HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1980.06.09 - 3845aaa.9 1980 W AT C [ SIR! CT HELD ON MONDAY, JUNE 9, (DATE OF ELECT!ON) 1 ft g Flyg 4 I I 49 CANVASS OF VOTES C AT THE Eq1 ON .,‘' TI OF THr WATERFORD SCHOOL DI STRI CT (LEGAL NAME OF C1-!C")01_ DISTRfC.T) OAKLAND _COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTUREb BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE;FURNITURE 1919 East Kilgore Road • K 71:MA700, MICHIGAN Order by F,...irrn No. Lt3981 CANVASSERS BOOK OFFICE ANT) CANDIDATE NAMES PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER TOTALS 0 PATSY . JOHNSON VIRGINIA PALMER A, J. STEPANSKI JAMES H. WENINGER . ,....., 111111=11111111MIN . IIIIIIIIIhmM MI= .i:,-- • : 0:7- v, -512 isii MEN 11111. , MINN MI • ' .. .,'' c 'c-. c" -1 .--.7c- '7' - ' 9 1111111111111 all _ - illairarillial.11.11.1 - L - 11.IIIIII 1111 ' 11111M. 1111111111111111111111111A 1111101111M 111111111111111.11=11111111.11M. 11111111 IIII 111111Milli n 91 2 ITEhi...11. 1 11.11111111111111.11.1111111 ME . =MO MEI -.111111111111.1111.1111_16 r._ i MEM 1 11111MIIIMIMIIII rip ---, . 1111111111111111111 . I . ME 1111111.111111111.111111 _ 111111= 1 1111114 al NM MI op. imm • , mr 0 . .. im . . ... ..., , EN - 1 ommErmi- -1 ...... .. . , .... - .. .......- -- , _ .......gg................ mimm ....u.nammi s E.....rintrairma Imirmooni Kamm - - 1 i I I • MARGARET MAC TAVISH 1 RICHARD J. PAPPA8 VERONICA SEXTON NANCY E. VANGILDER BARBARA J. WILLING JOHN J. YEZMAN THEODORE NIURMAN- h ROBERT FILIATRAULT MARIELLEN GREENBURY DAVID W. HACKETT Y.)10 - 1 - F7T-1 • . . . . ... i.= -.0 ..f • • L z :v 1.: , c -, .• in I b : :. > a m in M n 11 H 1' 0 ; > • 11 • r- 11 < > 0 rn -n I: 0 7.0 0 — —1 rrt 7- II - rrt > „ • tn —I Crilt II t I! '< ctt 1 (1) -$ t• ftP g OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE D I ST. TRANSFER PROPOS IT ON PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER YES NO NO YES NO I -am L YES YES I NO .4- Ct tC) k ="4 0. g /06 7 03 S _44s ST7aB117:747 OF VOTES — MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION — The who4e number of vRtes given for the office of Member of the Board at Education for a Four Year term was —____..., t---:;; ...---,... . and they were given for the following named persons: VOTE FOR NOT FIORE THAN TO PERsoNs RECEIVNO THE VOTES NUMBER 17 VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS i L James H. Wertinger . .... 2 . Patsy L. Johnson -4-,,,,,,tz t..r.-L.,i,. 6----, ., :''' ., , 3 Virginia Palmer \ ..--„, ,------: e-, - ,--- ,c A. J. Stepanski , \ , .. a _... iv ---J---,-- vi ---,,,-.-,-,- ---.Q.,„, r,i,----__& , ,.., ... . 1 1 6. : ,-- 1 7. •-- 8. .. 9. _.... 10. TOTAL _ .... .._....,.. : The whale number of votes given for the office of P , -f the o rd 47.4 7-57,,,7c71ort,For a Three Year term was and they were given for the fol'av,..irrig named persons' PERSONS RECEIVING TI:E. VOTES NIJIYIRER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS I 1 . : 2. 1---- 1 ., I HI 4. 11111 5 _ TOTAL 11111 ......____ - The whole number of 'votes given for the office of :`'.:4,-,-:-r.--r.:r o the Board of Ed fore for a Two Year term was and they were cy , 1 fn, the Fa'l,rwing named persons, TF-45 VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. 2. . 3. ..•• , ; ,•• I [ 4. 1 ,._.. 5. TOTAL The whole number of votes given For the office of Member of the Board of Education for a One Year term ! was and they were gkeen for the Following named persons: SCN.S 1V;NC THE -VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS I . __... 2. I III 3. I II ,_..... I III. , 5. TOTAL 111111 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN } ss COUNTY OF We, the undersigned Board of Canvassers for the County of OAK] AND from an examination WATERFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT of the Election Returns of received by said Board of Canvassers, LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT determine that at the _______AgNuAt________election held on JUNE 9, 1 9 80,that the persons listed below were duly ANNUAL 05 SPECiAL DATE OF ELECT ,ON elected as members of the Board of Education of the said School District for the terms of office set opposite their name or names: ( ,7 Names of persons elected for a four 47 zf• --7&14-/1,-- year term expiring . , 1981+ Names of persons elected for a three year term expiring Names of persons elected for a two year term expiring Names of persons elected for a one year term expiring Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the followi ng Propositions or Questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: 1. NAME OF PROPOSIT ON Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated 2, NAME OF PROPOSITION Received , , Passed Having ttrr a, icient votes was Not Received Defeated NAME OF PROPOSLTION Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated 4, NAME OF PROPOSITION Received , Passed Having i.tificient votes was Not Received Defeated In Witness Whereof, We hove hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the County of OAKLAND this — \,Lf, --'' d0y of JtJNE 19 . , , () 400 , Att* ../- CHAIR AN , BOARD OF A :,. , i,-• ) CANVASSERS ----'/-----z °ARE) F CANVASSERS