HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1976.01.23 - 38577OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION January 23, 1976 The meeting was called to order at 10:15 a.m. by Chairman E. Frank Richardson in the Parks and Recreation Commission Room. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman E. Frank Richardson, Vice Chairman Lewis Wint, Secretary Velma Austin, Betty Fortino, George Kuhn, Dr. Joseph Montante, Richard Vogt, Marjorie Walker. COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Fred Harris ALSO PRESENT: R. Eric Reickel; Jon J. Kipke; Arnold Johnston; Charles Ross; Tom Jackson; Rod Whaley; Ted Dziurman, Facilities Engineering; Bruce Sinclair, Barton/Malow Construction Co.; Angie Meyers, CAPE representative; Robert Salogar, Anthony M. Franco, Inc.; Ralph Kingzett, Oakland Press; Bill Willoughby, Daily Tribune; Bob Wells, Detroit News. Mr. Reickel introduced Rod Whaley, Parks and Recreation's new specialist in communications. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mrs. Walker requested the minutes of the meeting of January 9, 1976, be corrected as follows: Page 2, Paragraph 1; "Vouchers 12-1 through 12-122" be changed to read "Vouchers 12-1 through 12-112." Moved by Mrs. Austin, supported by Betty Fortino to approve the minutes of the meeting of January 9, 1976, as corrected. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS: Moved by Mrs. Walker, supported by Dr. Montante to approve payment of Vouchers 12-113 through 12-242. Discussion followed., Motion carried. ACTIVITIES REPORT: Moved by Mrs. Austin, supported by Dr. Montante to receive Activities Report for December, 1975. Motion carried. (Commission Meeting, January 23, 1976) Page Two PROJECT PROGRESS REPORT: Moved by Mr. Wint, supported by Mr. Kuhn to receive the Project Progress Report. Discussion followed on the Springfield Mill Pond Dam. Mr. Reickel explained we would be working with. the Drain Commission to investigate the problem thoroughly. Motion carried. WATERFORD-OAKS, WAVE POOL BIDS: Ted Dziurman reported the following bids were received on January 15, 1976, for the Waterford -Oaks Wave Pool: FENCE BUDGET $12,500 ACTUAL BID Anchor $10,851. Crown Fence 11,140. Durable 14,186. U. S. Steel 9,475. *Universal Fence 9,375. ROOFING -SHEET METAL BUDGET - NONE Chaffee Detroit Cornice Schreiber *Amrco Corporation WATERPROOFING *Wm. H. Kelly Western Ben T. Young L & J Waterproofing FINISH HARDWARE *Commercial Russell VINYL BASE Turner Brooks *Quality ACTUAL BID $ 6,856. 9,604. 8,035. 5,.941.(Add $60, for bonds) BUDGET $6,000 ACTUAL BID $ 1,253. 1,366, 1,900, 1,500. BUDGET - $2,500, ACTUAL BID $ 3,630. 4,264. BUDGET - NONE $ 222. 220. *Low Bid (Commission Meeting, January 23, 1976) Page Three *Mills Company Fred Gee J. R. Penner TOILET PARTITIONS $4,900. 4,876. 4,145. TELEPHONE ENCLOSURE *Alumitectural Products, Inc. PEDESTRIAN CONTROL BUDGET - $2,700. ALTERNATE +$4,572.(porcelain) Includes acceptance of Alternate 1. + 6,600.(porcelain) + 5,500.(porcelain) BUDGET - NONE ACTUAL BID $ 887. BUDGET - $2,000. ACTUAL BID *Internation Building Products BATHROOM ACCESSORIES International *Russell ev Thompson -Schmidt Commercial LOUVERS Donald Beach *Damas Alumitectural POOL SAFETY EQUIPMENT Builders Aluminum Co. *A. C. M., Inc. KITCHEN EQUIPMENT Gold Star Stella *Canton -China Great Lakes Hotel $ 2,462.. BUDGET - $1,000. ACTUAL BID $ 1,663. 1,561. 1,960. 2,190. BUDGET - NONE ACTUAL BID $ 560. 492. 795. BUDGET - NONE ACTUAL BID $ 5,485.(furnished only; installed price, $6,585) 5,668.(furnished and installed) BUDGET - $60,000. ACTUAL BID $29,240. 29,995. 29,217. 29,692. *Low Bidder . (Commission. Meeting, January 23, 1976) Page Four Staff concurred with Mr. Dziurman and the Construction Manager to award the contract to the low bidder in each category, con- tingent upon DNR approval; total amount of bids, $70,238.00. Moved by Mr. Kuhn, supported by Dr. Montante the low bids be approved.for implementation, subject to DNR approval. Discussion followed. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Austin, Fortino, Kuhn, Montante, Walker, Wint, Richardson (7) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. SPRINGFIELD-OAKS - PHASE III CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 9: Mr. Bomia requested authorization to adjust the final contract total. on the sodding project at Springfield -Oaks Golf Course by an addi- tional $37,977.69. He explained an additional 58,254 cubic yards of mass grading was required due to unexpected settlement of soil in the peat areas on the golf course fairways over and above what was anticipated by the consultant. Mr. Bomia further explained that $10,000 was being retained from the contractor, J. D. Armstrong, to cover any necessary restoration due to the spring thaw. Moved -by Mr. Wint, supported by Mrs. Austin the Change Order for J. D. Armstrong in -the amount of $37,977.69 be accepted. Discussion followed. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Fortino, Kuhn, Montante, Walker, Wint, Austin, Richardson (7) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. TENTH ANNIVERSARY: The Parks Commission will be celebrating ten years of progress this September. Bob Salogar, Anthony M. Franco, Inc., was present to explain his proposed program for a commemorative stamp program, as well as using (Commission Meeting, January 23, 1976) Page Five a postage meter ad for County mail during the month of March. The ad would say: "Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission ... celebrating 10 years of progress." Cost of pro- ducing slug is $20 if Pitney -Bowes sets the type; $45 if they are provided the art. Mr. Salogar explained how a letter could be sent to mayors and recreation directors of local units of government asking their cooperation in placing commemorative Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission stamps on their correspondence for a two week period. To lend importance to the event, he also suggested attempting to have Governor Milliken proclaim a week in March as Oakland County Park Week. Discussion followed. Per mutual agreement of the Commissioners, Chairman Richardson stated we would proceed immediately with the postage meter ad and referred the remaining portion of the pro- posal back to staff for further recommendation as to the overall program for the tenth anniversary. WATERFORD-OAKS WAVE POOL: A progress report on pool construction, submitted by Barton/Malow, was presented to the Commission by Bob Bomia. He explained that the only potential delay, at the present time, would be the serpentine block for the bathhouse. Machinery for production of the blocks had to be sent from Iron Mountain to Grand Haven. Mr. Bomia alerted the Commission to the fact that Curtis Wright did not get the grading done in the fall for the entrance area and the project would have to be completed in the spring. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: ---Mr. Lacey, through the American Bicentennial Committee, dis- tributed over 1300 tickets to organizations throughout Oakland County to enable children to attend the Shrine Circua. ---Has been invited to speak on the WaveTek Pool at the National Symposium on Parks, Recreation and Environment, March 8 - 10, Chicago, Illinois. ---Received a petition for election for managers, assistant managers and greenskeepers to join the Teamster, Local 214, State, County & Municipal Workers. A formal vote has not yet been taken. Petition referred to Personnel for study. ---Met with Planning & Building Committee who agreed to refer to Financial Committee, our request for full funding of $50,000 for the Springfield Youth Activities Center, as well as turning the facility over to Parks and Recreation. Motion was made that the $7200 rental we are paying this year be considered a purchase price for Waterford -Oaks and that rental will no longer continue after this year; to be referred to Finance Committee. . (Commission Meeting, January 23, 1976) Page Six ---Mr. Reickel recommended going into agreement with the Oakland A's to hold an Antique/Custom Car Show & Swap Meet, Sunday, August 22, 1976, Springfield -Oaks Youth Activities Center. Moved by Mrs. Austin, supported by Mrs. Walker that the Parks and Recreation enter into agreement with the Oakland A's to hold an antique car show at Springfield -Oaks Youth Activities Center, August 22, 1976. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Kuhn, Montante, Vogt, Walker, Wint, Austin, Fortino, Richardson (8) NAYS: (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion carried. ---Received copy of letter from Congressman Broomfield to Mr. Dan Murphy informing him the Department of Interior had de- clared the Haven Hill State Natural Area in Oakland County eligible for inclusion in the National Registry of Natural Landmarks. ---Reported on the meeting with representatives of the Road Commission regarding the entrance to Independence -Oaks. Tentative T plans call for moving the present entrance 145 feet north. Mrs. Seidler, spokesman for the group of homeown-ers across from the entrance was present at the meeting and amenable to the al- ternate proposal. A letter, outlining details of the meeting was sent to Mrs. Seidler and all petitioners, plus various -in- terested parties. Mr. Wint requested a copy of the letter be sent to the Independence Township Clerk and Trustees. Chairman Richardson stated the entrance location will be brought back to Commission for final approval. ---Met with Drain Commission to receive their input pertaining to concept of Golf Course on Red Run Drain. It was determined that it would be necessary to have engineering and design in advance before Drain Commission functions could be established. A definite recommendation will be made to the Commission at the February 13 meeting. ---Signage Program: Parks and Recreation's new Engineering Aide, John Barrett, currently working on master signage program. ---Have definite commitment from a private citizen who.wishes to fund the park film. Hope to have a formal announcement by next meeting. ., p (Commission Meeting, January 23, 1976) Page Seven -=-Reported on the MRPA Winter Conference held at Long's Convention Center, Lansing, Michigan. Meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m. Velma Austin Secretary Betty Guest Recording Secretary