michael Gingell, Penny Luebs, Karen Joliat, Kristen Nelson, Christine Long, Robert Hoffman, Philip Weipert, Gwen Markham, Angela Powell, Janet Jackson, Gary McGillivray, William Miller III, Yolanda Smith Charles, Charles Cavell, Brendan Johnson, Ajay Raman (18) No: None (0) Abstain: None (0) Absent: Marcia Gershenson (1) Passed 2nd Quarter CUST FUND#ACCOUNT DIVISION Jan - Mar Y.T.D. GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS General Fund [101] 540 101 CCN3020201-PRG121020-FND10100-SC773630 52/1 - District Court $2,955.95 $5,814.99 550 101 CCN3020301-PRG121020-FND10100-SC773630 52/2 - District Court $2,955.95 $5,814.99 560 101 CCN3020401-PRG121020-FND10100-SC773630 52/3 - District Court $2,955.95 $5,814.99 530 101 CCN3020501-PRG121020-FND10100-SC773630 52/4 - District Court $2,955.65 $5,814.53 630 101 CCN1070801-PRG114000-FND10100-SC773630 Animal Control $7,956.96 $16,462.96 005 101 CCN5010101-PRG180010-FND10100-SC773630 Bd of Commissioners $10,804.25 $24,065.50 718 101 CCN2010210-PRG125000-FND10100-SC773630 Clerk E-Services ($570.00)$0.00 722 101 CCN2010210-PRG125000-FND10100-SC773630 Clerk/Reg - EDMS (Imaging)$2,370.40 $5,067.40 440 101 CCN2010301-PRG185010-FND10100-SC773630 Clerk/Reg - Elections $855.75 $3,797.25 410 101 CCN2010501-PRG125000-FND10100-SC773630 Clerk/Reg - Jury Commission $0.00 $82.50 724 101 CCN2010210-PRG125000-FND10100-SC773630 Clerk/Reg - Legal Records $57,154.13 $130,893.51 723 101 CCN2010205-PRG132305-FND10100-SC773630 Clerk/Reg - Vital Statistics $18,892.71 $45,959.21 522 101 CCN1070401-PRG113000-FND10100-SC773630 Community Corrections Admin $7,605.53 $19,374.37 361 101 CCN1210101-PRG181000-FND10100-SC773630 Communications Department - Dev $191,231.00 $271,641.75 640 101 CCN1010201-PRG181005-FND10100-SC773630 Compliance Office $660.00 $660.00 430 101 CCN1010501-PRG181020-FND10100-SC773630 Corporation Counsel $11,346.87 $28,374.87 483 101 CCN3010403-PRG121100-FND10100-SC773630 CTS-FD-Judicial Support-ADM $129.96 $129.96 482 101 CCN3010403-PRG121240-FND10100-SC773630 CTS-FD-Juvenile Support $28.50 $28.50 015 101 CCN1010101-PRG181000-FND10100-SC773630 County Executive $4,722.00 $19,695.75 498 101 CCN3010301-PRG121130-FND10100-SC773630 Courts-GJ-Judicial Support $346,984.33 $540,988.75 502 101 CCN3010301-PRG121180-FND10100-SC773630 Courts-GJ-Jury Operations $34.32 $124.41 493 101 CCN3010101-PRG121100-FND10100-SC773630 Courts - Judical / Administration $16,134.36 $42,815.00 346 101 CCN1210101-PRG181000-FND10100-SC773630 Department of Public Communication $61.87 $61.87 188 101 CCN1090206-PRG171000-FND10100-SC773630 Economic Dev & Comm Affairs $0.00 $428.75 785 101 CCN1090101-PRG171000-FND10100-SC773630 Economic Development & Community Affairs $36,110.50 $64,891.75 292 101 CCN1060201-PRG133095-FND11007-SC773630 ELC Contract Tracing & Investigation $13,489.00 $13,489.00 740 101 CCN1020501-PRG173010-FND10100-SC773630 Equalization Division $120,166.75 $205,040.08 258 101 CCN1040101-PRG140015-FND10100-SC773630 ENV Sustainability-Initiatives $3,047.50 $3,047.50 181 101 CCN1040801-PRG140020-FND10100-SC773630 FM&O Admin Support ($1,484.25)$330.00 660 101 CCN1020601-PRG182020-FND10100-SC773630 Fiscal Services-Gen Fund $70,730.11 $143,416.57 900 101 CCN1110101-PRG115090-FND10100-SC773630 Emergency Mgmt/Homeland Security $13,669.00 $25,301.50 735 101 CCN6010101-PRG155060-FND10100-SC773630 General Fund Map $660.00 $1,896.00 562 101 CCN1060101-PRG133300-FND10100-SC773630 Human Services - HS Admin Serv $3,753.75 $8,850.00 680 101 CCN1050401-PRG183010-FND10100-SC773630 Human Resources $54,805.00 $80,434.54 565 101 CCN1090108-PRG171030-FND10100-SC773630 Marketing & Communcations $0.00 $41.00 872 101 CCN1070601-PRG132030-FND10100-SC773630 Medical Examiner $15,283.46 $18,470.96 409 101 CCN1010702-PRG121170-FND10100-SC773630 MIDC OCIT Maint & Suppt $5,869.75 $15,482.00 710 101 CCN1060801-PRG174000-FND10100-SC773630 MSU Extension - Oakland $0.00 $41.25 349 101 CCN4030501-PRG112680-FND10100-SC773630 OCSD Admin Serv-Records Unit $82.50 $152.50 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY SECOND QUARTER 2023 Prepared by: Information Technology; 04/21/23 Page 1 of 14 2nd Quarter 2023.pdf 2nd Quarter CUST FUND#ACCOUNT DIVISION Jan - Mar Y.T.D. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY SECOND QUARTER 2023 919 101 CCN9090101-PRG196030-FND10100-SC773630 OCSO Body Camera IT Dev $0.00 $7,902.50 775 101 CCN1090201-PRG171000-FND10100-SC773630 Planning & Economic Development $21,736.75 $40,469.50 093 101 CCN3040101-PRG121090-FND10100-SC773630 Probate Court Admin $1,311.00 $2,023.50 512 101 CCN3040403-PRG124010-FND10100-SC773630 Probate-Estates/Mental Health - EDMS (Imaging)$2,074.11 $4,434.00 510 101 CCN3040403-PRG124010-FND10100-SC773630 Probate-Estates/Mental Health Support $39,552.96 $72,043.21 145 101 CCN4010101-PRG122050-FND10100-SC773630 Prosecuting Attorney - General Prosecution $73,250.43 $101,423.71 637 101 CCN1030803-PRG184020-FND10100-SC773630 Records Retention $0.00 $105.00 650 101 CCN1020650-PRG126020-FND10100-SC773630 Reimbursement Division $5,698.50 $10,917.50 195 101 CCN4030301-PRG112590-FND10100-SC773630 OCSD-Corrective Serv - Admin $37,569.16 $78,443.56 191 101 CCN4030601-PRG110000-FND10100-SC773630 Sheriff - CLEMIS $30,105.57 $51,191.41 348 101 CCN4030301-PRG112620-FND10100-SC773630 Sheriff - Corrective Serv Admin $5,486.25 $9,639.50 988 101 CCN4030901-PRG116240-FND10100-SC773630 Sheriff - IFS Div Lab $134.00 $134.00 118 101 CCN4030801-PRG110085-FND10100-SC773630 Sheriff Technology - Info & Tnno $61.87 $61.87 445 101 CCN1030803-PRG184025-FND10100-SC773630 Support Services $12,789.20 $19,412.79 600 101 CCN7010101-PRG186040-FND10100-SC773630 Treasurer $97,524.47 $170,362.14 910 101 CCN1090702-PRG132050-FND10100-SC773630 Veterans Services $3,741.75 $5,502.75 730 101 CCN6010101-PRG155010-FND10100-SC773630 Water Resource Commissioner $33,452.21 $78,530.96 742 101 CCN6010101-PRG149920-FND10100-SC773630 WRC - CAMS Software Support & Maintenance $3,110.25 $3,110.25 Sub-Total Fund 101 $1,392,007.99 $2,410,504.61 Health Fund [101] 840 101 CCN1060201-PRG133150-FND10100-SC773630 Health $29,958.14 $69,951.14 852 101 CCN1060211-PRG133150-FND10100-SC773630 Health Central Support $0.00 $882.50 843 101 CCN1060220-PRG134390-FND10100-SC773630 Health Environmental $50,627.43 $102,975.16 Sub-Total Fund 101 $80,585.57 $173,808.80 Juvenile Maintenance Fund [293] 665 293 CCN1070901-PRG112090-FND20293-SC773630 Children's Village $26,552.00 $42,311.30 Sub-Total Fund 293 $26,552.00 $42,311.30 CCN1080101-PRG152000-FND63600-SC631365 DEVELOPMENT FOR GOVERNMENTAL FUND $1,499,145.56 $2,626,624.71 APPROPRIATION SUB-TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATION: $1,499,145.56 $2,626,624.71 CCN9090101-PRG196030-FND10100-SC773630 Information Technology Development ($1,499,145.56)($2,626,624.71) TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL:$0.00 $0.00 NON-GOVERNMENTAL Prepared by: Information Technology; 04/21/23 Page 2 of 14 2nd Quarter 2023.pdf 2nd Quarter CUST FUND#ACCOUNT DIVISION Jan - Mar Y.T.D. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY SECOND QUARTER 2023 DIRECT CHARGES 687 CCN1110101-PRG133095-FND21285-SC773630 GRN-1004054 ARP HSD INV mgmt $3,258.75 $8,889.00 944 CCN6010101-PRG149669-FND63900-SC773630 CAMP CTA DR Equipment $841.00 $1,280.75 902 CCN1080305-PRG116020-FND53500-SC773630 CLEMIS DEVELOPMENT $13,204.97 $422,653.44 056 CCN1080305-PRG116020-FND53500-SC773630 CLEMIS FUND 63500 $19,314.25 $160,090.75 720 CCN2010401-PRG172220-FND21160-SC773630 Clerk/Reg - Register Of Deeds $2,072.46 $6,907.21 507 CCN3010404-PRG126030-FND27100-SC773630 Courts-FOC Exp-CS Enforcement $26,631.86 $58,452.50 933 CCN6010101-PRG155060-FND63900-SC773630 Drain Equip Map $990.00 $990.00 210 CCN1080325-PRG115100-FND53100-SC773630 Fire Records Management System $112,843.96 $151,072.71 750 CCN1040701-PRG140101-FND63100-SC773630 FM&O $22,512.46 $38,527.51 835 CCN1040719-PRG148020-FND40400-SC773630 FMO BMS PH 5 $452.25 $3,417.00 946 CCN1040719-PRG148020-FND40400-SC773630 FMO BMS PH 6 $878.25 $878.25 963 CCN3010404-PRG126030-FND27100-SC773630 FOC Security Audit $3,927.78 $6,173.50 655 CCN1040210-PRG184010-FND66100-SC773630 Garage $10,549.00 $20,498.50 038 CCN6010101-PRG149820-FND63900-SC773630 HACH WIMS Software Support $90.75 $151.25 947 CCN9016001-PRG152130-FND42085-SC773630 HIPAA Enhancements II $19,946.00 $35,644.25 120 CCN9016001-PRG152130-FND42100-SC773630 HR-Financial System Replacement $133,566.00 $285,692.00 214 CCN9016001-PRG152130-FND42210-SC773630 IAM Program $7,805.50 $19,815.75 338 CCN9016001-PRG152130-FND42080-SC773630 Imaging Project $54,148.50 $103,704.97 751 CCN1080601-PRG152070-FND67500-SC773630 IT Telephone Communications $14.25 $14.25 415 CCN9010101-PRG133095-FND21285-SC773630 GRN-1004054 IT/ARP Projects $20,525.50 $82,399.25 548 CCN9016001-PRG152130-FND42105-SC773630 ITIM Program $15,411.75 $19,721.25 202 CCN1080305-PRG116075-FND53500-SC773630 Jail Management System (JMS)$37,077.25 $61,537.50 185 CCN1030701-PRG154070-FND56500-SC773630 Leasetrack $10,353.75 $24,717.75 698 CCN9016001-PRG152130-FND42095-SC773630 MFD Repl $5,059.50 $10,411.75 360 CCN1010702-PRG121170-FND20260-SC773630 MIDC Application Maint & Support $11,952.75 $13,740.00 265 CCN9010101-PRG121170-FND20260-SC773630 Oakvideo MIDC Support & Maintenance $445.50 $1,402.50 653 CCN1090501-PRG154010-FND56500-SC773630 O.C. International Airport $1,155.00 $1,856.25 298 CCN1040105-PRG148020-FND40400-SC773630 OCSO CCTV East Annex Storage $11,105.50 $25,489.75 255 CCN1080305-PRG116020-FND53500-SC773630 Oracle Upgrade to 19C $55,746.75 $139,969.75 770 CCN5060101-PRG160000-FND50800-SC773630 Parks and Recreation - Administration $7,095.00 $18,322.50 791 CCN1080310-PRG115060-FND53500-SC773630 Radio Communications - E911 $58,158.50 $127,011.00 695 CCN1010502-PRG182000-FND67700-SC773630 Risk Management $4,684.25 $5,963.00 115 CCN9016001-PRG152130-FND42090-SC773630 UCC Program III - VOIP $81,394.50 $165,151.00 231 CCN9016001-PRG152130-FND42090-SC773630 UCC Program IV - Wireless $6,909.75 $32,746.50 656 CCN6010101-PRG149030-FND57010-SC773630 Water Resources Accounting $1,024.32 $1,114.41 930 CCN6010101-PRG149000-FND57010-SC773630 Water and Sewer-General Adm $15,274.50 $19,377.75 974 CCN6010101-PRG149140-FND57010-SC773630 Water and Sewer Gen Admin-WMU $330.00 $330.00 212 CCN1090701-PRG170010-FND11004-SC773630 GRN-0001159 Workforce Dev-Clean Slate Proj $864.00 $2,585.75 897 CCN1090701-PRG170010-FND11004-SC773630 GRN-0001159 Workforce Dev-clean Slate Emai $2,550.00 $2,550.00 940 CCN6010101-PRG149669-FND63900-SC773630 WRC - CAMP $495.00 $2,307.00 Prepared by: Information Technology; 04/21/23 Page 3 of 14 2nd Quarter 2023.pdf 2nd Quarter CUST FUND#ACCOUNT DIVISION Jan - Mar Y.T.D. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY SECOND QUARTER 2023 025 CCN6010101-PRG149870-FND63900-SC773630 WRC OCIT SCADA $768.75 $1,448.00 006 CCN6010101-PRG149820-FND63900-SC773630 GRN-1003339 WRC Digital Content Mgmt $434.50 $1,120.75 501 CCN6010101-PRG149820-FND63900-SC773630 WRC Permitting Impl $393.25 $816.75 358 CCN6010101-PRG149870-FND63900-SC773630 WRC - SCADA Maintenance $649.00 $2,631.75 294 CCN6010101-PRG149030-FND57010-SC773630 WRC - Sewer Fund $283.50 $801.75 067 CCN6010101-PRG149999-FND57010-SC773630 WRC Utility Billing Replacement $22,208.50 $42,752.25 CCN1080101-PRG152000-FND63600-SC631302 SUB-TOTAL DIRECT CHARGES FOR DEVELOPMENT $805,398.56 $2,133,129.50 TOTAL COUNTY DEVELOPMENT CHARGES $2,304,544.12 $4,759,754.21 NON-COUNTY AGENCIES CCN1080101-PRG152000-FND63600-RC635017 Non-County Agencies $5,699.00 $7,814.00 Prepared by: Information Technology; 04/21/23 Page 4 of 14 2nd Quarter 2023.pdf INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - RESERVE FUND DEVELOPMENT / SUPPORT DETAIL - SECOND QUARTER 2023 Cust #GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS 2nd Qtr 2023 630 ANIMAL CONTROL 24017 SQL Server Supp - Animal Control $129.96 95628 Animal Control $196.25 95682 Dog System $7,630.75 Animal Control-Total $7,956.96 005 BD OF COMMISSIONERS 91404 BOC - Customer Support $10,804.25 Bd of Commissioners - Total $10,804.25 665 CHILDRENS VILLAGE 95665 Childrens Village $26,552.00 Childrens Village - Total $26,552.00 440 CLERK/REG - ELECTIONS DIVISION 95443 Clerk/Reg - Elections Division $855.75 Clerk/Reg - Elections Division - Total $855.75 718 CLERK/REG - E-SERVICES 71800 Clerk/Reg - E-Services ($570.00) Clerk/Reg - E-Services - Total ($570.00) 722 CLERK/REG - EDMS (IMAGING)13001 Clerk's - Efiling $0.00 95158 Clerk/Reg - EDMS Support/Maintenance/Upgrades $2,370.40 Clerk/Reg - EDMS (Imaging) - Total $2,370.40 724 CLERK/REG - LEGAL RECORDS 21013 Legal Division - 50%$0.00 31001 Clerk - Legal Div - 50%$7,380.63 95170 Clerk/Reg - Legal Records - Total $4,049.00 95189 Circuit Court System $45,724.50 Clerk/Reg - Legal Records - Total $57,154.13 723 CLERK - VITAL STATISTICS 24015 SQL Server Supp - Vital Stats 3.5%$129.96 95161 Clerk.Reg - Vital Statistics $18,762.75 Clerk - Vital Statistics - Total $18,892.71 361 COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT - DEV 95361 Communications Department - Dev $191,231.00 Communications Department - Dev - Total $191,231.00 522 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS-ADMIN (CO)23003 Oracle Support-Comm Corr - 5.2%$34.32 24012 SQL Server Supp - Community Corr 3.5%$129.96 52200 Comm Corr-Admin (County)$7,441.25 52201 Comm Corr - DW Support $0.00 Community Corrections - Total $7,605.53 640 COMPLIANCE OFFICE 95468 Compliance Office $660.00 Compliance Office - Total $660.00 430 CORPORATION COUNSEL 95501 Corporation Counsel $11,285.00 10003 Corporation Counsel - 25%$61.87 Prepared by: Information Technology; 04/21/23 Page 5 of 14 2nd Quarter 2023.pdf INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - RESERVE FUND DEVELOPMENT / SUPPORT DETAIL - SECOND QUARTER 2023 Corporation Counsel - Total $11,346.87 015 COUNTY EXECUTIVE 95654 County Exec-Development $3,897.00 95656 County Executive Support $825.00 County Executive - Total $4,722.00 483 CTS-FD-JUDICIAL SUPPORT-ADM 24009 SQL Serv Supp - CTS-Jud Sup Adm - 3.5%$129.96 CTS-FD-Judicial Support-Adm - Total .$129.96 482 CTS-FD JUVENILE SUPPORT 48200 CTS-Jud Support - Juv Support $0.00 92192 CTS-Jud Support - Juv $28.50 CTS-Jud Support - Juv Support - Total $28.50 498 CTS-GEN JURIS-JUDICIAL SUPPT 23010 Oracle Supp-CCT/CTS $17.16 31002 CTS-GJ General Support $7,380.62 95179 CTS-Gen Juris-Judicial Suppt $339,586.55 CTS-Gen Juris-Judicial Suppt - Total $346,984.33 502 CTS-GJ-JURY OPERATIONS 23008 Oracle Support-CTS-GJ-Jury Operations $34.32 CTS-GJ-Jury Operations - Total $34.32 493 CTS-JUDICIAL ADMIN 13002 Court's - Efiling $0.00 95174 CTS-Judicial Admin $16,134.36 CTS-Judicial Admin - Total $16,134.36 346 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS 10001 DPC - 25%$61.87 Department of Public Communication - Total $61.87 785 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 36500 GIS Implementation Support C&E Dev $288.75 36501 CED Application - H/W Support $0.00 95785 Comm & Eco Developmt $0.00 96785 EDCA Administration $35,821.75 Economic Development & Community Affairs - Total $36,110.50 292 ELC CONTRACT TRACING 96292 ELC Contract Tracing $13,489.00 ELC Contract Tracing - Total $13,489.00 740 EQUALIZATION 23012 Oracle Support-Equalization - 5.2%$34.32 24005 SQL Server Supp-Equalization - 10.5%$389.83 31075 Equal - Development $15,867.75 36505 GIS Implementation Support Equalization $41.25 36506 Equal Application - H/W Support $4,181.50 36507 Equal LAMS Support $17,319.50 36601 Land System Enhancements - Equal (50%)$17,198.68 36701 Land System Maintenance - Equal (50%)$779.25 36801 Land System Support - Equal (50%)$23,711.17 36902 BS&A Orion Twp $0.00 50101 EQUAL (BS&A ANNUAL)$1,198.50 Prepared by: Information Technology; 04/21/23 Page 6 of 14 2nd Quarter 2023.pdf INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - RESERVE FUND DEVELOPMENT / SUPPORT DETAIL - SECOND QUARTER 2023 95562 Equalization - DW Support $0.00 95693 Equalization - System Maintenance $0.00 95699 BS&A Master Appraisal Sup/Maint $39,445.00 Equalization - Total $120,166.75 258 ENV SUSTAINABILITY-INITIATIVES 90258 ENV Sustainability-Initiatives $3,047.50 ENV Sustainability-Initiatives - Total $3,047.50 660 FISCAL SERVICES ADMIN 23001 Oracle Support - Fiscal Serv - 15.6%$102.96 23013 Oracle Support - HR-Acctg/Budget - 5.2%$34.32 24006 SQL Serv Supp - HR-Acctg - 1.75%$64.98 44021 FS-System/Customer Support $28,532.75 44022 FS - System Maintenance $0.00 44023 FS - System Enhancements $4,603.25 44024 FS - New Development $0.00 44602 Bond Disclosure - Fiscal (50%)$0.00 96001 Fiscal Serv - Acctg 40%$24,927.90 96003 Fiscal Serv - Budget 20%$12,463.95 Fiscal Services Admin - Total $70,730.11 735 GENERAL FUND MAP 74735 General Fund Map $660.00 General Fund Map - Total $660.00 840 HEALTH DIVISION 10004 Health - 25%$61.89 36525 GIS Implementation Support Health $0.00 95563 User Support-Health $21,352.25 96842 Health Admin $8,544.00 Health - Total $29,958.14 843 HEALTH - ENVIRONMENTAL 23005 Oracle Support - EH Projects - 5.2%$34.32 24014 SQL Server Suppt - Ehealth 14%$519.75 84200 EH - Projects $49,949.61 84300 Ehealth Program $123.75 Health-Environmental - Total $50,627.43 900 EMERGENCY MGMT/HOMELAND SECURITY 36545 GIS Implementation Support Homeland Security $41.25 36546 Homeland Security Application - H/W Support $13,627.75 98990 Homeland Security $0.00 Homeland Security - Total $13,669.00 680 HUMAN RESOURCES 23014 Oracle Support-HR/Personnel - 5.2%$34.32 24007 SQL Server Suppport-HR/Personnel - 1.75%$64.98 44044 HR- New Development $27,662.50 96002 Human Res-Personnel 40%$27,043.20 Human Resources - Total $54,805.00 562 HUMAN SERVICES - HS ADMIN SERV 96561 Human Services - HS Admin Serv $3,753.75 Human Services - HS Admin Serv - Total $3,753.75 Prepared by: Information Technology; 04/21/23 Page 7 of 14 2nd Quarter 2023.pdf INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - RESERVE FUND DEVELOPMENT / SUPPORT DETAIL - SECOND QUARTER 2023 181 FM&O ADMIN SUPPORT 21181 FM&O Admin Support -$1,484.25 FM&O Admin Support - Total ($1,484.25) 872 MEDICAL EXAMINER 24002 SQL Server Support - Medical Exam - 3.5%$129.96 87202 Medical Examiner - Customer Support $15,153.50 Medical Examiner - Total $15,283.46 409 MIDC OCIT MAINT/SUPP 67409 MIDC OCIT Maint/Supp $5,869.75 MIDC OCIT Maint/Supp - Total $5,869.75 349 OCSO ADMIN SERV - RECORDS MGMT 97349 OCSO Admin Serv - Records Mgmt $82.50 OCSO Admin Serv - Records Mgmt - Total $82.50 775 PLANNING & ECO DEVELOPMENT 95600 PEDS Cust/System Support $21,736.75 Planning & Eco Development - Total $21,736.75 093 PROBATE COURT ADMIN 95093 Probate Court Admin $1,311.00 Probate Court Admin - Admin $1,311.00 512 PROB-ESTATES/MENTL HLTH EDMS (IMG)95207 PC-E/MH EDMS Support & Mtce $2,074.11 Prob-Est/Mntl Hlth EDMS (Img) - Total $2,074.11 510 PROB-ESTATES/MENTL HLTH SUPPORT 24010 SQL Serv Supp-PCT-Est/Mental - 3.5%$129.96 92198 Prob-Est/Mntl Hlth Support $39,423.00 Prob-Est/Mntl Hlth Support - Total $39,552.96 145 PROSECUTOR - GENERAL PROSECUTION 24016 SQL Server Supp - Proescutors 3.5%$129.96 95622 Prosecutor/Executive $69,634.00 95623 Pros/Circuit $0.00 95664 Prosecutor Warrants $2,114.97 97001 Prosecutor Data Proc $1,371.50 Prosecutor - Total $73,250.43 650 REIMBURSEMENT 95470 Reimbursement System $5,698.50 95542 Reimburse User Support $0.00 Reimbursement - Total $5,698.50 195 SHERIFF 12001 OCSD-Courts/Criminal - 50%$0.00 23009 Oracle Suppport - OCSD/CTS Crim Whse - 2.6%$17.16 97163 Sheriff $1,938.75 97164 Sheriff - Development $0.00 97165 Sheriff-DW Support $0.00 98164 CLEMIS-Sheriff $35,613.25 Sheriff - Total $37,569.16 191 SHERIFF - CLEMIS 23015 Oracle Suppport - Sheriff / CLEMIS - 5.2%$34.32 96163 Sheriff - CLEMIS $30,071.25 Prepared by: Information Technology; 04/21/23 Page 8 of 14 2nd Quarter 2023.pdf INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - RESERVE FUND DEVELOPMENT / SUPPORT DETAIL - SECOND QUARTER 2023 Sheriff - CLEMIS - Total $30,105.57 348 SHERIFF - CORRECTIVE SERV ADMIN 34800 Inmate Phone System $5,486.25 Sheriff - Corrective Serv Admin - Total $5,486.25 988 OC SHERIFF's - IFS DIV - LAB 16300 OCSO CLEMIS Forensic $134.00 OCSO CLEMIS Forensic - Total $134.00 118 SHERIFF TECHNOLOGY - INFO & INNO 10002 Sheriff - 25%$61.87 Sheriff Technology - Info & Inno - Total $61.87 445 SUPPORT SERVICES 23002 Oracle Support - Supp Serv - 5.2%$34.32 24011 SQL Server Supp - Suppt Services 7%$259.88 44500 Support Services $12,495.00 Support Services - Total $12,789.20 600 TREASURER 23006 Oracle Support - Del Tax - 5.2%$34.32 23016 Oracle Support - Treasurer - 10.4%$68.64 36516 Treasurer Application - H/W Support $0.00 36602 Land System Enhancements - Treas (50%)$17,198.57 36702 Land System Maintenance - Treas (50%)$779.25 36802 Land System Support - Treas (50%)$23,711.08 44061 Tre-System/Customer Support $50,004.36 44062 Tre-System Maintenance $1,378.75 44063 Tre-System Enhancements $1,586.00 44064 Tre-New Development $0.00 44080 Tre-DW Support $0.00 44082 Tre-DW Maintenance $0.00 44601 Bond Disclosure - Treas (50%)$0.00 50102 TREAS (BS&A) ANNUAL $1,198.50 95008 Del Tax On Line $247.50 95303 Del Tax System Maintenance $1,317.50 95561 User Support/Del Tax $0.00 95615 BS&A Annual Tax Support $0.00 Treasurer - Total $97,524.47 910 VETERANS SERVICES 95650 Veterans Services Equipment $3,370.50 95651 Veterans Customer Support $371.25 Veterans Services - Total $3,741.75 730 WATER RESOURCE COMMISSIONER 24008 SQL Server Supp - WRC 3.5%$129.96 28007 Water Resource Commission $22,297.00 28010 WRC - Customer Support $9,589.50 28011 Water Resource Commissioner Application $1,435.75 36520 GIS Implementation Support WRC $0.00 36521 WRC Application - H/W Support $0.00 Water Resource Commissioner - Total $33,452.21 Prepared by: Information Technology; 04/21/23 Page 9 of 14 2nd Quarter 2023.pdf INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - RESERVE FUND DEVELOPMENT / SUPPORT DETAIL - SECOND QUARTER 2023 742 WRC - CAMS SOFTWARE SUPPORT & MAINTENANCE 74200 WRC CAMS SOFTWARE Support $3,110.25 WRC CAMS SOFTWARE Support - Total $3,110.25 540 52/1 DISTRICT COURT - NOVI 95527 DC Suprt- 52/1 - 25%$2,955.95 52/1 District Court - Total $2,955.95 550 52/2 DISTRICT COURT - CLARKSTON 95528 DC Suprt- 52/2 - 25%$2,955.95 52/2 District Court - Total $2,955.95 560 52/3 DISTRICT COURT - ROCHESTER 95288 52 Dist Ct Div 3 $0.00 95529 DC Suprt - 52/3 - 25%$2,955.95 52/3 District Court - Total $2,955.95 530 52/4 DISTRICT COURT - TROY 95530 DC Suprt- 52/4 - 25%$2,955.65 52/4 District Court - Total $2,955.65 $1,499,145.56 Cust #DIRECT FUNDS 687 ARP HSD INV MGMT 68701 ARP HSD INV Mgmt $3,258.75 ARP HSD INV Mgmt - Total $3,258.75 944 CAMP CTA DR EQUIPMENT 37944 Camp CTA DR Equipment $841.00 Camp CTA DR Equipment - Total $841.00 902 CLEMIS 23004 Oracle Support - OakVideo CLEMIS 5.2%$34.32 23018 Oracle Support - Sheriff CLEMIS 5.2%$34.32 24004 SQL Server Support - 24.5%$909.58 95430 CLEMIS Maintenance $11,921.75 95431 CLMS Enhancements $165.00 98000 Project Team $82.50 98003 CLEMIS User Support $57.50 98005 CLEMIS - E911 Support $0.00 98000 Poject Team $0.00 CLEMIS - Total $13,204.97 056 CLEMIS FUND 63500 63500 CLEMIS Fund $19,314.25 CLEMIS 63500 Fund - Total $19,314.25 720 CLERK / REGISTER OF DEEDS 24003 SQL Server Supp - ROD 3.5%$129.96 36510 GIS Implementation Support $0.00 36511 ROD Application - H/W Support $676.25 95493 ROD System Maintenance $0.00 95498 Clerk/Reg - ROD $1,266.25 Clerk/Reg of Deeds - Total $2,072.46 507 CTS-FOC EXP-CS ENFORCEMENT 65410 FOC-Image Replace $0.00 Prepared by: Information Technology; 04/21/23 Page 10 of 14 2nd Quarter 2023.pdf INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - RESERVE FUND DEVELOPMENT / SUPPORT DETAIL - SECOND QUARTER 2023 92193 CTS-FOC Exp-CD Enforc-Dev $24,557.75 92194 CTS-FOC-CS ENF-EDMS $2,074.11 CTS-FOC Exp-CD Enforc-Dev - Total $26,631.86 933 DRAIN EQUIP MAP 37933 Drain Equip Map $990.00 Drain Equip Map - Total $990.00 210 FIRE RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 21010 Fire Records Mgmt Fund 531 $68,469.25 95404 SQL Server Support - FRMS 3.5%$44,244.75 24001 FRMS - Phase II Proj $129.96 Fire Records Management System - Total $112,843.96 750 FM&O 21001 Facilities Maintenance & Operations $123.75 24013 SQL Server Supp - FM&O $129.96 75503 FM&O Development $22,258.75 FM&O - Total $22,512.46 835 FMO BMS PH 5 21835 FMO BMS PH 5 $452.25 FMO BMS PH 5 - Total $452.25 946 FMO BMS PH 6 41946 FMO BMS PH 6 $878.25 FMO BMS PH 6 - Total $878.25 963 FOC SECURITY AUDIT 34963 FOC Security Audit $3,927.78 FOC Security Audit - Total $3,927.78 655 GARAGE 65498 Garage Support $10,549.00 Garage - Total $10,549.00 038 HACH WIMS SOFTWARE SUPPORT HACH WIMS Software Support $90.75 HACH WIMS Software Support - Total $90.75 947 HIPAA ENHANCEMENTS 96947 HIPPA Enhancements II $19,946.00 HIPPA Enhancements II - Total $19,946.00 120 HR-FINANCIAL SYS REP 44120 HR-Financial System Replacement $133,566.00 HR-Financial System Replacement - Total $133,566.00 214 IAM PROGRAM 21400 IAM Program $7,805.50 IAM Program - Total $7,805.50 338 IMAGING PROJECT 33800 Imaging Project $54,148.50 Imaging Project - Total $54,148.50 415 IT/ARP PROJECTS 97415 IT/ARP Projects $20,525.50 IT/ARP Projects - Total $20,525.50 548 ITIM PROGRAM 97548 ITIM Program $15,411.75 Prepared by: Information Technology; 04/21/23 Page 11 of 14 2nd Quarter 2023.pdf INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - RESERVE FUND DEVELOPMENT / SUPPORT DETAIL - SECOND QUARTER 2023 ITIM Program - Total $15,411.75 751 IT - TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS 75102 Telephone Communications - Customer Support $14.25 IT - Telephone Communications - Total $14.25 202 JAIL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (JMS)63202 Jail Management System (JMS)$37,077.25 Jail Management System (JMS) - Total $37,077.25 185 LEASETRACK REPLACEMENT 18500 Leasetrack Replacement $10,353.75 Leasetrack Replacement - Total $10,353.75 698 MFD REPL 90698 MFD Repl $5,059.50 MFD Repl - Total $5,059.50 360 MIDC APPLICATION MAINT & SUPPORT 67360 MIDC Application Maint & Support $11,952.75 MIDC Application Maint & Support - Total $11,952.75 265 OAKVIDEO MIDC SUPP & MAINT 91265 Oakvideo MIDC Support & Maint $445.50 Oakvideo MIDC Support & Maint - Total $445.50 653 O.C. INTNL AIRPORT 36540 GIS Implementation Support $0.00 65301 Airport User Support $1,155.00 65310 O.C. Airport - New Development $0.00 O.C. Intnl Airport - Total $1,155.00 298 OCSO CCTV EAST ANNEX STORAGE 97298 OCSO CCTV East Annex Storage $11,105.50 OCSO CCTV East Annex Storage - Total $11,105.50 255 ORACLE UPGRADE TO 19C 63255 Oracle Upgrade to 19C $55,746.75 Oracle Upgrade to 19C - Total $55,746.75 770 PARKS AND RECREATION 36530 GIS Implementation Support - Parks $206.25 44066 PRADM-System/Customer Support $1,113.75 44068 PRADM-System Enhancements $0.00 76100 P&R Administrative Services $0.00 95413 PRADM-Customer Support $5,775.00 95416 PRRA - Rec Admin $0.00 95419 PRADM-Administration $0.00 Parks & Recreation - Total $7,095.00 791 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS - E911 79101 Radio Communications - E911 $58,158.50 Radio Communications - E911 - Total $58,158.50 695 RISK MANAGEMENT 44036 Rsk-System Customer Support $1,196.25 44028 Risk-System Enhancement $3,488.00 Risk Management - Total $4,684.25 115 UCC PROGRAM III-VOIP 92115 UCC Program III - VOIP $81,394.50 Prepared by: Information Technology; 04/21/23 Page 12 of 14 2nd Quarter 2023.pdf INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - RESERVE FUND DEVELOPMENT / SUPPORT DETAIL - SECOND QUARTER 2023 UCC Program III - VOIP - Total $81,394.50 231 UCC PROGRAM IV - WIRELESS 23100 UCC Program IV - Wireless $6,909.75 UCC Program IV - Wireless - Total $6,909.75 656 WATER RESOURCES ACCOUNTING 23011 Oracle Supp - Water & Sewer Acct'g - 5.2%$34.32 95669 Water Resources Accounting $990.00 95671 Drain Water/Sewer BI $0.00 Water Resources Accounting - Total $1,024.32 930 WATER AND SEWER-GENERAL ADMIN 37930 Water and Sewer-General Admin $15,274.50 Water and Sewer-General Admin - Total $15,274.50 974 WATER AND SEWER GEN ADMIN-WMU 37974 Water and Sewer General Admin - WMU $330.00 Water and Sewer General Admin - WMU - Total $330.00 212 WORKFORCE DEV-CLEAN SLATE PROJ 95212 Workforce Dev-Clean Slate Proj $864.00 Workforce Dev-Clean Slate Proj - Total $864.00 897 WORKFORCE DEV-CLEAN SLATE EMAI 87897 Workforce Dev-Clean Slate Emai $2,550.00 Workforce Dev-Clean Slate Email - Total $2,550.00 940 WRC - CAMP 37940 WRC - Camp $495.00 WRC - Camp - Total $495.00 006 WRC DIGITAL CONTENT 74006 WRC Digital Content $434.50 WRC Digital Content - Total $434.50 025 WRC OCIT SCADA 74025 WRC OCIT SCADA $768.75 WRC OCIT SCADA - Total $768.75 501 WRC PERMITTING IMPL 74502 WRC Permitting Impl $393.25 WRC Permitting Impl -Total $393.25 358 WRC - SCADA MAINTENANCE 33358 WRC - SCADA Maintenance $649.00 WRC - SCADA Maintenance - Total $649.00 294 WRC - SEWER FUND 74294 WRC - Sewer Fund $283.50 WRC - Sewer Fund - Total $283.50 067 WRC UTILITY BILLING REPLACEMENT 33067 WRC Utility Billing Replacement $22,208.50 WRC Utility Billing Replacement - Total $22,208.50 $805,398.56 Prepared by: Information Technology; 04/21/23 Page 13 of 14 2nd Quarter 2023.pdf INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2nd Quarter Y.T.D. Radio 18020 IT Radio $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Application Services 17040 IT - TOS Fund $0.00 $0.00 17062 Pandemic Program - COVID-19 $0.00 $0.00 17888 IAM Expansion $9,939.75 $23,055.25 17889 ITIM $0.00 $9,310.50 18000 IMACS Data Warehouse (Funded)$0.00 $0.00 19000 IT Application Services Planned Maint $396,531.00 $684,071.00 30001 IT Application Services Data Warehouse $6,067.00 $15,256.00 30002 IT Application Services Enhanced $112.00 $238.75 30003 IT Application Services GIS $119,019.00 $237,496.00 30004 IT Application Services eGovernment $266,347.50 $568,667.50 25108 Courts - Oakland Schools $0.00 $0.00 36901 BS&A Orion Twp - IT $0.00 $0.00 96302 OCSO CCTV Main Jail $453.75 $453.75 App Services - Sub Total: $798,470.00 $1,538,548.75 Internal Services 19020 Internal Services Planned Main $1,650.00 $3,823.50 Internal Services - Sub-Total: $1,650.00 $3,823.50 $0.00 Technical Sys/Networking 19030 Tech Sys/Net Planned Maint $124,851.00 $269,726.50 23007 Oracle Support - IT Tech Systems $34.32 $124.41 23017 Oracle Support - IT Tech Systems 1.2%$7.92 $28.71 24018 SQL Serv Support - IT Tech Systems 2%$73.94 $73.94 25400 Oracle Administration $1,155.00 $1,237.50 95685 I.T. - Disaster Recovery $0.00 $0.00 95750 I.T. - SEP $163,793.50 $252,343.00 95755 I.T. - PeopleSoft Upgrade $0.00 $0.00 Tech Sys/Net - Sub-Total: $289,915.68 $523,534.06 Information Technology - Total: $1,090,035.68 $2,065,906.31 DEVELOPMENT / SUPPORT DETAIL - SECOND QUARTER 2023 Prepared by: Information Technology; 04/21/23 Page 14 of 14 2nd Quarter 2023.pdf