HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2023.03.16 - 38297OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYEES’
The Oakland County Retirement and Deferred Compensation Board meeting was held March
16, 2023 at 1:33 p.m. in East Conference Room of the Executive Office Building.
I. Call to Order/ Roll Call
Members Present: Joe Rozell, Jeff Phelps, Robert Wittenberg, Kyle Jen, Gwen
Markham, Brian Partogian, Dion Stevens
Members Absent: James Van Leuven, Dave Woodward
with notice
Others Present:
Carly Webster, Human Resources
Kelly Pena, Human Resources
Aaron Castle, VanOverbeke, Michaud & Timmony, P.C.
Heather Van Poucker, Human Resources
Paul Zelenak, Treasurer’s Office
Chris Kuhn, AndCo
Peter Brown, AndCo
II. Approval of the Agenda
A. Moved by Wittenberg, seconded by Jen to approve the agenda, as submitted.
Motion carried.
III. Public Comment
IV. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the February 16, 2023, Regular Board minutes
B. Approval of the February 16, 2023, Investment Subcommittee minutes
C. Pension Payroll – 03/31/2023
D. Investment Manager Invoices
E. Service Provider Invoices
Moved by Wittenberg, seconded by Partogian to approve the consent agenda.
Motion carried.
V. Regular Agenda
A. Moved by Phelps, seconded by Wittenberg to approve the following Defined
Benefit and Defined Contribution applications. Motion carried.
Defined Benefit retirement application
Name Department Effective
Thomas Garvey Parks & Rec 5/13/2023
Anna Price Deferred – HHS 4/3/2023
Oakland County Employees’ Retirement and Deferred Compensation Board Minutes
March 16, 2023
Page 2
Defined Contribution retirement applications
Name Department Effective
Kim Covarrubias Friend of the Court 4/1/2023
Deborah Fahr Circuit Court 4/29/2023
Michael McMahon WRC 4/1/2023
Mary Kaye Neumann Friend of the Court 5/2/2023
Angela Robak Fiscal Services 4/1/2023
Julie Stitt Circuit Court 4/15/2023
Janice Taylor Health and Human Services 4/8/2023
VI. Reports
A. Chris Kuhn and Peter Brown of AndCo Consulting presented the following
reports and provided comments summarizing highlights contained in each:
• Oakland County Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) Defined Benefit Plan
4th Quarter Report Period Ending December 31, 2022
• Oakland County Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) Defined Benefit Plan
Monthly Flash Report Period Ending February 28, 2023
• Oakland County Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) Asset / Manager
Summary Period Ending March 16, 2023
Moved by Phelps, seconded by Partogian to receive and file the Asset / Manager
Summary and accept AndCo’s recommendation to rebalance which is to transfer
$5 million from Reinhart Small/Mid Core and $10 million from PIMCO Diversified
Income to the cash liquidity fund. Motion carried.
A memo regarding the news of the bank failures and AndCo’s response was
distributed. Discussion followed. No action was taken.
B. Secretary Webster provided a verbal update on administrative matters. No action
was taken.
C. Aaron Castle of VanOverbeke, Michaud & Timmony, P.C. (VMT) provided a
verbal update on the recent Michigan Retirement Tax Changes. A follow up
memo will be sent to the board. No action was taken.
VII. Unfinished Business
A. Secretary Webster reviewed the February 9, 2023 memo to the board,
requesting Kevin McNally’s retirement be rescinded after his employment was
reinstated by the county.
Moved by Partogian, seconded by Stevens to rescind Kevin McNally’s DC
retirement effective, January 4, 2021. Motion carried.
VIII. New Business
A. The recommendations from the Investment Subcommittee regarding the updated
Investment Policy Statement will be presented at the next meeting. No action
was taken.
Oakland County Employees’ Retirement and Deferred Compensation Board Minutes
March 16, 2023
Page 3
B. Moved by Markham, seconded by Phelps to approve the updated Authorized
Signers Resolution for the Board. Motion carried.
C. The Oakland County Retirement & Deferred Compensation Board 2022 Annual
Report was tabled for the next meeting.
IX. Trustee Comment
A. Chairperson Rozell noted the next meeting of this Board may be moved from –
Thursday, April 20, 2023, to Thursday, April 27, 2023. Confirmation of the
change will be made, and a notice will be posted.
X. Without objection, Chairperson Rozell adjourned the meeting at 2:33 p.m. Motion
Respectfully submitted,
__________________________________ __________________________________
Joseph Rozell, Chairperson Carly Webster, Secretary