HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1966.08.02 - 38334JOINT N2EFIT IIG 1•7A'aYS Iv MUMNS CCMITTITS and the PARKS & RECF:L.TIONi COMMISSION Was .-c�. tE) oj°aer a,- 10 :00 a.m. in the Committee Room "A" AT-'Idj'-bi)o; I.Um vi Unc 1, Service cvxater c YOntiac, Mi.6nigan. O'I<AYS C'z N ANS C+NIMI:I'TEE [+"MIL IRS PFIas'SL NT: _ohn L. s,arcy, Acting ChaLXM'3ng Flugh�G. All -a tone Jr., Willis M. Breve, Ce ga,=+Cry Horto:i., 'rhomas Yo o'Donogl us.-, Feed L- yIockey "INYS £: I•IEzVI C-:YM 1ITTES MMME)aRS ,d. u� »invcati � �' ai.vma i aiT i ank . voll 0 Sr. j:�NRXS & I=ECRBATION CDHlMI5S:,i'0N MEMBERS PI?ZSaiNr: vanae,- Clark, aia-2-rman; Robert P. K71;.en, valeta Austin, Dzmiel W. jo',,2n L. r,ariyq, ClarenT:e Dr�'bin, Robaxt o. Felt, I)vnald A. I:a-,nbach, Danial j.wid I*xo`,hy Or::on. FARTS It I?IIC' .SA�:CON Cr??'iT►?ISS ;ON 1499E S ABSENT., OTHER' G PR95FNT: soar'd a Sur visors R3PURTIz S Par.I,s t,;� Recreation Cora�adssion Delos Hamlin, Chairnan Anton J. GUY(ir, n Committee Clerk va-%.roit He= Allen Phillips pantiac mess o 11T. Wiltsie poyal Oak Daily .Tribune - Jack Sincla.a Y,on VanNatta„ park Director Vv meeting vms held for the purpo:-3e of dis--rising a mi lage proposa.l ,3 be p.-Laced on the 1966 N e-jvember ballot for County r(� reational purposes. Kett VanlNatta,madn a slide presenta bion showing the amounts of money that, mt X'?ld bs v,-Ased by a 1`4 mill le4�P for a period of fire years. A .:3mum pry of the prasenta.tion folIiws: PROPOSED CIF ITAL OUTLAY .1'/'I Mi7.1 Per year; d---O -------------- .^oC._-=-------- .c-- 1967 proposed Outlay Land Acquisition $200,000.00 State ma "ching funds 2009000.00 Federal hatching funds 400,000.00 TOTAL Capital outlay For Acquisition $8009000.00 Development rz*ats $200 0000.00 State matching funds 1009000.00 Federal matching fur.d:s 1002000.00 i` ML. D,avelopmiAnt costs t 400,000.00 $672,267.66 $800,000.00 $ 4'M' 000 o uo 'Joito°a i" Bing£. August 2, A966 Page 2 Daxing the discussion that �ol.lovrad, it was pointed out that land valtws are (yonstantly inoXcasing and if the County park program is to x and to all parts of th s Coup ty a the. B /4 mill levy over five years may fall short of the necassary movies that may be needed for the overall, program including land acquisition. It ms suggested that a more realistic millage proposal would be a 1/2 m-4,11 levy over ten years that rvul.d produce bety aen $3,000,000 and It vas moved by 14ro Murphy and supported by Mr. Allen that. the Parrs ,1214 Recreation commission amend their previous motion regarding rcr-_ )=endation of a 1/4 mill .levy, and hereby recommend that the Ways & Means committee submit a resoltO Lon to the Board of Supervisors aecomm;ending that a proposal of 1/2 mill levy for to years be placed on the 1966 November ballot. Motion carried. I V was, moved by Mr. Yockey and supported by Nt. Alle ton that the gays & 214eans. Ommittee concur in the rece-imendation ors the Parks &recreation commission that a 1/2 rt-12 . tax levy for 10 years :for recreation purposes be placed on the 1966 rowirber ballot,, such recommendation to be submitted to tie Board. of Supervisors. Motion cayn led. Wc, Murphy reported tha4; the Pert aiunel Policies Committee had taken action to estaiolish an interim salary o! A113000 :1107f the Park Director. It «s moved by mr. Brewir z;nd supported by Mr. Yockey that: the Mays & Means comidvi;•toe concur in the recommendation of the Personnel Policies C,anittee that an interim salary o¢ $21 a000 be sat fcr the Pax2: Directoz Motien, carried. 1•61- vas moved by Mr. Dohany and supported by Mr. Allerton that the Ways & Mears Committee recommend to the Board oaf Supervisors that the Parks & Recreation c3Dmmission be authorized to enter into contracts and agreements vd train its tudgetaTy approp;iation and to adopt by-laws Moti c n carried. weting adjourned. 'O'(j Anton J 'uye commit a Caler